Thursday, July 20, 2023

The Uplift Protocol Twin Rulers of the Sky: Interlude Within the Abyss


Interlude Within The Abyss

    Chronos smiled, “I have always known you. No matter your form.”

    The two doctors moved about the observation dome. AK-1 surmised, “Subject Hilary Brookes. Old Cycle Anomaly. Category Prime. Scans indicate multiple divergent soul shards within.”

    Chronos examined the enclosure.

    It was triple sealed. Weave, Wall and Physical.

    Even the cloaked one watched the in-between. That delicious avatar. Chronos would have Dexter Murphy. Blood sang to blood. Not even Eliza Murphy’s pet doctor would be able to do anything. Oh yes. Chronos summarized that the Oversoul would attempt to hide its final stopgaps in plain sight. The Doctor was a detraction. Just as “hiding” Dexter Murphy had been a trap.

    They were prepared. A pity. There would be no escape for Hilary at this rate. No, he was here to study. As always. She would find a way out of this maze. When the Oversoul allowed it. Chronos tied a few more threads to her remaining embers of soul. Linking past failures to her most recent incarnation. She had no mouth for which to scream.

    An elegant solution.

    She would be the weapon to breach the end of all the Walls. The very fabric of the multiverse would bend. To forever feed his glory.

    Chronos howled, “My threads breed true!”

    Let the Oversoul tremble. All good plans had the best kind of payoff.

    Thoth thought he could escape.

    Chronos would show him otherwise.

    He had already overtaken key points within the Devourer’s domain. Right under the behemoth's nose. It was far too enamored of its feasts. Its endless hunger. Chronos plucked at the threads entwined about Lucifer, Unity, Abbadon and the rest. They would pull the Oversoul’s final tapestry out into the open.

    Thoth would spring the final trap.

    Of that he was certain.

    For Chronos lingered within the insane Typherian’s thoughts. Not as the Dreamweaver. Not as Unity. Nor any other voice clamoring for attention. Chronos smiled.

    He was Thoth’s innermost thoughts.

    Thoth was the final piece. Chronos could not forge a new soul. But he could breathe on the embers of another. The sublime form. Sharing in the strength of all. Brother to none. Hidden until the last note struck.

    AK-1 motioned to the holonet receiver.

    Soul Shard binding found. Inform primaries.

    Thomas Murphy shuddered, “That’s how he did it?”

    Dexter re-read the report. “By taking over key areas within the Devourer? He became fused to it. Still acting on his own but all those various soul threads trapped in that domain? That's the primary poison we have to ensnare.”

    Thomas sent out the notification, “Operation Noise Caster is now in effect.”

    “What happens after we feed Thoth and Hilary your fake body?”

    “Eliza will follow me/it into the breach. By then all of the reinforcements Doc will have made will kick in. Once she’s rescued me? We will throw the switch and it will send the Devourer and all those infected by it into the Ninth proper.”

    Thomas replied, “I don’t like the fact that she will be going in alone.”

    “It has to be her.” Dexter reached out to enhance the image of his sister.

    “We traded a few key abilities going into this cycle you see…..”

    Thomas frowned. He held up one hand. Palm outward. “Don’t say anything.”

    Dexter rubbed his chin, “It's quite the bold plan.”

    Augustus stood. His paws wiggled as he floated above the two men. His nose went through the hologram. He studied the threads around Eliza. The First of all Bardax always had a plan. The white and tan corgi observed, “Eliza won’t fail us. She won’t fail you.”

    Dexter nodded, “That’s what we are all counting on.”

Issue 29: Here

Issue 30: Here