Saturday, October 31, 2020

The Writer: A Mindset.


If you had asked me in high school what I'd be doing in my 30s, 18 year old me would have said: Maybe I'd be a teacher. Or a 5 star general! Along with "I want to have 50 German Shepherds." 

What I didn't even realize is I'd have a book done. Along with part of a 2nd. As I get older I realize the simpler things do make me happier. Cooking a Good Meal. Reading things I enjoy. There's only so many rants I can do about the state of amazon book searches and Anita Blake. I find talking about stuff I enjoy relaxes me more. Even if its much slower growth but that's ok. 

I keep thinking if the Desert of the Real wants to tear me down, Ill make an Oasis out of everything that keeps my wheelhouses turning.  

The Key Pillars To Me as a Writer:

  • You need drive
  • You need Passion
  • Dont worry about typoeseses. Laugh at them. 
  • Don't worry about writing to market. Get in the habit of loving to write first.
  • Just Write. 
  • Don't get stuck in endless worldbuilding.
  • TO KEEP GOING! YOU ARE YOUR PRIMARY AUDIENCE. If the writer isnt engaged the reader won't be either.

I want the fantastical.

  • the pew pew
  • the protag gets the girl or guy depending on combo. Yes, here's a teaser: Eddie is gonna get to meet his own space princess. Heh.
  • exploring derelict ships, stations, new worlds, ect.
  • Magic, both known and unfathomable. 
  • Uplifted Animals in general. *yes, there will also be uplifted cats. They will feature more prominently in the bardaxian short story series later.
  • Family drama that brings people closer together rather than apart. Unlike Anna.
  • Lazers! 
  • The Superversive!
  • Genuine Good vs Dastardly Evil

Here is some cosmic music for some listening fun: 


I want popcorn fun. It doesn't have to change the world. It just has to bring a smile to my face.

Stay tuned, my alternate to #Booktube channel will continue to grow.

My Booktube Channel: Here

Still need to review X-Seed but here's the books: Fun Mech Action.

Databases/Spotlight Links:

Friday, October 30, 2020

The Uplift Protocol: MFE B1 Issue 12


Issue 12: The Gathering


            As always, make sure the Queen has her guards. I don’t believe Earth has the right amount of resources to legitimately protect Typha’s interests—X’mil to J’dax: Security Hearing

            Lovely, well I’ll be sure to bring in a fair amount of “irregulars.” Besides, I know a certain someone will love this assignment.—Thomas Murphy.

            Of course, I have both eyes peeled on them, I wasn’t hatched  yesterday!—Gulliver.

            Soul Dolls. Many in the magical community know of them. Few can manufacture them. Most exorcists use them to ferret out evil spirits but some use it for a darker purpose. Split someone too much with a Doll and you will find the remaining part of your soul damaged. I don’t think Thoth has much soul left to give. It would explain his insanity.—Sir Avalon.

            It was funny. Meeting grandmother officially. X’mil was trying his hardest to “pitch” his idea that mother was a horrible ambassador. I was biased of course but who wouldn’t be? Part of me was tempted to yell out right there, for all the world to see, “HEY GRANDMA!” That would have made so many headlines and probably drop kicked the Cold War into an open one. But the temptation was still there. Still, I had fun shocking X’mil into utter silence. It’s a look I still treasure to this day. Even on the historical vid replays.—Sleeping In Starlight, a memoir of the 22nd century.

Area 51 (Uplifted Territory)

Level 1 (Assembly Hall)

December 6th, 2103


                I’arvan Ayeer aka Zachary smiled at Arthon. While slipping the other man the sample of Sourpuss. He brought a finger to his lips, “I had it on good authority from another party that this was a first-class package!” Light Bearer had a strained smile. Arthon had wanted to keep this more low key but he hoped J’dax had taken the boy aside. Arthon slipped the tiny sample into his utility belt. He was in his demi attire for this meeting. Under the auspices of cooperation between Earth and their new friends. Most didn’t realize he was a Muthra under this white dynamo mask. It was strange. One moment he was a concerned son of Atlantis. The next, the mysterious demi that could wield tech and magic.

            Most didn’t realize that the extra mojo came from Ritark.

His Litari friend broke in with, <<I still wonder why I can use human magic. I must be similar to Star in some ways. I dare not ask mother for now. My sire must be someone of note. Because she says nothing and everything all at once with that silence.>>

Arthon could sympathize.  The weight of legacy was a vital concern at the forefront of his mind. He saw Star and the other Golden Redeemers enter the main area. All in proper uniform. He still found himself amazed that Apple had been able to change Eliza outwardly. Those green within green orbs were still a stark reminder of something beyond all kin to the people of Earth.

Doctor Impossible could light up the whole room with that smile of hers. Arthon bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from laughing. Ritark’s voice rose with curiosity, << AH! So human courtship initial level attained? She usually doesn’t look that happy!>> Light Bearer took his time weaving through the crowd.


            I watched Light Bearer shake hands with Glaive. The Beauceron’s black and tan coat was shining. Every bit a Military Working Dog. It was out of the bag now. My father had taken Glaive’s confused handler aside when Uplift Stage 1 had completed explaining that his eccentric 4 footed companion was in actuality much higher on the food chain. In some areas our Bardaxian security team outranked father. It was a sobering thought. I knew my father had worked long and hard to get to his current station. Doc rested her hands on her hips.

            “Earth to Star. Incoming Herd of King’s finest!”

            The excited barking caught up with us. Auggie was in the lead. Followed by 6  other stout corgis. Each darker then the next. Nubby tails twitching as the King of England followed them in. He gave me a courtly bow and extended his hand. I shook it. His gray eyes rose at the controlled light touch. “Found my escort did you? Or did they find you?”

            I jerked a thumb at Augustus. “He is the main culprit sir!”

            The King’s wild red hair was cut short for this meeting. The way I heard it, he did so under duress. I’d have to ask my grandmother but I imagine it was a form of slight rebellion on the King’s part. He sported a clean-shaven face. If it had been up to me I would have stuck with the immaculate beard. There was a timeless quality tied to stylish facial hair. Dexter’s amusement hit me light a battering ram. My brother’s beard was near to his chest now. My father’s reaction had been one for the record books.

            He thought it fitting that his son went lumberjack. I had a feeling that some part of dad wanted to go off into the wilds somewhere. I aimed a thought at my brother: You two would have a blast fishing and wrestling bears!

            A reply: We did! Thanks to Jupiter’s VR deck!

            I knew my brother fairly well. I was glad they had some downtime to get to know each other. It wasn’t easy with all the surgeries.

Doc finally caught up with Arthon.

His blue and white demi suit was emblazoned with a Lighthouse at its center. I grinned. “Good to see you again.” I meant it. That haunted look in his eye was replaced with determination. I held up a hand, “I know you have your project. Just tell me if I can help.” He acknowledged this with that salute. The two fingers over his heart.

“I promise,” was the response. A slight hint of worry rose. Ritark’s mind brushed against mine. He would look after Arthon when I couldn’t. I breathed easier. Many of Earth’s leaders were here. Eager to meet the grand dame of the Typherian Ascendancy. The next few days would be vital. Glaive trotted over to me and tilted his head. His right paw raised. I followed him to the adjoining room. The din of the crowd silenced. He had activated a private bubble. One that is usually used for clandestine things. As he explained long ago. When I first became aware of things beyond Earth. His voice was gruff but kind.

<<We have some preparations to handle before she gets here. Even J’dax doesn’t trust easily and within certain circles, the Queen Consort would be quite the prize. >>

I sat down in one of the chairs. “So what do you need me to do?”


            J’ino rolled her eyes. Her mother was fiddling with one of the bootstraps. She found it quite amusing to walk about in common clothing of Earth. Complete with “Texas Girls Gotta Have Fun!”  t-shirt. The flannel jacket completed the ensemble. If anyone back home ever saw her like this they would faint. M’taris struck a pose. She had even donned an oversized white cowboy hat. Her human disguise made to match her daughter’s. They were currently at the Murphy homestead. A knock at the door drew both women and it swung inward to reveal one Eliza Murphy.

            She looked puzzled for a few seconds. “When Glaive mentioned this, I didn’t think it would work but they all expect certain VIPs to go with certain rules. They have not seen Captain Cosmos and the Yellow Masquerade.” She opened her arms and M’atris dived right in. Glad to do away with any kind of official ceremony.


            I waited until my very fashionable grandma was finished with the bear hug. “Enjoying your Day Off Diamonds?” She grinned until it looked like her face would split in two.

            “You bet. Oh to see the look on X’mil’s face. Priceless.”

            Watson, our resident Basset Hound of many talents barked with an agreement, adding <<He would be in premature labor if he knew you were without the royal guard.>> 

I replied, “Hey! Technically I am a scout in the Survey Corps. So she’s not without official protection.”

Zach zipped into the room, “GRANDMA!” He did a speedster dance around the whole house then parked himself next to me. I jerked a thumb at him, “Plus Zach is worth a whole regiment.” His chest puffed up a bit. He was daring but knew when to listen. To use caution. It was a rare trait in someone so young but I imagine he got it from the sort of training I wasn’t privy to just yet. Maybe even never. He whacked me on the arm. “Don’t you worry sis. I’ll cause enough ruckus for us both!” I grinned.

I held out a hand. “So which part of the city you want to see first?”

Grandmother thought about it. “Is it possible to get one other for this festivity?”

About 20 mins later my grandfather burst into the house.

“Well, I’ll be. She does take after her mother.” Abraham Murphy smiled.

“My wife is still doing some official business but once that’s done, we can all go out for a family dinner.” Grandpa's eyes darted to M’taris once more. He continued, “It’d be nice to meet your husband one day. Would love to see what kinda father raised Jen.”

I picked Watson up. “We have our escort!” He grumbled but his tail betrayed him. The anticipation was building.

The Murphy patriarch just waved all us ladies ahead. “Welcome to Texas Mrs. Martin.” That’s right. I always thought of mom a Murphy. Never really considered if Typherians kept their original name or not. Grandma grabbed my hand. “I am just happy to see my grandchildren.” That had much more weight. I still wanted to tell grandpa the truth.

 I did a quick search of the Muthra database. They attached mom’s fake maiden name to a long lost colony near the first landings of Atlantis. Just in case Thoth was looking too. So much fake information flooding everywhere. It was no wonder conspiracies showed up to fuel Hilary’s rage but it had to be done. But at least that way the Void Walkers wouldn’t care much. Thoth on the other hand, I’d look out for. He might find some use for tracking down Markav enhanced individuals.

A double-edged sword indeed.


            J’dax continued to prepare for his “mother’s” arrival. Glaive shot him a knowing wink. The head of A51 security was a cagey sort. Most underestimated Bardaxians because they were so innocent in many ways. But they were also hunters as well. He motioned to Snoopy and the Beagle complied. Bringing the HUD forward. The advanced King’s Own regiment filled the docking bay. Their black gold battle was armor sleek and deadly. Not nearly as bulky as Terran Armor but that was due to the Ascendancy's advances. J’dax wouldn’t be surprised if humanity gained quite a few leaps in the next 50 years.

            He walked forward to escort his “mother” to the most secure location within the facility. Once alone she took off her helm. It retracted into the battle suit just as always.  E’taria of House M’tah bowed to her cousin. “So what’s the best thing besides bacon in this part of the galaxy?” He waved her over to the kitchen. Took out the various tools of craftsmen across all star systems and prepared some delicious steaks. She had his mother’s white-blond hair but her eyes were blue-gray. She stretched for a moment. Then took out a case filled with interesting tech. One particular piece was what most intel agencies within the Ascendency called a “Lining Net.” Since his relative matched his mother’s height and build: masking other features would be simpler.

            The personal guards of the royal family were conditioned to silence. Much like the guards for England’s king. But they had added mental blockers that wouldn’t let them betray confidence even under pain of death. X’mil and other Typherians expected body doubles. That’s why this ruse worked so well. He added some of his niece's favorite spices to the mix. Handing his cousin the completed steak and scrambled eggs. She took a test bite.

            “This is excellent! I could get fat and happy here.” She continued to eat. The silence was peaceful. Both glad to be out of the limelight for a while. Firecracker, the Bardaxian Red Defender kept overwatch with the 7 guards posted within the room. The other 8 were outside. Most cloaked. The gentle white giant of a Pyrenees kept his senses open. Watson kept him appraised of target Bacon 1. Still, something was gnawing at him. It wasn’t a case of when but how would the Cabal start things off.


Samantha Murphy moved for cover as a man formed a giant hammer from the air around him. “Alright. This here is my proposition. You hand over all your…” A boom shook the building and another person stated, “You do know your in New Ashbury right? The Home of…” Everyone’s head turned as the Star-Spangled Banner appeared behind the man. Placing one red gloved hand over his mouth. The air construct, which had been ringed with crackles of lightning faded. Star’s voice raised slightly. “No worries citizens! I'll take this fellow over to Burnside.” Most went back to their meal. Samantha rushed over as her Grandfather entered. Alongside Jennifer and what she assumed who was Jen’s mother.

Star politely asked to borrow some of the table cloths. Forming them into makeshift bindings as she hauled the man away. Detective Argus Paxton waved. Patting the demi on the shoulder as she passed, “Thinking of joining the police force?” He grinned as she replied, “Would love to but my dance card is always full.” She sped off with the small-time magic demi. His muffled curses fading until Sam could only see the fading pattern of red, white, and blue.

Samantha’s joy plummeted as her mother stalked in. Anna eyed the skyline with distaste. Her eye’s hardened even more as she saw who her daughter was with. Sam stepped protectively in front of everyone but was shocked when Jen’s mother pulled ahead and stared Anna down. Her face was no longer cheery. Or remotely grandmotherly.

M’taris figured it was time for a bit of tough “love.”

“You have 3 options here. One, you sit with us like what one would expect from an 83-year-old woman with two wonderful adult children. Two, You leave and take that chip the size of Jupiter with you, or 3, you sit and make nice for the next hour or so.”

One man sucked in a breath.

This would be on all the e-star outlets within 2 seconds. INet was already rolling. J’ino kept her face composed but inwardly she was praying that things would just be dreadful. Not completely DEFCON OS. Aka Oh Shit.

Anna chose option 2.

On her way out many closest to the doorway could hear the sound of flesh smacking flesh. One woman even rose and had a scandalized expression on her face. “SHE JUST SLAPPED THAT OTHER WOMAN!”


After dropping off the Amazing Hammerman to the authorities. I rushed back to the Boardwalk diner my grandfather had chosen. It was one of many along the beachside that people would go to. Probably why he wanted to hit it. Paxon sent a message: ///Might need a bit of help with something soon. Keep those engines on idle for the Jupiter!///

My forward momentum was halted as I looked up in time to see Anna’s palm smack me on the left cheek. I managed to prevent her from breaking anything by floating very slightly off the ground. No more than a millimeter. Plus seeing it coming helped me lean into the strike so she wouldn’t meet any resistance. She glared at me. Spitting out, “Golden Child. I wish you had died. It’s your fault! ALL YOURS!” She hunched her shoulders and nearly sprinted away. Those designer heels of hers clicking as she went.

A local reporter trailed after her. It was common knowledge about her breakup with dad. She was more of a reality holovid star, unwilling or not, nowadays. Into the Fire had lost some steam a while back. Most were just tired of all the circles she lept through. Try as I might I wasn’t able to muster the fire up to hate her. She was the reason why I had Sam and Jacob. If that much good could come from someone then I fervently hoped she would find her way someday. A notification hit INet: ///Anna Preston McQuire assaults NASA Jumpstart Captain Eliza Murphy. It is known to this agency….///

I winced and re-entered the diner. My  Typherian grandmother had her hands on her hips. Gran-gran was there as well. Both were sitting next to mom. Who looked down at her menu.  Most people had the air of polite interest. Mostly sticking to their meals. I put on a daring smile. “Hey, Uncle Paxton!” He reached out and rubbed my cheek. “Jesus. Well, at least those nails didn’t break. Saw how you leaned into that. When did you learn how to do that anyway?”

I concentrated on my belt for a split second.

White was buried deep in the back of my mind. Dexter stewed for a moment. Thinking about that old saw about: If you have nothing nice to say….

            I replied, “Dad insisted I get some formal defense training. Saying that even if you don’t start a fight, always finish it. So here I am.”

            White’s curiosity was piqued. How does one finish a fight without starting it? I would go for the eyes first. Her mindvoice was still inquisitive but I was taken aback. Wondering why something that was supposed to defend Life was so enthusiastic about the prospect of beating it to a pulp. A wellspring of deep rage danced along the outskirts of my mind. Ahh, she had experienced Unity chipping away at all she held dear for so long that it had made her more dour. I rested a hand on my belt. Trying to infuse her with some good will and cheer. It seemed to work. She quieted. Still hoping to one day cut Anna off at the knees. I rubbed my temple. It was a start.


            Karvax dived into INet. Laughing at all the stupidities of Earth. They worried about such trivial things. His eyes locked onto his HUD as new information about Golden Bulleteer and Judgment came into view.  It seemed he would get to have his rematch after all.

            ///The Arrival of Earth’s first out of Sol head of state visit is underway. Our sources say that all of the Legion has been activated for this historial event. What will our brothers and sisters from the stars bring?”///

            He snarled, “Death.”

Next to him, Agent Brookes had her thoughts clouded. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. So short-sighted. There were things worse than death out there in the cosmos. Karvax always thought within the moment. It was useful for somethings but a massive failing alongside other operations. Thoth had managed to rally some demis to his side. Magic imbued and otherwise. But it still wasn’t enough.

He stepped onto the dais and proclaimed, “We have a job. To get inside A51. Team 1 will attempt to capture any VIPs in residence. That is one level of distraction. Team 2 will assault their information nodes to make it seem like we are harvesting intel. That is also a falsehood but if you get anything interesting that will be a bonus. The third team will be lead by me. I mean to find the location of another ley line. The Void Leyline.”

One particularly nervous fellow grated out, “How we supposed to do that with all them Omega people watching the Cosmos?” Thoth smirked. “I have that covered my good man. I found the perfect distraction for them. The sheer audacity to strike at the heart of Typherian Command in the Utasa sector. The All-Father’s forces will be perfect.” He shot a rather lecherous grin at Agent Brookes. They would use the children birthed by her tainted blood.

Brookes smiled but it never touched her eyes. Attack the heart of Typha? The part ran by that Odessen woman. She nodded and raised her hand in a mockery of salute. Let’s see: Have the All-Father and Thoth loose resources? Oh yes. She would still obey Thoth. As forced by her father’s mental triggers but she would use all of them. All were enemies in her eyes.

T.A.S I’tah (Captial Ship of Utasa Sector)

Relay Outpost Alpha

December 6th, 2103

            Y’lansa awoke with a hand covering her mouth.

Q’vera was above her. A piece of paper with a surprising bit of information was scrawled on it with the defender’s neat handwriting. She didn’t doubt the source. Or why. Thomas Murphy’s assertion that they should leave Sourpuss alone was proving fruitful. After the Admiral memorized the contents Q’vera burned it. She would have to thank Murphy for the old tech trappings. One couldn’t beat a well-trained mind. Some within their society relied so much on their kit and technical wonders that it caused a  type of blindness. She clasped Q’vera’s forearm, thanking the other woman with a silent shake of the head. The red defender left without a word. Mental or otherwise.

            This was a dangerous game. One she didn’t intend to lose.

The faces of her children and grandchildren depended on her victory.


            Uncle Paxton was seated at the navigation station. He just wanted me to take the Jupiter out for a joy ride. A very unofficial joyride. It was just the two of us. I reclined in my captain’s harness. Jupiter’s updates washing over me like a familiar symphony. I rested my hands on the holo-display. The keys just a signpost for my mind to pilot the ship. “Ready?” He grinned.

            “Let’s go wandering. Here are the coordinates.”

            My eyebrows rose.

The darkside of the moon. About 5 miles away from the old W.A.P Lunar Base. I thought they had mothballed it after the Ur Stone went dormant. My god uncle’s face was innocent but his eyes gleamed with knowledge.

            “I just happen to know about a certain friend of our president. We have to go retrieve something at the old W.A.P moonbase.”

            So Mr. Marshall trusted him with that as well.

I keyed in the coordinates and the Jupiter cut through the sea of stars like an eagle.

I always loved the great expanse of space. It wasn’t as quiet as you’d think.

I wanted to take Doc out to Venus. The old joke came to mind.

Along with all those old pulps my dad still read.

When I was little he caught me looking at a Princess of Mars.

Being out here. Living that kind of adventure.

Even if I lost all my powers I’d still fly my ship to the ends of the universe and back.

Lunar One (Former WAP ICC Section)

The Moon

December 6th, 2103.


I went out in an atmo suit as well. The old base was dark. I could see it no problem with my powers. Uncle Paxton was using an old tracking system to ping it on his H.U.D. As we crossed the threashold the lunar dust coating the ground indicated no one had been here in years. Over a decade easily.  Not since my encounter with the Ur Stone. I felt White’s keen prickling within my mind. Looking into those memories. Through our link, I could feel it. She knew what the Ur Stone was. I felt her recoil so quickly that it felt like a ghost had shot out of my body. Or walked across my grave.

What was so important about that Stone? Even my brother had no answer. He was also probing his Black for an answer. Neither belt responded to us. Dexter muttered, Why do I feel we will be the last to know anything?

            Paxton waved me over to an entry hatch. It was labeled “Storage.”

How very straightforward. Wish everything in life could be so accommodating. I stepped inside and Argus waved me to a particular section. They were listed in codes I had no context for but he knew what he was doing. His hands flew over the keys. Older style ones from before all the holographic updates. He reached out and pocketed an old data cube. It only held Terabytes of information. What other deeds were done here. All those years ago.

            I peered around. I’d come back here later if I could. So much history.

            He maneuvered through more rooms. Not only were there regular experimental areas but an old hydroponics bay. Rover bay. Medical. This place, even though it was tiny compared to the Hab Rings and everything else, my heart sped up. This is what I wanted. To explore! Keep going and see even more. No matter the planet. Or the language. He peered into one final hallway. It wasn’t marked or on the schematics. He pressed a code in and the door hissed open. Bits of atmo came out but nothing else. I looked inside.  The Ur Stone stared back at me. Its granite mixed with a white as blank as I left it. I reached out and touched the surface but it remained silent.


            Paxton remained behind. Looking at Eliza as she touched the stone. He recorded what Aether wanted. He could see the truth. Many versions of her crisscrossed this moment. Out of space and time. He could see a male figure standing beside her or rather within her. Made sense that he would be hidden there.  Beyond the Ur, he could make out an infinite number of Eliza and her brother. Each echoing across the multiverse. Some covered in garland, some along unknown battlefields, some as children, some as old elders with faces lined with sorrows, some as enemies.

            In some places, they had never existed at all. The Ur Stone knew. For within it and Eliza herself, was the key to restoring lost universes. That Universe’s Dexter and Eliza had given their lives to create the Ur Stone. It hid something just as important as Mars did for the  Markav. Within the Ur Stone was the last of the Uncorrupted. Aether’s people would be reborn as well. It would take everyone to fight the Unity.

            Aether had no choice. Paxton’s demi ability let him see the truth in all things. It was why he stayed close to the Ayeers. The Murphys and the other beings who would bring the rising of the newest cycle. Why Paxton never warned Thomas about Anna. Because the world needed Sam and Jacob to exist. Without certain anchors, Eliza and Dexter wouldn’t survive.

Even with the power of the ///|||\\\ key.

Her brother’s =//|||\\= key was an echo of his sister.

            The Scholars had incorporated the imagery needed for the Typherians to be predisposed to the power of the White and Black. The Twin Suns that burned in their sky. To fix the Traitorous mistake made during the first tuning by Aethers people and the Scholars.  Paxton smiled as Eliza circled the stone. The infinite stared back.

He would be ready to stare Unity in the face and spit upon all its unholy works.

Because Paxton believed in the good and true of all things.

At their core, people were first-class. People were kind and when faced with something horrific, most would do their best to defend each other. The truth: The multiverse had more going for it than people knew. He saw Eliza change. At times in her Banner suit. Others: It was a mix of Terran Military and Typherian Scout clothing. Even futher: Beyond the  Heraldry of the White.

He saw her ancient but still cheerful. Dexter seated beside her.

He saw many familiar faces behind them.

The Twins Enthroned.

He always placed the winning bets.


            I turned and saw Uncle Paxton staring. He shook himself and shot me a thumbs up.

            I turned back to the stone. A figure materialized.

I thought I saw myself reflected for a moment then it dissipated.

I tapped White. She was doing her “Please Call Again! This line is busy!” Routine.

Figures. I turned and Paxton was examining an old picture.

Under the plaque, it said: Nos inquisitioni Sidera.

We Quest for the Stars.

As we entered the Jupiter Rising I took off my helmet and said, “Think we will be remembered 100 years from now. Not us as individuals but as explorers!”

He smiled. “Definitely kid.”

Issue 11: Here

Issue 13: Here  

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Uplift Protocol: MFE B1 Issue 11


Issue 11: Ill Wind Marshalling


            It looks like Thoth has feelers out everywhere. He’s actively working with elements from the Hidden House.  I would suggest some Omegas look into the matter. I am required to stay within certain sectors for the safety of all.—Q’vera, Personal Observations to the Throne of the Multiverse.

            It took a while but I finally found a proper Ley Line Breach point. Now all I have to do is corrupt it, ever so gently. Like one sour note among the vast symphony but it will grow. If I am to have my army. It must grow!—Thoth

            I see why her mother fears. But my power must have a proper vessel. Only Eliza has the potential to house the vast power of Life. I had to deaden her tactile functions. Otherwise, the pain of molding her body would have been horrendous. Her brother was also made into a proper host for my counterpart. They will be the final line against the Ulitmate Darkness.—White

            I could feel the sickness but wasn’t able to purge it. Because I wasn’t physically ready to bear the Power of the White Defender. But that wasn’t the biggest threat I saw on display that day. What I saw was far worse. Now I know why Apple had me switch that item that day. The day Thoth thought he stole “forbidden” tech. The day those disks nearly tore my heart in two. –Sleeping in Starlight, a memoir of the 22nd Century.

New Ashbury, Historic South District

Library of Antiquity (Texas)

November 15th, 2103

            This place brought back memories.

That black slip of a marker. The one written with a language I still couldn’t recognize. It was still hidden within me.  It was just Doc and myself. Everyone else was called away on some sort of errand so I decided to finally take her up on that offer for a date. The fact that it was housing an event she was keenly interested in also helped. As we entered the foyer, a familiar glint caught my eye. That silver sailing ship. She noticed where my eyes were wandering. She wrapped a hand around my arm and guided me over, “I have to admit, that did catch my interest the first time we were here. Especially since I know more about structure and foundation now.”

I nodded absently.

My eyes locked on the figurines working on the deck of the ship.

I could have sworn I saw them move.

Lorain ran a finger alongside the glass case it was housed in. Her lips parted with a hint of surprise. She whispered, “Something is living in there. I can feel it.” With my hearing, it was like she was talking at a normal level. White’s mindvoice curled around my skull.

Interesting that it found itself here of all places.

I wanted to ask her more but she withdrew deeper into my mind. Giving Doc and I some privacy. I got the feeling she was discussing things with my brother and her counterpart. So I left them to it. Doc’s green eyes pinned me to the floor. She smiled suddenly, “I see what you are doing Cornfed.” She poked me on the forehead. “Stop overthinking it and have fun! You do remember fun right?” She poked me in the stomach. I watched this of course. The surgeries were still ongoing. But  I was starting to get more feeling in my back. Even near my ribs.

She wrapped her arm around my waist and we traveled around the open-air gardens. I paused and leaned over the railing. Bringing in the scents around me. Not being as obvious as Cooper would though. A faint hint of vanilla. Doc was wearing it. With a smattering of spices. I blurted out, “What is that fragrance?” Her smile widened. She replied, “If you behave you might find out!”

I thought back to some pointers Samatha, my half-sister gave me before I came out here. Her face had been open and kind but I knew she was masking her puzzlement until I got to the question. That had gotten her jaw to drop. She smothered her giggle behind a napkin. Finally stating, “If Lorain wearing makeup or perfume, make sure to comment on it, she’s probably going for subtle but please notice. This is extra important since you have extrasensory abilities.”

I was about to take notes but Sam stopped me. “No. Put that down. Here’s the simple rule. Be yourself. That’s it.”

Lorain tapped me on the forehead once more. “I have to be honest.” Her tone held a sour note. I held my breath. She continued onwards. “Your father also has his eyes on this place. There’s something he wants me to plant here. I will need your help hiding it.” I grinned. Straightened and saluted. “Yes ma’am!” She punched me on the shoulder.

Then rested her head there. Well almost. She was short enough that it was more like my chest. I didn’t mind. The closer she was to my heart the better. She gave off residual healing waves. It filled my chest with warmth. Actual warmth outside of resting inside a star. I even said this out loud. A burst of happiness hit my brain.

We sat on a bench. An artificial waterfall soothed my inner ear. I tuned everything out besides her and her heartbeat.


            The Curator replaced the Silver Serpent Clipper with a replica. He had sensed the interest of the Slumbering One. Along with her host. He wrapped it carefully. Knowing just where to send it. This place wouldn’t need it anyway. He etched an additional Muthra symbol for “Safeguard” within. It filled his soul with relief. His long vigil was coming to an end. The last time it had captured the attention of someone it was known as Pandora’s Box.

            His ancient craggy face was unusual for Earth. Even with its current stages of prolong. Still, he greeted all with joy. Many responded in kind without quite knowing why. He waited until the package was loaded on the lift.

            Destination: Jupiter Rising.

            He used the Lady’s credentials so the VI would understand. It would still go through proper channels. He turned on his heel and walked outside. The sun was bright in the sky. He could feel the slight tremor below the street. Thoth would throw the Leyline out of time with its brothers and sisters. He wouldn’t have the ability to stop it. Star and her father would. Along with Sir Avalon. Many of Earth’s magical entities could already sense the shift.  Even now Ra called out. In the form of an American Bald Eagle. The former demi still had a sense of humor the Curator appreciated.

            He whistled as he walked. His cane clicking on the pavement.

            Far below the surface, the wellspring of Earth’s Cosmic leyline shifted, reaching the All-Seeing Eye. Every demi powered by magic froze then cried out in pain as their powers shifted. In some cases, some fell from the sky. Only to be caught by Terran Alliance drones. Or to be plucked from danger by their teammates. Within the Library of Antiquity Eliza Murphy’s face paled.


            Doc noticed the expression on my face. She lifted her eyes skyward. An eagle dove into the building through the open roof paneling feeding into the garden. It perched on my head then hopped onto the bench. No one else seemed to take notice. Its voice echoed within our minds. I knew because Lorain’s other hand moved to grip my shirt.

            The Mad King strikes. Follow! For the Wall and Ra Endures!

            The bird shifted. Forming into a man nearly as tall as me. His skin was etched with symbols and tattoos. Silver armor with a golden staff resting across his back. His eyes gleamed crimson. He pointed. We followed. Our footsteps echoed as we descended into the dark below the Museum.

            He waved and suddenly our civilian clothing was gone. In its place were our usual demi suits.

            I gingerly hoisted Lorain into my arms. She buried her head into my neck as I sprinted faster than she could ever move. I could feel her suit and nanites compensating for the speed and g forces. Ra remained ahead. Opening vortexes as we transversed across plains I had no name or description for. At one point I felt an arm link with mine. Judgement was next to me. Along with Sir Avalon. This was big then. Even Dr. Zanzibar was present. They all kept up with Ra.

            The expanse before me appeared endless. A splash of water made me look downward. Stars, Planets, every combination imaginable stared back at me. Voices raised with abject terror cascaded against me. Thoth laughed. “Welcome. I don’t remember inviting you troublesome pests!” A bald man beside him quavered. He was in a regular black suit. Blue shirt with brown loafers. His hands were balled up. Fire wreathed both palms. It was almost as if he was praying.

            He was repeating, “My will is done. Nothing peers away. All of us under its sway. We are not alone.”

            The water raged.

            Defend us.

            Defend LIFE. IT COMES!

            Shapes rose around us. Black and filled with rage. Claws dripping with ichor struck out. I ducked, shielding Doc with my body as a creature swiped at me. It screamed and dissipated as Dr. Zanzibar chanted. Sir Avalon and my father maneuvered in towards Thoth. Coming at him from both sides. I stood. Nodded to Lorain and I put on a burst of speed to hit him from the front. I breathed in something ice cold. The Layline was talking to White. Thoth’s face was strained but triumphant. “BEGONE PESTS!” Suddenly everyone was gone and I was face to face with an endless horror. It growled all around me.

            Voices raised. Bloodcurdling screams.

            Little light. You cannot win. I will eat you all. Down to the last drop.

            With utter certainty, I knew. I was inside the Unity.

            Its beastly nature coiled around me like a giant serpent. Its black tongue reaching.

            White’s voice was like a knife cutting through despair.

            It lies. Breakthrough. Let go. Fear not. I walk with you.

            The Illusion shattered like millions of shards. Each reflecting the terror and despair. But it wasn’t my feelings. It was Thoth. He was drowning. With no way out. He screamed as I charged. Sir Avalon and my father had each arm in a firm grip. The mad king spitted on Sir Avalon. Thoth’s rising laughter turned brittle.

“Why waste time on me. Everything is a party you see. Tick tock.”

 I dived into the Leyline itself. Bellowing, “How may I defend all life?” It answered. Showing where all the cloaked bombs were. Magical bombs. My father kicked Thoth in the stomach as the former Atlantian wheeled away. Knowing that we would choose to save the people. Sir Avalon and the rest joined me within the Leyline as it teleported us away from Thoth. It brushed my mind.

After. Bring the Anointed. It will change the corruption. Subvert the Mad One’s plans.


            We found all the bombs. Had to bring in more magical specialists to disarm them properly. It would have released a plague upon the city and everything 30 miles out. My father nudged me. We re-entered the building. The gems on his bracers glowed. Once more the Cosmic Line was before us. The echoes still replaying the battle. Turns out that Thoth hadn’t even been here. It had just been two soul dolls. Made by the bald man. Avalon had his team looking into it. I fell to my knees as Mr. Apple reached into my chest to withdraw that long ago artifact. My father was talking with people. In hushed tones. The language was unknown to me.

            The black slip was in Mr. Apple’s hands. He placed it against the surface of the water.

            White added her voice to its musical tones. My father and the other shimmering figures with him sighed in relief. Mr. Apple apologized to me as he re-inserted the black slip. I cracked a smile through gritted teeth. “Guess this will be the plan for all the Lines then?” He nodded.

            Thoth knows of all of them. We will have to repeat this endeavor 4 more times.

            White added, I deadened your sense of touch as your powers began to waken. To hide such relics you contain, your body must shield them properly. It hides these things from even magic. Please try to bear with this a while longer.

            I thought back.


The key to many things. Even Eddie's demi power could detect things beyond all known magic and technology. I smiled with a sad understanding.  I was a walking talking black box of hidden items. My mind suddenly thought of Gulliver’s bag. I bit my lip. Covering my mouth as I giggled. Dad walked over, “Everything 5 by 5?” I nodded rapidly.

“Sorry, sir. I just had an odd thought. Actually, what kind of dessert should I order. I technically still have a date to finish.”

Mr. Apple reached out and hugged me. I couldn’t feel him but his emotions said everything. I returned it. No wonder he felt so upset all the time. It was something I never asked for but in the end, if it saved my home, family, and everyone else. I would bear it.

Judgement kept his face schooled and professional.

I could tell he was genuinely happy for me.

Eventually he replied, “Go with a classic. Apple Pie and ice cream.”

Captain’s Quarters

The Jupiter Rising

November 15th, 2103


Lorain set the silver sailing ship on the display above the bed. She swore she could hear waves coming from it but every time she pushed a finger against the glass, it remained inert. The small figurines on the deck were very detailed. They looked like sailors from the Accord Wars. But the ship was that of an 1800’s American Warship. What an odd combination. Still, she didn’t sense anything malicious from it. It was oddly soothing.

Eliza entered.

She had two plates with some very delicious aroma’s coming off them. Lorain squealed. “How did you know.” She nearly knocked Murphy over when grabbing a plate.


            I grinned. Dexter was currently in the VR rooms with dad. Catching up in a way I really wouldn’t understand but that was fine. Even fathers needed some downtime with their sons. Just as I had certain chats with mom. At least he could roam around the ship now that White was taking up some of the cloaking responsibility. Alongside Jupiter. I had a feeling that Gulliver and Apple were helping as well.

            I turned on some of the more popular holo-vids plaguing the entertainment waves. Doc smirked and changed it to the “Real Lives of Caped Defenders.”  I groaned. “Really?” She kissed me on the cheek, “Come on. Just one episode. Then we should get back to the Museum. Your father still wants me to plant that device. More hush hush Project Osiris stuff.” I acquiesced because I knew at heart she loved those soap operas. Especially the ones where the duo in question was each a demi. Trying to protect each other while maintaining their normal civilian life.

Now that I took time to pause and genuinely reflect on everything her obvious signs were much more blatant to me now. I leaned back on the headrest. The soft waves of the sea calming my heart. I could almost hear the shouts of the men as they raised anchor. Augie, the corgi of the hour, jumped up into the bed as well. Wiggled between Lorain and me.

            “Are you comfortable sir? May I get you a mint?” Augie barked with contentment and flipped upside down so his little legs were in the air. Each paw wiggling as he made himself a very nice bed across both our laps. Doc said, “He’s after our pie you know. Aren't you Augustus?”

            Aggie barked with total agreement.

            Lorain made a pillow of my shoulder.

            Her tone was half-joking, “I say for date two, we go for lazer tag. Maybe only a Kaiju will show up for that one.”


            Lorain saw Eliza shake with great huffs of air as the laughter rang throughout the cabin. The doctor was pleased and eyed her captain’s waist with a critical eye. “Your belt told me a few things. I’ll still do all those surgeries and cloning setups but you wont have true sense of tactile function until she’s done with whatever process she needs.” She saw Eliza nod. “Its for a good cause Doc. Trust me.” Lorain did. Far more than anyone else in the Multiverse. But the reasons for something that powerful to be walking and talking in this universe gave the human woman a great deal of worry. White noticed this critical regard and stated, You will have what you want eventually good doctor. These things are needed. For your captain and my host to have better mental communication between myself and her mother.

            Lanis frowned for a moment. Her reply was serious but laced with something that Eliza could only assume was aggravation, “Just as long as you keep that promise.” The belt was firm.

            I understand quite well what I ask of Eliza Murphy. The terms of our agreement will be fulfilled Lorain Lanis of Earth.


            Cooper trotted in. His black triangular ears perked forward. <<Does bacon taste good with ice cream?>> His head did that tilting I adored so much. I replied, “Not sure. Don’t think I’ve tried that combo. Have Whitehouse whip up a batch!” He jumped into the air and floated off in a short burst of green energy. His tail wagging madly. Lorain took our plates and held out her hand. “Time for super-secret spy stuff. Then you can take me for a space walk near Neptune. I hear that the new hab ring has good espresso as well.”

            I saluted, “Yes ma’am.”

            What a day to be alive.

            Lorain whooped and jumped onto my back, “FORWARD MARCH!”

The Cosmic Layline of Earth

New Ashbury (Texas)

November 16th


            Sir Avalon peered into the infinite mirror space that made up the lay line. It spoke to him of many things. His heart ached for Eliza Murphy. To have such a burden. He knew the young woman didn’t have the whole picture but he also knew it would be cruel to overburden her any more than she already was. A silver coin spun. The Three chanted. The very same entities that had appeared to Di’axi so long ago. The Scholar in question was seated next to Sir Avalon. Both gazing outward. Searching along with the energies of the Inner Eye. Avalon turned to the Scholar. “Humanity wasn’t the first to know magic was it? Your people had some among them as well didn’t you?” He nodded. His lips pulled back. Barely above a whisper.

            “The Traitor. The one who broke the First Turning.”

            Sir Avalon listened.

            The story reminded him of Icarus and the Sun.

            Which got him along another path.

Thinking of his son. The one he wasn’t able to acknowledge openly as well. He and Thomas Murphy shared that in a strange way. In Avalon’s case, he voluntarily entered into a union that was more spiritual than physical but somehow Ritark had happened anyway. Much to his mother’s delight. Along with Avalon’s.

He too hoped to walk out into the open with his family.

First the defense of the Leylines. The Cabal wanted the one under Area 51.

The 5 lines of Earth.

Cosmic, Water, Fire, Iron, and Void.

He and Apple reached across the infinite. Moving threads to tie the magic demis together. Hopeful that those on the side of Evil would falter. Hoping to lay the foundation for the future.

Issue 10:Here

Issue 12: Here