Monday, October 26, 2020

The Uplift Protocol: MFE B1 Issue 10


Issue 10: Blood Is Thicker


Still getting used to these new features in the Bracers. That’s the easier part. The harder part: What my wife had to say about our eldest son. It’s rather complicated but for now, only certain people know. We all agreed. It would be better to leave Zachary out of this until he’s older. He already has a lot on his plate. Besides I’d rather he focus on X’mil. If he can do that, the man will have less time to irritate the Ambassador.—Thomas Murphy.

I had asked the Scholar if it was possible to find another version of Eliza, within the multiverse that could provide proper material so she could eventually have children but he said it wasn’t possible. The burden of the White would never let that come to pass. So I had to lie to Doctor Lanis. A small one but significant. The other side of burdens. My sister’s belt would demand much of her physically. Even more so than my own. So I said the one thing that doomed her chances of ever being a mother directly: There was no one else even throughout the multiverse that could provide the exact thing she needed to fully repair all 4 marks. When I get the chance, I'll make my sister an aunt 10 times over. But I know her pretty well. It will be a personal pain she harbors for a while.—Dexter Murphy.

                Some would say I eventually settled down with Lorain out of a sense of mistaken duty or sheer despondency over my lack of the ability to conceive. It was a holdover from tracking the various outcomes of Typherian House Bloodlines. It doesn’t happen as often nowadays but the genetic heritage of the Typherian people can go take a flying leap. I have trillions of children to watch over now. And my brother and his wife got cracking fairly early. He had some sort of personal bet with his younger sisters: Who could have the most children? I have to admit: I like being an Aunt.—Sleeping in Starlight, a memoir of the 22nd century.


The Jupiter Rising

Medical Deck

November 10th, 2103


            Thomas Murphy was struck speechless. J’ino had her arms wrapped around his waist. His son, just as tall as Eliza, was standing side by side with his sister, both clothed in the white shirt and pants typical of surgical gear. Doctor Lanis was standing by the medical pods to administer the next rounds of spinal cloning and grafting.  He reached out to clasp his son’s forearm. Dexter grinned.  His dark brown beard was clipped short. A hint of his father and grandfather’s chiseled jaw coming through.

            His voice was droll, “Now it's time for a dip.”

Lorain poked Dexter in the ribs. He saluted.

            Eliza bit back a fit of laughter. Doc placed various specialized patches all over Captain Murphy’s back.  After she entered the pod, Lorain leaned over and hooked a few more readouts. Finally adding a long thin cylinder that formed to every spinal node newly grown. She glared at her captain, “You totally can’t lie to me. So don’t try to downplay anything. Give me as much feedback as you can. Got it?” Eliza nodded sheepishly.

            “Loud and clear doc.” Lorain ran a hand over Murphy’s heart. Feeling her power seep through the muscle and bone.

            Eliza’s face was an open book to Lorain.

            Lanis nodded with satisfaction. Watching as Murphy’s face relaxed. Well and truly free of tension. She even heard a slight snore as the pod lid closed.

            J’ino had been updated via Jupiter’s logs. Like the doctor, she wanted to kick herself for missing the point or angle but that was the past. They had all the information at their disposal now. She motioned to her son. He came over. A look of apprehension on his face. “What?” The word was spoken confidently but J’ino could tell he was anxious. Mostly for his sister. The thought filled her with pride. He would be a fine young man once out in the open.

            Dexter snorted, >>Come on mother. I do have most of Eliza’s memories. Plus I gave you some of mine.<<

Still, he felt a spark of happiness.  His father’s face was carefully controlled. The only hint of the emotions boiling under the surface was the slight tremor in his hands. If Dexter hadn’t been looking he wouldn’t have noticed. Even his father’s heart rate was steady.  He nodded to his parents and entered the pod next to his sister’s. They would have to be ready.

The endless expanse of the Unity was edging ever closer.


            Stars burned all around me. I was within some sort of Observation Dome. Three figures were facing towards a giant monolith of solid Darkmatter. Each was speaking. One voice was male. One female. One filled with the music of the cosmos.

            “What do you seek traveler?” The female voice was laced with concern.

            A fourth figure materialized. It was Mr. Apple. His mortal Scholar frame easily of the same height as me. His tattoos were immobile. The black ink traced alongside alabaster white skin.  His void black hair was wrapped in a long braid. Bright solid blue eyes pleading with the figures before him.

            “I saw it. The Convergence. Is this the only way to protect the Prime Universe?”

            Three voices echoed back.

            “To protect the future. The White must have a proper vessel.” The Male voice was immovable.

            “The White bears the burden of Life. It will require one pure of heart. Gentle in nature.” The female voice was silk.

            “The Black will counter the White. The Twin Suns shall encompass all. Death is a Beginning. Life is Cyclical.” The cosmic voice echoed across the Infinite.

            They spoke the last line in unison: “The Spear strikes at the Heart of Unity. The Shield will Encompass all. “

            Di’axi turned on his heel.  His footsteps making no sound as he passed through me.

            One solitary thought filled the very edges of my soul.

            Forgive me.

            My hand passed through the Scholar as he walked past.

            “I already have.” Even if I only knew a fraction of what he dealt with. I could feel his pain. For one person to have that much on their shoulders. One shouldn’t carry that load alone.

            Mr. Apple materialized next to me. His eyes gleaming in the dark.

            Thank you.


            Gulliver waddled through the medbay. Stopping to attach the present, the bio-feedback device he had left in Eliza’s quarters. Dexter gave him a puzzled look, “What are you planning?”

The bird in question flapped his wings, “You want to know why your sister is so cautious? See how she feels the world. You don’t have issues with tactile sensation. So that’s why you throw things around with proper pressure.”

            He eyed the Murphy’s and Doctor Lanis.”I think you should all take a turn with this. Then you’ll understand.” Dexter shrugged and linked the device to his temple. His eyes nearly bulged. “Oh dear god.” His sister was in a bubble of sorts. She could feel pressure but that was about it. No wonder she went inside the sun to get a sensation of warmth. He eyed the medpod. The receiver for the device was linked at the base of her shoulders. Its power core charging from the electric impulses within her body.

            Thomas picked Gulliver up. Bringing the duck to eye level. He asked, “I always wondered about that. She’d always give the barest of touches. I thought it was mostly due to her powers though.”

            J’ino thought back to all the hugs and even the past few days. Eliza had leaned into J’ino. Balling up her shirt, had her flood of tears but she hadn’t made much direct contact. Gulliver nodded, “Oh yeah, it was due to her powers but she also didn’t have much in the way of pressure control.” He brought up the apartment rescue. “She how she holds people? Like they are the most fragile things in the whole world.”

            There would have to be much more work to be done. Gulliver perked up though,” Just you wait, she will be Dexter level in no time.”

The elder Murphy Twin by 3 minutes grinned. “I just had a thought, how about giving her some firearms training. Start with the basic holographic stuff of course.”

            Thomas rubbed his chin. “That could work.”

            Lanis interjected with, “I wish it could be that simple like connecting nano feedback as she has with Jupiter….”

Gulliver quacked with some genuine humor, “Doc, you just gave me an idea.”

Dexter climbed into the adjacent pod. “Doctor!” Lanis looked up from her instruments. He continued, “Even if  it takes longer today, extract all the muscle and skin samples you need, my sister and I need to be on the same page.” His eyes darkened for a moment. He muttered, “No wonder she kept pulling her punches.”


            Arthon was neck-deep in the mechanical bay of the Jupiter. His mind drifting to the incident in the engine room of At’lan. How would he free the sleepers? He linked in.

 <<Eddie, meet me in the maintenance bay, 002. We need to form a plan.>>

The Puzzler replied, <<Sure thing. Everyone else is otherwise occupied.>>

            As Eddie approached he saw the muthra working on a project. The item in question looked like a scanner. He pointed at it, “So what is that supposed to detect?” Arthon waved him over.

            “Not quite detect. Rather test. We need some of Agent Brooke’s blood.”

FBI HQ (Local Branch)

New Ashbury (Texas)

November 10th, 2103


           Hilary Brookes snarled at the screen. Her cup of coffee was long forgotten. Thoth wanted to know the layout of Area 51. She would comply but not in the way he expected. Her eyes darted to the timer. She had walked around the complex. To areas that most expected her to be. Mostly admin. She still couldn’t breach the Muthra level. All the nanites she sent in came back with the same results: Charred and inert.

            Within the next hour, the markers would go completely dormant. Waiting for the signal from her employer. More like a slave driver, she thought with bitter humor. She would get the best of them though. She used another one of her father’s IDs to leak some pertinent information. So that General Murphy and his cohorts would get some indication that something was afoot.

            She exited the office. Punched the B4 indicator inside the elevator. Once on the correct floor, she activated her watch. Before Brookes was a black non-descript door. Opening it she found herself greeted by Thoth, who motioned her inside. The entryway disappeared once she was across the threshold. She looked up into his cowled face. He wore an elaborate golden mask under his dark purple robes. He was smiling. She could tell by the tone of his voice, “Excellent work Ms. Brookes. I am already getting some passive scans. With this, we can pinpoint a good breaching area for Mr. Latchkey’s spell.”

            Latchkey wasn’t the magic man’s real name. He was skittish enough around the Cabal. With Brookes, he was practically terrified. Her father’s blood did that to people. She used it to great effect. Eliza Murphy’s cheerful face materialized within her mind. She frowned slightly. The Cripple. That woman never showed any outward concern to Brookes. Everyone else would usually give the Agent an island of preferable isolation. She shook her head and followed Thoth down the hallway. The area was his “in the field” operational hub. Practically austere by the demented king’s standards. The hallway opened up into a luxurious amphitheater.

            Silks and other antiquities littered the area. Medusa was curled around a golden throne. Draped in all sorts of finery. Thoth seated himself. His hands clasped under his chin. “Let us begin.” Karvax laughed. He raised a fist while resting another hand on Bright-Eyes. The Keeper enhanced pet with no eyes turned its massive head to test the air. Brookes always thought the thing looked disgusting. If she would engineer such creatures they would be lithe, beautiful, and deadly with equal measure. The mutated raptor snarled silently.

            Thoth bowed his head with false reverence and said, “I have it on good authority that A51 will be hosting the queen consort of Typha soon. The All-Father’s agents within X’ mil’s department are quite effective.”

He bit back a sigh as he thought of the rest of Typha’s Ambassadorial security. He continued, “Unfortunately all we have is a rough window. J’ino’s people are far more competent. Much to the All-Father’s disappointment.” He grasped the cup of wine Medusa offered. Taking a delicate sniff, the lower part of the mask raised almost if by magic, as he drank.

He clapped and the sweet calming tones of orchestral music filled the space. He grunted with contentment as Medusa rubbed his shoulders. Brookes took this all in with a neutral air of professional disinterest. Inside the wheels were turning. A wicked grin threatened to crack her severe expression. She would feed some of this ever so slightly to that bothersome aide of the President. See how much the Uplifted parties would react.

Presidential Residence

The White House (Washington DC)

November 11th, 2103


Fredrick Marshall stared at the missive his aide had brought in. He knew of Brookes's actual ties. The symbiote, not to mention Aether, would have told him in no uncertain terms that she was tainted with the Fallen blood as well as Unity’s deceit. To test some of this information he had sent Dr. Zanzibar to each specific location. The magical demi had confirmed. There was black sorcery involved. But it was keyed to the user in such a way, that if disturbed, would alert them to other magical forces. So for now the President ordered Sir Avalon’s team to be on guard. The Cabal would make its move on A51 soon.

He smiled. J’dax was going to love all this.


            J’dax Ayeer stared. Arthon wasn’t moving. The man was serious then. The sandy-haired Typherian rubbed his eyebrow. “And how do you propose to grab Sourpuss’s blood?”

Eddie frowned. “Honestly sir,” he began, gaining more confidence as he spoke, “We were thinking of making it look like a standard vaccination for the upcoming visit. Maybe even rope Doc into it.”

            Arthon grimaced, “I’d rather keep this to ourselves. She has enough on her plate.” Eddie turned, open-mouthed at his companion, “Why? We are a team right?” The Muthra nodded uncomfortably and replied, “We are but this is already complicated. Why burden others until we can produce results?”

            He was talking about the Sleeper issue. Eddie also knew. He remembered that vital key aspect of Grace. He knew why his friend wanted to remain cautious but he also hated keeping secrets. Ironic since his powers keyed in on them. Eddie snapped his fingers, “What about Mr. Micheal? We could do a preliminary on his blood as well.” J’dax hooked his hands into his belt. He eyed both men with a sly expression, “Well that could be a start. How would you like to be my security for today?” J’dax took a page from the Null Ship invasion. Most wouldn’t look past the elite Typherian battle armor. They would just assume.

Typherian Embassy

Area 51 (Uplifted)


J’ino saw the device on Eliza’s back light up then camouflage itself to her skin tone. Gulliver bobbed his head.  Satisfied that it would receive properly. Everyone else already experienced the connection. J’ino felt her lips press together. The shock nearly doubled her over. Eliza rubbed the back of her neck. Her mother nearly mirrored the motion.

Thomas and the others left the room. To give them some privacy. He imagined his wife would have to have more talks that weren't the preview of men. Still, his daughter’s lack of tactile sensation spoke volumes. He kept thinking back. Why she wouldn’t attempt to cook in the kitchen. Why she had taken such care with everyone around her. He was thankful that her other senses were sharp.

He rubbed his eyes. He had seen the rage boiling within his son’s eyes as they had left the Jupiter Rising. He hadn’t seen the Scholar in a few weeks now. Thomas grimaced for a split second. Squaring his shoulders. Doctor Lanis’ eyes were dark.

She spoke after a brief hesitation, “At my current estimate, it's going to take a few months of skin, muscle, and more nerve transplants but she should have most normal feeling around her back, arms, and legs by the time I am done.”


            I placed my hand alongside the wall. Mom just kept staring at my hand. I knew my ability to sense stuff beyond pressure was limited but I didn’t realize just how bad it was until Gulliver’s “present.” It was an odd device. Meant to enhance Empathetic feedback and other things. Based on my mother’s expression, she was at a crossroads of sorts, not knowing whether to kick the chair or just sit in it. After some hesitation, she placed a hand on the wall as well. It was the strangest feeling. I placed an arm gingerly around her shoulders.

            “I didn’t know metal could feel like that.” Mom brought her palm up. Patting my cheek. I could feel what she was feeling. Somewhat. The closest I could describe it as: I was wrapped in a glove. Mom picked up a sphere and started tossing it around the room. She smiled while stating, “Ok. So here are the basics.”

            The sphere melted like putty in her hands as she reformed it into various shapes. So that’s what matter manipulation felt like. I tilted my head to the side. Wondering why dad had left with the controlled expression on his face. Mom noticed where my thoughts had gone. She brought a finger to her lips, “Don’t tell him but I am going to leave certain things to the Doctor.” I was puzzled for a moment.

            The wheels turned. 

            She shot me an amused glance. “Remember the park.”

            Oh. That.

            My eyes glazed over. “Got it!”

            I poked the material in her hands. “Is it supposed to be that soft?”

            Mom nodded, “That is normal. Until I return it to a solid-state. A certain someone can manipulate metals to greater heights. Just don’t mention it to X’mil.”


My brother was a few doors down. Practicing other skills. Dad didn’t want to speak about Dexter just yet. Mom grabbed other items around the office. Testing each with her hands. At one point Cooper poked his head inside the room. I picked him up carefully. He titled his head. Flickering those ears back and forth. Mom got the idea and gave him a good pat.

            I had been missing out. Cooper barked excitedly, <<AH! YES, JOYOUS THERAPY!>> Now I knew why he loved this unusual ritual of Earth. Back home his people did very normal dog things but like bacon, having their ears scratched, along with belly rubs, was a new invention to them.

            I laughed. “Let’s go see how the other’s are fairing.”

            Mom removed the other half of the sensory unit. Placing it in my hand. I stored it within my belt pouch. I cleared my throat, “So where did Gulliver get this from anyway?” She paused. Not sure what to say.

Finally replying, “He had it made. Specific to you in fact. Turns out that rascal knew about our dapper friend for a while.”


            Lorain Lanis eyed the portal with distaste. Beyond it, she could see Brookes and some of the FBI investigators arguing about The Star-Spangled Banner question once more. J’ino came up beside her and added, “So what is it this time? Afraid she’s going to level Earth? Rule it with an Iron fist for Atlantis? Kick a puppy?” The Typherian rolled her eyes as she heard Hilary proclaim,  “No one person is that good. There’s something under that smiling façade she shows to the public!”

            Gulliver joined them. His black eyes darting to Brookes. “That lady will never get any worthwhile love in this universe or the next. Not even paid for.” His wings flapped thrice. Lorain stifled a snort. It wasn’t very ladylike but the idea of anyone having relations with that woman filed her with dread. She spotted Eliza heading in their direction. Her Banner uniform was immaculate as ever.


            I saw who everyone was looking at. The Uplifted side of A51 had certain areas where they could view humanity’s efforts. Or even their theories about life, the universe, and everything. I made some goofy faces, “I could always steal some kids and take them to the Boardwalk or the VR expo.” I smiled but I felt a twinge. I would never be able to convince Hilary I was here for peaceful endeavors. In fact, there were quiet moments in the day where I wondered what things would have been like without my powers. Dad clasped my shoulder. His voice was cajoling, “Forget her for now. J’dax wants you and Cooper to go investigate a site near the Litari home system.” He brought up the display.

            The Litari home planet was shrouded in darkness. Orbiting a giant red star. Great constructs circled the planet. I winked at Cooper, “This looks like a job for…”

            <<MY NOSE!>>

            His tail thumped rapidly on the floor.

            Ritark phased into view. He had been hiding in the shadow of my cape again. His golden eyes expanded, gleaming with excitement. “Homeward bound!” I understood his mix of longing. Mom poked me in the chest. “Here’s some additional information.”

            I looked at it. Various customs and gestures that Ritark’s people appreciated flashed across it. I smiled, “I imagine Ritark will also provide some fun commentary.”

            Mom grinned. Her mood was equal parts exasperated, amused, and concerned all at once.

            “Sul’sandra wanted me to relay a message.” She paused. Even Cooper activated his belt and floated to eye level with her.


Litari Home System (Utasa Sector 009)

Tal-hone (3rd moon of Milar)

November 11th, 2103        

            Ritark chittered in my ear: <<It has been very long since I have been home. I can see why they called us here. These are Scholar artifacts and markings.>>

            I could feel a tug at the back of my mind. Dexter agreed. Before us was a jungle expanse. The trees were dark red, nearly black in most places, probably to compensate for the type of sun. I concentrated and the whole landscape highlighted with a purple-hued expanse.  Ritark’s eyes were already made for this environment and Emerald K-9 floated next to my head. Wrapping a holographic leash around my wrist to keep himself anchored. His nose was twitched with delight. Taking in all the sounds and smells around him.

            A Litari Matriarch coiled in front of us.

            Her voice was audible. Melodic and light, “Greetings little brother. Travelers of the Stars. We welcome you. Follow us.” The jungle receded as we descended into an ancient structure. Its various sigils glowed with an inner fire as I passed. The mother twitched with surprise. “Professor Nara is just ahead. I will await you here.”

We continued, the aged hallway opening up to a circular room. At the center was a giant slab of metal. Data was cascading within its depths. I could hear it. It thrummed against my skull like a mass of hornets. The Litari professor had 3 golden eyes. The third was positioned where a nose would be on a human. From what I gathered, that was rarer among Ritark’s people, usually indicating an extra level of power. It would manifest in many different ways.

Nara reached out and encircled my wrist. Pulling me to the Scholar artifact. Faint blue symbols formed within the space around us. Lighting up the entire area. As my fingertips brushed up against the metal, even  I could feel a slight tremor, the artifact was vibrating.

>>The White and Black detected. Standby.<<

Mr. Apple materialized to the right of me. His hat pulled over his eyes.

See the empire that crumbled.

Area 51, Situation Room

Earth (US Facility, Groom Lake)


            J’dax leaned over to tap his sister on the shoulder. She turned. Thomas and his Project Osiris team were arguing vehemently with Agent Brookes. What she didn’t know was that Micheal Brookes was standing right beside Thomas. In a black nondescript Terran Alliance battlesuit. From what J’ino could tell of the room: Hilary didn’t want to comply with the TA request to “emergency” nanite security updates. J’ino eyed her brother, >>What is all this about? This request came from a proxy system via the US consulate side. We know she’s of Void Walker make.<<

            Eddie listened to the conversation that he was able to detect. While within this Typherian getup he could tell when J’ino or J’dax were “talking” but not about what. In fact, the head of security had just told them both to stand still and look pretty. He linked to Arthon for a moment, <<Think we will be able to pull something?>>

            Arthon was at parade rest but he replied, <<Unknown. She’s already riled up. Hope J’dax or General Murphy have an ace up their sleeves somewhere.>>

            Thomas Murphy opened his private coms to Micheal.

///I Know this isn’t what you wanted but is there anything we can use to distract her?///

Micheal thought about it for many long moments.

He sent a reply.

///They will react to specific frequencies.///

Thomas could see J’ino and the others at their viewing station. With everything unmasked as far as the Human side went, everyone could see when the various ambassadors were active. The energy field still separated them at certain times. Thomas kept his expression blank as Micheal continued.

///I saw it in the various experiments they pulled on everyone trapped on that Null ship. They kept me pure because I was that damn thing’s meat suit.///

            Thomas forced back the wince. Micheal’s acidic undercurrent was quite understandable.

            He rapped the table with his knuckles. “Alright. We will table this discussion for now. You can go Ms. Brookes.” One of the other FBI agents muttered, “Hope the Door hits her on the way out.” Others shot him aggrieved glances but didn’t say anything. Even within her work circles, she was barely tolerated. They left for the medical section. Complying with the security update.

            In reality, it was a security update.

One that monitored bio-signals in case of extreme distress.

The President had warned him of what was coming. The Cabal was keen on disrupting the Queen Consort’s visit. Their ultimate goal, if he had to guess, was either getting access to the Muthra sector here or some sort of magical equivalent. Namely himself or tapping into a source that could help Thoth resurrect his long-ago plans.

The Bracers warmed slightly at this thought. Thomas frowned. So they were worried as well. Ta’mathon formed within his mind. Spoke the words that the Terran General feared.

They are seeking the Leylines of old. My brothers and sisters hid them but Thoth has already unmasked one line. There is something in this place that will give him more information he needs. That is why the Sour One planted blood bound markers here. They are not of her blood. Another user of magic made them. That is all I can tell.

Micheal strode over to the Typherian section. He tapped the holographic projections.

J’ino released the barrier. “Yes?” Her voice was polite as always. It was important to maintain the illusion that she was only tied peripherally to Project Osiris. She knew that X’mil’s area had been infiltrated but they still didn’t know how many agents and from where. J’dax suspected Hidden House involvement. She concurred. She waited for Mr. Brookes to pose his question.

Micheal asked, “Is Earth the only place that has what we deem magic?”

J’dax nodded, “That’s why the Council of Five put up the barrier around Terran Territories. Seeing how you’d expand. Magic follows humanity. We aren’t sure if it's specific to you as humans or the planet or tied with both just yet.”

The Typherian man continued, “We have tech that can mimic some of magic’s effects but it is the sole providence of humanity to wield.” Micheal mulled over this, “Do the Gray bastards know how to use magic?”

The other man’s eyes narrowed, “We don’t know for certain. We think some of their experiments lean this way.  It's also why Earth’s uplift testing has been highly irregular as well.”

Micheal Brookes had his answer. He had seen some of the things created by Hilary’s blood before the breakout. He knew because they had parts of him within them. Being locked away on that Null ship for so long had done things to him. Maybe awakened some sort of latent magical talent. He sent a message to Sir Avalon.

///The Grays want their tech merged with magic. Based on what you told me of those disks removed from Star. Along with what Thoth is trying to pull. But not only merged, but they also want a viable way to breed certain kinds of magic into things. Probably to make us fat and happy for Unity.///

            Thomas exited the room. As Sir Avalon updated him. He updated his wife. Each party was using the other for some overall goal but he had the feeling that Chronos and his ilk would go even further than what most had in mind. He felt her voice reach him through their wedding band. They had long since combined the ivory com device with his band.

            >>Based on what my brother says: The Hidden House wants to topple Typha throughout the multiverse. Thoth wants to reign supreme on Earth but it’s the Walkers I worry most about. But all of them are using each other for divergent goals. That is the advantage we have at the moment.<<

            Thomas entered the grav lifts. Going to the mess hall to grab more coffee. He needed time to think. He posed a question to Ra, subvocalizing it to keep it private and hidden, “Where is the unearthed leyline now?”

            Ra soared high above New Ashbury. Circling until he came upon a familiar building.

            The Library of Antiquity.

            Thomas paged Doctor Lanis, “About that date you are planning…..”


            Zackary Murphy was hatching a plan.  He knew that some of his sister’s friends were up to something and that something involved Sourpuss. He grinned with barely contained glee. Here was a chance to show his quality. Now all he had to do was plant the extractor just so. Why they wanted that crazy woman’s blood was beyond him. All he knew was she was a Subject of Interest to his uncle. Plus she hated his sister both in and out of uniform so he had an automatic desire to combat sibling-related sadness. His grin dimmed slightly. His sister really wouldn’t approve of what he was planning.

            Granted it was going to be a prank but he knew his older sister wouldn’t pull something like this on anyone. He frowned. But what if it helped people? They needed that sample. He pushed his twinge of guilt aside and aimed the minuscule dart he had manufactured. It was really useful to be the grandson of the Golden Bulleteer and Scion of House Ayeer combined!


            Hilary Brookes drank her coffee alone. She spied General Murphy leaving with a whole tray of things. For a moment she felt supreme envy. That man, even when she admitted it for a split second, had everything. Which made her hate him even more. She slapped the side of her neck as her shirt collar got caught on her small silver necklace. She scratched her cheek and peered into the depths of the coffee. Even this had lost its taste. She muttered and left the dining area.

            People were useless. Feelings were even more so.

            X’mil sneered at J’ino’s spawn. The child was on the second level of the mess hall. Balancing a fork on his index finger. He waved gaily towards X’mil shouting, “Hey! Maybe one day you can file things for my mother! If the universe decides to give you a brain!”

            Heads turned. Even the female human stopped to glare up at him.

            She snarled back, “Go back to your fancy planet kid. We don’t want you here.” The black-haired woman strode out without glancing back. X’mil shivered. Her eyes had been dead brown husks.

The Center Spire

Location Redacted

Time Redacted


            Dexter Murphy blinked. His hands were his own. His sister was beside him. Looking just as amazed. She gripped his hand lightly. Being as careful as always. He could feel his heart beating rapidly. All around them massive towering spires. But at the center was an Ivory Spindle that reached well beyond the skyline. To space itself. He gazed down to see that their belts were interlinked. But each of them wore simple tan jumpsuits. Eliza pinched the material on his arm. Her face fell. “Oh well. Thought I’d be able to detect something different within this place but even here. No overall sensations.”

            She plastered a grin on her face for him and herself, “At least it's only external tactile stuff. Glad that’s never become a food issue.”

She rubbed her face. Even smacking one cheek. He gripped her wrists. Roughly growled out, “I promise Doc will be able to help with that.” Eliza's emotions rolled over him. He grinned. “Still worried about putting your foot in your mouth?” She shuffled her feet. Looking downright bashful and even a bit uncertain. “Well, it's not like I shouldn’t try right?” She was so confident in most things that he took a moment to ponder how to respond.

Finally, he spoke with genuine warmth, “She’s one of your closest friends. I’m sure Doc will be more than happy to take things one step at a time.” Besides he knew from some of his sister’s memories that Lorain was the type of person to be into things for the long haul. Even if that didn’t end up with them on the same page.  He blatantly realized that his sister was more or less wondering how to even approach certain subjects. He rubbed the back of his neck.

He continued, “Take a look at our parents and grandparents. They built their relationships on trust. That seems like a good start! Don’t you think?” Eliza brightened at that.

“I am probably overthinking things aren’t I?” Her voice was laced with bemusement.

“Probably.” Dexter agreed. “Besides there are some things it's better to talk with Doc about. Or even mother. Or Samatha.” It's not that he didn’t care. He did. Even more so than usual considering their circumstances but the subject of romance should be left up to the parties directly involved. Besides he didn’t think his preferences in women would help his sister at this moment anyway.

His head whipped around suddenly as a Scholar turned the corner and phased right through him. He pointed. “Let’s see where that fellow is going.” Eliza nodded.

            “Wonder if this was their homeworld or a colony.” She commented.

 He squinted. He could make out sub-orbital structures and other things floating beyond the cloud line.

            “Might be a research area. Don’t see any capital sized vessels out there in the black.”


            I cleared my head. The big event with Doc could hit my brainwaves later.

I tested the air. Dexter smirked. “Going Bardaxian again.” He did the same thing after a brief hesitation. There was nothing. No scents. I shrugged. “Worth a shot!” He peered up into the sky once more. He was trying to memorize the constellations. A familiar pattering of paws hit my ears. Cooper rounded another corner. Barking happily!

<<YES! See Ritark! We found them! Professor Nara is with us as well.>> He tried to float in the air but his belt remained inert. He trotted over and his belt finally uncoiled. Wrapping itself about ours as well.

Ritark attached himself around my left bicep while Nara did the same with Dexter. The older Litari chittered with excitement. <<This was the central Spire. The hub of all Scholar Knowledge within the known Multiverse. Many cycles ago. Before the First Calamity!>>

As we crossed the threshold we could see many Scholars crowded around a platform. The oldest among them shouted, “PEACE MY BROTHERS!” They quieted. Their discontent pounding on my senses. Odd that my empathy would be working in a place like this…..

            Dexter whispered in my ear, “That’s not them you are feeling. Its your belt.” He pointed at them. Still joined. I concentrated. He was right. It was coming from my belt. Alongside it, my brother’s was oozing with anger. Not as us or the Scholars but the thing on the displays before all of them. A Litari woman floated overhead. Her golden eyes locked onto the platform housing the main holographic readouts. She coated the whole ceiling. The room grew pitch black. Another Scholar bellowed with fright, “What in all of the name of Creation is that?!”

            Dexter hissed, “Unity.”

            My eyes grew wide. It was vast. As it passed over decaying stars it swallowed them whole. Moving forward. Eating away at everything. There was no matter behind it. It just was. My belt hissed.


            My eyes nearly bugged out of my head. The Defenders were powered by the same stuff?

            I tugged at my belt. Its white and golden symbology flashed.

            We are not of that abomination. We were made to fight it.

            The White swirled around me like a snake. Trying to snap at the memory. Its voice was undeniably feminine. Brother’s was masculine. The Black spoke next.

            Be at peace. When it arrives. We shall be ready.

            The White snapped, It has taken many of my children. MINE.

            Dexter gawked. He muttered to his belt, “Just who are you?”

            The Black responded with a frustrating, All will be revealed in time.

            I gripped the Black for a moment. Still disappointed that I couldn’t properly feel the fabric. It coiled around my wrist in response. You will feel all things soon enough. It said this with grave import. Just what were these sentients planning? Were all Defender belts like this? As if on cue the White growled, No. We are made of something different.

            The White wrapped itself around my neck for a heartbeat.

            There is a reason for all things. Even your disabilities. Like he said. Soon you will feel so much more.

            Cooper nudged the White with that nose of his. Laughter like wind chimes filled the room.

            I remember these. One of my favorites.

            The room faded. We were back on the moon.

            The artifact was dormant. Then it shrank. Until it was the size of my palm. It floated towards me and rested upon my outstretched glove. Ritark was on one side of me, with the Professor on the other. His tone was flat and heavy, <<I am coming with you.>> I nodded. Feeling a bit numb. Just what was slumbering inside of me?


            Thomas glared at his son but his heart wasn’t quite in it. J’dax masked his amusement behind a neutral face. J’ino wasn’t about to berate anyone in public. Let alone near X’mil. So they all quietly perpetuated a calm outward expression. The president got to his feet as Eliza entered the Situation Room. “Have a good trip Captain?” She looked tired. Thomas frowned. She stretched and replied, “Nearly 5 by 5 sir!” Lorain’s gaze sharpened with disbelief. Through their bond, she detected the utter falsehood of that statement. Something was nagging at Cornfed and she was determined to find out why.

Camp Osiris, Murphy Household

USA (Texas)

November 12th, 2103

            Jennifer Murphy planted her hands on her hips. Eliza had that goofy grin on her face. The one she used when she was perturbed about something but didn’t want anyone to know about it. With one quick step, she got right next to her daughter and patted her on the back, making sure to have it hard enough to where she’d notice the pressure. Jennifer mock scowled. “Well out with it! You know Doc’s going to be even more convincing than I’ll be.” She held back a smile when Eliza just blushed for a moment.


            I pointed to my waist. Afraid to say it out loud. Mom knew immediately of course. She put a hand on the nape of my neck. Then one over the hand with the ivory ring on it. Most times in the field as the Banner I’d have it around my neck. Concealed of course. But out and about as myself? On the finger. >>Open up kiddo. What happened on that moon?<<

            I showed her. Mom paced for a moment. Then sat down next to me on the couch. Everyone else was out getting some take out. I think he did that on purpose. Dad was a very smart man. No wonder they paid him the big bucks. She glared at my midsection. “I know you are listening. So from one mom to another, got any added commentary, otherwise, I will most certainly meddle.”


            Mom reached out and tugged at the air.

            A sense of pressure closed in on me.

            White muttered, Quite intrusive. Fine.

            Mom grinned. Then sobered as White continued.

            We are not strong enough to fight the Unity just yet. I have not molded your daughter enough to house my power.

            I sucked in a breath. “I’m already pretty dang potent.”

            As a mortal vessel: Of course, you are. As mine? Not nearly.

            Mom went to the kitchen and came back with Caffeine set to Kill.

            “This is gonna be a long night.” She leaned into my arm to bestow a half hug.

            I nodded. White reached out. Her voice was light. I always wanted to try this.


            Gulliver watched. There was so much riding on those young shoulders. Most Defender Belts got their mojo from the Ouro itself. His? Along with Dexter, Eliza, and the Omegas? That was a whole other can of worms. As the humans said.

            Mr. Apple sat quietly next to him. Watching the Murphy women. “She will calm the rage within the White. I know it.”

            Gulliver prayed that would be so.

The Black kept Dexter in balance. He hoped Eliza could do the same.

Issue 9: Here

Issue 11: Here


  1. So White bears the burden of life but her host can't create life. Ironic. These all-powerful magic items always come with a big catch in these stories.

    1. Well there's also other reasons. Of which Book 6 just got to. XD But yeah, Eliza is also incapable of having kids because of another BIG plot point.
