As I was saying on the twitters:
- What do you want to accomplish with this trope depending on genre, setting, placement, world building?
- If more Historically inclined, then in what way? Specialized fighting styles? Units? All Female Unit? Melee or Gun based? If melee then what kind of weapon vs weapon. Usually the woman will have to fight smarter and with more skill. She can't brute force her way through in a more "relevant to our current world" aspect. Has to use a man's weight and physicality against them. IT can be done but again, its more of fight smart vs pound for pound.
- Outlast the Opponent
- Sci fi or High Fantasy/Low Fantasy setting that promotes some sort of enhanced aspect ala Hinman from the Twelve Kingdoms. In that setting Yoko's hinman let her master swordsmanship and enhanced her physicality to combat threats.
- Once you have a setting down pat, it kinda depends on the reader's level of disbelief and personal preferences. But one thing remains: Internal Consistency. It's why I have an excel spread sheet of all sorts of important things for my #SuperheroSpaceOpera series. It can be quite a maze to keep track of events or abilities, so I use that to remember who has what and how strong that ability is. In terms of powers/combos.
- I still think guns are the great equalizer. I am biased though.
I might update this later with some more book recommendations, for now, it's time to get some well deserved reading in.
If interested, here be my twitters account in question:
Plus here's some of the vids that co-inside with the topic:
Also, will link the conversation with top tier pulp rev: (He does good superhero books too)
Since most of the vid commentary is pretty against Mr. Klavan. I honestly love to look at all sorts of POVs on an issue. Gives me food for thought. Plus Ill work on that warrior woman list. Let's see what I can find.
Another important context, is it real combat or not? Sure, you have competitive sports and whatnot but when that adrenaline is going, all sorts of things can happen. If its life or death, then its a whole other ballgame.
Some books, not as mainstream, for various woman warrior setups. Based on my own tastes this usually involves some sort of tech, magic or setting enhancement or awareness to give them an edge.
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