Saturday, April 25, 2020

Earth Timeline: Uplift Protocol

OBSERVATIONS OF A PALE BLUE DOT: Compiled by Forger, Typherian and Markav sources.

First Demis recorded to Mankind:

  • Egyptian 
  • Roman
  • Greek
These demis filled the ages with songs of glory and dread. Thought to be the children of gods. In fact, the word demi, from demi-gods, was coined to cover many aspects displayed by those possessing powers.

At'lan Monitoring Net: Thoth and his allies took advantage of developing civilizations over the years. Even causing the direct downfall of Pompeii. The burning of Alexandria. Other horrors were attributed to Ishtar, to which many humans retained a primal fear, thus naming the Keeper as a god of destruction. Chronos was a known quantity as an Aztec god: Xolotl

///Accessing Modern Earth Events for Review///

  • 1915: WWI (Order of Arkax vs the Inner Eye, Thoth's Cultists)
  • 1930: WW2(Allies vs the Iron Order) 
  • 1940: Western Alliance Protocol established.
  • 1942: The Accord War (W.A.P Demis vs the Fuehrer's Men.) 
  • 1947: Roswell Incident *
*Expanded: Use extreme caution. Keeper Agent incognito. Further notation: Keeper Craft damaged. Currently in the possession of the Throne Breaker. Based on initial reports, Thoth incapacitated W.A.P troops securing the crash site then secured the scout craft for himself. Response time of Keepers prevented the traitor from executing the soldiers. Unfortunately they were "abducted". Made to serve Chronos.

While Thoth is able to hide it from the Keepers, our updated arrays via Horus have allowed us to keep tabs on his "prize."

  • 1960: Ur Stone enters the Solar System.  *At'lan sensor arrays, with the assistance of Highmaker, scan the celestial object as it passes through Uranus. Makeup of Object revealed to be of Non-Keeper Origin. 
  • 1965: W.A.P Research Base established on the Dark Side of the Moon
  • 1970: First Stage Human Prolong unlocked. Physical Aging stops between 40 to 50 Earth Standard. Life Range: 250 cycles.
  • 1990: Second Stage Prolong unlocked. Physical Aging stops between 30-40 ES. LR: 300
  • 2020: Third Stage Prolong unlocked. Physical Aging stops between 24-30 ES. LF: 325
  • 2030: USA Military Instillation established Near Neptune(Dubbed Heart of Heaven) 
  • ////Compiling Further Events....Please Stand By.
  • ////
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  • ////
Sul' Sandra's Remarks:

Not all is lost. Even with the damage our adversaries have caused, Atlantis has not been idle, humanity might seem like formless clay for the Void Walkers, but within beats the hearts of heroes. Thoth only sees puppets.

The shining Pyramids of Egypt guard precious energy sources not yet understood by Markav tech. While across the Seas, within the United States, the Mavericks face down Fate itself. Some of these demis have powers even my people never encountered. Horus feels that this aspect is important. More to Earth then even our own scientists predicted.

The Iron Empire Oracles:

  • It is known that the Iron Hammer of Berlin had Keeper Allies. They performed horrendous experiments. He believed they were a gift from god, a sign that his quest was a righteous one. 
  • What they didnt realize, from those experiments many Demis were born. When the Allies finally broke through to the prisons, many Germans and Jews considered "rejected samples" joined. Formed their own nation. 
  • The notorious head scientist of the Iron Empire: Dr. Marksman, was never found. 

Demi Teams of Accord Wars (1940s)

  • The Fire Brigade 
  • The Ivory Bells
  • The Marked Men.

The Ur Stone: (Data still being compiled, please stand by.)

Main Hub: Here

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