Friday, May 8, 2020

Into the Deep: Ep 5 "Seekers of Fortune"

And now, to continue!

Chapter 5: Smooth Criminals

I feel ya Devlin. Once more regulated to the grand mis-adventure in fugitive training. Maybe take a page from Mr. Indiana Jones himself.

But in all seriousness, this is an interesting character moment between Dev and Best Pirate. Get a bit more on Silvio too.

Haagrim hates the Sea. My grumpy man. He's one of my favorites. I wish I could put him in front of Karens at work and watch the fun happen. So far, there's been a good mix of exposition, dialog and character moments. Sometimes that can be very out of balance ala Wheel of Time. Not so with Seekers.

That Sheep Line: King Midas of Wooltimes. HA! No, the wizards didnt use the wool. XD

Plus a sense of dread, even with just a chapter or two I don't want to see bad things happen to this particular ship's crew.

Seagulls, the harbingers of Doom in this book. Something unfortunate happens when they appear. In a way, by having so many varied POVs, it pulls you into the story more. In terms of their experience and skills.

These are hefty length chapters but the words flow well. Methinks Ill add A certain Smuggler's side novella at the last part of the deep dive. Its that good.

Chapter 6: Old Ghosts Rise

This story is gritty without going into Fake Grim for shocks ala Game of Thrones.This story really is taking its ques from old Sword and Sorcery. The heroes are various levels of gruff and worldly. In their own ways. Even if this world is a perilous place, some characters will not hide from it but face it head on.

This damn book makes me want to play Black Flag to have a ship. That's it, I am going to make a thief/party in Wizardry 8 based off these characters.

(Work did a number today. Ill post the rest tomorrow. This book deserves me at my best when making remarks. This thing should be as big as Conan.)

Oh snap! We have the Dreaded King of Pirates: Plus he has what our team is looking for. Double the trouble there. I get the feeling this guy is more akin to the actual Blackbeard.

This fight is gonna be a one of wits. For sure.

Dev's right, it wouldn't be a fun time if that guy can put all the power objects together.

Still my favorite of that series. Rest of them got pretty bloated. As for our intrepid crew, Sil suggests: LETS JUST TAKE IT BACK! Might as well make a turnabout in fortunes. Ill give him this, when it comes to certain things, he's a honey badger. I can see why chapters are so long in this book, a whole lot happens in each one, but its not bloated with over explanation or excessive descriptions. I counted, 44+ pages of fun. If you are going to have longer chapters, have them move quick. That's what like about S&S, you can get alot done with a big punch.

Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:

Part 1: Here

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