Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Medical Case File: 1299

For Immediate (Uplifted) Family Eyes Only and Personal Physician.

Earth Name: Eliza Elizabeth Murphy
Typherian Name: Redacted At this Time
Demi Name: The Star-Spangled Banner

Main Physician: Doctor Lorain Lanis

Basic Vitals:

  • Nearly Impervious to conventional arms or weather. 
  • Can survive in deep space/vacuum.
  • Power Source: Unknown at this time. Possibly Cosmic Radiation but even I am unsure at this time.
  • Manifestation of Flight, High Levels of Acceleration, nearly akin to a Speedster Demi like her Grandfather. Can shoot energy beams from her hands. She can see multiple spectrum/patterns along the visual range and beyond. In fact, against her own NASA handler's wishes, has been commandeered to translate various Dweller writings that even the Forgers have no clue of. Enhanced Hearing, as well.
  • Ice Breath
  • Update: Well scratch that. No more beams via the hands at any rate. 
Health Concerns and Notes:

  • For all her invincibility: Has an abnormal heart beat I find very disconcerting. It speaks of an old would that occurred near or shortly after birth. I have both her mother and younger brother, Zach, to compare as baseline. I get the oddest feeling when listening every night to it.
Personal Notes:

Damn right I am cashing in on that perk. My Captain Cosmos doesn't go anywhere without her Explorer 1st Sol. Sawsmith.  Unlike the show, we both aren't military so say hello bedside manner benefits. At this point, we might have to get a bigger bed because not only does Augustus love to sleep near my head, Cooper is a sheet hog of a Bardaxian Hoard +10. And he floats. Sometimes I think he battles things in his sleep because his Defender Belt smacks Eliza in the face. Not that she minds much. For a super hearing demi, she seems to sleep like a log, adorable yes.  Not to mention that for some reason, half the BARDAXIAN security team ends up with us anyway. The Beagle especially takes great pride in saying, "YES! I am 2nd second bacon to the captain's chair!"

  • Plus that other one, that looks like a Great Pyrenees: He has a belt too but he prefers the foot of the bed. The overall boss dog, he will pace for a bit, then pleased as punch, will curl up in Eliza's favorite armchair.
  • Am I the only one that finds a Basset Hound using the INet absolutely ridiculous yet endearing at the same time?
((ENCODED RESPONSE// Typherian Protocols// My dear Terran husband owes me on this bet. The entire Borking team pretty much has a permanent spot at their studio apartment.))
  • If it wasn't for this invincibility/heightened stamina/bone reinforcement development on the demi end of things, Eliza wouldn't be able to walk on her own power. She is missing her Typherian extra sensory spinal and nervous system. Zach has a base human spine but its intermingled with Typherian codifiers that allow him basic matter manipulation, telepathic communication with other Typherians, along with other enhancements I am not cleared to know about at this time. 
  • What is even more concerning: Her Typherian parts were expertly removed. By medical capabilities not known to the Uplifted community. This was especially shocking to J'ino. But I vowed not to hold anything back. What could have done this?
((ENCODED RESPONSE//Typherian Protocols// Very very concerned grandparents want to know as well dear doctor. Even if you wont be cleared to see all this for a while, no matter what House Politics get in the way, we are cashing in all our chips on you. J'ino, you might as well start that special project. Your father and I approve whole completely!))

((You mean whole wholeheartedly? The Texan in me is pleased. -Thomas))

  • Zachary Murphy, has both Human and Typherian Characteristics: His eyes have to be concealed behind a masking process. Where us Humans have whites in our eyes, they have black. Zachary has also developed low key empathy. Its how Eliza was able to keep him calm while being born in rather unfavorable circumstances. J'ino is still pissed at the Uplift Council Board for that one. I have to say I agree. Seeing how I was there for all that also. It's what gave me the clearance to be the family doctor. After a fashion. But sadly this red tape is required because only a handful of people know that Eliza is directly related to the Ambassador.
  • Eliza doesn't say anything out of the ordinary but when I touch her back, there is no sensation of feeling on the spine itself. She attributes this to her Demi Powers. On Typherians, this is the exact opposite. On many of their clothing and other equipment, the back is triple re-enforced. Because its a key component of their abilities and other features. Usually "back" messages are highly intimate affairs on their worlds so....yeah. Explains why J'ino only lets Thomas hug her a certain way. 
  • The pathways in Eliza's brain that should light up when communicating with her mother or Zach the other type of way doesn't even register. Mental Speak that is. She can read them emotionally no problem. Probably one of the most powerful Empaths on the whole damned planet. 

I will keep updating this file as events develop.  

Private Observations: Well now I know why Eliza's physiology has been turned upside down. With more extensive surgeries I should have her level of tactile sensations to pre- <<REDACTED>> levels.

I can only hope the next few months prove fruitful. 

As of New Years 2103 into 2104:

  • Has full functionality once more. Proper pressure sensations to control her massive amounts of super strength.  
  • Generating more overall body heat. Probably due to whatever changes <<REDACTED>> performed. New mental pathways mapped. Her heart and other muscles have been reinforced. Her remaining Typherian neural nodes are healing nicely. Will have the ability to communicate along the Family line sometime in the future. I find that our bond is developing as well. Jupiter tells me I will never reach the 4th level. Since we'd both have to be Typherian for that. Plus one of us would have to be a male of the species as well.


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