Friday, May 1, 2020

Uplift Protocol: Issue 6

Issue 6: Best in Show

“Today is a day that will live on in memory, today we have our newest Demi team: The Mavericks! Hometown heroes in the defense of America and her Allies abroad. Another brave leap for a better tomorrow!” –The World’s Fair Demi Biannual Celebration, 2045
“The Golden Bulleteer: America’s Answer to troubles of a super variety. I’m just glad most demis have a sense of decency. Faster than anything known to man and commands metal? Glad he’s on our side.  Dr. August Markston, Director of Meta-Human Affairs.
“W.A.P was founded just before the opening of the Accord Wars. The Western Alliance Protocol: The world’s answer to those who would abuse demi powers for the might of the Iron Order.” –A note on historical events.


Indian Ocean
200 miles from Union Hall.
April 8th, 2045

A sparkling blue expanse greeted the Golden Bulleteer as he sped across the surface. His black and gold suit absorbing excess thermal energy generated by his cross country endeavors. Granted, it would have been easier to form a disk and surf but he loved the feel of the water hitting his face. Well, the part not covered in a dynamo mask. Top-level Alliance tech. His nose twitched as the salty spray hit. A low-key beeping caught his attention. He tapped the communication tab located near his jawline.

“Golden Bulleteer, what seems to be the problem?” The man on the other end sounded clipped, nearly out of breath, “T.A scouts have detected an unusual energy source. We are sending other W.A.P assets to your location. Meet at these coordinates.” His H.U.D popped up. Huh, about 50 miles off the coast of Australia. He grinned. Looked like he would get a workout anyway.
            The White Lily kept tapping her foot against the solid surface of the transport as they flew through the thunderstorm. At 5ft 5 inches, most demis would wonder what was inside her that warranted something like a containment field but most didn’t have to deal with an ever-expanding source of plant life that could turn a desert into a rainforest. Across from her, Tidalwave was faintly snoring. His straw hat slanted to cover most of his face. While his sword rested perfectly balanced on his knees. Of course, the man who commanded water demons slept with no issues in weather like this. Even his blue Samurai style haori coat remained pristine. Its darker dragon imprint displayed with aplomb.

            A hiss echoed across the compartment as the back hatch opened. A black and gold blur settled in next to her. Bulleteer gave her a warm look. “Well now! Isn't this quite the gathering. Any idea on what we will find?” His voice held some amusement but underneath she could feel his worry.

            Lily just pinched the bridge of her nose. “Just the sense of Hurry up and Wait!” 

Amazing Grace shot to her feet, “INCOMING!” Her black and blue suit exploded with light. Then silver barriers covered the whole transport. From the cockpit, they could hear the pilots barking maydays, their voices clipped. One even exclaimed, “Where the hell did this come from?!” Bulleteer saw White Lily’s eyes roll back, a green glow pulsating against her shielding. Her breath came in quickening gasps.

            He caught her as she crumpled to the ground. Her hands resting on his chest. He had to lean in close to hear her muttering, “The plants are alive. It’s coming!” With Lily in his arms, he barked to the others, “Evac now!” 

            Amazing Grace sprang forward, to haul both pilots out of their seats when the cockpit exploded, metallic fragments flying in all directions, knocking the whole Maverick team to rearmost compartments. She fed more energy into her barriers. Her face was scrunched up in pain. My shielding should have been enough! Someone or something was interfering with her abilities.

            The metal warped,  filling in the gaps in her defense, while the whole world spun. She shot Bulleteer a grateful look. Then mounting horror built within her. The pilots!

The scream of tearing metal mixed with the yells of dying men greeted all of them. The transport broke in half while torrential waters filled the remaining areas.  Moonlighter, currently a shimmering apparition, floated skyward to get a better look. What he saw left him stunned. The sky was clear as any spring day. Below was a vast jungle network. Old style Aztec temples rose heavenward. Various creatures flew about. Mottled greens and tans.
            The whole landscape was prehistoric. Trees, vines, along with a whole hoard of insects. This was a place that could give any Florida swamp a run for its money. A pterodactyl bellowed its high pitched cry as it flew through Moonlighter. Out of habit, he brought his hands up. Ghostly whispers rising and falling with each wing flap of the Jurassic creature. You don’t belong here.
Eyes all around him.

Each beat of his heart brought lower. Like his blood was freezing. He glided back to the transport. Tidalwave had his katana out, its brilliant azure glow illuminating the area. The water smashed against his magics. Bulleteer called out to ghostly fellow, “Any idea where we are?” Moonlighter replied, “Not Earth.”

For his part, Bulleteer just cocked his head to the side. White Lily was still passed out. Her breathing smooth and calm. The remains of the transport finally washed up on a verdant beachhead. As the team exited, an ominous cry echoed throughout the jungle. Tidalwave gave voice to what they were all thinking, “Welcome to my parlor said the spider to the fly.”

Ishtar brought up his display, “Karvax. Send out the Golem. We have unwanted W.A.P pests.” It would appear that their city was no longer quite as hidden. Annoying humans. Things were so much easier when they lived in huts. Yes, the Predator King would put on quite a show.
Location Unknown
April 8th, 2045

            The White Lily was lost. Her senses were overwhelmed. So much life here. Too much. Voices everywhere. A cacophony.  She was trapped. Someone had their arms around her. She began to thrash. Then a metallic barrier encased her. 

Blessed Silence.

            The Bulleteer kept a firm hold of her. “Easy there gorgeous. Lots of plants talking all at once must be something else huh?” She opened her eyes. They were both inside his construct. The remains of the W.A.P transport serial number on the side of the cocoon. She reached out with her right hand and gave him a small caress on the cheek. “How are we going to get out of this one dear?” 

He gave her his most impressive smile, “Justice shoots ever forward! We will find our way through this. Maybe even ask your plant friends for some old fashioned GPS?” He gave a hearty burst of laughter at her expression: A mix of incredulity and amusement. She wagged a finger at him. 

“See? Feeling better already?  Maybe I'll even put on a burst of speed to scout this place.” White Lily just stifled a giggle. She hated how she sounded when that happened. “Better bring down the barrier or Tidalwave will think we are being inappropriate at the worst of times.” He molded the metal back onto himself. Conserving it for later. The other Maverkics crowded in. Moonlighter was constantly phasing in and out. His hands clasping his cloak. Tidalwave broke the silence, “So where are we going bossman?”

Bulleteer scratched his chin then replied, “Well let's see if this place as a central area or hub. If there are any metals here I'll be able to sense it. Not that I am expecting anything modern of a sort here. But if we got in, there must be a way forward or out.”

Amazing Grace kept gazing out at the bountiful jungle. Her expression nearly blank. The readouts from her suit indicated substances foreign to Earth. A dark presence pressed against her mind.
Not for you. Away nats. My creations. My own. Precious. Unity.

 A hand rested on her shoulder. She turned. Lily was smiling up at her. Her white jacket rippled with energy as the plantlife amplified her demi powers. Her eyes glimmered with a deep green glow. “Hey Grace, you spacing out on us? What’s wrong?” At first, the other demi said nothing. A shudder ran through her. 


“We shouldn’t be here. This shouldn’t be here. The darkness is coming. It will swallow us-“ Lily gave her friend a shake.  Eventually, Grace came back to herself. Lily understood what she was feeling though. Even if these plants were fueling her demi source, it felt muted somehow. Or unnatural. Not like the wild lightning of Earth’s flora. These plants felt artificial. She gave her friend another squeeze on the shoulders. “Let’s go, the faster we get out of here, the better.”
The creature known as Bright Eyes glided silently through the Hidden Reaches. Its tongue flickered in and out as it tasted the air. The sweet scent of humans filled its nostrils. 

Hunger. Feed. Mine.
Master promised a good meal. He intended to feast well. Its sharp talons dug into the ground as it bounded off for its prey. The artificial ponderous footfalls of the Golem let the creature know that it had competition. Bright Eyes would win. Its fearsome jaws opened wide to let out a hunting call to the others. 

Master Karvax continued to whisper in his mind. Find them. Kill the intruders.


Location Unknown, Ruins
April 8th, 2045

Tidalwave peered down into the dark abyss. Its waters were smooth as glass except for the whirlpool at the center. He gripped the pommel of his blade. Even it sensed the sheer wrong permeating these waters. The Aztec temples and archways surrounding the team felt ancient yet like with the plants and water: a twinge of disquiet. This should not exist. Yet it was. Bulleteer reached out, planting his hands into the earth. Searching for metal. Deep within that endless whirlpool, something colossal was entombed within, metal resonated. He dragged himself back to the present. Grace was poised over him, still watching the jungle, her eyes darting back and forth. “No birds. Nothing.” Meanwhile, Lily was perched atop a massive stonework statue. Its headdress mimicking a giant bird of some sort. A wall of leaves danced around her.


Within the massive trunks, two glowing emerald eyes locked onto White Lily. She gasped then dove off to the side as two massive beams melted the statue’s headdress. She grunted as the vines around her rose, forming like buzzsaws, then she struck out. Trunks splintered and cracked. Impaling themselves against the creature. While the vines underneath it rapidly entangled themselves up to its neck. It did not react to the vise-like grip of the foliage. It just grunted and began to tear at its legs and chest. A strange noise pierced the air. A high pitched keening that set Amazing Grace’s teeth on edge.
Bulleteer managed to move Tidalwave out of the way just in time. 

As a set of four mottled limbs struck out against the samurai. At the end of each arm was some sort of substance that burned. The hideous thing turned its head. It looked like a mix of T-rex and Raptor. But its eyes, that was the true horror. Not orbs, no this was far worse. Its skin was expanding and contracting as it sniffed the air and bellowed. Moonlighter phased through the stone structures, his head on a swivel as he searched for a way out for his team, but all around them: All the temples and corridors were empty. Not even a touch of cobwebs. To him, it was all too perfect. He raced back to his friends. They would find no escape within these city limits. 

Bulleteer bit back a curse as the Golem creature hurled more stonework his way. He zipped, ducked and weaved, praying that the thing would remain enthralled with his antics. He had to buy some time for Tidalwave. Out of the corner of his sight, Lily and Grace were tag-teaming the Nightmare: Jurassic Edition. Using a combination of defensive barriers and jungle lances made of whole trunks of trees. Team coms were useless. Since those relied on the network orbiting Earth and throughout the Sol system to function. He formed a throwing disk from some of the metal from the crash. Then hurled it with tremendous force at the raptor thing’s legs. A blood-curdling shriek escaped the thing’s throat. 

Its massive head turned towards Bulleteer as it charged. Tag this, he thought fiercely. Nobody messed with his Lily and got away with it. He kicked up a major dust storm as he barreled straight through the Golem, sliding easily between the tall giant’s legs.  The dino reached out with one of its forelimbs and used the Golem as a springboard. With surprising grace, it sailed through the air. Landing in front of the Golden Bulleteer. 

Its teeth latched onto empty air where Bulleteer’s head used to be. A flurry of punches connected all over its body. 

Lily and Grace continued to build barriers. Made of anything they could muster. Grace called out to Tidalwave, “We have more company! If you are going to do something, do it now!” For his part, Tidalwave was engulfed in blue flames. Katana at the ready, its runes glowing with the heart of the sun. His brow beaded with sweat. His breathing was calm amidst the chaos. After a moment he shouted, “The path is open! DIVE!” Moonlighter phased through the Golem, finding something odd beating within it, he grasped the object and pulled it into the ether with him. With his other hand, he grasped Bulleteer’s left shoulder, dragging him into the phase walk as well. 

In unison, they all dove into the watery abyss below. 

The White Lily caught Golden Bulleteer’s right hand and held on for dear life. Moonlighter reached out for Grace, connecting with the woman on a mental level, <<There is something here, in between these spaces, be ready for anything!>>

She locked gazes with him. Nodded with an odd expression on her face. A feeling of dread formed at the pit of his stomach. He gave himself a mental shove. No! I will not give in. These feelings aren’t mine. Its whatever dwells here. The Amazing Grace smiled at him. One filled with relief. Whatever may come he was not alone. That was the most important thing in his universe.

Location Unknown
Compartment Uknown
April 8th, 2045

Tidalwave took one look at this place and exclaimed, “Am I drunk, or are we in some sorta ship corridor? I don’t think its NASA compliant either!” 

All around them, everything had an otherworldly sheen to it. Lily took one look at the walls and stated, “Anyone else find it disconcerting that everything in here is reflected but us?”
Moonlighter agreed. Then chipped in, “Well, it stands to reason: if this is a ship, there’s got to be a central hub of sorts. The crawling sensation on my skin worries me. I don’t think I want to phase around in a place like this.” The Mavericks formed a defensive position around one another. Golden Bulleteer took the lead. Filled to the brim with determination. Gave everyone a wink and a thumbs up. 

“Teamwork makes the dream work right?” 

Lily and the others took some heart from that statement. Grace ran her hand along the wall. Grimacing as the oily feeling stayed with her.   

“This place is unclean. We must find an exit. Do not use too much of your powers here. I have a sneaking suspicion that’s how they will locate us.” What is this abomination, she wondered.
Keeper Null Ship
Designation: X'talia
April 8th, 2045

            Karvax leaned over the medical pod. His gargantuan blade rested along the wall. His blue tattoos glowed with the energies of his People. Within, his most prized pet, Bright Eyes was fast asleep. Its four limbs badly mangled by the demi team. Not to mention the gash in his legs. He bared his teeth. He would personally give back tenfold to that Golden Dart. Maybe even break that woman’s neck. The plant one. Based on the bio readings from the “city”, those two were intimate. The others of that primitive Earth team were of no consequence. All he wanted was the Golden one and whatever that one desired or cared for most. Ishtar merely wanted data. This team was supposedly one of the best Earth could muster. He snorted. Right, and I'll be the first to meet the gods of Unity. The absurdity of it all made him laugh. Some like that crazy blonde might find the church of the Keepers to be the true source. He was in this for the fight. To test his might against the best of the best. Everything else was a pale imitation of life.

            Survive or die was his simple motto. One he was very good at. 

After what felt like an eternity the Mavericks came upon a room that was unlike all the others. The floor sent tingles up their spines. Partial Spheres were arranged in a systematic pattern. Alongside the wall, a simple 3d display came online as Bulleteer approached it. 

Amazing Grace joined him. Then indicated a particular symbol. It shimmered with a faint yellow color.
“That might be our ticket home.” She hovered her finger over it. Bulleteer mused, “My Latin is a bit rusty but doesn’t Tellus mean Earth?” Grace pressed the symbol. It turned from yellow to an orange color then shifted to green.
Lily and the others placed themselves within the spherical formations. Moonlighter even cracked a joke, “Think it will work like Captain Cosmos?” Bulleteer placed himself next to Lily and grasped her hand. “When we get home, I am not letting you out of my sight for a week. Easy!”
She smiled up at him. Patted his chest. Then winked.
“Another holiday incoming huh? Better feed me well then. I plan on making you earn your keep mister.”
Everyone else groaned at the silly display of affection but at the same time, it was a welcome one, then a feeling of ants crawling everywhere hit. The team phased out of existence. It wasn’t anywhere near how Captain Cosmos depicted it. 

Middle of Nowhere
April 12th, 2045

            Lt. Thomas Murphy, US Army Joint Taskforce Alpha, set the transport down with expert precision. He had almost called it a night when an emergency alert hit his feed. Since he was already in the area from Habitat Astro training, they called him in to pick up the Mavericks. Why they were out here wasn’t his business. At this point in his career, all that mattered to him was to acquire the skills to be able to fulfill his biggest dream. 

Space. To explore the stars. 

He watched as they filed in. The Golden Bulleteer and the White Lily paused to look at him. Like they were memorizing his face. Lily even looked like she was about to hug him to death. He suddenly thought of his mother. It would do some good to call his parents. He had been so busy lately.

            His brown eyes traveled over the rest of them. Then he spoke up, his voice crisp and clear, “W.A.P HQ wants you back at Union Hall, so strap in! We are initiating Captain Cosmos Factor 5!”  This made them all hunch over in laughter. Thomas sat even straighter in his cockpit. Giving them all a boyish smile at odds with his more serious exterior. Then he shouted the t.v shows’ tagline, “We come in peace! For the Greater Union of Planets!” Bulleteer, in particular, teared up. His wheezing laughter filled the cabin on the ride back to Union Hall.

            Thomas felt a small piece of his heart lighten at the sight. What on earth could have scared the Mavericks so badly? As an officer, sometimes humor was the best medicine, even if he had to poke fun at himself. If his parents saw him now, they would be shocked. Their son? Joking? What alien abducted him?! As this thought hit, his H.U.D began to chime. 

            24 Messages received. 12 from Eleanore Murphy. 8 from Abraham Murphy.
Would you like to display it to the main terminal for audio retrieval? Y/N?

Thomas smiled then accepted the messages. It would appear that family night was upon him once more.

Union Hall
The Archives
April 12th, 2045

Amazing Grace cradled the Golem heart under her suit. Making sure the cloaking device was operating at maximum. Then she sent out the symbology, tracing the hidden code upon the wall, the access point greeted her.

<<Greeting Muthra Al’teri, your request was relayed to the Lady herself. Please place the object within the receptacle. It will be properly archived. She appreciates all efforts you perform on the surface.>>

She released it into the Lady’s care with great joy and relief. Luckily Moonlighter was more than happy to hand the object over. His words still echoed: It feels sick. Makes my skin crawl, throw it into the sun. If only I could. If only. It was made of something incomprehensible to anyone who loved life. She shuddered and thought of it no more. Today she would get drunk with Tidalwave and spend some time watching mindless vids. 

Tomorrow was another day. Each one building to the time of Rebirth.


  1. White Lily would either love it or hate it in the Mystic Woods. Being near concentrated Weave energy would probably drive her insane lol.

    1. White Lily and most demis are going to get upgrades soon. For Lily? Its more from that special Flower. The Nexus might find some interesting avenues soon. Ill eventually get back to Golden Bulleteer and his team as well.
