Thursday, October 8, 2020

More on the Table

We need more aspirational stuff. Its why I will continue to write Uplift Protocol. Only part of people's wheelhouses are getting catered to.

Aspirational is also compelling. Readers and writers need to get on the horn and really get out there and promote things they enjoy. No matter if it gets 1 click or 1000s. If all people see is the "Villian as POV/Main Character setup" then thats all they will find. We have to engage more readers looking for the aspirational. 

While one side is gorging on the vast array of material catering to them, we have to counter balance it with our own stories and priorities. If you love aspirational heroes, find things promoting it, or make it, or buy it. When you can. 

Its on the page here. Many creatives that embrace the villain find it just as hard to write for the aspirational. Even in my own twitter feed. So lets help each other. Find more of a balance.

If villain primary writers have a harder time with aspirational, lets give them more examples to work with. Its easy for me to see examples of "digging into the villain". So lets flood the market with aspirational.

For those who don't understand the appeal of old style superman, look to this vid. Its an eye opener of what  I get on a personal level.

Link: Here

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