Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The Uplift Protocol: TB Issue 22


Issue 22: The Wall of the Infinite


            The Terran Alliance has formed a new treaty with Bardax and the Forgers today. A new influx of travelers has arrived on our doorstep. Not only for stability but mutual defense as well. Offering Earth and her people new avenues of trade and prosperity. One bardaxian noted: “We find our cousins quite agreeable. May you live long lives!”—ANN Update

            What is the purpose of this White and Black Defender business? Are they more powerful than the venerated Omega Defender Corps? Why appear now? What does this mean for us and the Terran Alliance? --US Defense Specialist (The Pentagon)

                There was still another aspect to White I had yet to encounter: Io.

            But like the ticking of a clock, that had yet to reach midnight. So we had to deal with other things. Like Bel. If my grandfather hadn’t been there who knows what might have happened to Blue Blaze. Mordred’s influence was growing by the day within her. My grandfather told me he saw the shift in her eyes. The way she held herself? It wasn’t normal.—Sleeping In Starlight, a memoir of the 22nd century

Union Island

Hall of Heroes

March 3rd, 2104


            Blue Blaze danced from foot to foot. His eyes going wide when his grandfather appeared with 19 BTLs. “Here, this should hold you over for the next 2 hours!” Golden Bulleteer ruffled Zach’s hair. “With Star and the others on a space kinda misadventure we still have to put you through some more tests. I’ll monitor you every step!”

            The VR labs! Finally!

            For his big sister, it had been the final phase. That scenario had taken her powers away and the civilians within needed help escaping the conflagration around them. It was different for every demi though.

He said, “Bullet! What was your final test like?” Abraham paused, mulling it over, before replying, “For me, it was facing my greatest fear. For Lily,  her idea of what being a hero meant. For you? It might even involve more.”

Zach nodded. The other side of his heritage.

As they entered the main foyer for the testing area, he saw Samatha walking towards them. Her normally cheerful face serious. She was saying, “Mom. No. It's in the starboard side of the ship.” Her eyes were linked to INet. He got the impression she was talking out loud for their benefit. She rolled her eyes, “Yes. Eliza gave you access. Yes.  TO that area as well. I love you but gotta go!”

She focused on them. The light from INet usage winking out. “This way. I pulled up Star’s final testing section. If you wanted to look.” He nodded. Keenly interested in seeing her results personally.

Final Testing

Star-Spangled Banner

Archive: 124-222


            Star dashed into the burning building. Her lungs filling with smoke.

            Her eyes darting to the console. She tapped it. No response from the systems. She rolled up her cape and used it to smash open the glass containing the fire hose. It fell to the floor. She yelled, “I’m here!” Screams from above alerted her. She sprayed the wall before her. Clearing out a backway via the grav lift. She placed emergency inflation pads on the floor. They expanded with a loud pop. People jumped down the shaft. Landing in clumps. Making a run for the exit. Her hands and arms were covered with welts but she continued to climb. Using the hose to clear the stairs behind her.

            She coughed.

Blood dripping down her lips.

            One final family was behind a wall of flames that wasn’t fading with the onslaught of water. Or the extinguishers. She ducked into the adjoining room. They were all gathered on the balcony. The mother holding two babes in her arms. Star threw the father the hose. While she braced the other end. Then using her cape, she secured it to the makeshift line. Something to hold the babies while she crossed it. Using her arms and legs to shimmy across.

            As the father was the last to leave, his hands nearly lost their grip, Star reached out to grab his hands. Her gloves giving her traction to hang on. The young son reached out. His wife joining them and with all their strength, pulled him to safety as the final bits of flame ate away at the apartment. Finding the stairwell blocked, Star peered about. The next balcony had some ropes. She tied one to the railing. Helping the family climb down. Bracing it as the added weight caused it to shift. She thanked Sul’sandra for this uniform. It was a lifesaver. Allowing her to maintain her grip even as her legs buckled.

            Through the smoke, she could see them racing to the evac point.

            As she collapsed the last thing she saw was the bright strobe light of the TA Evac Shuttle.


            Blue Blaze turned to Bulleteer, “Was that her greatest fear? Or what?”

            He responded, “Yes and no. She wondered how’d she react without powers. If she was just one person. Would she be brave enough to help even with what was put upon her?”

            Zach brought up the internal mapping. The program had offered her tools. Placed the items needed. Like those climbing ropes on the other balcony. Granted you could have someone that was a mountaineering fanatic for a next-door neighbor but he realized that wasn’t the point of the test. It broke down to the core of who you are. His sister didn’t know of her Typherian heritage at the time. What would his test entail? He examined it further.

            The only advantage she had in that scenario was the tech within her demi suit. It had not changed much over the years. Externally. People still loved seeing that flash of Old Glory. The glint of gold on her shoulder. To know that she was there.

He inhaled sharply, “I’m ready to go grandpa!”

Abraham Murphy waved his grandson forward. Bringing the other Mavericks online to watch over him. White Lily took point. Weaving polling throughout the area to alert her if unexpected guests would arrive. They would take no chances.

            Not with his family.

            Not ever.

            Nearly losing Dexter and Eliza that day was a stark reminder of that.


            J’dax linked in, <<I am set. Room secured.>>

            He was inside the VR chamber with his nephew. Cloaked with his battle armor.

            Glaive and the other A51 Bardaxian security team on standby.

            He watched as the chair enfolded Blue Blaze. Immobilizing him.

            The test had begun.


            Blue Blaze approached the temple.

It was shaped like a Typherian ziggurat but when he stepped inside, Terran Symbolism greeted him. First and foremost the silver cross over the fireplace. An old man was reading a bedtime story to 3 children. Their faces glued to his hands as he turned the pages.    The elder raised his head, turning his empty sockets to Blaze, “Ahhh. Welcome, little master!”

X’mil’s sneer transformed the man before him. He slammed the book shut. The 3 children warping into living stone puppets. “You think that mother of yours truly cares? She would feed you to the dead themselves to keep herself pure!”

Zachary froze.

His eyes narrowed, “Ah. So you think I care that much about my birthright.”

X’mil giggled.

Setting the younger Murphy on edge.

He despised X’mil’s House and this place knew it.

“Proud Ayeer boy. Wanting to hide within his mongrel blood.”

He replied coldly, “Indeed. The House politics of Typha are a detriment to the citizens there.”

X’mil leaned down, “Would you do it, boy? Order me hobbled like your pretty mother? They cut out my nodes.” Zach reached through the floor with his matter manipulation. His senses told him that this place was real yet diluted. Which was the truth?

He knew his mother kept her council when it came to social prerogatives. Such was the role of women within Typherian society.

Dexter stepped out from a side room, “What part do you believe little brother? Are we only human? Only Typherian?”

X’mil thundered across the room, raising the book to bring it down upon Dexter’s head. Blue Blaze sped across the chamber. Taking the heavy thing from X’mil’s grip. The title page was imprinted with silver embossed threads.

            The Gilded Cage.

            He opened it.

A feverish Typherian in ancient armor, crisscrossed with Ayeer blue, white, and silver, was pouring over books within the diffused light of a lantern. It was shaped differently from the ones historically recorded on Earth but he could hear the man’s thoughts.

            >>I must condemn my family to this lifetime of guardianship. Set’s forces have already breached the inner sanctum. I know not what they wish to do to our connection to the Throne of the Multiverse. The Weave guides me.  It speaks to me still. We will maintain the Vigil. Convergence approaches. <<

The ziggurat vanished.

A triangular portal with 3 figures was before him.

One male clothed in the plain robes of Eygpt.

The female wearing a simple gown of white cloth, spun with starlight.

The third was hooded. It reflected the cosmos.

That swirling vast blanket of the void.

Zachary asked, “What do the Three wish of me? I am not a herald like my older brother and sister.”

Each placed a hand upon his head. Three voices as one intoned, “The man between worlds seeks you. Embrace both halves of your soul. That is what will be required to save both Humanity and Typha.”

An image of twin snakes around a white tree caused him to gasp.

Blue Blaze lurched out of the VR chair.

The room beyond him filled with the sounds of battle.


            Bel cackled as Tidalwave, the 2nd in command of the Mavericks, blocked Mordred with his blade. The blue ripples of the katana flaring as it held off the corrupting influence of her hits. Her mouth turned down in a pout. “I know the half breed is here. I can smell the little dear. I only want to eat him!” A sonic boom knocked her sideways, sending her sliding across the hallway until the wall broke her momentum.

She licked her lips, “ A resounding hit. What an upstanding man you are Mr. Bullet!” She ran a hand doing the length of the blade. A lover’s caress that disturbed Golden Bulleteer. Madame Mayhem was cold and calculated. This was as if an incubus possessed her. The strides as she moved back towards them were decidedly masculine. It winked at them. “Oh, someone is quite concerned for the halfbreed. Is it personal? I bet it is! OH, MOTHER! Are you here?”

            White Lily lashed out with vine whips.

The thorns breaking Mayhem’s skin.

Lily pumped Mayhem full of sedatives.

Hoping that would dull the demon within.


            Blue Blaze reached out. Sensing the corrupted metal of that woman’s sword. There was nothing here that could warp it further. Or even contain it. He sensed that same power from his VR episode. That must be Set. His uncle pointed to the back emergency exit. Imputing the code. The vent slid open soundlessly and they scrambled inside.

            He asked, >>Uncle, that thing is poisoned by the Lying House.<<

            J’dax nodded, imputing more codes as they exited. The fighting slightly more distant. He didn’t want to alarm Zachary. So he answered with, >>I am taking you to the Orb chamber. That will delay her.<<


            Bel caressed Tidalwave’s cheek as the swordsman drove his blade within her gut.

Her voice laced with joy, “Shall I kiss you?” He jerked back, removing his blade as two darts flew out from her mouth. The acidic hiss of smoke filled the hallway. They only had to hold out a bit longer.

Another 20 seconds and the Defenders would be here.


Dawnbreaker burst into the Hall with the crack of a whirlwind.

People gawked in amazement as his Black Defender armor manifested and snapped into place. His sister was racing to the Ouroborous Chain of Edenverse. He would face the Harlot of Set. Giving Eliza the time she needed to close the gap. It would delay their enemies.

He only hoped it would buy them enough time.

They had no choice.

He reached out, forming the Trident within his palm. It's clarion call making Bel whip around. Her eyes glued to him. Dawnbreaker shouted, “Face me Serpent. I know your lies!”

She screamed, “I know the taste of your tears!”

Black murmured, using Dawnbreaker’s voice, “And you will know oblivion. Betrayer.”


            I gazed upon the Wall of the Infinite. Its power poured through me.

            The Ouroborous recognized me. It sang a heartfelt welcome to White.

If you do this, Unity will know, he will find us before we are ready. Travel to Io.

It will be the only way to delay him. Our secrets lie there.

Since the time of Creation.

            I held the spear of Matarn aloft. Calling upon the power of Creation.

            “By the will of the Three, the Weave’s Long Tapestry, I reveal this place. Dispel the Hidden Eyes of Set. Fortify Eden Gate.”

            A cone of power arched outwards.

Igniting planets with hope.

            Revealing the Truth to our enemies. The time of hiding was over.

Keeper Null Ship

Designation: X'talia

Time Stasis

            Chronos’ sensors chimed.

            “Keys of Creation Found. Analyzing.”

            His pitiless orbs locked onto the beacon as it flared.


            He rested his long gray fingers under his chin.

            Considering the future.

            “You will not stop me this time. Di’axi.”

            He would remove the Keys by any means necessary. 

            Progress would not be denied. All would love Unity.


Issue 21: Here

Issue 23: Here

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