Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Submarine Mode: Social Media Edition


When I take a look a certain Trad Pub setups, I've noticed some of them are what I would deem "submarine" mode. They might post something political once a blue moon but for the most part keep their feed sanitized. 

There are two kinds of submarine mode, imho, the first? 

You are hiding your opinions because its not in vogue with what certain Trad Pub factors would want. 

The second? You spew the "proper" talking points to camouflage yourself from the mob. (I did that on Tumblr way back when. Not speaking up in the beginning on my actual opinions. Because I didn't want to "Rock the boat." But nowadays? 

We have to cause those boats to capsize. Hiding who you are won't be an advantage later. Don't apologize. Keep creating. Don't expect someone else to come in and make the comics, books, shows, movies ect that you want to see. We will have to make what we want. 

How is it worthwhile that one side can "proudly proclaim" X, Y or Z stances but the other side has to remain quiet to be "Polite?" 

Social Media has made people afraid. Not just of themselves but others as well.

Don't live in fear. Get out there and make more pulpy adventures of good vs evil happen! 

More Indie Publishing!



(Hope he's still planning that Space Opera) 


What still gets me about CON INC, the other side will share stuff with their platforms, this account has over 850k followers and say 2-3 % end up picking up that Wells book. That's still no small feat. 

Which is why I'll do my best to keep rotating and highlighting stuff here and on my blogs. Along with my youtube channel. One day I hope to have a big enough spring board to help #PulpRev make a dent into the cultural veil. 

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