Friday, June 4, 2021

The Uplift Protocol: Hidden Legacies Issue 15


Issue 15: The Throne Matrix


            I see now why the Weave wanted me to maintain this Throne. We are close to the boundaries of Edenverse. We will watch. The clock has yet to strike midnight.—Eliza Odessen

            Nola and I granted a burden. Such as it is. To everyone, Thomas laid down some orders, got the J’kua stone from Eliza, and then we all had a nice meal together. Thomas only leaves J’ino with Eliza if he and his Black Defender son have to do something dangerous. I never thought I’d say this but Good Luck to them both.—Anna

            I walk up shores of broken glass. It breaks with every step. But that is the lie that Unity wanted me to believe. I have never walked alone. I have always been here. The Path lay before me. The lights carrying me home. The Golden Path reforged. Unbent. Unbroken by the lies of the World.—Sleeping in Starlight, a memoir of the 22nd century.

United Earth Front Universe

The Throne of the Multiverse

August 28th, 3228 ATT (UEF Timestamp)


            Eliza Odessen sat upon the throne.

            For most onlookers, it was a great slab of black stone. With white markings running up the back of the headrest.

Its matrixes connected directly through her crown communicator. A thin cord of silver wrapped around her neck that ran up the back of her head to her forehead. It was different from what Eden Eliza would wear. The phalanx of guards lined both walls. Louis Lanis took up an overwatch position. He remarked, “I hope you find some good news in there.” She took a moment to raise her left hand from the sigils etched into the armrest. She squeezed his hand, “I’ll be back in time for dinner.”

            That was her wish. As she set her hand back down, the world faded away. A white room rose before her eyes. A chipper voice announced, “Greeting Thonebearer of Universe Designate Falconer. Under J’kau protocol, please provide mental bandwidth codifiers!”

            Her crown sent the proper handshakes. The room reformed. Taking on the aspect of a round table. Each of the 14 chairs was filled with a V’alkor from another Universe. Or the equivalent. At the head of the table sat a young man that Odessen recognized. The mirror of Edenverse. Dexter Murphy. His smile showing too many teeth. “Welcome.”

Eliza inclined her head at that. “Any updates on the dark sectors?”

            Universes overtaken by Unity.

            Thrones lost to the enemy.

            What would happen to everyone if they failed.

            House Cyphuskara had no idea. E’ratha wanted power.

            Genetic Purity.

            Not realizing that her House was a meat sack waiting to be filled with decay.

            Dexter waved his hand and a holo manifested.

            By the raw numbers, the side of the Weave still maintained an edge. Mostly due to hiding Eliza’s Throne Sight. Edenverse that is. Odessen was thankful she didn’t bear that cross. But that meant they would have to carry the burden in other ways. Over the intervening years, they had sent in UEF ships to Edenverse. To help them cull lost Artock. Ones that had no chance of restoration. The worker drones were another matter entirely. They still possessed that old spark of the soul. She jabbed a finger at one stat in particular. “Once that countdown reaches zero we will need Eliza to genuinely awaken. Otherwise, Unity will gain control through its Heralds. The Grays are not known for mercy.” Set wasn’t the only Gray Herald. He was just the most powerful. Being from Unity’s home universe gave him other advantages through the Dark Mirror Network.

            The Arcways: the Weaves counterbalance to that machination.

            Dexter tapped his fingers on the table rhythmically. Considering the current makeup of the Multiversal battlefield. Aether’s hologram phased in. His eyes locked onto the spinning cube within his upheld hand.

            “By making the Throne pathways across the multiverse we delayed Unity finding the new primary verse but that protection will be ending sooner than anticipated. When the stasis shield goes into effect, White’s reborn existence will be noted.”

            Dexter added, “Set knows that Black and White walk the Multiverse once more.”

            In her early adventures, his sister had not only breached the basic Uplift Sector shielding around Sol and its territories but had made some appearances in other universes. Subconsciously responding to people’s call for aid.

V’alkor of Universe Sector 7521 aka “Demiurge” drawled out, “Not only that but Eden E has met my granddaughter. The only other Eliza to wear the White. But it’s not of the same level as the primary. My granddaughter can enhance due to Scholar level Defender technology.”

That was news to Odessen. “I imagine the Ur took care of that memory for now?”

“Yes. But some of her friends remain in Edenverse. A certain Rune?”

Dexter clasped his hands together. Taking a moment before replying, “Yes. He currently guards the Fire Leyline with others from his universe. It will help center your Eliza when the time comes.”

Greeter’s voice cut through, “Crystal Coffin operating at 60% capacity. We will need those Typherian Light Sages.”

Odessen asked, “Will we need so many from across all Universes?”

Dexter leaned back into his chair. “Even with our worse case estimations, every demi or ally we can muster will be vital. When my sister finally Awakens and activates the Throne proper, it will be a clarion call to Unity. Bringing it right to our doorstep.”

Murphy hated keeping his Eliza out of the loop but paradoxically it was her wish.

Then again, he wasn’t the one fighting Unity across space and time. Merely preventing it from gaining access to souls already resting beyond the Gates of Death. His work was just as vital but along a different arena. The more Unity could eat, the stronger it got, even if those souls no longer had a physical shell.

He trusted his sister knew what was best.

As if the thought summoned her, there she was, beside him with that hazy shimmering meaning she was accessing this place through the Dreaming. Specifically due to the collective Dreamweave of the J’kua themselves. In those Typherian burial clothes. He winced. Tasting blood as he bit his lip at her fevered glances. She muttered, “Set wishes to take Black and White for his own. He already lays the knife at Thoth’s feet. To usurp the influence of the All-Father.”

She went rigid for a split second. Her remaining arm pointing at all of them.

“Shhh. Let the Herald of None sabotage the rest. He cannot claim that which has a soul.”

She turned on her heel and exited the room. The scent of white lilies filling the air.

Dexter knew that meant only one thing. He’d have to go check in on his human grandparents. Odessen sighed, “If she only knew how cryptic she’d get.” Others frowned but understood the frustration.

Dexter rested his chin on his fist. “Seeing how much is hanging on her overall Ignorance going into that battle? I’ll forgive her.” Aether snapped, his voice measured by past guilt. “Yes. It is horrible what we do to her mind. But if you placed all your battleplans into the one who has to deliver the blow, it will find a way out of the trap.”

Dexter shut his eyes. His sister was the ultimate Trojan Horse to the Dragon of Unity.

He wouldn’t even be angry if she ended up disowning them all after this.

In his heart, he knew she’d be the first to forgive everything.


            I ran a thumb across the refresher mirror. The smell of white lilies all around me. I linked into Jupiter’s coms, <<Call Gran Gran.>>

            Her dynamo masked face blinked into existence.

            <<Ha! Now my dear Bullet owes me one. Listen, when you go to that certain job,  bring me back these!>>

            It was different types of Forger plants.

            <<You got it!>> She blew me a kiss before she cut the connection.


            In the bedroom, Lorain stared at the writing on the desk pad, its words fading almost as quickly as they appeared.

            Your mirror stalks you within the shadow of the snake.

Its honeyed words will attempt to trick you.

Trust your belt.


            As the others winked out to rejoin the coil of their Universal spins, only Dexter and Eliza Odessen remained. He held out his hand, she returned it, shaking it firmly. “I know this seems like utter madness but Ur-Eliza isn’t just your sister. She has the Weave’s insight behind her. Whatever will happen during her death and rebirth will tie her to the foundation of Creation even more so than we mere Speakers.”

            She rubbed her forehead. “I see a path of Silver and Gold. They are the same. Your sister will bring the balance. But we must provide the groundwork. She will not walk alone.”

Gates of Creation

After Convergence

Time Redacted (Linking with Protectorate Archives)


Nola marveled at the golden plates floating beneath her feet. Each etched with the languages of all Light Shamans. The Ouroborous layer under that reinforced the song that cascaded outwards. Bestowing wonders upon all those whose who sought it for the right reasons. At the edge was Eliza Murphy. Silver Defender. All of the troubles had been worth it in the end. The Priestess saw it as she approached. A wave of calm welcome radiated outward. Eliza turned. Her gray eyes clear.

“How are the children doing?”

“Happy, healthy, and getting into all sorts of adventures.”

Eliza glanced back out to the star scape beyond the Gates.

She remarked, “Ever wonder what would have happened had I known the Path from the onset? Would I have remained myself? Or become that which devoured the Dawn?”

Nola responded, “If I had to guess? It would have cocooned you in a sweet lie. One that mimicked truth but would never be able to produce it. So yes, even if it did cause pain, it was wise to keep yourself in the dark.”

Eliza’s gaze hardened. “I would have come back and proven Anna correct. That just wouldn't do! I like to surprise her ever so often!” Paxton landed beside them. His Nephilim armor gleaming bright white in the aura of the Golden Path. His eyes smoldering with an inner radiance.

“Hey, kid! Seems we have finally found a proper use for the Ark of the Covenant.”

Revitalized Artock space manifested on the holo that appeared in his hands.

Eliza smiled. “Let’s go. We shall never leave anyone behind. Not if there’s a chance.”

Emerald K-9 trotted over to the group. He floated towards Eliza. Resting his head in her neck. Barking happily. <<I have brought friends!>> Eliza saw rows upon rows of Trouble and Gulliver’s children.

She laughed. The sound was bright and joyful.

“That should make all the difference!”





            My parents. Everyone who walked beside me was still checking.

            I didn’t have the words to explain everything. I don’t even think the Sleeping In Starlight retrospective could even come close. What would the future think of the actions of the here and now?  I know it was hard on everyone. If there had been another way, I would have certainly considered it, even if it would only spare them moments of pain. White would say I am missing the forest for the trees but could we have saved more had I allowed my younger self more leeway? Lorain’s yellow ropes pulled me towards the stars. <<Now don’t you start with that woolgathering! You did the best you could. Considering what you did was normally reserved for the Weave!>>

            She smacked my arm playfully as I got in close.

            <<You are the only one I know who constantly keeps trying to find the Good in everything. Even in situations most would run screaming from. >>

            Cooper butted in with, <<Yes! Very Bardaxian of you!>>

            Black recalled a time when that was considered a flaw by some parties.

            White padded along the Golden Path. Marveling at the course correction.

            Beyond its glowing patterns, a large crystallized dragon curled around the dome, its bright emerald eyes proclaiming, “Beware what lies beyond the lines of Creation.” Black squinted, his tiger form tensing as he saw shapes moving beneath that dome, even as dark as it was. He knew what resided in there. To balance out all the good in the world, evil still took shape, while those who committed it earned a spot within the dome. One face became clear as day. Black snarled, “May all you earned come forth 10 fold. Fallen Tin God.”

            The face disappeared. The multitude of eyes glaring at Black. He snarled. The sound echoing through the dome via the Crystal Dragon. The inmates quailed. Eliza ran a hand through Black’s fur. “The Cosmic Council awaits once more. Let’s go.”

            I  didn’t want to dwell on that Dome any more than required.


            Had it been enough?

She prayed it had.

            Lorain pointed. “There’s your nephew. Right on time.”

            The first Javelin off the line. It was marred with old battle scars.

            Eliza rose towards it. The spear shape a familiar comfort.

Jupiter Rising remarked, <<Captain Murphy, you better watch that wayward eye, I might get jealous!>>

            Eliza shook her head. Her voice warm, “I’d never do that to you Jupiter. I am a one woman ship. But thanks for the reminder!” Doc rolled her eyes, “Hey now! I’m the top turkey in this club!”

            Murphy responded with, “What’s this about sandwiches?”

            She dodged a yellow ball as Lorain mock growled, “And you are the head ham and cheese of the breaded brigade!”


            Aether watched through the Crystal Dragon. He was appointed Warden.

            He had specifically requested this position.

            He would not fail the Weave again. He opened a coms array to the Ur-Stone, the Watcher of High Heaven, connected to the Weave of the Markav Collective. “Relay current chronological packets. We must remain vigilant.”

            The various Light Shamans across the universe responded.

            Tomorrow would arrive.

            The Sentries would keep the fires burning.

            Project Olam would serve as a stark reminder.

The Jupiter Rising

Mishi Sector (Forger Homeworld: Nival)

August 27th, 2114


            The planet below was a verdant jungle world. With purples, yellows, golds, and oranges aplenty. I brought up the local flora and fauna list. Half of these would cause hallucinations in humans or bardaxians. Some of these were even used in Light Shaman rituals to connect to the Dreaming on a deeper level. There were no giant open oceans on this planet. Lakes, rivers and  small streams. A regular rainforest of possibilities. We hooked into the hab ring encircling the planet. For this trip, Mom, Eddie, Nola, and our Bardaxian friends would tag along. Valkyrie wanted to feel the solid pull of a planet under her paws again. While her mate just wanted to run. Sparta’s gray fur bristled.

            <<I smell Dark Shaman trickery!>>

            Beyond the walkways connecting the Jupiter to the Hab Ring I stretched out my senses.

            No heartbeats echoed back.

            I assumed cloaking.

            “Gear up people.”

            I knew arguing with Nola or mom about their “Baby on Board” status wouldn’t make a lick of difference but I did insist that they’d be in the middle of the group. The most protected. Sparta agreed.

            <<Cooper and I will guard them above all else.>> The Omega’s tone brooked no arguments. I wouldn’t have either of them have a miscarriage. “If things get too hot, you both portal out of here via Nola’s mirror. Got it?”

            They agreed. Mom responded, “Just as long as you promise to toss Doc in alongside us.”

            Lorain frowned. Not wanting to leave me open to an attack but acquiesced to the plan when mom pointed out, “If you go down? What happens if we don’t have the proper fallbacks to conventional wounds as well?”

            Augustus pawed at Lorain’s leg, <<I will help too!>>

            Eddie grumbled, “I think it would be best if those pregnant would stay behind. Yes, I am totally biased in this but I can see from the rigid postures here, short of gassing you two…..”

            Nola swooped in to hug her husband, “It's because I love you.”

            “See?  Mom and Nola are cut from the same cloth.”

            The shift in their emotional state was sudden.

            I knew mom hated being away from dad at a time like this so she did the next best thing. Ride herd on the rest of us.

            I linked with Jupiter, “When we get to the other side of the connector tube, I want you to break away from the Hab ring. Be ready for evac plan Delta.”

            Jupiter sent the proper codes.

            “Let’s go see what’s on the other side.”

Issue 14: Here

Issue 16: Here


  1. So Eliza had been hopping in other universes subconsiously? Intresting. Also the UEF is sending ships to the Edenverse? Makes me think why they never repeated their actions on Eden Typha so Eliza could jump to Scion and clean the Weave before Set and the All-Father could react.

  2. Well it has to do with the way people can jump through universes. Universes along the same thread or pull, can be reached easier. The Throne Matrix can help but: UEF universe is being sneaky about it. They converted their ships to look like Terran Alliance ships. Plus the UEF universe, Humanity is older than Typha there.

    Eliza Odessen is the Scion there now. Since Thoth killed the Ayeers of that Universe. She's basically doing Dexter's Job in the Throne matrix. More answers are coming soon. :D

    My basic setup for my chapters? Answer some questions and raise others.
