Saturday, June 19, 2021

The Uplift Protocol: Hidden Legacies Issue 22


Issue 22: Romance From Above


            Further diluting their actual Typherian heritage. Y’lansa’s brats will be half-formed mutants without any viability!—E’ratha of House Cyphuskara

             Boy was that a party. Mom didn’t let us stay for the latter half but I did manage to sneak in some extra fireworks!—Tobin Murphy

            A bright moment before the dark came rushing in. Orioh left the safety of Project Freefall and his particular Dweller Gate to save Gwen from additional folly. It nearly cost him his life. Unity had found a wedge to springboard chaos into my family. I knew Gwen did it out of concern for me and Dexter but it revealed, through her subconscious desires that the Prophecy was still in motion. That Unity had to find my brother. The Twin Suns had arrived. Soon the storm would find us.—Sleeping in Starlight, a memoir of the 22nd century

House Odessen

Typha (Argax City)

September 22nd, 2114


Y’lansa marveled at the Union bracket. Ta’len’s circlet didn’t have a gem but that was due to his Houseless status. She didn’t care. Made the contrast all the more striking. Eliza shook her head, “You are glowing Tea Lady!” Y’lansa mock growled, “Don’t you start!” She aimed a playful kick at Murphy’s shin. Odessen turned as her mate entered the room. Decked out in her House colors. Black, Green, and Yellow. Honor, Faith, and Purity. Her long strides were urgent as she closed the gap.

Another distant thought floated through her brain, why did Lorain have on within her bracelet then? It wasn’t a Typherian gem but it sparkled with an amber color. It was standard for women to wear bracelets while the men wore circlets. But her musings faded as her husband to be murmured, “Well now, aren’t you just radiant my dear!”


            Mom’s warm chuckle filled my mind, >>Ha! Looks like I won that bet. She’s more camera shy than Thomas is with public affection.<<

            I retorted, >>You had more years to work on father!<<

            Her mind dimmed for a moment, thoughts dwelling on Gwen, while I linked my coms to the Jupiter. <<VIP still in route?>> I asked this for Mom’s benefit as well. Jupiter’s prompt reply, <<Already aboard Captain. I suggest we move to a quieter patch of space first.>>

            I nodded, <<Understood.>>

C.A.P HQ North American Division

Earth (Florida)


Ith’aria Odessen watched the gala once more.

Florida was more bearable in the fall time. But she enjoyed the way the sun warmed her old bones.

            Her baby was getting married. A’tan was as dashing as ever. His leg wound no longer a concern due to Doctor Lanis. How she wished she could go to them. But the messages relayed back and forth soothed her soul. Mary stood beside her. Her blond hair resting along her shoulders for once. A quick trill caused the elder Lanis to frown, “Understood! Clearance request permitted. Good Hunting!”

            The Rear Admiral elaborated, “Gwen’s in more trouble than first thought. Anna specifically requested this. What was that girl thinking?!”  Ith’aria responded, “One does get used to the careful considerations of allies. Often mistakes are made with the best intentions.”

            Odessen prayed that Gwen Murphy would be spared more heartache.

            She was clever but her age often got in the way. Power could shield people but the opposite was true as well. It could warp people.

            ///Child, do not always place all your cards in the Weave Speaker set. That is a path Anna followed to her near ruin!///

            The response was near immediate.

            ///I know what I am doing! I’ll be more careful in the future! I know I can help. I just have to prove it!///

            Ith’aria linked to her daughter through the ivory ring provided.

            ///We must wake Gwen up. She is trapped in a false web. The other Speakers warned of this. This is why they do not dive deeply into corrupted Unity-controlled spaces.///

            Y’lansa shocked her mother with a direct mind to mind response, >>J’ino is already inbound to ride herd on her as well. Miss you. Horus recorded everything. And I do mean nearly everything. Including my dancing skills.<<

The Jupiter Rising

Main Docking Level


Orioh exited his transport vessel.

Made for traveling the Weave Space and FLT. He had used it to travel partway within cleansed territories. Using conventional FLT at the end. The sickness around Typha’s Weave was palpable. He hissed, “NO!” The signs were unmistakable. The Pale Ones continued to stalk the child. He shouted, “Ship! Warn your master.”


            My breath quickened.

Jupiter hadn’t even finished the alert. I entered the main docking umbilical and dashed to my ship. Pale Ones?

White snarled, <<Grotesque fishers for Unity. They find the souls of Weave Speakers irresistible!>>

            Mom paced outside the access point, >>Jupiter won’t let anyone else in!<<

            >>This is something White and I have to do mom. We’ll get Gwen back. I promise!<<

            As I entered the main rec area Comet dashed towards me. Circling, frantically beeping.

            >>It cocoons her! Jupiter locked off the washroom. Orioh is arriving! Wait for him. He knows of the things arrayed against Gwen!<<

            Horus joined us. <<We will guard the outer area. From my records from redacted, these creatures work in pairs. One to draw the soul out, the other to feed it to Unity’s dragons.>>

            As the doorways to the refreshers opened, I found Gwen sitting crosslegged, with Anna’s bible clutched in her hands. Strands of gossamer webs clung to her like a second skin. Two hazy shapes circled.

Orioh ented. His voice ragged, “Do not touch her body. They weave the cocoon already.” He pulled out the necklace with his teacher’s soul within it. Her voice bounced off the walls with a warcry, “Unclean Misasma, you will not have the little one, purveyor of Lies!”

The world shifted and we were within Gwen’s mindscape. Orioh thundered, “Do not look at anything here. We must find the girl before they encircle her soul.” White lines of energy covered my eyes. Bleaching everything from my sight. Orioh chanted, holding his Scythe aloft. Rhythmically thudding the ground with the rounded portion. With each strike, the pale ones emitted sequels of Black Scrawl speech.

I gritted my teeth. The twisted utterances clawing at my mind.

I clutched mom’s amulet. Praying with all my might.

I wasn’t a Light Shaman but wouldn’t sit out on this battle either.


            Gwen Murphy stared blankly. Tears flowing freely. The pale bird resting on the banister to her right cooed, “Yes. There is nothing but death for your dear sister. The brothers. Your family. But we can save them.” It nudged her hand. Its pitch black beak opening. Beedy dark orbs expanding. Too large for its face.

            “You only have to speak the words.”

            The 2nd bird, sitting to her left, warbled. “Yes. Give us the words. Let us see. We can help such a powerful Weave Speaker. Blessed of All. Who is the one clouded? We cannot see his face.”

            The scent of white lilies infused the area.

The familiar cinnamon wiff of H’itah.

Eliza’s voice rumbled through Gwen’s mind. She clung to it.

            Grant, O Lord, Thy protection and in protection, strength and in strength, understanding and in understanding, knowledge and in knowledge, the knowledge of justice and in the knowledge of justice, the love of it and in the love of it, the love of all existences and in that love, the love of spirit and all creation. Amen.

            The bird's stare bore into her yet she couldn’t speak the words. A trickle of warmth wrapped around her heart. Eliza’s voice came once more.

            We are here. Hold on!

            She shut her eyes.

            Words scattered. She would not speak.

            The Pale Ones hissed.


            I continued to pray.

            Even as my eyes bled from the Pale One's assault. They would not get my sister.

            Before us: Towering Black Spires. Gwen was teetering on the edge of a jagged cliff. The waves crashing below her. On either side was a smoky ghostly pale figure. Whispering incessantly into each of her ears. Orioh held the necklace aloft with one hand. Thudding the pole of his Scyth with the other. They turned. Void black eyes expanding to take up half their disfigured faces. Large gaping maws extending. Cobra’s fangs forming.


            “Ouuurrrs. Your god has no power here whelps!”

            Mom’s amulet vibrated. Waters fresh from Avalon spilled onto the ground. Every droplet rejuvenated the barren earth around us. They trembled. Repulsed by the radiant clean waters. Their arms raised as they shielded their faces. Orioh reached out with his right arm. The one which the necklace tightened around his forearm. His teacher’s voice rippling, “The Quickening! Invoke the Highest!”

            He spoke the Words.

            The world dissolved in a brilliant flash of golden light.


            Gwen blinked. The familiar weight of Anna’s talisman a comfort. Her eyes refused to focus. Head filled with gauze. The place where she should be able to connect to the Weave was sealed off. With an even more potent field than what Anna had erected.  Two forms were slumped against the far wall of the refresher stalls. She raced to them. The broader man, with the thick red beard, groaned. His right sleeve empty. She bent to pick up the fallen necklace. It reformed around her neck as her fingertips brushed the rough material.

            <<You owe a debt of soul and flesh young one.>>

            The Bible fell from Gwen’s nerveless fingers. Eliza wasn’t responding either.

Her cheeks caked with dried blood.

J’ino found them moments later. Yellow light filled the room. “Medbay! NOW!”

Lorain pushed one hand into each of their chests. Forcing Orioh and Eliza’s hearts to beat. Gwen bit her lip. The copper tang filling her mouth. The only sound was the frantic trill of the medical readouts.

The In-Between

Time Uknown


Orioh pulled himself up into a sitting position. A one-armed Eliza next to him. Her voice distant, “The Cliffs do not call to us yet dear friend.” She turned. He noted her garb. It was of Weave cloth. They had no idea who they protected. She smiled sadly.

“Not yet. Not even remotely. But that is the point. The Weave works in mysterious ways.”

He flexed his fingers. The right hand responded. He said, “I paid that toll. It cannot find your brother. Not yet. The one with Crimson Eyes will break upon your shores. Leading you to the Factory of Ruins.” Eliza nodded, “Such as it is.”

The Weave would collect its toll. Orioh knew this.

All Light Sages knew. But it was a special burden to Typherian ones.

Their souls could fall on the side of Unity or the Weave.

The white haze surrounding them faded. The last words upon her lips, “Gwen must seek the Waters of Life. Only then will that cut the cord connecting her to the Pale Ones.”


            I sputtered. Gulping in a lungful of air. Dexter and my father holding me down as I gained my bearings. Orioh touched my forehead, “Deep breaths. In and out. We are within the Halls of Healing.” The room spun. And I fell back into the gelled padding of the medical pod. At least it wasn’t the intensive care unit. Doc’s critical glance telling me it had been a prior arrangement once more.

            Gwen huddled in the corner. Not talking to anyone.

            I gripped the edge of the pod, gingerly swinging my legs over the side, mom, and Lorain insisting on helping me up. The world spin and I swayed. Attempting to float but my balance was off. Mom’s old amulet slipped out from my shirt. I asked, “Did you know what was inside it?” She pressed her lips together. Hesitating. Then, “Yes. Guinevere poured the waters of Avalon within. Telling me to give it to you when the time came.”

            I smiled weakly, “Well it came in handy!”

            Gwen choked back a sob.

            I pulled her into a hug. She remained curled up.

            “We will fix this.”


            Orioh stared at the message from his brother.

            ///By Iron and Fire we will destroy the shrouds of darkness.///

            He pulled Doctor Lanis off to the side, “Just how well have you mapped Typherian systems?” She gave a soft laugh, “Quite a bit. Both Commons and certain Houses.” He smiled, “I may need your services. My brother brings me a new kind of sacrament. One forged by the Sages themselves.” She eyed his empty sleeve.

            “Are you sure? We could probably regrow…”

He held up his remaining hand. “I am a Sentinel dear lady. I know what crosses I must bear!”  His new arm would destroy the Pale Ones circling Gwen Murphy forever. His remaining hand tightened on the hilt of his scythe. The Crimson Eyes of the All-Father reflected within the metals of the blade.

A storm was coming.

Issue 21: Here

Issue 23: Here


  1. Gwen's Weave Speaker status has been revoked. Though I wonder why nobodyjust shut off Anna's Weave sight like that? Also another left arm lost. Does the Weave has a bias agianst the left arm?

    1. Anna's intervention was at Project Freefall. Gwen is half Typherian so that caught the attention of the White Owls. Which is why C'tar and friends had their back and forth with the "Lord Of Chains."
