Monday, July 12, 2021

The Uplift Protocol: Point Of Origin Issue 1


Issue 1: The Gathering of Shadow


            Our home. To purge one corruption, another had to be expunged, one of our makings.—O’rioh

            Nola was busy with her children but made sure Eddie was on hand to help with the rescue. He had made more headway within the Freefall Project. As an advanced scout. It was good to see him again. Too bad it was under the auspices of another fight for the souls of the innocent.—Dexter Murphy

            A system with three habitable planets. 10 moons and a whole bucket of trouble. One moon in particular. Under the sway of the enemy. The Jupiter Rising and the Golden Redeemers would have their work cut out for them.—Commentary on the Past, Vol 12.

            So while the Arcways were important to a healthy Weave Space: It was a smokescreen. Vital but that was still a priority for my brother and me to clear out of other galaxies. The various temples of the Three were the barrier working alongside the Ouroborous to protect us from the folly of times past. Think of it as a firewall. The first level was normal space and the Dweller Gates. 2nd: The Arcways within Weave Space. The 3rd? The Ouro. With the final barrier being those curious temples. Hidden in plain sight as various religious iconography. Earth’s Laylines hid so much more than just the magical lifeblood of everything.  With what happened on Saturn? I wondered if all our planets within Sol held something important.  There are times when I look back and appreciate the simple, “Catch that crook!” Swooping in to save the day.—Sleeping in Starlight, a memoir of the 23 century (vol 2)


Command Deck

November 20th, 2115


Arthon examined the readouts.

With everyone settled down on Mars and beyond the ship had been repurposed to help the rescue fleet from Avalon. Alongside Union Bardaxian allies.  Proctor Gansys leaned back into his command chair. While Lady Sul’sandra oversaw the deployment of Muthra alongside her brother. Taleer’s yellow eyes narrowed, “We have incoming Swarm.”

That was the name for the White Owl drones throwing themselves at the shielding around the fleet. Small white cubes with tentacles.

What was with Unity underlings and tentacles?

Taleer snorted, “No imagination but that should be a boon for us!” Sul rolled her eyes at her brother’s remarks but replied, “Thank the Creator for small mercies then!”

Eliza’s voice reverberated over the feed.

“Trust me the insides are worse.”

Doctor Impossible swiveled in her chair.

She grimaced, “You know the drill. Decontamination Special!”

Lorain buried herself in analytical readouts as Arthon shot her an amused glance. “Oh? Is that all?” She crossed her arms, “Just what are you insinuating Light Bearer?” She stared directly at him. By the set of her jaw, Arthon knew Lanis expected teasing. Just this once he would surprise her.

Arthon winked, “Nothing but the best for you!”

Sul glared, “Children.” But the smile plastered there softened her criticism.

Doctor Impossible caught the release on her chair. “Permission to transfer to the Outrider?”

Sul replied, “Granted. I do not envy Eliza or Mr. Fletcher.”

USS Outrider

Terran Alliance Advanced Recon

The Bridge


Eddie hid a smile. Marshaling his face into utter serenity. While they had no Javelins within this initial fleet, they would bring them into the fray later. Once they established a proper beachhead. Next to him, J’ino shuddered. “Why does the universe have my daughter swallowed by such ugly things all the time?”

Eddie was decked out in his Puzzler gear. So from behind his iconic glass dome, “Besides White being an explosive element towards evil?” J’ino fired off another salvo at the Swarm. Waiting for Jonas to enlighten her. He smiled. His neatly trimmed red beard curling around his lips.

“Put Star within 5 light-years of anything that’s Unity made and watch the fireworks happen. Just a hunch but I think the Weave wants it that way.”


            Every “swarm” had a trigger. A Dark Shaman inscription that powered the annoying buggers. I found myself whirling my spear around the guts of a particularly juicy Swarm bot. Bio weapon? It was an odd mix of metal and physical matter I didn’t want to dwell on. Doc echoed my thoughts via Union circlet.

            >>Just once I wish these things were mundane. Like a mecha dinosaur. Or mad scientist with a lazer gun.<<

            I replied, >>These things have the hallmarks of Chronos influence. Keepers seem to love uncanny fleshy horrors.<<

            White demurred, <<Even though I don’t know what the conversation entails, can we please find this centerpiece, I hate Void Walker tech enough as it is!>>

            A pale green pulse ate away at my mental barriers. “Found it!” I stabbed it. The obsidian spear point impaled itself halfway up the spinal cord into the Swarm Control Unit’s mid-brain. It exploded in a shower of metal and flesh. I was free again. The vast tapestry of space was a welcome sight. Unlike the others, I wasn’t wearing my demi uniform but some old worn-out sweats.

Incineration, Man’s best defense against eldritch entities from beyond all known sectors!

Arthon assumed Doc would be giving me extra care. She would but the vital part?

Sample collection.

The joys of giving poor Mr. Ned Fletcher material to work with.

I floated towards the USS Outrider. A simple dagger shape made it stand out. The mark of the Terran Alliance foremost. With the symbol for the Union and US Flag on either side. Making a triangle. A bright white tractor beam drew me in. The familiar lights of the decon chamber opening up as the doors retracted inward.

O’rioh waved at me from beyond the glass. His voice serious, “I wish you had been able to show up sooner. But my brother’s Sight sessions with the Highest forbid it.” I nodded. Watching as Lorain brought out the clippers. The clothing wasn’t as important.

Lorain paused, her eyes wide, “You wore that?!”

I grinned, “Yup!”

Under the muck was an old faded slogan.

Demis Are Trouble. The Banner most of All.

It also had my emblem on it with a giant red circle with a line going through it.

Anna’s legacy would live on.

Through the visor of her suit, I couldn’t help notice that she was tearing up. I liked the way her nose scrunched up when she was holding back a laugh.

“I seem to recall I ordered Jupiter to collect as many of these old sweatsuits as possible. Have to make a statement after all!”


A few hours later we were on the surface of Whitehome. After the swarm clean up the Arcane Council had sent in an O’Neil Cylinder. To serve as an Operations Hub. The official story? I was out surveying new sectors of the Milky Way Galaxy. Recently discovered. Since Dexter and I were of the same height, it was easy with some holo tech to sell the story. Since we shared some demi powers he was the obvious choice to pull off that maneuver. Blue Blaze appeared in a blink, “This place is amazing! They have trillions and trillions of people between all 3 planets.”

Each one was connected via a space train. That’s how I thought of it. But it moved goods and people between each planet. The Terran Alliance techs were already examining everything they could. Three of the 10 moons were habitable. I asked O’rioh, “How is that possible? Is there a time dilation effect in play here?”

He nodded. “For every year you spend within this place? 12 hours pass outside. The Highest willed it. So we could live and prosper. For the day of Convergence.”

Meaning we would need the manpower.

Yet beyond this system lurked the Keeper machines that kept these people corralled.

C’alain reached out. His words for me alone.

It means the enemy found ground somewhere within the fabric of this place.

Troubling indeed.

The Temple of the Three

Whitehome, City of Light

Terran Time Syncing       

The High Seer shouted, “Welcome home Brother O’rioh.” I noticed none of the Typherians here had mental voices. Mom caught my line of thought, >> It's refreshing. But I have no idea what kind of reception we will have. I'll keep my mind speak on the back burner for now.<<

            The high seer was stooped with age. His face heavily lined. He peered up at me, “The Blood of C’alain returns to us. Eyes touched by the divine.” He meant the gray of my eyes. Typherians held it sacred. His eyes were a warm golden color. I reached out to shake his hand. He smiled. “AH! New ways of greeting!” His manner and emotional aura were open. No deception in his eyes. I breathed a sigh of relief. No hint of corruption. Doc floated towards the glass domed ceiling. His robes were simple. With protection circles on the sleeves and chest. White with blue edging.

            His hands trembled. I waved Doc over. She rested a hand on his head. He beamed at her. “I have seen many 100’s of turning. I am not afraid.” She nodded, “It’s a bit of arthritis.” Her healing poured through him. His face relaxed momentarily. “Ah! A very rare power.”

            O’rioh placed a fist over his chest, “Forgive my manners. This is Father C’tar. High Seer of the Sages.”

            The old man let out a cheery laugh. “It is no secret of import! Welcome home Scion of C’alain. I wish it was under better circumstances.”


            J’ino noticed a group of women staring far too long at Gwen. She motioned to Thomas. He rested an arm about Gwen. Making sure to bring Tobin and Jace along. The women faded into the background. Eliza had noticed this as well. Her voice raised, “Let’s go set up our embassy. “

            I’rioh frowned.

Signing to C’tar, The Weave closed the girl off to protect her. She is not fallen. Though the women will not understand. The Blind Path will not take kindly to her presence.

            The patriarch nodded. Signaling back, The Priesthood agrees. We will place an extra guard on this Gwen. We thank you for telling us. It will avoid bloodshed. I realize the Blind are harsh but Unity is very disastrous. Even more so for women.

            C’tar sucked in a breath. We will speak more on this later.

            While most of their people were kind and diligent the Blind Path was ruthless with cutting out Unity influenced individuals. They did not believe in second chances. O’rioh suspected a darker purpose. But it would be unwise to say it here. When they were all within the confines of the Embassy. Yet the very name of that group was an affront to the Weave.


            I followed C’tar. He had set aside buildings for us to use. Our people were bustling about. Getting the equipment ready. I ducked inside. Grinning ruefully when I had to duck lower to avoid beaming myself on the door frame. I sat on the chair. While he took the bed. White covered the room. I said, “Those women aren’t women.”

            The High Seer’s face fell.

Not in shock or dismay but with confirmation. “Yes, they are the outer hooks for the White Owls. My brotherhood has maintained the Vigil but that now falls to you. White Defender of Life. Will you help us?”

“Of course. Gwen will need more protection. But I think I am starting to realize a bit of the Weave’s plan.”

His eyes darkened. Worry radiated outward.

“To ask this of one so young? But I see your point, Eliza Murphy. Your sister is the bait. We must be the fire.” The sounds outside resumed as White retracted her shielding.

O’rioh ducked in. “Orders?”

C’tar smiled. Devoid of warmth.

“The Wheel turns.”

That phrase meant something to O’rioh. His back stiffened.

“By your command!”

Let the new set of games begin.


The women raced through the city, bringing crumbs back to their master.

They sang, “The White Mother is here. With outsiders.”

The Lord of Night waved them away, “As foretold. Odd that Set didn’t give earlier warning through the Mirrors.” He had been known by many names. Lord of Chains, Soul Stealer, Devil. None of those titles mattered. He was as Night was to Day. He would devour it whole. He would take his revenge on C’alain’s brood. No matter the cost. 

Prologue: Here

Issue 2: Here


  1. So the Season 2 theme of Gwen Murphy must suffer continues. First a man looses an arm to save her, she looses her Speaker powers and now she's bait. First throw her under the bus then back it right over her for the encore. lol

    1. It will get better. Her arc, part of it I got from certain aspects of what Edmund did in Narnia. She made a mistake but in the end will be instrumental in fixing things.
