Monday, August 23, 2021

The Uplift Protocol: Point Of Origin Issue 14

Issue 14: A Martian Sunrise


            While the face of Illarium was reborn, mysteries abounded under the surface of our planet. Ones that we would be foolish to ignore.—Taleer

            C’tar gave us a contingent of Light Sages. While our Shamans take up arms against what is prowling out in the deep dark, Emry has brought an anomaly to our attention. Ghostly lights within the depths of the planet. Under the Ruins of the old Hightower site. We had converted it to a museum so those could see the sacrifices made.—Sul’Sandra

            Paxton joined Sul, Taleer, Emry, and Stardancer. That was the name Emry had given to his Bardaxian Shiba friend. What rested within those lights? More paths. More questions and answers and a way to connect to the Path of Ancients. The 42nd century would have a field day with this as well.—Sleeping in Starlight, a memoir of the 23rd century (vol 2)



Northern Reaches (Mars)

January 14th, 2116

            Paxton bent down.

Taking the Shiba Inu into his arms. “Well now! That’s quite the collar!”

In bold Markav Lettering, the tag proclaimed Stardancer.          

The Bardaxian pressed a paw to Paxton’s chest. Sneezing in the process.

<<Thank you! Emry fashioned it for me. He is quite the artisan now. Mostly woodworking and making Mishari.>> That explained the duel flutes on the Shiba’s back satchel.  The Markav had many similar instruments to humanity. Made for four fingers but both civilizations had enjoyed a musical revolution. Emry said, “Honored to have you here Detective!” The Markav boy had grown. Over 6ft. With the rare golden within golden eyes of a Markav Light Shaman. Argus suspected that the Markav Collective had the lion’s share. Those gates were barred for now. Emry tugged at his beard. A dark silky black. “Think this will help me win battles against Taleer and Sul?”

Stargazer replied, <<Not likely but many women sure to seem to like it!>>

Emry snickered. A strange sound for such a barrel-chested Markav. Paxton didn’t know what kinda cows they had on this planet but Emry must have eaten the whole herd. Taleer clapped the young man on the shoulder, “If you would pay attention in class….”

It was said without any real heat. Emry bowed. Fist over his heart, “I hear you, teacher. Mother Sul on the other hand, would have my hide flying across the highest towers!” As if summoned Sul’sandra appeared at the entrance.

“We must leave for the Hightower site. “ She shook a finger at Emry.

“Already giving your Uncle a hard time?”

Emry planted a polite kiss on his mother’s right cheek as he greeted her.

“Of course!”

Paxton said, “It has been a while.” Remembering the first adventure they had on Mars. They hadn’t mentioned anything to anyone for years. The shouts, blood, and terror. Seeing the Void Walkers in action. Paxton lit a cigar. Letting the cherry aroma soothe his nerves. What would he see now that he was fully awakened? The sounds of the bustling district faded as they entered the shuttle.

Stargazer curled into the crash seat next to Emry, <<Whispers in the dark!>>

Emry folded his arms across his chest. Resting a leg against the sidewall.

“I have no doubts.”

He wouldn’t let the terrors of Sister Nyx keep him from protecting Illarium.


Northern R’thath, Hightower



            The building was a cobalt coloration.

Silver inlaid doors opened to reveal statuary depicting that final stand of Executor M’tak and his men. His Simbak was thrust forward. Its crystal impaling three Void Walkers. Sul paused to rest a hand on the plague. “I wish we could have saved you that day.”

In a shadowed alcove two sets of silver eyes watched.

Careful of the Nephilim's aura.

They had finally noticed.

The Heda, the Lead Pair of their world would be pleased. They waited until the awaited party left. Seeking the tunnels below the revitalized Martian landscape.

Two forms padded silently after.

Illarium (The Heart of the Markav Hegemony )

Recorded Time Marker: 100 AFC (6 billion years ago)


            M’tak hurled rubble off his coms officer. At’lan had managed to break orbit. While the remaining Markav fleet shielded it. He clutched his side. Certain that his ribs were broken. A medic’s rifle beam fell upon his face. He winced but ambled forward. The smoke stung his eyes. His niece was safe. That was all that mattered. There was only one hope left for him and his men. They traveled deeper into the complex. Only two dozen remained of his forces. They crept along. Hands clenched around their Simbaks.

The cryo chambers opened. The vibrations causing the survivors to fan out.

Afraid that the disturbance would summon Walkers. 

It was a long shot but better than nothing.

He activated the code, “Final Rest. May the next Cycle find us.”



            Paxton hissed, “Look!” Ahead were lights. Ghostly pale things dancing between the desiccated tunnels. He crouched next to Emry, “See any scrawl?”

            The younger man sucked in a breath. “Nothing. If it helps, I don’t sense any malice from these entities.” Paxton clutched his head. Leaning against the rocky lining of the cavern system. Shadowed forms raced past him. Echoes of the past. Death lingered here. Paxton moved forward. Taleer was on rear guard. Stargazer kept his nose to the ground. His ears quivering. If there was danger here he wasn’t able to perceive it.

            Based on scent alone: they were the only living things for miles.


            The two figures kept their distance. Tasting the auras of the people. Just as they had so long ago. They found the blood flowing through the female to be connected to the larger Harka they had protected.

Curious. The Silver threads pooled around this party so brightly they nearly rivaled the Rulers themselves.

            They could stalk or scout any area. Their pads left no mark.

            The Bardaxian wouldn’t have anything to sense them with. Unlike the half-human male with them. So they waited. Follow the pretty lights indeed. It was time for the Icath to join this fight in earnest. One had to make an entrance though. They represented the  Heda. The White King and Silver Queen. The smaller female purred, her silver eyes narrowing as she considered the one they called Emry. That one was the most dangerous of all. How unusual! To find a Light Walker aura so powerful. One who could perceive the threads of Creation and perform the Rites of Renewal!

        The male traced the threads.

Finding that the Bardaxian had similar abilities to Emry.

Many things had changed over the eons since they visited.

Trusting their emissaries on Earth to keep up with current events.

Ta’mathon had even favored one Icath. Seeing it as the road between the Underworld and the living. That human had been specially enlightened. Their tails twitched as they passed the narrow archway. They heard Sul shout, “There are active cryo pods here!”

Two feline faces faded through the Dreaming.

Gently probing the souls residing in the cryo tubes.

Reading them for the awakening.


            M’tak coughed. His vision blurred.

            He pushed against the cover of the cylinder by habit.

His dark green skin still bearing the marks of prior battle. The faces of the unusual animals were fresh in his memory. They had called themselves Icath. Emissaries from across the galactic plains. It was all gibberish to him. It would have been something Sul would have been fascinated by. The internal timekeeper made his brain freeze.

He had been in cryo for….

He nearly passed out.

Not possible. Even with their advanced tech.

The Icath’s words came to him then, “We shall shift you through the Sands.”

His eyes widened as the cylinder opened.

A shadow framed in the low light of the tunnel.

Two velvety growls manifested. “We have done as promised.”


In Orbit


            I heard the excited yelp of a particular Bardaxian.

Sul’sandra’s heartbeat concerned me. It was galloping. Doc had no time to process all this as I took her into my arms. >>Pop and tuck!<<

Her Defender shielding snapped into place and the world below us blurred. The Amache followed. Their shadowed forms phasing through me. Another link. Their voices blurred. Convergence.


The In-Between.

Your brother knows.

            Emry waved frantically. Sul was on the ground. Doc reached out. Her powers flooding the old Markav’s system. The man emerging from the cryotube wasn’t familiar. Not at first. Then I saw the foggy line of recognition. Two panthers nuzzled my hand. Around their foreheads were purple gems. Not connected to a circlet. Those gems were a part of them.

            With a heavy accent, the male proclaimed, “Slumberer. We are glad you are here. This would be a shock to many.”

            Emry exclaimed, “She nearly had a stroke! A warning would have been preferred!”

            Doc’s face relaxed as Sul groaned.

            “She’s out of the red.”

            A rumbling gravelly tone from the larger Markav, “I am M’tak, High Executor of Illarium. What cycle is this? “ His eyes were glazed over. Doc keyed in on him. Resting her hands over each orb.

            “This is gonna take a while.”


            Taleer carried his sister to the surface. Star took point. Listening to the heartbeats of the Icath that padded alongside. How had they not detected them?!  He called out to Star, “Eliza!” She turned, her eyes darting about. She said, “I know. How did they do it. I cannot say for now. Since the alliance negotiations are ongoing.”

            The felines inclined their massive heads.

They were nearly chest level to Eliza. More akin to the size of Earth horses. Lorain pressed a green gloved hand to Sul’s chest. “She’ll be fine. No permenant damage.” Taleer nodded. His features were composed. There was no way the Doctor could fail. Not in his eyes. Star watched as Emry guided M’tak. The cloth wrapped around his face shielding his healing vision. His remaining crew had expired in the long sleep.


            I asked again.

Sub audibly through the Dreaming, “Why didn’t you save the rest with him?” I kept the accusation from my tone. Dampening my emotional indicators. I was heartsick. Those ancients had survived a horrific battle only to lose the toss against tech vs time. The Icath took notice. The male’s aura dipped. Regret coloring the air.

Its hue sour against my mind.

The female’s contained regret.

            “We didn’t have enough Singers with us.TO pull more through the Threads. We can only go forward in time. As you count it. Not back. Either way. Starvation or the Long Sleep. No death can be a good death in that instance.”

            The female yowled, “Very few of us can Sing. It is dangerous. The Highest is the only one that can be everywhere at once. Even the Weave doesn’t cover the full tapestry!”

            I winced, “Forgive me. I only wish…”

            The Icath rubbed their jaws against my arm. The forgiveness rolling off them.

            They had seen too much at the hands of Unity.

            The fact that their leaders sent them here was a sign of great faith.

            I would remember that in the future.

            I asked, “By what name should I call you?”

            The male responded, “I am Uthway. This is my sister. Giana. We are…” He grinned. His pearly white fangs gleaming in the semi-darkness, “the children of the White King and Silver Queen. The spare to heirs as you humans put it.”

            Giana winked at me. “Or in your case, half cream? Half sugar.”

            Somehow my universe included royality of all stripes. Doc got wind of my current thoughts and booted me in the rear playfully. “I know that look Cornfed.” Emry held back a wheezing cough. Mom took that moment to interject.

            >>How is it that you find anyone and everything that has some sort of royal connection? Is all of the cosmos filled with princes and princesses at this rate?<<

            I responded, >>Says the space princess 1.0!<<

            She tsked me, >>Young lady. That is a 3rd-degree sass infraction. Your father is Texan Royalty!<<

            I retorted, >>Egyptain Royalty!<<

            Zach butted in with, >> So does that mean America has to denounce you now? You technically are 2/3rd royal.<<

            This debate took another 20 mins. As we pulled open the plating to return to the service areas of the Hightower site, Taleer remarked, “Welcome back Executor.”     

Uncle Paxton’s face was a mix of amusement and concern, “Looks like we have another meeting to go to. Sul will need to be present. At’lan’s calling!”

            This day would be one for the record books.

            M’tak removed his fold. Staring out into the Martian sunrise. Tears falling.

            “Illarium lives.”

            That one line caused me to gaze out at the landscape before me.

            Illarium was a pristine world. Green flooded across its surface. Water rushing in great rivers and oceans. Endless calls of wildlife. I said, “A jewel.” M’tak bowed his head. “By the Grace of the Wall and all that Endure. The Exodus Bore Fruit.”

            It hit me then, “You were part of the original exodus from the—“ He cut me off with a sharp glance. His eyes snapping to my face. Then to my waist. Understanding flickering there. “Indeed.” He put a finger to my lips.

            The Icath sat down. Their tails flicking back and forth.

            The sun continued to rise.

            In my H.U.D, a message pinged.

            ///Trust yourself.///

            No signature.

            The glint of At’lan’s probes registered.

            A hint of Black Scrawl on the foremost in the triangle formation.

Issue 13: Here

Issue 15: Here

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