Sunday, August 29, 2021

The Uplift Protocol: Point Of Origin Issue 17

Issue 17: Augustus and the Icath Connection


There are very few sightings of Icath Singers. For most of the Universe, they are migratory. Appearing in various Uplifted Colonies or mainline worlds but with no home to call their own. At least from what my Bardaxian contacts say.—Augustus

            Eliza Murphy knows. How can she not? Yet we cannot tell her from what era we hail from. That is guarded. We guide our people throughout the ages. Until we meet on the very day of our birth. It is on that day Singers leave their mortal coil. Returning to the Sacred Cycle.—Uthway

            The Icath. Their Singer’s burden was great. They grow within their time. Then are sent back. To the primordial. To guide the rest of their people towards the future. The only thing I know: they are from beyond the 42nd century. No wonder they integrated with the Golden City. Ta’mathon has more mysteries up his sleeves.—Sleeping in Starlight, a memoir of the 23rd century (vol 2)

Western Reaches(Golden City Ruins)


T-Minus 29 days


            Augustus pawed at the ground.

            The symbols on the sundial were set to a Noon position. After unearthing a good amount he shifted the sands. His telekinetic field clearing every grain until a partial temple ring was uncovered as well. He tilted his head to the side. At the apex was the figure of a feline. Similar to the Icath they had found on Illarium. Judgment rested a hand against the hieroglyphics.

            “Those who walk the sands know the threads of Life and Death are but a mirror. The Future is set. All we do is walk the Path.”

            J’ino picked up the corgi. “Is that supposed to be reassuring?”

            Ta’mathon formed next to the group. “It is both. A warning and reassurance.”


            Thomas entered the cavern under the statue’s vigilant gaze.

            Golden sparks danced from torch to torch. J’ino a few steps behind him. Augustus trotted ahead. Then paused. Lifting himself into the air. <<There are mechanisms in here! Metal not of Earth!>>

            J’ino said, “Not of Typherian make either.”

            As they reached the ground level a mosaic formed along the walls. The word for Artock rising above the rest. The Golden City had gone to war with the Aztecs of the New World. Murphy knew that Chronos and Ishtar featured heavily. This planet had been embroiled for far longer than most realized. He traced a thumb against the stonework. A hidden archway rose. Dust and time flowing from it.

            As he entered a lone sarcophagus was positioned at the center.

            The lid rolled back with smooth precession and a lean white panther exited.

            Its yellow jewel catching in the low light of the room.

            The feline stretched. Bones popping. He shook his massive head, “It has been many long years. Projections into the Deep. Ahh. The Father arrives. As predicted. With the Lady of Change.”

                He tested the air. His nostrils inhaling great gulps. “Ta’mathon! HA! You did listen. Very good!” As the pather approached Murphy saw the tattoos along the legs and chest.

The former ruler of the Golden City bowed, “Ptah how good to see you once more old friend.”

            The double being. Dwelling in multiple plains.

The Icath circled J’ino. “Not slowing down are you?” The panther hummed, “Many children in your future. Provided Eliza’s aim holds.”

            J’ino drew herself up. A small smile blooming.

Thomas pulled his wife to his side.

            “Doc assures me the cryo net will hold.” She had found a way to hold babies in status. It wouldn’t be the safest time for them to raise another child. Victor was enough of a handful as it was and in that case, they had V’alkor and M’taris backing them.

As far as daycare duties went. So this delay was the compromise.

J’ino asked, “Did you know a demi called Bastet?”

The white-furred head dipped, “Indeed.  Many helped the Golden City behind the Veil. This place is only a shade of its true power.” He touched the right side of the wall. Revealing another room. Within was equipment equivalent of Typha. Chairs formed from the ground.

“I will show you my journey through the Sands.”

Icath Omnisphere

The Dias of Threads

Date Redacted


The Singers prepared for their journey. He was not yet named but that would come with the Unwinding. The long road. From birth to oblivion they danced along the corridors known only to Black. Yet even he had to hide. The Icath would prowl the halls of history. Guiding time along the eddies the Weave and Highest provided. The twin siblings of the lower royal line bowed. “We know our path. We must bring forth the past to the rusted plains!” Their fur dark as the void itself.

Just so. The balance would be maintained.

He entered the projection orb. Time slowed. An endless number of Ouroborous’ spun against his eyelids. The vibration of one pulling at him. The sharp hot winds engulfed him. His new body clawed its path to the surface. A yellow sun warmed this place. A bright blue sky. The distant roar of water. This was a dessert but an oasis was near. His paws moved. The gravity of this place was unfamiliar. Beating against his skin.

He moved slowly. Acclimation would take time.


            Isis let the camels drink. They had found more of the Gray Watcheyes. Taking them from the air was still a matter of timing. They had to wait until the metal shifted. To accommodate the air around the holy golden city. The sky devils wanted information. Ta’mathon’s orders were clear: Destroy their eyes. Blind them.

Thoth’s armies had been formidable but these devils wanted to remain unfathomable. She whirled. Staff in hand as a giant cat crested the dunes. Fur as white as the snowy mountaintops. She had seen far-off places around the Earth. Due to the Leylines infused with magic. Yet this one was not of Earth. He carried with him a burden. She shouted, “Do you walk within the Void?!”


            The Icath Singer paused. Studying the person before him. Her armor was elegant. A mix of silver and gold. What he assumed were holy marks dotted her lower clothing. She could see the Threads!

Even tap into some. His jewel glinted.

Sending out waves. Within moments he had the rudiments of her language.

“I am star friend. From outer planets.”

The woman held that staff before her. Yet didn’t advance.

“Who sends the Gray Watcheyes?”

“Void Walkers. Hidden Eyes. From the Path of Ruin.”

The Icath watched as the woman considered his words.

Finally, she said, “I am Isis. I will take you to the Golden City of Ammu Sul.”


            Auggie circled the cat. <<Why do Bardaxians warn us of your kind? Maybe caution would be a better word.>>

            The Icath nudged the corgi with one giant paw, “It is in our nature. The Bardaxians guard the faith of the Weave and the Highest. We guard the Lower Path. That which remains Unseen. That which Eliza Murphy shall walk. That which the 42nd shall bring back into balance.”

            Thomas said, “The 42nd. I have seen this mentioned before. Are they here now?”

            Ptah nodded. His teeth bared in the equivalent of a smile, “They learn through the lens of possibility. Threads are already bound. We are set upon the Path.”


            The observer who had handed Eliza that note from herself reviewed this scene over and over. Hoping to catch a glimpse of what his people would have to do during the Solstice. He highlighted the old Icath Singer. Ptah was the first and last. The first singer to travel forward from the primordial. His body existing in and outside of time. It was more than Astral Projection. He couldn’t imagine it. Being born so far in the future. Sent back to the beginning then propelled forward in time until you met yourself at the moment of your creation.

            The Icath Singers.

No wonder they understood Eliza Murphy in the way few really could.

 Maybe even more than she understood herself.

He watched as the Curator entered the field.

“We need to drop another letter.” He handed it over.

Eliza’s familiar script upon its surface.


            Augustus barked. Digging at the ground.

            <<Eliza is here!>>

            J’ino said, “I just checked HeroNet. She’s working with Paxton on that drug problem. What are you going on about Auggie?”

            The corgi dug straight down. Little legs kicking up a storm.

            Eventually his tan and white head resurfaced. Triangular ears flickering. A letter in his jaws. Carefully protected by telekinetic shielding. She took the paper. Unfurled it.

            The 42nd century will walk the Path of Ancients.

It is the original corridor of planets from the first age of Creation. Make sure I meet Ptah within the Gates of the Golden City. Not of the Earthly plain but within the Weave.

I am no longer Slumbering.

            Augustus grinned, <<Can I come! Please?! I have never seen the Golden City!>>

            Ptah headbutted the small dog. Gently.

            “Yes, little one. You may join me.”

Downtown New Ashbury

NAPD Supply Depot

T-Minus 29 days


Mom called out, “Got a lead for you Space Cadet!”

I gently set down the remaining evidence from the warehouse.

One of the glass cylinders recovered that had held a majority of test subjects. Lorain pushed me over to mom, “Get cracking!” Her half smile tugging at my heart. I couldn’t pin it down but I knew she was perturbed by someone or something about this drug. Mom took my hand and practically dragged me out of the bay. My father was waiting by a TA shuttle. I climbed in. I might be the Banner but I enjoyed all sorts of flying. My parents strapped in and we took off. The coastline of Texas falling away. The dark of space replacing it. We were heading out system. Dad lifted a finger, “ Di’axi and a few others are waiting for you at the Void Line.”

Mom pressed a hand to my Banner chestplate. Using matter manipulation to examine the material. I told her, “I won't take it off unless you say so!” Her face relaxed. Her old Amulet. It had saved my bacon once already.

I passed along messages from my HUD. Mom laughed.

Delight etched on her face.

Victor was already manipulating matter into tiny ducks. Their sandy features holding against the waves. Gulliver positioned behind him. Like a proud uncle. I wondered how Jacob and Samantha were doing. The Terran Alliance had sent them out on a survey mission. I linked to their private coms.

///How is everything?///

Jacob’s reply was brief.

///About as well as expected! See you topside!///


            The observer had a name of course. Murphy had overhead his codename when she first arrived at the CTT. But he preferred the nickname for now. Better for those to make assumptions than glean other truths for the moment. Within the compartments of that amulet were materials that would assist Eliza. Not in the realm of the Living. It would be needed. He accelerated the Time Reel. Viewing the final blow against Unity in a new light.

            Eliza wasn’t just being prepared for encasing Unity.

            She was helping them as well. The future Threads.

            They would have to be ready.

            To save the future, they must protect the present. Preserve the past.

            He turned to the White King and Silver Queen.

            They had chosen to reappear within the 42nd century.

            They turned away. The iris to Eliza’s temporary quarters opened.

            Convergence inched ever closer.


            I looked up from my desk. Another holo recorded. I was up to 12 volumes now. The 42nd century didn’t joke around. They wanted all the details. No matter how minuscule.  A lion and lioness entered. Their faces were as familiar to me as my own hands.

I reached out. “I have no words to express my gratitude.” They headbutted me.

            No words were needed.

            I had never walked alone.

            I would return to my time reforged.

            The Vigil remained.


Issue 16: Here

Issue 18: Here


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