Friday, September 17, 2021

The Uplift Protocol: Point Of Origin Issue 26


Issue 26: The Witching Hour


            There are things I cannot speak of. All history will know is that I succeeded. By “healing” the All-Father, I planted a fault within his Dark Mirror network that allowed my allies to perform an opening salvo that would be remembered. It would be a fire to reforge the Universe and those who resided beyond it.—Lorain Lanis

            What do you want from these archives? Answers? Validation? The past already went through its crucible. Now we must close the gap.—Observations on the 42nd century

            If I had known her mission? I would have found a way to follow. It's why they kept it from me. I found out later of course. The mummy flaunted it. Parading around that wound. That dread of not knowing. Yet if Lorain had kept her Union bracelet? The All-Father and his ilk would have destroyed it to make me believe her dead. That pit would have swallowed me whole. Who knows what would have emerged from such a scenario. I am glad I never found out.—Sleeping In Starlight, a memoir of the 23rd century (vol 3)


Whitehome (Edenverse)

Hall of Whispers

T-minus 2 days


            C’tar bowed his head, “This place will offer insight.”

The doorway was etched with symbols that changed every few minutes. Lorain phased through the arcway. White ripples of energy hitting my face. I moved to follow. C’tar raised a hand in warning, “Take only what you need from the Hall.”

I didn’t understand. Not yet but nodded anyway.

            The energy rippled through my body. We found ourselves overlooking a wide expanse of ocean. The cliffs littered with new growth. Sparks of yellow light rained overhead. The black of space surrounded us. I pulled Lorain to my side as our bodies became transparent. We phased through broken hulls of Artock ships. Their new raider design was in the shape of a half-moon.

Lorain pointed, “What planet is that?!”

With her other arm, she gripped my belt tightly. Afraid she’d float away.

            Below us was the curvature of a vast world. Four times the size of the earth. Flashes of energy rippled outward as massive T-shaped ships ripped the Artock apart. Lorain shouted, “That us!?” Like she almost didn’t believe it. At the center of the swarm was Lorain in her Defender getup. Half of my uniform was my Banner outfit while the other half was White’s armor molding over the remaining. Arcs of white fire lanced out as her energy sliced through the enemies. Lorain groaned. My knuckles were bloodied. Cracked. Hulls of Null ships floated around us as well. It was an all-out war. Other demis appeared through energy portals. Adam Lazer. My father. Di’axi. Matarn and another woman I recognized from my dreams.


More Scholars poured through the gates.

            We were within touching distance of our vision selves. My eyes were bloodshot. Like I hadn’t slept in ages. My one hand was bleeding. Holding a bit of energy whip at bay. The All-Mother’s expression was pure rage. On the other Lorain, her hair was shorter. Almost as short as mine was. There was a weight to her gaze. There was a scar on her lower lip. It ran down to her chin. A hideous mummy was attempting to encircle us with its ragged strips of cloth. It was screaming obscenities at us. Its curses sparking against the Light Shaman wards. My brother appeared. His white trident cutting through the whip and rags alike.

            Not as Dawnbreaker but as the Black Defender.

            It had the 3 golden circles upon his chest. With white highlights along the arms and chest. Behind him, more Terran Alliance ships jumped in. The Javelins fully revealed. This was the end. The fight for the Collective would be the final turning point.

Thoth shouted, >>Our Blood for Unity!<<

            His gray armor splintered. His eyes filled with crimson fire.

            He was the All-Father. Yet not. The mirror within the mirror.

            I could hear only one word from the All-Mother, >>Vendetta!<<

            Clawed weapons hissed. Malice dripping from the ends of their jagged points.

            Thoth darted in, murder plain on his features, >>It is my dominion now! The Slumber wasn’t meant for you!<<

            A wave of pure energy carried us away.

            Doc buried her head against my chest. When she looked up at me her eyes were wet with tears. I picked her up and carried her.

            The fresh scent of flowers pulled me along. The ground was damp with morning dew.

            A small cottage dotted the landscape. I pulled the door open.

            An old woman with two ducklings was talking softly. One duck was black. The other was white. Reminding me of Trouble and Gulliver.

            She turned and smiled. “ In dreams, you will find each other. That I promise you.”

            Her eyes shifted colors. This was not the Silver Lady. Or the Void Man.

            Behind her an old man, his back still straight and unbowed, “Ahh. Her mind is finally quiet enough. Good.” He tipped his straw hat in my direction. “Off we go!”


            Lorain rolled over. They were back in the Hall of Whispers.

            Its smooth white stone warming to her touch. Faint drips of water cascaded from the roofing. Collecting in bright pools.

She bolted upright. She turned to find Eliza unresponsive. Trapped within the Dreaming. She pressed a hand to Murphy’s chest. The heart was a simple strong beat. She leaned in and rested a hand under Eliza’s nose. Normal breath. C’tar said, “Be at ease. The Highest works through her.”

Lorain pulled Eliza’s head into her lap and waited.

Her mind lingering on the details of the battle shown them.

She would find Sy’ra. Find her way out of the trap.

But at what cost?

She had seen the wounds on Eliza’s body.

She wept silently.

The crucible’s grip squeezed.


            I rubbed my eyes.

            Below me was Earth. Not of my time. It was an endless parade of Earths. One stacking upon the other. The old woman held out her hand, “Walk with me. The Dreaming holds many secrets.” I took her hand. A sense of peace washed over me. Nothing could hurt me here. She smiled and we stepped through a circular portal. On the other side was Howling’s Jungle. “Each place has a special tie to the Dreaming. Much like the Arcways. When you travel with your brother and sister, touch the threads that bind these places together.”

            Only her bright golden eyes remained.

            “Connect all the Dreamers. That will guide you along the Path. When all other lights go out.” Augustus, the King’s Corgis, endless rows of Bardaxians watched me as I stepped onto the stone walkway. In the distance, great swaths of craggy jagged mountains rose. Blood red eyes watching every move I made. The elderly man pointed, “They will try to deceive you. Remain on the path. Not of stone but spirit.”

            A wild sandstorm picked up. Drowning out everything.

            I awoke to Lorain cradling my head.

I beamed up at her, “We gotta stop meeting like this.”

She snorted but pressed a kiss to the top of my head anyway. The feeling lingered. I had a job to do. We had to get back to Earth. C’tar handed a missive to me. “Father Brookes wishes to join you when you get back.” He paused. His gaze lingering on the gates of the Hall.

“I will join you as well. Much to do. Time is growing short.”

Lorain’s hand tightened around mine, “All we have is now.”

Jupiter’s ramp lowered and we settled in. It would take a few hours to get back home.

Doc pulled me over to the rec level. Pushing an old-style book into my hands. Its leather creaked as she demanded, “You still have to finish reading this story to me.” I grinned as she pushed me into the chair and made herself quite comfortable. Her arms around my neck.

Her voice drawled, “Continue!”

I shook my head, “Well I did promise didn’t I?”

She nodded primly.

“Long ago, before the footsteps of modern man, a brave knight transverses the blighted plains…”

It was an old story. One that Lorain would periodically re-read. Not because of the action but because the characters remained true to one another. There was something to be said of happy endings as well. The words came back to me, “The strength of soul tempers the will of man. So he may fight. The dark may dwell but that is so the light shines brighter.”


            Hilary watched as Ren paraded about Thoth’s former hidey-hole.

Hilary didn’t find anything of value remaining here. It was just a transition area now. A place that housed ghosts and ill omens. She had to admit: the mummy’s mimicry of Lanis’ physical form was impressive. A deeper part of her loathed Murphy even more. To wake up every day knowing that was waiting for you? It made Brookes almost wish she had listened to her mother. As soon as the thought surfaced she dismissed it.

No use crying about what-ifs.

If she desired such base things she could take it from people.

She asked Ren, “You think that dress will be good enough? Lanis is usually more reserved. The only thing approaching tantalizing with her was that Typherian Union getup from when they shocked the reason out of the  Urraden Aligned Houses.”

Ren skipped over to Hilary, wrapping her long limbs about the Keeper Hybrid, “That’s the beauty of it. This is quite conservative by my tastes but it will get human tounges wagging. We have to play this game right!” The dress in question was an alluring green number. With diamonds threaded within the collar. Ren cackled. That was an instant turnoff. Her voice, even though she could mimic Lanis’, was that of a braying donkey. Medusa glanced at them with disgust at war with desire on her features.

Hilary knew the former snake woman had enjoyed the company of men more but seeing the mixture resting there, festering under the surface, a new line of thoughts turned. She could use that. Dangle the right kind of treats. Ones not as torturous as Renenutet’s sweet venus fly traps. Medusa was right to distrust the mummy. She served only herself. As most did. Hilary would need allies if she hoped to avenge herself on her father. She gripped Ren’s hands. Removing them from her shoulders.

“None of that.”

Ren licked Hilary’s cheek, “Such a cold fish you are.”

Medusa shuddered. She watched as Hilary’s eyes grew colder.

The former Muthra prayed she’d never earn a spot on the receiving end. Where Ren burned hot. Hilary was an anomaly. Passion was a known commodity. That thing wearing human flesh was far more alien than anything or anyone else Medusa had ever encountered. A snake possessed more warmth. Those dead eyes studied Medusa. She quailed within but maintained a neutral expression.

Chronos had fashioned the perfect weapon.

A small part of Medusa hoped that an Alliance bullet would find that gray matter and pluck those eyes out forever.


Renenutet rested a finger on Hilary’s lips, “One day you will see things my way dear. I will show you a side to the world you will never forget.” She stepped away, teleported to the preparation site, relishing on the thoughts that would soon turn Lorain Lanis’ life into shreds.

Ren chuckled, “I'll have fun with your little Banner too.” She sucked in a great breath. Enjoying the sights and sounds of the Boardwalk. It was here that the trade would take place. Karvax would get to try out his new toys on The Golden Bulleteer and Ren would gain everything.  She would feed on those closest to the Banner. Taking their lifeforce as the final gift. The final pleasure? Binding the Banner to the desires of the Empire.

Her Empire. She would make inroads.

Eventually bringing back trophies for the Enteral Gods of Eygpt.


The Keeper turned to Medusa.

“Plant Ishtar’s charges at these coordinates. We will have to make sure there are enough threats to keep many sorts of demi’s busy.”

Medusa nodded. They would prioritize saving the many over the few.

It was an easy exploit.

C.A.P Hanger

Habitat Titan (Orbit of Earth)

Javelin Bright Dawn


            I finished moving the last of my luggage onto the ship.

It was odd not being on Jupiter Rising. C’tar, Father Brookes, and a few others had also moved their things aboard. This would be a vital operation. I could feel it in my gut. Yet the doubt lingered. Lorain rubbed her bare forearms. Reminding me once more of her dangerous mission. She was wearing basic TA gunmetal gray cargo pants. Boots and a gray tank top tucked in. Neither of us had slept much in the last 2 days. Me? My endurance allowed for a solid month of activity before I had to take a nap. Lorain had tapped into her healing abilities to keep going. She glanced up at me and I winked at her. Projecting a level of confidence I didn’t quite feel. All thoughts fled my head as she pulled me towards the darkened alcove.

I did happen to check the Chrono later.

15 mins.

If you had asked me that a kiss could take that long I would have been dubious.



            Father Brookes held out his hand. Anna eyed him speculatively. Her stormy blue-gray eyes narrowing as she studied him. “Are you sure you came from the same stock as Hilary?” He didn’t flinch. Just nodded, “We share the same parents. Genetically and spiritually.”

Anna responded with, “Bullshit.”

            He knew this to be true. His mother guided him. The Highest.

            Hilary only knew darkness. Unity’s ubiquitous glow of false promise.

            He would need Anna’s assistance to find his mother. The woman’s gaze softened.

            “I suspect my husband would have some trouble calculating our….”

            Teddy’s voice blared across the coms, “65% and holding!”

He was still within Project Freefall. Their son growing up without the worries of his mother’s abilities. She was thankful. Jacob shot back, “Just make sure to send us Updates Special Sauce Actual!”

Anna brought up the outer feeds.

She would let Lanis take all the time she needed.

Her job would come with the highest stakes.

Issue 25: Here

Issue 27: Here

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