Monday, December 6, 2021

The Uplift Protocol Escape Velocity Issue 20


Issue 20: Dark Clouds


            It would be up to Black. I had the luxury of knowing him from the start. It was all I could do to protect the fleet.—Dexter Murphy

            Just before I lost consciousness I saw it. We would have to take those tablets back. Within was the final piece to protect all life. The Ark of the Covenant. To magnify its influence. To target those Universes utterly corrupted. To give their people a chance. I was finally free of all taint.—White

            I thought most of this would be within Eliza’s purview but now I realize? I had just as much of a hand in it.—Lorain Lanis

            Death is not the end. That’s what most still see within my memoirs. Yet I know even there the Highest sealed off a portion of my trials within the Climb back to life. For Unity dogged my steps the entire way. As it did with all things. Mimic to reality. It could never create. Only destroy.—Sleeping in Starlight, a memoir of the 23rd century

Space Between Universes

Tarkanan’s Former Coordinates

T-minus 9 Days


I groaned.

Ripples of energy held back the massive explosion of gliders. The Eternal Empire hadn’t sacrificed any slaves this day. The main ship still stood. Ren’s derisive cackle radiated outward, “The Deep Dark will consume you all!” The outermost shell of the defense screen of our forces was made up of Typherian ships. Ayeer, Odessen, and Commons. The Javelins zipped outward. Shooting at any enemy forces that got close. The Gemini ships rested at the heart of the fleet. Surrounded by Terran forces.

Their voices reached out to me, “Only the Cleansing can save us.”

Three white Triangles burned at the back of my mind.

An ancient face peered out at me. His skin was lined with three blue triangles. One at his forehead while the other two bisected his cheeks. His white beard flowed toward his waist. He held up two pearly white tablets. Inscribed with magic. But under that was endless data. He held them out to me. “Activate the Covenant. It will guide you. When all other sources go out.”

My fingers tingled as I touched them.

///Sequence recognized. Transportation incomplete. Registering tablets to a secondary location.///

            Aunt Q’vera landed next to us. Doc had maneuvered us to the Jupiter Rising. Mom was playing it safe. Since we did have a baby on board. I sensed Dexter. A wave of energy flowed over all the ships.

Why hadn’t the central Enteral ship retreated?!


            Timat howled into the deep dark. The hated ones. She inhaled the cosmic dust. Hi’ulk was near. He could help. Another flame hit upon her senses. Her sister was present as well. Green flames heated at the core of her Silver coated body.

So hot. The sickness was suffocating.

The pinprick of poison flowed closer to her heart with every movement.

The Pathway opened. Blazing.

Countless souls lingered here. Tainted by Tarkanan’s ill aura.

One, in particular, caused her to snarl low in her throat.



            I opened my mouth. A bellow of soundless agony. The dragon imprinted on my left arm rose a few inches from my skin. Snapping at the air. I thrashed against the restraints. A quick intake of breath told me I was in medbay. Hi’ulk rose from my chest. “This must be done.” I was dimly aware of my brother. A soft material covered my mouth. Preventing me from biting down my tongue.

            White passed through the wall. Resting a humanoid hand on my forehead.

            You must bear it a moment longer. My brother fights for us both.


            Dexter Murphy flew strait at the Titan emerging from the depths of space. It was the mirror image of the black dragon coiled upon his sister’s arm. Just as the Order predicted. He hummed into the ring on his thumb. Inscribed with the infinity symbol. Its deep blue gem beat in sync with his heart.

            <<Ready the Javelins for containment rites. >>

            To the Typherian fleet, he ordered Y’lansa and her people into an outer defense screen.

            >>Keep the Living Stone carriers off the Javelins.<<

            Alliance Fleet coms crackled, <<We have more enemies spilling through FTL!>>

            It wasn’t FTL.

            Living Stone Seed Ships.

            He sent the remaining data packages away. The others within the Arcane would know what to do. New signals rippled across the battlefield. High Fleet Leader Taross proclaimed, “We of the White Concord will not leave our allies to fade away.”


            Arms of Calos. Those against the drives of Unity.

            The Concord was their attack fleet. The time of hiding had come to an end.

            Black thundered, “Your Knives will not take another Titan!”

            They dove down the mouth of Timat. Black Scrawl tore at her insides. With every pulse, Black drove the sickness from her skin. Until they found the tooth lodged in her heart. It was a weapon thought lost. Its markings rippled. Green ooze dripping. Dexter reached out. Ignoring the searing pain as his fingers closed about the bone red hilt.

            The knife gurgled, <<Ahh. The brother. Father of All Souls. Your failures are known.>>

            Black replied, “I know my sins monster. You will not live to see further pain.”

            Dexter tasted blood as Black used his hands to crush the knife.

A small green square remained.

 Its baleful white eyes shifting. Multiplying on the surface. <<UNITY COMES! IT WILL DEVOUR EDEN! ALL OF NOAH’S WORKS SHALL BE---- >>

Black crushed the offensive profanity with sheer force.

Dexter grunted as the membranes of the cube dissipated. Its blood turned to ice as it left its desiccated flesh. Blending the entropic forces of the universe to make the cube melt into inert goo.

Black said, “You are free elder. Our vigil remains.”

Dexter raced for the entrance. Emerging from a calmer Timat. Yet her blazing yellow eyes locked onto the remaining Unity forces. She snarled, “I will end them.”

A cobalt blue energy surrounded her. Hi’ulk’s voice lulling her into a deep slumber.

She shrank. Until she was no bigger than the length of a human arm.

Dexter bowed his head. All was going according to the true path.

He only hoped his sister could survive it.

            Black’s energy field expanded.

            Touching the edge of the Eternal forces.

            Dexter channeled the auras from the surrounding Arcway gates.

            Unity would notice.


            Bel twitched.

Ren peered down at the other woman, “What’s got you all hot and bothered?”

The blond frowned. Pointed out at the wall of ships protected by a crackling energy field.

            “I thought he was supposed to be dead.”

The sheer incredulous tone made Ren lean back. Why would she even care about the Father of All? Then a wave of warmth flooded the mummy’s brain and her thoughts scattered. Bel raised her hands. Flicking the wayward Living Stone ships towards the enemies’ protective wards. Ta’rammon had been smart but this wouldn’t kill the targets. Bel muttered, “Just how much of you remains old man.”

Wave after wave of Living Stone slammed against the walls of the Black.

Bits of white-hot flames rained down upon the Stone as it screamed.

Bel’s rage deepened.

The Three Aspects had arisen. Cleansed of all that taint she had planted so long ago.

“Clever. You took Timat.” Bel held out a hand and forced Ren to remain.

She cupped the mummy’s chin, “I own you. Little bird.”

The sorceress’ eyes drooped. A lean hungry smile plastered on her copper face.

Bel commanded, “Set the ship for an interception course.”

Unity took a knife from Ren’s belt. Its obsidian edge was worn with age. Bel knicked her palm. As the drops fell they grew. Melding with the metal.

“Time to leave this carcass.”

Unity would leave its mark.

But it had to be sure. Was the duality returned?


            Burning pain erupted down my right arm.

Then poured down my back. I was quite sure I was dead. Or near it.

Words poured from my mouth.

Twin suns blazed behind my eyes. A distant warbling echoed.

I was no longer on my ship.


            Black snarled, “It flees.”

            Dexter replied, “It must. We hold the line here.”

            Black knew his host was correct. The entropic wave of corruption was heading straight for them. They would lose the entire allied fleet if they moved to engage Unity now. Along with their lives. Dexter flexed his arms. Bringing the decimated hulks of the enemy ships into range. Matter flowed. Warping the alloy into another layer. It would soak in a chunk of the horror barreling at them. Y’lansa’s voice linked to the whole fleet.

            <<Lance Formation!>>

            The ships around him coiled in tighter. As the name suggested.

            Realigned energy poured from Dexter.

 The Travellians chants rose higher.

            All those that walked in the Light joined in. Light Shamans. Weave Speakers. Even a few UEF warships had arrived. Any with the spark of the Weave provided another layer to the song. He focused on the storm. The wailing of the medical devices clawed at the back of his mind. To merge with yet another Titan, Eliza would be at the edge of death.

He clapped his hands together.

            Ripples formed. Arced towards the enemy. Carrying bits of debris and other surprises.

            Black howled into the vast cosmos, “I live. Here I stand. Eternal.”

            The wave burst upon the shore. Eating away at the corrupted.

            What remained endured.

            As the Wall endured.

            Cleansing holy light obliterated the carrier. All that remained was dust.

            Bardaxians cheered, <<Test complete!>>


            Ren sulked. The escape shuttle nestled in the shadow of a dying star as Bel cursed.

            Bel paced. A ghostly pale light sticking to her skin. It made her even more radiant to the sorceress. The primal part of the Egyptian’s brain howled.

Danger. Flee!

Her body languished in the gunnery chair. Hands tightened about her shoulders. One pulled at her silky black hair.

            “Why did they not report this? These humans? Their allies? Uplift Protocol was meant to fracture them. Not drive them to the Dissolution of False Gods.”

Ren replied dryly, “Oh. We found the tablets. A strange aura protects the Earth of that universe.”

            Bel turned the chair. Those hypnotic eyes drinking in every inch of the mummy.

            Bel asked, “Where are those?” The question was soft.

Pleading. Alluring. She must obey.

“They reside within the Golden Armory of Ta’rammon.”

She paused then shrugged, “ King Urraden wanted no part of it.”

Bel’s lips pulled back. A finger rested gently over one of Ren’s eye sockets. Tracing the outer bone. The mummy shivered. Delighted by the contact.

Bel asked sweetly, “Take me there.”

Ren nodded rapidly. All too eager.

Unity curled into the flight chair as Ren imputed the coordinates. Along with the correct Universal frequency. Eden’s destruction could wait a moment longer. Noah’s work was far more important. The less Living Stone one had to convert the better. Mindless? Yes. Useless? Never.

Unity brought up more displays.

Set would pay.

As would all heretics.


            I walked.

The ground below me was crystal clear. I could see stars shimmering under the surface. A crystal tower rose before me. As I walked up the marbled steps, each alternating between blue, black, and white, a figure awaited me at the top. It turned. Taking on the face of three dragons. One was Hi’ulk. Another was the black on my left arm. The third was a slender silver dragon. All three were elongated.

Eastern style.

9 eyes opened.

A soothing warmth flooded my body.

Here we shall remain.


            Doc sighed with relief. Eliza’s heartbeat kicked up to a healthy cadence.

            The monitor trilled, <<Vitals stable. Four heartbeats detected. Please contact the administrator for repairs.>>

            Doc gawked. Rubbed her palms to warm them.

            She shivered.

Then reached out with her senses. It was true. One beat echoed on each of her arms. The usual rhythm of her chest. The other? Doc’s eyes narrowed. It thrummed upon her back. Just above her shoulder blades. Her mother poked her head into the Operating Theater.

“Is she---?”

Doc replied, “Stable yes. Normal? I’ll get back to you on that.”


            J’ino stared at the monitor.

Then said, “Can we go back to the days of you all stopping interdimensional bunny cannibals or dinosaurs. I'll even take that nutjob that tried to nuke New Ashbury.”

Thomas noted, “As much as that would delight everyone, we now have another issue at hand. Chronos has been spotted in the Outer Reaches of Mitar. He’s finally come back.”

He shot an apologetic glance at his wife. Then to Jupiter Rising, “Activate condition one throughout the Terran Alliance.

V’alkor moved next to Eliza’s bedside, “I'll watch her and my great grandson. Prepare our forces. I release full control of the Throne codes to Dexter.”

Hiding was no longer an option.

All would fight.


Hi’ulk murmured, “This is a protected vision. You will remember.”

We drifted through the Dreaming. Rising towards the farthest stars. Passing through them. The heat of it rejuvenated me. My body had never been broken. Not in the way I thought. The black dragon, Darva, coiled about my left arm. Its smooth dark scales flexing. It said, “I thank you for the nourishment of your body.” Hi’ulk had told me their names.

Timat echoed the sentiment. “We ask much of you and your brother. I am also grateful.”

White said, “She is not my host. She is…” Hi’ulk shot White a warning glance.

He reared up. From his perch on my head. “We have arrived.”

A gleaming echo of what was greeted me.

A ship carved of ivory. Elongated. A hollowed-out log with multiple rings around it.

Each ring held countless humans. Livestock. Trees.

The vibrant aura of Light spilled from the vessel.

It did not sail the cosmic seas. It drifted along the Pathways of the Dreaming.

A deep baritone voice said, “My people. We have drifted from the Beginning. Trust me as I trust the Highest. God protects us all. We shall planet the Tree of Eden and begin anew. As was commanded.”

I spied two ivory plates. One on each arm of Noah.

He pointed, “As the first Arbiter of the Arcane, we shall seed these Arcways with life everlasting.”

            I floated there. My mouth agape. Then I snapped it shut with a click.

            “We’re an elder race?!”

            Hi’ulk responded, “One of three. Yes.”

            I asked, “Why is it always three?”

            Another voice added, “Because it is the way of things. Beginning, middle, and end.”

The Void Man stepped out. The Silver Lady beside him.

 She placed her cloak about me. “This will translate the rest of the memory for you. The words of the Arcane must remain in reserve for now.”

My heart went out to Mary.

How much had she known?

Issue 19: Here

Issue 21: Here

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