Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Uplift Protocol: Tarvelian Surprise Issue 10


Issue 10: Omu’sol


            All stories have a beginning. The coming storm. So many will not see the light until the very end. We Travelians will leave imprints so others may follow. The Worldshaker asks only that we try.—Omu’sol

            The door is there. All you must do is walk through it. Discovery, good and bad, has come from the bravery and foolishness of mortal beings. –Arcane Order Handbook

            There are still wonders in the universe. I pray for a world of surprises. –From the Journal of Eliza Murphy

Weave Space

Arcway 3643.6

Dated Syncing with CTT


Omu’sol gawked at the shining spire. The stone around him warped. Words gained clarity. “Welcome to Marker 3643.6, no demonic corruption detected.” The voice echoed all around him. He asked, “I am Omu’sol of the Travelian Temple Lands. By what name shall I call out to you?”

The voice replied, “Monitor 154 at your service.”

            As he entered the complex two stone statues rose to face him. One male and one female. They looked Travelian. The Monitor said, “Ahh. Species data added to the Arcane flow. No Uplift Tampering detected. Only within certain shrouded sectors of Eden shall you find those following the false protocols.”

            A face lined with age greeted him. The man’s bushy white beard was immaculate. Three golden rings were interlinked near the bottom. His bright blue eyes were unmarred by time. His voice was deep. “I am Noah. Current Arbiter of the Arcane Order. I have a request of you.”

            Omu’sol reached into his knapsack. Pulled his favorite tea. “Get the fire started.” Three shining balls of light brought a kettle over. Noah smiled, “It’s self-heating. The water is already inside.”

Omu’sol could see the truth of it. Marvelous!

Noah said, “The Breaking of the world….”

The Shattering

The Age of Creation



            Noah bellowed, “To the Ark!”

            Multitudes raced towards the mighty living ship. Its long cylinder shape powering with the protective wards of the divine.

            Adam carried the children of the Shardbarers up the ramp. Elijah of the Odessen. Genevive, granddaughter of Noah. The Typherian boy shouted, “The Sky burns! The Throne Bearers fall!”

            The ground shook. Buildings splintered.

The White Ouro of Life gleamed a deep garish red in the waxing light of the moon. Eve pointed, “God preserve us!” A shadowed form spilled over the golden spires of Heaven. Wreathed in fire and ash. It shouted, “The sin shall not be watered down by time.” Two horned white demons threw the flesh of the Angels down upon the populous. Each drop that hit flesh caused a mortal to cry out. Noah raised his arms, “Hurry!” A shield of immense power spilled from his fingertips. He swayed back and forth. Sweat peppered his brow.

A Scholar with bright red hair carried two bundles close to his chest. While an angel clothed in golden armor carried a comatose woman in white. His black cloak rippled. The Scholar pressed his lips to the babes he carried, “I will see the will of the Highest done. I swear it.” Noah knew those bundles. The sorrow rippled outward.

They would bear the hardest burden.

Created between the Lines of Life and Death. To be reborn.

Weapons of the Divine.

The Scholar begged Noah, “Is there a place for them on the ship?”

Noah replied, “Into the deep dark. I know what lies ahead. Brother Piper, take up the mantle of the Weeping One. You know its path. They must be ready.”

Piper bowed his head, “The Knife used to cut these babes is missing. Its hilt was made from the Tree!” Noah’s gaze hardened, “Take the babies to the rotunda of weaving. Within the mid decks. Hurry!”

Azrael pressed his hand to his sister’s wound. That was what….

He howled into the night air, “Abomination!”

Lucifer’s laughter curled around Azrael’s heart. >>You know so little dear brother. This knife will destroy you all.<<


The last of the surviving population of Elysium found its way to Noah’s Ark.

Piper gripped Black’s cape, “White needs Eve’s healing!” The angle ignored him.

Piper clutched the babies to his chest then turned on his heel. They must come first. The only hope is to correct things. Fix the Way of Souls. The True Rebirth.

Azrael glanced back as the Ark rose into the dull red sky. Flames licked at the outer shielding as it broke away from the Shield World. White muttered weakly, “We have failed brother.”

He kissed the top of her head, “Yes. We have. But this is not the end.”

He carried his sister across the broken landscape.

One last duty to perform.


            Omu’sol hissed, “White Pale Ghosts of The 7.”

            Those beings of ash, fire, pale wings and wicked faces. What another Arbiter would call White Owls.

            Noah nodded. His eyes sharpened, “We will need the faith of your people. Earth and Eden is a start. We must forge the Divine into a Wall that will Endure. As she must endure. So shall the brother.”

            Omu’sol asked, “What are those two babies?”

            Noah answered, his features worn with each word uttered, “The Highest’s gift to mortals. Thronebearers bestowed human form to shepherd and nurture the tapestry.” 

The Words of Old formed. Dancing within the air.












Omu’sol whispered, “They shall come upon a shining star. In the time of Convergence.”

            Noah handed the Travelian a mirror, “Guard this. Your blood will bear the Path.”

            Its surface reflected wonders. Foremost was the gleaming spires on an unfamiliar plain. Their voices reached out to the beyond. A vast tapestry of souls. He cradled the mirror to his chest. His vision faded. His body was moving beyond the Dreaming. The Weave was calling him home. Omu’sol awoke to the sound of running water. His wife humming a morning call to their children.

            The divine metal of the mirror pressed into his chest.

            He listened.

            A blue dragon curled around the smoky edges of the Dreaming.


            Hi’ulk, blessed third eye, had followed him.

            He raised the mirror to his forehead. “By your will WorldShaker.”


            Piper placed the babies within the Alcove. Noah joined him. Their faces were composed. Their chest’s had no life. Not yet. They were not meant for this time. They sank into the divine waters of the Ark. The damage to their bodies was mended.  No spark of soul settled into the shell. Noah said, “There won’t be for a time.”

            The White King and the Silver Queen circled the room. Then entry was recorded by the ship’s sensors. Targus said, “We will bring them forward. Once the souls are seeded.” The Queen curled around the Alcove. Singing songs to the little ones.

Asking the Highest for safe passage.

Piper continued to pray.


            I rubbed my eyes.

Piper looked up as I entered the Maintenance Bay. A strange feeling washed over me. A burst of happiness, sorrow, and guilt from the Scholar made me stop. I handed him the other caffeinated drink. A mix of coffee and Natet’s special additives. One never should ask a cook his secrets. I asked bluntly, “You know why that Litari Breath stuff worked on me don’t you?”

He nodded, “You are the Slumbering One. The Mirror that reflects Life. Just as your Brother reflects Death.”

I grew pensive. “All this is gonna hit like a battering ram.” When I was allowed to know. How does one prepare for it? Or could I even fathom it all? Piper reached out to press a hand to my chest. Right above my heart.

“Trust this. The Path is set. As a blade to the hilt.”

Jupiter Rising added, <<What you will ask yourself? Would you have done anything different if you had known?>>

        I reached out to give Ichabod a small pat atop his head. Piper smiled at me. The darkness left his eyes. “I thank you. Not many see the value in Ichabod.”

        I said, “Light can come from many places.”

No matter how great or small.

I turned as the ghost of Noah held out two Tablets.

You will reclaim the Word. It is not meant for him.


Issue 9: Here

Book 7: Here



  1. So Eliza and Dexter are angels given human form! OldKan's crossover art just got a whole lot more relevant now.
