Thursday, February 10, 2022

The Uplift Protocol: Union Issue 4


Issue 4: Chains of the Void’s Regret


            No wonder the Temple is filled with tests. There’s no way those who grew up here within the Eternal Empire would succeed.—Jonas “Eddie” Olsten

            I couldn’t believe my eyes. I had to believe my heart.—J’ino Murphy

            What is the truth of our natural lives? We are more than our bodies. We are the soul of the Highest. That is what Lucifer never understood.—Sleeping in Starlight: Beyond the Veil

Inner Sanctum

Temple of the Three

Earth (Eternal Empire)


J’ino examined the mural. The shapes shifted.  A blue-eyed man stared out from it. The Ark behind him was in the shape of a biomechanical cylinder. Its outer rings were made of silver-white wood. It had three segments. J’ino brushed the surface of it. The Arcane Net tickled the edges of her mind.

//Open the way to the future.//

Auggie slid over to the leftmost corner. Thomas ran his fingers over the area. Eddie pulled the icon of the sun towards J’ino. A low rumble vibrated beneath their feet. A tomb rose from the center of the floor. Rock-solid granite. Marble mixed in.

Mary stepped forward, moving the symbols etched across the white surface.

The surface hissed open.

Nestled inside was a white metallic cylinder.

Auggie’s disguise faded for a moment. He gently took the item into his jaws.

Light encompassed them all. As Thomas’ vision cleared they gawked.

They were on the surface of the moon. Crystalized glass protected them from the vacuum. An old holo flickered to life. It was a Huskey. His ice-blue eyes filled the room then the image shifted.

<<I am Sings-Into-The-Void. Brother, if you are seeing this then you have what is required for the first of two resurrections of the Arbiter. Guard it well.>> Eddie’s demi senses picked up on what was inside Auggie’s collar for one solid second. Then a field slammed down so suddenly that he experienced the dizzying heights of vertigo.

Mary’s warning glance let him know he wasn’t alone in knowing what that Item was.

The Crystal Coffin was with Auggie. This entire time.

The Puzzler watched as the white cylinder faded into Augustus. Then he could sense nothing. It was like the corgi was a null within space-time. Augustus’ cloak reasserted itself. The snake coiled so it could stare at eye level with Eddie.

Auggie closed in, <<Sorry. We must seal that memory.>>

Jonas blinked as a triangular object came into view. Mary hummed the words.

She glanced at Augustus. Leaned in, <<Now me. Dear friend. We cannot know.>>

Eddie blinked. Nothing like teleportation to spice up one’s day.

Thomas reached out to pluck the holo cube from its resting place. Then added, “Get ready for vacuum.”

Helms snapped into place.

Murphy motioned back to everyone, Get ready to notify Arthon.

He took off his copper ring. J’ino did the same. He opened the sparker. It usually ignited an area to give illumination. He dropped their rings in. They dissolved in a haze of slagged metal.

Mary signaled Thomas.

Let the games begin.


Augustus understood the need to shroud Mary and Olsten’s memory. They would get dangerously close to the enemy. As was noted by the Arbiter in the old stories. The records of Bardax’s ancient past. Memories that were gifted to him during his stay within the Tower. Inside the Knowledge Sphere of the J’kua. It had been so long ago yet those days had been welcome ones. He hoped Eliza and Lorain would earn every bit of peace promised by the Weave and the Highest. It was there he had seen the true nature of Aether.

Both echoed with ancient memory.


Age of Creation

Noah’s Ark


            Argos paused. His nose quivered.

Bardax’s shard bearer growled. Death was coming. He did not understand why. Only what he was tasked to save. He raced down the gangplank. The ship was not yet completed. That didn’t prevent calamity. His white furred body glinted in the noonday sun while his bones prickled. His brother, Cerberus, raced alongside him. One dark as the void. The other was as radiant as a White Neutron star.

They had been the first chosen from Bardax to bear the Shards of Creation. To gift the link of Souls to their people. Cerberus snarled deep in his throat, <<The Golden Host bleeds. Lucifer has already fallen. We don’t have much time brother. We must gather the first thread of the Corrupted. It will be the only way the Arbiter of the Throne will escape!>>

            Argos howled. Birds scattered in a flurry of wing flaps at his warcry.

            The white, emerald, and cobalt spires rose with the glimmering of the 2nd Sun.

 The Crystal Requilary.

As the doors swung inward the brothers dashed behind the adjoining black marble pillars. Lucifer was muttering to himself. A broken pale branch clasped within his hands. Cerberus tasted the air. Blood. Potent. Putrid.

Its divinity spoiled for all time.

Lucifer exited. Blood seeped through the crystalline floor.

Corruption flowed.


            Arthon shot out. His fingers wrapped around the piloting gears. Q’vera held a lash against his throat. The electrical signals danced against the hairs of his neck. They were on course for the moon. No landing. They would take the rest of the crew hostage. Just as Lorain said. No, Arthon mused, just as Eliza said it would happen.

            Thomas, J’ino, and Augustus.

            The rest of them? They had a date with At’lan’s older data core.

            Deep within the confines of Eternal Empire pirate space.

            At’lan’s first stop hadn’t been Edenverse.

            Arthon would find the hidden legacy of the Muthra. His face contorted angrily.

            “To think my people came from….” Q’vera didn’t let up on the act but her posture changed. She smacked him upside the head. Held the final strike of her palm just a hairsbreadth away from actually hurting him.

            “We all know where we come from. Pirates all of us. What? You think your bloodline has some merit! HA!” That phrase chilled him to the core.

The blood drained from Arthon’s face. Their com lines were now compromised. Even within the ship. Q’vera leaned in, “Yes boy. Fear it.” She was confirming the worst.


            J’ino held on to Thomas.

Her sister’s last coded message: //Emergency Flyby, take Auggie and run. Coordinates 2-5-545!//

            The skidded across the pale gray surface of the moon. It was dark here. Unlike Eden Earth’s moon. Wondering how’d they outmatch the forces of the Eternal Empire. Their bio-signature cloaking was still operating. Auggie burrowed his face into the crook of J’ino’s shoulder as the three of them ran. A bright green spark of energy rained down on the hidden moonbase transporter. Mary had grabbed Jonas and dashed in the opposite direction. She had shouted, “GO!” while throwing them a case from her evac suit backpack. Comet had joined Mary. He kept repeating, <<Green Temple forces. Evade. Evade.>> Like he was just a dumb bucket of bolts and not….

            J’ino sucked in a breath as Thomas threw them into the darkened crater. A triangular access point hissed open. Then closed behind them. All communications cut off. Their copper rings relayed static. J’ino shivered. She stared up into Thomas’ eyes behind the cover of his helm. His normal chocolate brown. Their cover was gone. Her husband held a hand to her visor. For complete silence. Auggie’s triangular ears shifted within his demi space suit.

            The moments trickled by.

            Then flashes of purple light let them know other pirates had come.


            Arthon dove towards the moon in a spiral. Just close enough to lock onto Mary, Jonas, and Comet. Their cover was still intact. Q’vera’s voice came over the coms. “You lot have much to answer for. This ship is mine now. Resist, please. So that the Green Temple can obliterate you.”

            Mary checked Jonas. They still wore the guise of pirates. Q’vera’s helm retracted.

            Her hair was gray at the temples. A plain human face. With a giant gnarly scar near the left cheek. She shouted, “Take us out. The Eternal Homeguard is closing in!”

            The ship vibrated as it entered FTL. A lowkey hum emanated from Horus.

            //Rings compromised. Use to mislead.//

Mary removed the copper ring. Studied it silently then put it back on her ring finger. Eddie hung his head. The copper had come from their Earth. From the expression on Herbert-Lanis’ face, she had just sparked on the exact conclusion. They both put up a fight as Horus’ extra cords shot out from his spherical form. <<Lady Adena, I have the rest as requested. The Emeralds of the Void will endure another day.>>

Q’vera prodded Arthon as the rest entered. “Good. Take those rings. Let’s see how these 2-bit performers managed to get past Urraden blockades. We might have a job for them!”

Two more forms phased in. Litari.

Ritark and his mother.

Eddie didn’t dare to speak. He just spat on the floor. Their lives depended on the trio below the moon’s surface succeeding.


            J’ino sent her sister one last message. //Don’t Die.//

            There was no response.

            Thomas motioned to the wall. J’ino reached out to brush the side of the metal.

            An airlock!

            Thomas indicated the air above them. The ships were passing. He could see their outlines.  A bright indigo color. He was a demi. What kind? No clue. He’d explore options later. For now, they had to remain quiet as a tomb. The passive engravings on the ship could hide their signatures. But he dared not tempt fate.

            J’ino spotted the symbol near the outer airlock hatch. A bundle of corn. A small cow grazing on it. Corn-fed. J’ino clung to her husband and Auggie. After what felt like hours Thomas moved towards the sidewall. Hitting icons only he could see. A faint white light filled the compartment, //Welcome Judgement. Sensors indicate enemy forces have moved to FTL. Position 24 8 niner. Based on historical patterns of this universe, an open window for launch will occur in 25 hrs. Recommend low energy settings to remain undetected. No metals of Eden Earth were used to construct this vessel. All taken from repurposed Eternal Empire fleets. Circa 2203. Eden Reckoning.//

            Thomas replied, “Good work. Ready for phase two. Mark: Ouro Consumes the Wicked.”

            //Arcane Battle Scout Vessel Lone Ranger released to General Thomas Murphy and J’ino Murphy. Recommend you retire to replenish yourself. Demi awakening noted. Additional information stored on the tablet in main sleeping quarters.//

            J’ino asked, “So how many different periods are we working with here?”

            Thomas replied, “At least 5 I know of. It already gave us a hint about the Empire. We will be fighting them for some time. Eliza is helping. She just doesn’t know how yet. It means our timeline is still whole.”

            J’ino groaned, “It's not gonna be like that one crazy holovid. We sneeze in the past and it wreaks the future?”

            Thomas chuckled. “Who knows. We are following in the footsteps of our daughter. Let’s have faith in that for now.”

            J’ino laughed, “And next Tuesday we will be in ancient Egypt with her!”

            Thomas shook a finger at her, “Now who’s tempting the Weave and Highest?”

The Jupiter Rising

In orbit around UEF Typha

May 18th, 2116


I let out a cheer as another Keeper hull disintegrated under the precise fire control of my brother. All around us Keeper ships of all sizes dashed about. Attempting to get past the shielding of the planet. I wouldn’t let them. My grandfather shouted over the coms, <<Get ready! They are bringing in planet busters!>> M’taris glanced up from the sensor station, “Good thing we have an Arcane fleet on our side. Bring in the reserves!”

I motioned to Henshin. The black, cream and gray ferret jumped up and let out a series of chirps no human vocal cords could mimic. His mechanic jumpsuit rolled up by his arms and legs so he could gallop on all fours if needed.

 “Welcome to the beginning of your ends! Evil servants of Unity!”

Today we would save another Typha. My great grandfather would be freed.

Nyx’s cold black eyes formed inside the ship. The holo pulled back to show the rest of her emaciated body. “This is not the end. No one will save this place.”

Space rippled and hulking forms of Seed Brood emerged. With three Living Stone Dragons.

I cracked my knuckles. “Time to go for a spacewalk. Take the helm, Grandpa Wolf!” V’alkor nodded. While his wife took the weapon’s station.

Dexter and I had a date outside.

Issue 3: Here

Issue 5: Here

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