Thursday, March 24, 2022

The Uplift Protocol Union: Issue 17


Issue 17: The Long Night of Eliza Murphy


So many cards were laid bare that day. From then on it would be a race. Which would rise first? The Three Thrones of the Highest or the Demons of Unity? Our paths were set. There was no backing down now.—Lorain Lanis

The Highest Cursed me the Moment I was brought forth. What kind of Angel cannot give life! To carry it?! Madness! That is why I followed Lucifer into the abyss. I will deny the Highest his precious creations. As he sterilized my womb. –Abyzou

I would not use Thronesight for some time. It was a potent ability. It wasn’t meant for me but thrust upon me by the Highest. Astute readers can guess who wielded that power. I was merely the conduit for it.—Sleeping In Starlight: At Shield World’s End

The Void Beyond

The Silver Steps

Annex of Time and Space

            A cheery voice said, “Found you!” His bushy black tail wagged excitedly. A burst of warmth infused me. Silver threads curled about my body. He circled. “We must get you back. First to the Ones Who Will exist! They must have an update to their records!” The water below me lit up. Tiny pinpricks of gold. Mixed with purple and blue. I gazed down at the wolf. It wasn’t Auggie. The other shook his great shaggy head, “No! But we met. Remember?”

            The Gemini homeworld. I had asked him to save Aether. And the elder. “Sentinel.” The Bardaxian buried his head into my chest. “YES! But we must walk the Silver Steps. You must link with the Black Throne.” I peered down into the water. A sense of vertigo overwhelmed me. Not lights. They were universes! Countless veins of possibility. I searched for Eden. I found it.

Its thread reached out to me.

            Black shouted, “Convergence! The Flow of Time has carried my sister away! Remain true!” I could see trillions of ships. Far more than I ever thought possible. They had arrayed themselves at every Arcway within Eden. Using the primary points to jump to whatever Universe needed them.

            A battle on multiple fronts.

            Golden Bulleteer and his Mavericks entered the fray. White Lily used the battlefield to her advantage. Alien shapes writhed within the vines. Tidalwave road forth on a wall of water. He sent Living Stone flying in every direction. Blue Blaze generated a vortex with our grandfather. Anyone who could pick up a grav lance or lazer was fighting.

            Mightly Mallet sent scores of zombies flying. The Tarvelian defenders alongside him.

            All these battles were outside of Eden Universe.

            A lance of fear shot through me, “I have to help them! They need all space-worthy demis!” The straps of my backpack grew heavy as I tried to leave the raised pathway of stones.

            I could hear Dexter, “Get ready to dive!” The black shadow of the dragon covered the expanse of the Eternal Empire!

            Sentinel nudged me. “Follow me. To delay Z’ahramdus you must take command of your Throne!” I reached out, >>How can I….<<

            Dexter’s voice calmed, >>Listen to Sentinel. We aren’t completely ready yet but together we can push that World Eater to a distant shore!<<

            Silver threads combined to form stairs. At the peak was a glossy stonework throne. The outer edges were etched with golden symbology. I sat down. The onyx flowed over my hands. The raised backrest clamped over my eyes.

            //Welcome Thronebearer Soul Shard of Eden. Full integration with Soul capacity complete. Physical manifestation stored on Luna(Moon of Eden Earth). Locating Crystal Home Frequency.//

            My vision blurred. I found myself staring down at a blasted landscape. A feminine voice whispered in my mind, <<I am Alvara. Greetings to you Arbiter. All will be as it should. Hold the talon in place.>>

            I reached out. My fingers curled around the black digit. I reached up with my other hand and clamped it around the throat of Z’ahramdus. Abyzou howled, “This will not stop us! UNITY is the True Path!”

            I replied, “You deny the Path. Yours is barren as your womb.”

            She hissed. The sound sent pinpricks up my spine. Even in my current state. “Father isn’t the only one with agents throughout the annals of time.” A shroud fell onto my shoulders. A rolling masculine voice met her shrill demonic cadence. Abyzou covered her ears. The other aspects of Unity fled the corporeal form of the World Eater. Until only she remained. Her fallen form was revealed to me. Her back twisted. One wing hung limply. Gnarled scarred flesh pockmarked her right side. Where the other wing would have rested. Her greasy hair hung in faded yellow clumps. Her milky white eyes flared gold and crimson for just a moment. White Owls cooed at her feet.

            Her version of a Vanguard. An Unholy Host.

            The voice spoke once more. Crackled like thunder, “You command nothing.”

            The talon dug into the planet. To the core. Nyx’s influence was no longer present within my body. I wouldn’t be able to pick up on Void Walker signals through nose bleeds. Sentinel said, <<Worry not about the head. See beyond the threads!>>


J’ino shouted, “Strap in!” Literal hellfire trailed in their wake. The flight wing formed a ring of defense around them as they fled the hemorrhaging planet. Arthon held a purple sphere with silver //I\\ symbology within his arms. He rocked back and forth.

His voice ragged from the endless chanting. J’ino didn’t understand a word of it.

Arthon’s eyes snapped open, “Link these threads to Eden Home. “

Thomas watched as white energy poured over the ship. Lone Ranger exclaimed, <<Arbiter Murphy! Greetings! Feeding desired coordinates now. Please note, upon re-awakening, recalibrate the Luna site.>>

Below decks, J’anu stirred. Amazed that her enemies would bring her to Eden. Her father said, >>That is what we need my dear. All answers reside within the rebooted Elysium of the Highest. You will not be alone. Even as we speak Ta’rammon is surrendering to their forces. Remember to treat their goodwill as an asset.<<

J’anu let out a sigh, “Beloved consort.” She grinned. >>As you will it father.<<


            The obsidian of the Throne retreated.  It released my hands and head. Silver threads shot out over countless universes. Pulsated with the song of my Spear forged within the heart of Io. Granting its divine shield to others outside of Edenverse. Decayed crimson threads encircled clusters of the universes held under Unity’s control.

            This was just the opening salvo. An invisible hand plucked at my backpack.

            I opened it to find that red ship awaiting me. Within the space of one heartbeat, I was aboard it. All the controls were as exaggerated as the Captain Cosmos show. Sentinel howled, “To the 42nd century!”

            The space around us warped.

            Earth. A multitude of voices rippled across my skin.

            They were celebrating.

            One rose above the others.

            “Curator! We found the Soul Thread. As indicated by the Order!”

            My ship floated serenely down to the Earth. Over the Texan skyline. My vision darkened.

            Sentinel said, <<He is an old friend. He will help.>>


Earth (New Ashbury Texas)

Central Temporal Tower District

July 28th, 4126


            I brushed the copper scales of the Ouroboros. Sigils of the Arbiter formed above the surface. “You wish to return. Noted. Summoning the Icath Rulers.” A cone of silver mist shot out. Sentinel circled White.  His energy was infectious.

<<Now we return to the battle. To renew Eden Typha!>>

            My hands phased through the Ouro. I called out to the Curator, “This whole time?!”

            He nodded, “I can commune with Souls. But not just any souls. One I was once bound to. Why do you think you no longer possess Dark Matter energy within those gray-black eyes of yours?!”

            I tapped into that hidden part of me. The one connected to the Amache Seeker Host. Memory filled in the blanks. No more dark matter sight. The Curator bowed, “More awaits you Arbiter. Learn on the fly as they say! In your case, the Ur-stone will provide!”

            The King and Queen of the Icath curled around me. “Fear not. We know the frequency of the Crystal Home. You will reunite with your earthly body.” I glanced down at myself. Completely transparent. Back within the burial garb of the Ayeer. I flexed my fingers on each hand. Still present. I hoped.

            Lorain was going to kill me. Then hug me. Then kill me again.

            Sentinel cocked his head to the side, <<That wouldn’t help anyone! That was just phase 1!>>

I groaned as the realization hit me. “That was why they had me record all those books to holo spheres. Am I gonna get swissed again?”

            White said, “No. But from here on out? Unity knows exactly who and what you are.”

            I nodded, “I got an eyeful within that False Dreaming.”

            Sentinel added helpfully, <<From the Silver Steps to the Lands of Low, until finally, we find the Cliffs of All Souls!>>

            My head pounded. Various one-armed versions of me entered my body. With each passing, my memory grew. The Ur-Stone’s data interlinked.  I gazed heavenward. “Now I know how Shield World me feels.”

            White said, “I will be blunt. You will be a better caretaker.”

            I rubbed my face. “That Tower Incident wasn’t for me.” Sentinel grinned wolfishly, <<Nope! That was all for Lorain.>> I squatted. Rested my head against the metal. The Ouro asked gently, “Would the Arbiter desire a conference call with….”

            I replied, “Yes.”

            I still marveled at it. Even after meeting the Void Man and the Silver Lady? I would be able to talk directly with….

            I gulped. Their boss. Mine too if I dwelled on it hard enough.

While the Icath Ruling pair helped us through the gate, guided us through the streams of time, a man stood overlooking a balcony. Resplendent in his white tuxedo. The air was sweet. He motioned to the chair next to him. It was made of soft leather. I sat and he offered me another drink. The liquid smelled of honey. I took a sip. A peaceful expression plastered itself on my face. It had been ages since I felt so relaxed.

           “I remember that look.” He smiled at his joke.

            I replied quietly, “You made me the way I am to combine both worlds.” He nodded.

            I didn’t mean Earth and Typha.

            Mortal and….

            The Highest said, “Thronebearer.”

            I replied, “But Uncle Paxton is…”

            “A truth seeker. One of the Lower Order of Holy Hosts but no less valuable.”

I glanced at my cup. Feeling quite sheepish. Like my hand got caught in the cookie jar. The Highest rested a palm on my head. “My Nephilim and Holy Hosts can do many things but I do require other agents from time to time.” I peeked up at him. I could tell he was grinning. The kind of expression a father would have for a rather adventurous child. It was the only way my mind could fathom it.

            “Why three?”

            He replied, “The first is the mind. The second is the body. The third is the soul.”

            I took another sip, “Then it travels outward.” He waited.

            I murmured, “The Dreaming, The Ouro, and the Weave?”

            He traced a triangle on my forehead. “The Order. The Arbiter. The Shards.”

            The Arcane Order was his divine Tesseract. The Highest pointed. I stood and gazed out upon infinity. He shielded my mind. “Symmetry. Take heart. The world will need you. As I need you.”

            I shook my head, “Why does it seem so simple yet….” He held out his hand.

            I reached out. The tips of my fingers brushed his.

            I called out, “What about….”

            He winked, “All in due Time.”


         I opened my eyes. My breath was erratic.

My HUD showed three simultaneous timestamps.

         //Dear Me: It's true. You aren’t going insane. First, like the big boss said: Symmetry. Don’t worry about sifting through all your temporal memories for now. Focus on the present. Do you see that C-shaped sigil? When you press it, it will open the Crystal Coffin. Get ready to dash to that long ago Naming Building. Yes, we need to kick out the unwanted Living Stone tenants.//

            I blinked. Focused on the first Timestamp on my H.U.D.

            April 8th, 2136 (Present Temporal Axis)

            “Oh. I’m so dead. They are gonna kill me all over again.”

            20 years. Yet my battle within that Giant World Eater Apocalypse only felt like moments. Maybe days?! I brought my arms up. I had all my fingers. I wiggled my toes. Startled voices called out, “Notify Arcane Alliance Command!”

The image was blurred beyond the crystalline folds. No, it was holographic! I tested out the family line, >>Dexter, please tell me they got Alvara out….<<

            I didn’t care if that J’anu woman heard us.

            Simultaneous responses rang out, >>Eliza Elizabeth Murphy! I am grounding you forever!<<

            >>No way. Sis?<< That voice wasn’t familiar.

            >>I don’t believe it. I owe Augustus more belly rubs.<< That was Q’vera.

            Gwen’s mindvoice nearly made my eyes bug out of my head, >>Of course that Urraden would lie.<< It held an edge of madness. What had happened while I had been asleep?!

            >>YAY! Aunty is awake! The dogs promised! They are always true.<<

            >>Jace, just go tell her. Now. For the love of the Three.<<

            I replied, >>Mama? How many more brothers and sisters do I have now?<<

            My grandparents and great-grandparents were laughing.

Dexter’s amusement shot across my mental network, >>Vic’s almost old enough to shave, and the other twins are a chip off the Murphy block. We have a team called the Protectorate. It’s a loving joke but….<<

        I squinted as Arcane Net and INet updated me.

I slapped myself twice. Just for good measure.

        Dexter had 4 children. My parents, besides Victor and the other twins? All in all? I had three more siblings beyond that to contend with.  Sentinel barked proudly within my mindscape. <<YES! Time to eat bacon and destroy much Living Stone!>>

            Lorain’s face came into view over my HUD. I said, “Surprise?” She didn’t laugh but hid her head in her hands. I said encouragingly, “So what happened to the World Eater?” She sucked in a breath and replied, “You happened.”  White stirred. She yawned. Her tiger form curled around me. Another phased into the coffin. Black.

He swatted at his sister, “Wake up.”

She snorted, “I am awake.”

        I detected heartbeats.


        I consulted my HUD.

         //Luckily for you? The Ur-Stone is within the orbit of Typha. Get ready for that information dump in 5…4…3….2…1!//

            All at once, my brain expanded.

            I didn’t even think to check if it was Monday.

            Black said, “No but out of the frying pan and into the fire.”

            White added, “It's high time I paid Eliza back for all her help!”

            I cracked open the seal of the Crystal coffin. My fingers brushed the tip of a toy starship. A simple black backpack was draped around my feet. I stored the ship inside. Outside the coffin, another crystal barrier had been erected. The ground around me was overgrown with purple grass. A steep cliff was off to my right. To my left? An overgrown pathway. Three residual golden rings were under the coffin. I wiggled my toes. There were markings on my feet and exposed hands. I touched my face. There as well.

            Burial sigils. My Ur-Memory flowed outward.

            //Ur-Stone Platform Online.//

            <<How many enemy troops present?>>

            //20,000 Artock Clone Beserkers. Over 5 Million Living Stone constructions. 13 Living Stone Dragons.//

            “I see.”

            //Fleet Commander Little Jumper requests an uplink.//

            A Bardaxian in the shape of a Dachshund materialized across my HUD.

            <<Brother Augustus said it would be best to coordinate with us for now. Other’s overcome with emotion!>>

            The Ur continued. //Brood Hoard detected on Typha’s moons.//

            I loosened up by doing basic calisthenics. My body felt light. I reached back behind my head to work on my shoulders when a curious sensation met my questing fingers. Feathers.

            Gulliver and Trouble were on resting serenely on my shoulders.

            The black duck buried his bill into my neck. <<We never doubted.>>

            Gulliver snorted, <<True but tell that to all the…>>

            Trouble sneezed. <<Sitrep later. As Sky Marshall Murphy says!>>

            Dull thuds struck the barrier.

            “Right. Clean first. Talk later.”

Issue 16: Here

Issue 18: Here

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