Sunday, July 31, 2022

The Uplift Protocol Blood Feuds: Dark Matter Cluster


Interlude: Dark Matter Cluster


            Drink of the Water. It will pass. On to the next. To breath into life renewed.—Hatheon Blessing

            I stand as a witness. Until the stars go out. One final time.—Dexter Murphy

            Every time I awaken I remember that cry. The combined might of Earth, The Milky Way Galaxy, Our Universe. The mirrors that joined us during the Long Dark. We would not lose that day.—Sleeping In Starlight

The Dark Matter Cluster

Heart of the Multiverse

Lighthouse of Reflections


            Dexter Murphy moved past the middle tier. Crystals floated in a semi-circle around him. Hatheon guards saluted as he floated past. The chimes echoed as events demanded his attention….

            “…I will break you Golden Dart!”

            “On this day? We ride to victory!”

            “Huston? We have landed. One small step for….”

            “…The Eternal Empire shall never die….”


            “…on this day we award the medal of….”

The shard of the Highest within rang louder as he approached the earliest portal allowable along his sister’s lifeline. Eliza’s features were fresh. At four years old she was attempting to stand. The angry red line of her spinal injuries evident under the upper portion of her white shirt. The Captain Cosmos emblem, in its red and gold, complete with fishbowl helmet foremost. Dexter stepped through the portal.

His form changed.

To that of a small black kitten.

The first step among many.


New Ashbury (Texas)

November 9th, 2078


            I turned as the kitten pawed at my shorts. It was hard to move. But I hid my tears.

            I didn’t want to upset my parents. The cream gran gran put on my back helped. My grandfather exclaimed, “Found you!” His smile faded as he crouched. “Back troubling you again? It’s alright to admit it.”

            I gave a tiny nod. “Am I broken? I heard the doctor say…..”

            Grandpa picked me up. “You got hurt coming into this world. I trust what your father said. It was no fault of yours.” He didn’t notice the kitten floating over his head. The cat in question shook its head. I could sense the caution coming off of him. I knew him. From my dreams.

            >>We gotta be careful! Your back will change. This is hiding us both!<<

            I thought back hard: To hide us from the Shadow Man?!

I still saw fragments. A blonde man with cold blue eyes. His face was not right.

Dad was right. I had been hurt. But not by the Shadow Man. Her face had been burned.

Red needle over harsh white lights….

I screwed my eyes shut and leaned into my grandfather’s chest. His heartbeat was slow and steady. Like a metronome on the old vids. Grandpa placed me in the Rocket. It was my favorite. A nice red color. It floated next to him as he hit the buttons. He winked at me, “Ready for scout mission?”

I saluted, “To the Horizon! Planetary Defenders go!”

My brother sat in my lap.

Why can’t I tell them you're ok? Momma cries. She’d…

He patted me on the cheek, >>Can’t let the one who controls the Shadow Man find us. We aren’t strong enough yet.<< 

I nodded. 

My hands rested on the steering nobs. I circled Grandpa.

“Maybe when I get older Jacob can show me all the models he works on. He’s smart!”

Brother purred. The sound soothed the ache in my chest.

His voice quickened, >>Remember. When Captain Cosmos shows you the boy in the mirror? That will be me as well.<<

I leaned over and told Grandpa, “I promise to be on my best behavior!”

A dark blue aura surrounded him for a moment.

He was upset but it didn’t show on his face, “I know kiddo. I know.”

That was how I knew my brother was real. He gave off auras as well.

His tiny paws tapped my shoulders.

>>I promise. We will fly. You will anchor me when the time comes.<<

We crested the hill and the base came into sight. Nice houses in neat little rows. A new shuttle runway was being constructed. I winced as the pain lanced up my spine. Tomorrow was another day.

One filled with adventure. I put on my Cosmos Helmet. “TO THE MOON!”

That brightened my Grandfather’s aura.

He pointed skyward, “…and beyond!”

Together we shouted, “For the United Collective of Planets!”

It was the best show.

Issue 33: Here

Book 10 Prologue: Here

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