Friday, October 14, 2022

The Uplift Protocol The Ouroborous Chain: Issue 22

 Issue 22: Time is Tick vs Tock

    I cannot fail. I cannot falter. This task was given to me. My mandate is clear. Renew the cycle of souls. One day my waking memory as Lethe will be known to my mortal self. For now? I work through Lorain to enhance the resistance of the Edenborn souls.--Lethe

    The one who shields will climb into the abyss. To save those that remain? The shards must fall through the Three. Arise Arise oh Bearer! See what time has wrought. By each step you create our future.--Markav Collective Soul Warden Texts

    The Climb didn't just happen to Dexter and Eliza within the immediate present. It rippled outward. From her second awakening during the 42nd Century barrier to the far future. That imprint was infused into all the Sleeves she had to use from the Ur-Stone. It's no wonder the Highest and the Oversoul had to partition her mind. Otherwise she would have gone insane. How does one circumvent Time? By being everywhere at once. For that is the purview of the Highest Beings of Creation--Amache Book of Memory

    My Thronebearer memories had been sealed away to force Unity to underestimate me. To hide my Twin. In Lorain’s case? Hers could never interact with her normal human self. Not until...Even now that memory burns bright. How close we came to loosing everything. All creation level souls were irreplaceable. How to hide the vulnerable among us? With a set of demi powers no one would suspect could hide the signal of the Tears. Everything spoken of within the Sleeping in Starlight archives was sprinkled with truths. Just not in the order Abbadon predicted.--Unseen Archives Vol 4

    My sister’s mind remains stable enough. Thanks to Lethe. The Tears not only protect the souls of future cycles? They stabilize the Shieldbearer. Certain events are carried forward in the Sleeves. Jupiter Rising + her sisters and the Icath help us coordinate between different eras. Cycles. Even a few from before Convergence. The Oversoul plotted all of this from the beginning. To ensure certain events and outcomes but it is up to us to keep the Vigil on track.--Unseen Archives: Addendum (Notify CTT Personnel for any temporal flux).

Earth (Union Hall)


July 1st 4487

    Lorain paced about the foyer.

    Union Hall’s upper levels connected to the Weave Layer.

    The ground floor remained anchored within Earth’s physical dimension. The lower circled the fabled Soul Layer. Known to many within the upper echelon of the Unseen Order. A part of her knew that layer. Even if she couldn't prove it at this time. Why had they been awakened within this era? Eliza had already escaped from Helios.

    What was beyond the 3rd Stage of Convergence?

    Eliza excited the grav lift.

    A slight purple aura dissipated as she approached.

    Her Arbiter uniform. Hers was a mix of silver, white and gold. A modified version of Old Glory on her back. It had red, white and one blue stripe. Golden bracers. That familiar golden pauldron on the left shoulder. Three golden rings adorned her chest. Eliza smiled, “What’s up Doc!”

    Lorain strode over. “Any news?”

    She reached out to send a wave of healing over Eliza’s aura. Bits of the psychic energy from the Climb still hissed. Lorain reached over Murphy’s shoulder to pluck a bit of the chaotic energy from her right wing. Eliza pulled the hand away. A gentle motion that made Lorain glance at the ground. She was still afraid to look.

    To peer beyond the surface level.

    To the other that resided within her.

    She had seen enough over the eons to know that certain people contained hidden Creation Soul memory. Those first beings born after the arrival of the Oversoul. Granted mortal shells to hold that which was considered sacred. Souls to experience the pathways of Life.

    She repeated the words to herself.

    First came the Light of Creation. The Oversoul breathed upon the Three Layers.

    There were countless names.

    With each telling the stories grew. Lorain shivered. Her iconic black, green and gold suit’s stress response activated.

    She crossed her arms. What did her father always say?

    If you have a worry? Don’t tie a knot around it.

    Eliza settled it by scooping Doctor Impossible up into her arms. “Let’s go see what the Star Union needs. You never know!”

    Lorain replied lightly, “Thanks.”

    Woolgathering just brought up ancient history best left alone.

    Throne Sight flickered around Lorain.

    An involuntary response on my part. Lethe’s warnings prevented me from probing deeper.

    Death asked, <<Any updates?>>

    He resided within the Ur Stone. Another puzzle. My senses buzzed.

    Ritark trilled, <<No resonance from the Night Realm.>>

    I replied, <<Unseen scouts are monitoring all the usual haunts.>>

    I smiled at Lorain. To reassure her. To bolster myself. The Vigil remained.

    Thoth had managed to find a way to hide from Throne Sight. I focused on the Ninth Circle. Abbadon’s crimson serpent form coiled around his counterpart. The Highest’s fingers were locked about Abbadon’s ruby read throat. Just enough to paralyze him. Twin Sons forever circling a dark star. The prophecies had been about them as well. A massive smokescreen. Yet one remained outside of grand tapestry.

    I found it ironic that it was Thoth who achieved such a status. My inner sight peeled away from the Ninth. At first? We had placed the Ninth Circle just beyond Eden’s Ourobouros. Renewed Thronebearers of Elysium had constantly circled. Marveling at the strength of the Titans. I tried to recall the year but my mind had been splintered enough by the usage of the Ur-Stone it was astounding I recalled what day of the week it was.

    Sleeves. Each with a sliver of my knowledge. From different points of my life.


    I didn’t ask how the Ur-Stone worked. The Ur-Flow would guide me.

    To ensure my future.

    Doc sent another wave of cooling water against my back. Another scab came loose. Made me glad that only those with higher end Soul layer abilities could see the truth. Scars would remain upon my wings. If I would ever ascend to Elysium once more? The trials of my Climb were branded upon my back for all time. But as much as I welcomed the healing rays? I stopped her from diving too deeply. Lethe could not be discovered. That was my brother’s biggest worry. Thoth knew about Lethe. Just not how she had been hidden.

    The mystery of the Tears.

    Abbadon. Each piece of the puzzle nearly completed.

    Once we found Thoth? We would use the Tears to seal them all away for good.

    The memories would come to me when needed. A cosmic shuffle upon the chess board.

    Lorain poked me in the chest, “What about that Necrotic Wyrm?”

    I replied, “The former floating head known as Z’ahramdus? Spotted out by the old Zygotic Expanse. I suppose I am due for round three!”

    As I landed near the transport arrays various guards saluted.

    “Arbiter! All Eden Sectors clear.”

    Lazarus landed behind us. “Think that bound one will help?”

    I summoned my spear. The metal flowed as dark as the Weave Life Throne I sat upon.

    “He won’t give in to physical persuasion.”

    Dexter chimed in, <<We will have to offer a trade. You know of what I speak.>>

    Just as the Highest had its Titans coiled about the Ninth Circle? That necrotic dragon was the counterpoint. Grown from a sliver of Abbadon’s withered thumb. My brother thought it prudent to leave a handful of anchors to attract whatever remained of the Red King. Since we couldn't enact the final seal just yet? It was a viable idea. I didn’t agree. My blood boiled just thinking about the remaining bits of evil that still floated about but that was why we were a soul shard pair.

    Made to balance one another within the Vigil.

    I prayed for Black and White. We hadn't been able to find them since the Climb from Helios. Throne Sight provided no answers. Made me wonder if they were stuck with Thoth. I sincerely hoped that wasn't the case. Abbadon had been prepared for all manner of treachery but Thoth had still managed to blindside a fallen one. What had been Thoth’s Typherian moniker? Z’tar? Yes, that was it. The last of his name. I bit back a hiss of pain as memory flowed.

    He had Unity’s old weapons.

    Images crowded in. Chains lashed against my back. That infernal climb.

    Lazarus’ tone shifted, >>Wait!<<

    I jerked back. Throne Sight rippled.

    Lazarus steadied me, “The Markav will warn us. All of Bardax is watching the Weave. Give yourself time to heal properly.”

    Tobin and Gwen teleported in. Each carried a chalice. I winced as the ripples of energy hit my wings. Hidden by all three aspects but I could still feel it. Those claws raking my back.

    Gwen pushed me back, “Oh no you don’t!”

    My brother gave me a light punch on the shoulder, “We have rites to perform.”

    They were the Three Eyes of the Oversoul. I had to obey. Gwen distracted Doc from my soul wounds. Our duty remained. Find Thoth. It meant I had to awaken early. We couldn’t remain idle. “Right.”

    J’dax took point. The crow's feet around his eyes reminded me that even with how enhanced we had made prolong? Those who have been with us since the start would soon fade from this realm of stars. My uncle reached out to poke my forehead. “I know that look. It will be fine. We saw bits of that struggle remember?”

    The Typherian people had been cleansed from Lucifer’s marks.

    I groaned and clutched my head.

    Images rose. The Highest shouted, “You invaded his mind, body and soul!”

    Abbadon hissed, “Yes. You want to find him. But which is true? Is he me? Or...”

    I channeled Throne Sight into the Highest. My legs buckled. No one else could do it.

    The Highest reached in. His fingertips touched the outer edge of Abbadon’s left eye.

    “Our quarrel is not yet done my brother!”

    The Red King spat, “Indeed not. Brother!”

    Sentinel poured every bit of reserves he had into me. My Silver Defender armor rose to form over my body. Its silver fire covered my bruised back. Abbadon snarled, “Even your pet Thronebearer hemorrhages her soul further! How merciful of you brother!”

    I aimed my spear, “In the Void. I see you. In the Stars. I renounce you. By the Soul of All...” Blood trickled down the side of my mouth. The Source of every Defender flowed into me. Bolstering me against the primordial evil.

    I shouted, “...YOU ARE COMPELLED! Abbadon, Prevaricator of the Shattering!”

    Abbadon reached through the Highest. His crimson claws scrabbling against the barrier of the Ninth Circle. The Highest and I mirrored one another. My free fist hardened. I punched with all my might. The energy carried through. Funneled to the Highest.

    Abbadon’s serpentine form shifted. His dark eyes blazed.

    This was going to be a long day.


Seat of the Markav Collective

Mid System (The Present)

    Jacob sent the Javelin into a dive. Samantha cheered as the remaining Owls hit the minefields they had placed upon arrival. Her stomach flip flopped as Jacob did a series of sharp turns through the inert Eden Gate. The residual Soul Wards obliterated the lesser Owls.

    “Not out of the fire yet.”

    She bit back a gasp as an owl the size of the moon clawed its way into the space around the planet. Its pristine white feathers knocked the defender ships back. Those caught in the backwash lost power instantly. Light Shaman wards fizzled out in a rush of sound and fury.

    She muttered, “We are going to need more ordinance.”

    The Owl’s wings sparked into flames as they brushed the atmosphere of the planet.

    Its voice rattled against her rib cage.

    “This will not stop me. Even Unity is a pale worm next to my power!”

    Jacob retorted, “They all wanna be the Red King….”

    The bird’s beady black eyes swirled, “You assume much little mud monkey.”

    Jacob toppled sideways. Samantha reached out. Her fingers inches from his fallen form when another shouted, “Don’t!” She turned to see Sir Avalon pulling her to her feet.

    Color drained from Jacob’s face. “We have to help!”

    Avalon crouched. Etching a set of circles into the metal with his finger. Sigils rose.

    “Not as we are. This is a battle of the soul.”

    Jacob sprinted towards the purple radiance. He had no chance against an Owl of this magnitude. The way back to his body was blocked by a wall of thorns. Each end pulsed with Black Scrawl. Somehow this owl had eaten an Ourobourous guarding another universe. He could tell because of the resonance given off by the scales embedded within the thorns. Over the years they all had developed their abilities. He wasn't a heavy class like Dexter or Eliza but what he could use? He applied with the sharpness of a razor.

    Their world had layers. A majority only lived within the Physical realm. Demis that could cross all three? Dexter. Beyond that? Perhaps Captain Overwatch. Eliza wasn’t to that point yet. He sprang across the gap. Within this place it took the form of a river. He muttered an incantation. A small raft made of white energy formed. He sat.

    This was the moment the Arcane Order had warned him of.

    He pictured Taleer’s face.

“By the Three. Guide me. By the Three. Protect me. By the Three I shall find the Wall that Endures.”

    Ozymandias circled.

    Troublesome planet. He was certain that consuming those few pitiable universes would have been enough. No matter. His talons brushed the edges of the protective shield. With no active Soul Wardens chanting? This would just be a matter of patience.

    Thoth had promised. He had broken the chains.

    The Red King’s Folly would come to an end. 

Issue 21: Here

Issue 23: Here

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