Sunday, October 23, 2022

The Uplift Protocol The Ouroborous Chain: Issue 25


 Issue 25: UFO OH NO!

    Everyone wants to gain Dominion over all. Including myself. I was thinking too small but if I use my father’s knowledge? With the expectation he will stab me in the back? I can get ahead. What base to launch from?--Hilary Brookes.

    I know the Highest and his tricks. Those crystals are not the Tears. I imagine Abbadon already knows that. Sleeves dumped into the River. Nyx hopes to gain a distraction from that little maneuver. He only commanded me to find and pillage the resting place of the Avatar of Sands. Everything else is up to him. I wash my hands of it.--Lucifer

    Everything has been building up to retaking Elysium. With the Ark of the Covenant and a few other choice systems? It would be a beachhead to cleanse the corruption from the Multiverse. The one last remaining factor? The Climb from Helios.--Unseen Archives Vol 4


Inner Sanctum

August 5th 3266

    I rose stiffly.

    My shoulders popped as I entered the sigils to open the coffin.

    Two plump ducks landed in my lap. Trouble said, <<We brought a few items from the City that should help!>> Thronebearer wards shimmered as I floated upward.

    Elysium noted, <<Lucifer detected. Mid Shell. Operating at 1% of normal output. Soul Reserves: 0. Weave Integration: Minimal. No outside FTL source to Eden detected.>>

    It would take quite a bit of Light Shaman channeling to get this place up to snuff. I reached into the soul layer. Plucked one of my feathers from my wings. I blew on it. Not fully formed just yet. That would be for the final phase of my journey. It hung there then winked out. Jacob would know what to do with it. Had to stack the deck for the rebirth of the Soul Wardens. No matter what kind of demonic owl came a’knockin!

    My shadow expanded.

    Dexter was awake. Let the games begin.

    Hilary Brookes phased through the deck plating.

    The darkened sphere of Elysium had swallowed her scout null ship whole. Her Keeper nodes pulsed along her back. A tenuous connection at best. This place was dormant but it was not governed by the Ilk of Chronos. Abbadon held sway here. She asked, <<These Eyes you want? Is it tech? Biological?>> Her humanoid skin itched. It was required. Abbadon didnt want her kind here. Chronos’ digits locked onto her shoulders. His dry cadence filled her mind.

    <<Abbadon does not hide the eyes within the Night Realm. He placed them within Lucifer. We must allow this Arbiter of the Sands to engage him.>>

    Chronos layered her mind with a clear picture. Two tall figures. One in black, gold and white armor. Egyptian in style. Anubis helmets covered their features. The other garbed in silver, white and gold. <<They come in pairs.>> Her father was holding back. Didn’t matter. For now. Chronos slyly added, <<When you see the spear tip ring out? Grab the Eyes from Lucifer.>>

    Hilary gawked. Abbadon had placed them within those massive black leathered wings.

    <<Does he know?>>

    Chronos replied, <<Not in the slightest.>>

    Dexter Murphy held the black chalice to his lips. It did not lie. The Scythe hung over the Piper. His sister’s rage would hide the transference. He ran his index finger over the lip of the cup. Gulliver and Trouble did their duty. His sister was distracted. Lethe interjected, <<You want Hilary to get the Eyes?!>>

    Dexter remained resolute, <<Yes. They were never made for mortals or Thronebearer Avatars like us. They are only meant for the Oversoul.>>

    Chronos would drink from the forbidden cup. Evil was selfish. In desiring knowledge only meant for the Creator itself? They would form the final barrier between the three layers of Mortal Kind and the great Overward. He needed the old scholar. Much like he required the old Arbiters of the Arcane Order. C’alain. Ta’mathon. His power would be in the combined might of old souls. For death was a necessity for any cycle to function. From creation era to the far future. It wasn't in his sister’s nature to understand. Each would be judged. The Piper was called. To lead others to Dexter’s banner. When the time came? They would be prepared for the Climb.

    Final death would be for those insane enough to follow Chronos into the mists.

    “I know that look.” Lethe turned. Her eyes darkened.

    I continued, “Dexter has to get dangerous.” There was no need to elaborate further. Trouble interjected, <<What about the shield matrix itself?>>

    I pressed my palm to the main sigil. “Still charging.”

    Gulliver quacked, <<I can bring up all of General Whitehouse’s markers….>>

    I shook my head, “No. The less those fiends notice them…..” My throat tightened. Our timeline was still on course. I focused on the heartbeats of those I knew best. Each thump reminded me of what I was fighting for. The pillar opened. A white orb the size of my fist exited. It floated there. I examined the symbols.

    3 hours.

    They would survive. I was worried about the Fleet. It was the largest ever amassed. Not only from the Edenverse but collected from all the Gilgamesh sectors across the mutliversal spheres. Ones not contaminated by Unity or Abbadon’s machinations. We had the numbers. The magic. The technology. Faith. Abbadon controlled a full third of the multiverse. He abused each body beyond its limits.

    Consumed shards to increase his power. Using the owls as his eyes and ears. They didn't exist within Edenverse or our Thousand Primary alternatives. Thanks to our odyssey within the past. It was why the United Earth Front counterparts recognized us even in the early days. The Banner years. Lorain squeezed my hand, “You are still the Star Spangled Banner my dear.”

    I smiled, “I cannot escape it. Nor would I wish to.”

    I shivered as the black chains echoed. Sightless eyes upon my back.

    Flashes of the Climb. What would happen if I failed.

    Lethe spoke, “I know that expression as well. It will consume us all.”

    I would shield them.

    Aether held his hands high. He had not forgotten his old mortal shell. The Director was within Elysium with his fallen daughter. His blood sympathy boiled as the jagged resonance shook through his entire body. His Thronebearer senses detected Lucifer. He cupped his chalice. Knelt before the doorway of the Golden Host. A set of whiskers tickled his leg. He glanced down. “Little one!” Ichabod circled, “We need your help!”

    The Piper appeared from the shadowed alcove just outside the glow of the doorway.

    “I know my path.”

    Aether’s eyes rose to the set of Scythes floating above the former Scholar’s head. Piper held out his hand, “Uriel.”

    That one word. Spoken sincerely.

    Uriel rose, “By the will of the Highest and Oversoul. You have it.”

    Dark tendrils rose. Two blood red orbs wreathed in flame and smoke followed.

    “How delightful! I get to kill you both. That Spear will not avail anyone.”

    Claws tipped with white shells formed.

    The wind howled through old bones of the undying specters floating overhead.

    Lucifer spread his wings wide.

    “It has been ages dear brother!”

    Liquid heat poured from Uriel’s chalice. Lucifer’s outer tendrils smoked.

    Uriel stated calmly, “You shall not breach this sanctum.”

    Pustules burst on the demon’s back. The Piper let out a simple trill on his flute.

    White flames danced. Forming into an endless sea of rodents. Their bright eyes sharp and knowing. The Piper’s Song changed. Its melody quickened.

    I pressed the last sequence into place. Here we go! The disk shot skyward. Through each layer of Elysium. The air above us was filled with the shouts of battle. I hurled my spear skyward. It bisected a multi limbed skeleton. Bone crunched under my boots.

    I sent the alert out to the Fleet.

    ///Operation Anubis Activated.///

    I aimed a kick at the middle head of a cyclops. Its eyes bulged as the force of the blow sent it sprawling into the dead forest behind me. Much like the creatures we had fought so long ago on Tarvel. Nola’s voice rang out via the silvered mirrors rising before me.

    “Do not let him break Uriel’s Chalice!”

    The copper tang of blood flooded my nose.

    Scholar blood.

    I howled, “Lucifer!”

    Gen. Whitehouse dropped to the deck as a silver burst of light flowed over his team.

    Arthon recovered first. He motioned quickly. To the Arbiter!

    The Silver Sigils of War were plastered all over Star.

    Coms filtered in.

    //Fleet Alert: We stand with you brothers. All units! Advance!//

    The outer shell of Elysium vibrated as endless waves of ships jumped in. Colors flashed as every available Defender materialized. Bardaxians of every shape and creed clustered around Whitehouse.

    Marvin barked, <<First Floridian division reporting!>>

    Vibrations shook the earth as a clairon call formed. From each strike of a spear.

    Arthon ran forward. Whitehouse and dozens of Bardaxians on his heels. A silver and gold building stood taller than the rest. A wall of water rose behind it. The Golden Host.

    Judgment clawed his way past the final wall. The energy was nearly unbearable even with his magical wards. Black armored hands pulled him up. He blinked away the afterglow. Dexter’s Anubis helm, forged within the armories of the Golden City, drank in the light. Black as space itself. The son pulled his father closer to the battle. Eliza’s blackened spear scored another hit as a creature of ash, smoke and flame bellowed. Its eyes murderous.

    “BROKEN! Half remembered dream of a dead god!”

    Her silver Anubis helm protected her true identity. Her reply was modulated.

    “I am the Arbiter of the Sands. You hold no dominion here. Fallen of Abbadon.”

    Lucifer snarled, “I care not where you hide that crippled demi!”

    Sulfur filled the air as Eliza scored another hit. Each faster than the first.

    Morningstar bellowed, “Your hits mean nothing. I shall consume the last of my brothers!” Thomas focused his magical senses on her spear. The rest of the Host was dormant within. This output was all Eliza.

    Red mist coated her right arm as Lucifer lashed out with white tipped claws.

    His maniacal laughter spread, “See! MORTAL AFTER ALL!”

    Eliza switched hands. A blazing silver shield formed over her wounded side.

    I controlled my breathing. Just as Dexter taught me. The wound on my arm already knitting. I had to delay Lucifer. Give our forces the breathing room to get into bombardment range. Elysium stated, <<Arbiter. Current demonic layer shield weakening. Soul Warden markers present. Outer Soul Layer detected.>>

    Good work Jacob!

    Black wings reformed into spikes. They shot out past me.

    Time slowed. The Piper met my gaze. It flickered to Uriel.

    Nola’s warning rang in my ears. I used my body to protect Aether’s Thronebearer form.

    My spear rang out as I blocked the vine like whips aiming for Piper.

    That old red headed Scholar smiled at me. The words formed on his lips.

    “Thank you.”

    His hands fell. Blood ran down his mouth. Anguish tore through me.

    Lucifer mocked me, “Forgot a certain layer dear Arbiter?” Sparks of the Weave Realm smoked as the vines twisted and reformed into wings on his back. Sentinel growled within the back of my mind.

    I turned. The rage formed behind my helm.

    I planted my spear and shield into the ground. It cracked the metalwork surrounding the building.I launched myself at Lucifer. Those eagle bright red eyes widened as the full force of my hit struck him across the jaw. My eardrums burst from the force of the blow. These tears were not my own.

    Judgment's jaw dropped. Each hit shook the shield world itself. Refuse of demonic energies sloshed off buildings. Trees. Suns. Animals. Where once was void? Life renewed. Still his daughter continued her assault. Her knuckles split down to the bone under those gauntlets.

    His expression darkened as the Piper’s life drained away.

    He shouted to his son, “Where is Doctor Impossible?!”

    Dexter pointed, “Keeping our Fleet alive.”

    This battle had only just begun.

Issue 24: Here

Issue 26: Here

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