Thursday, October 6, 2022

The Uplift Protocol The Ouroborous Chain: Issue 20


Issue 20: Three Hearts

    The truth reveals itself in stages. Convergence taught everyone that. Even the Shaded Ones that dwell within the Dark Planet know this intimately. Much to their despair. --Opening to the Chronicles of Convergence.

    We are the Guardians of the Apex. The 42nd was selected for a purpose. In us all roads meet. The Twins touch each layer. So do we. We shall maintain the Vigil while you slumber.--Terran-Typerian Union Mandate

    I didn’t learn until later why the 42nd century was vital to sealing away all the Evils into the Ninth Circle. My mind was consumed with what I would face during the Second Phase of Convergence. What would the quelling of the Knife entail? I had faced the separation of my body and soul shard before but the 2nd phase? It revealed more than my enemy ever thought possible.--Unseen Archives Vol 4

Galactic Core


March 12th, 4245

    Martin Ivas paused. Sulfur sparked as the Night Shamans howled in the distance.

    His lungs burned. Even with the Combilus nanites flooding his body via his black combat suit emergency stores.

    He readied his Light Rifle. The energy flowed. A six armed inmate fell face first into the hard packed earth. The alien twitched as sleep took him.

    The Soul Layer whispered, <<Seeker of Eden Sector 2457. Black Scrawl incursion immanent. Summoning Defender Corp Auxiliaries. >>

    Moonlight glinted off a familiar set of circles.

    While Dexter and Eliza had succeeded in re-establishing the proper links between all three layers? The influence of the Red King lingered. Eliza had insisted on carrying all souls from Helios. To have a chance at mercy. Proper judgment. Many had reintegrated within the overall flow but a handful remained entrapped by the lies of the Red King. The Vigil would remain but as long as good stood fast? The future would be brighter for the next cycle. That was the main pillar of 42nd century life. Build the Wall so others would endure!

    HeroNet sent out an advisory: ///Be Advised: Gilgamesh Sector, Eden Sector, UEF Sector, Tellus Sector, Twilight Sector activated. Throne Summon Initiated. Current Arbiter: Death’s Hand of the Sands.///

    The statue’s metallic surface warmed as he placed his palms against its smooth circular patterns. Shield World Codex. Another day in protecting the timeline of Convergence. Guttural shouts followed, “GET THE HUMAN!” His HUD translated nearly every language. Three golden moon’s rose over the treeline. The Oversoul enjoyed such symmetry. A giant of a man stepped through the ether surrounding area. His black armor emblazoned with three circles. White outer edges while the inner rings glittered with silver fire. Eliza was dormant. The Twin Arbiters of the Oversoul. Brought into the world through mortal means. Scholars of the day kept diligent records of the Sleeping in Starlight Chronicles but Martin could sense another layer building upon those tomes.

    The visor rose. Black and gray eyes took in the sight.

    “I see Lucifer has made himself known once more.”

    A white trident hummed in his right hand.

    A few inmates charged, “There he is! FOR THE GLORY OF THE BLACK ONE!”

    Dexter’s right eyebrow rose, “Right.” He aimed his trident. Dozens of figures flew backwards. Slamming into the gray and purple treeline.

    Martin tensed. His rifle at the ready. He sub vocalized, <<Set to Light Sigil: Weave Shot.>>

     A fleck of purple light entered the chamber.

    He aimed. The beam hit a charging Artock. One who had denied the healing powers of Lethe. It tore through muscled and bone. Pinning the creature to the rocks below. The Climb had given everyone a choice. The CCT had broadcasted the whole ordeal across all layers of Time and Space. He hadn’t been born yet but the images had been ingrained upon his soul. The weight of Choice. The imprint hadn’t awakened until he reached the age of majority. As with all born after Convergence.To serve the Light or to fall into the Ninth Circle. To join those like Karvax the Devoured. The False Light of Elysium. Lucifer Lightbringer.

    Ta’rammon and J’anu, Reaver Demons that patrolled the Outer Reaches of the Ninth Circle. The Hell Planet. Where all those who prostrated themselves to the Lies of the Red King dwelled for all eternity. The Arbiter planted his trident into the ground. “Stay here.” Two Golden Retrievers landed. Their emerald energies formed into a wall. Complete with catapults.

    Maru’s collar lit up against the twilight glow of near midnight, <<We got this boss!>>

    I launched a series of hits. Each one set the Shades flying.

    Those who’s soul shards still reverberated with the corruption of Helios. This was a barrier shield world along the old Path of Ancients. A path subsumed by the Soul Layer of Creation. It was why it had been sealed away. For Abbadon could not access it properly. No matter how many he swayed to the Lies. It was why he had planted the seeds within Chronos. To destroy Illarium. They hadn’t evacuated the standard civilians from Utharan that day.

    No, it was all the bloodlines of the Soul Wardens. Sent to 5 different seeding areas beyond the Path of Ancients. That exodus had carried them far. Abbadon had understood surface level traits. I headbutted a spindly red creature. Black Scrawl exploded from its V shaped jaws.

    Another one of Nyx’s pets. Our job was far from over.

    We would take turns safeguarding the expanding Multiverse.

    My sister was always the kinder half of the equation. That was the final cord that the Red King had planted. It was why the Vigil remained. People knew the stakes. As much as we could slip into the gestalt of mortal life. The cycles were rekindled. The Highest’s sacrifice had made this future possible.

    A black snake with silver bright eyes rose from the ground. Its fangs attempted to close about my chest. Its mouth filled with ash as it’s tongue hit my armor. This was not the form they expected. They figured since Eliza was safely tucked away within the Crystal Coffin with Lethe that they would be free to cause chaos. Not on my watch.

    My right fist smashed into the giant snake’s snout.

    It disintegrated on impact. A construct.

    Other forms sprang from the shadows. I let them gather. Lucifer wouldn't be able to resist the chance. He still resented me. He had expected Eliza’s part in the proceedings but never saw my role until it was far too late. I snapped my leg out. The hell hound yelped as it slunk back into the shadows. The putrid scent of sulfur on the air. A human male with graying hair stepped forward. Black Scrawl constricted across his scarred throat. It hissed. Writhing across the tanned skin like a second coat.

    “Ahh. You think everything completed? A nice lovely cycle to guard? The future is set.”

    The voice was mild. Lucifer spread his hands wide. A brilliant shade of red around the iris the only other tell that a higher Fallen had taken up residence. The soul wardens gathered in the skies above us. Ready to fire if needed. I sent a signal to them.


    Lucifer examined my armor, “Is that what the Highest traded his freedoms for? How self sacrificing! It won’t matter in the end. The Vigil you so greatly prize is an empty dream for an uncaring God.”

    I had heard this screed before. In the heart of Elysium. Before the Doorway of the Golden Host Reliquary. It carried a hint of meaning. Not toward myself. I nudged my sister. I needed her empathetic impressions. I listened. Lucifer stuck his chest out. Winked at me. “All this scurrying about. Just to jail little old me. All the while, you can’t find him, the one who remains.”

    Thoth. That got my attention.

    Lucifer’s aura dipped.

    Abbadon was planning one last move across the chess board. Eliza mused in that hidden corner of my mind, >>They always saw Thoth as a means to an end. He is bound to Abbadon. Sees into the Ninth Circle without being there.<<

    I gathered the Soul Layer to me.

    Lucifer’s grin expanded. Beyond the ability of normal human lips.

    “Ah. Talking to the other birdy.” He made tut tut motion. His index finger pressed to that widening mouth. “Thoth never seeked the High Seat of All.”

    That was the Fallen’s name for the Oversoul.

    Lethe’s smooth tenor flowed over me, >>Thoth is driven by baser means. Lucifer hands a kernel of truth within a sea of lies.<<

    If Eliza had added her to the mental proceedings that could only mean trouble. Lorain’s creation level memories were potent. It was why she hardly recalled her time within the Golden City or Gilgamesh sector. Lethe had used the Tears to prepare Earth. In that Golden Age of Ta’mathon’s Reign. We had guarded her. Eliza had found her time within my shadow to be quite illuminating.

    I sprang skyward. My trident’s aimed at the ground below. Markav voices rose. The skies above the shield world glowed with bands of purple white flame. The rapid pops below indicated escaping soul shards.

    Recalled to the Ninth Circle.

    Lucifer called out one final time. Knowing I would hear him.

    “Be seeing you. Arbiter.”

    Ivas saluted. “Shall I seal this world?”

    The Arbiter nodded. His eyes shrouded by the visor. A week’s worth of stubble covered the older hybrid’s chin. The Soul Seeker called out, “ Seeker of Eden Sector 2457, Shield World Iataya, purge command delta. Slumber Protocol.”

    Any lifeforms touched by the Ninth Circle would be frozen in place. To be judged by the Soul Wardens. In most cases they would be helpless pawns tricked into service. Such was the way of demons. It was why Barrier Shield Worlds existed. To find those who were merely pawns vs the true believers. The Golden Retrievers circled. Their noses quivering as the Arbiter bestowed bits of bacon, Earth grown, upon them.

    “Keep an eye on Ivas.” They barked in unison.

    <<Of course boss!>>

    Ivas bowed, “I shall not fail you sir!”

    He would burn out his soul sight if need be. His father would often say, “Evil grows in the shadow because it think it can hide.”

    The Arbiter rested a hand on the human’s shoulder, “Let’s keep lighting the paths.”

    Ivas responded, “Route all the evil into the corner we desire.”

    Dexter rose. He had no need for common transport plates.

    “As was written.”

    The human responded solemnly, “As was promised.”


Seat of the Markav Collective

The Halls of Memory (The Present)

    Taleer held out his hand. Sul’sandra grasped it. The water was up to their waists now.

    She slowed her breathing. “Any ideas?”

    The three black marble statues above them continued to open their arms. The water flow increased between their outstretched hands. Their mouths opened. Flecks of gold intermingled with the flow. Taleer pressed his face into the rising liquid. He forced his heart to slow. Until it faded from his mind. He parted his lips. Letting the water flow through his body. He waited 20 seconds. There was no response.


    Voices lingered within these walls. Waiting to be found.

    He brought his head up. “We must let the tide carry us forward. It is the only way.”

    Sul’ squeezed his hand. He wrapped an arm about her shoulders.


    She agreed. Her voice firm. “Our bodies are a shell.”

    Comet examined them both.

    Their soul shards had merged with the waters of the Hall of Memory. They would learn. High above their bodies were resting on the great slabs of K’tha stone. The survators paced about. Pausing only to anoint their physical forms with oils to preserve the siblings while the Soul’s Journey Rites were observed.

    A shrill alert broke the silence.

    <<Outer Shades detected.>>

    At their head? A white one. Comet’s iris narrowed.

    The rest had been consumed. Only one Owl remained.

    The one from his Universe. Once the weakest. Now? Its shadowed talons curved around the outer edges of the solar system. Comet sent out a call to the ships that orbited the planet.

    <<Incursion immanent. Ready Javelin Star Bursts!>>

    Goldenlight replied, <<Understood. Bringing Operation Looking Glass online.>>

Issue 19: Here

Issue 21: Here

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