Saturday, March 11, 2023

The Uplift Protocol Twin Rulers of the Sky: Issue 12

Issue 12: Echoes Upon the Shore

    I have to admit: It's hilarious pretending. The shield of humanity. If they only knew.--Lucifer

    I can borrow demi abilities. During the day at least. At night? Hilary has been reluctant to share her new powers but we will convince her. One way or another.--Chronos

    Don’t underestimate any demi. Even rank ones. They might not have a complete playing field to abuse but many end up mastering the one ability they do possess—HeroNet guidebook to Demi Ranking

New Ashbury, Texas

Eastside Sights

Date Recorded: May 1st , 5488 A.C

    Striker Nix snapped his fingers.

    The cop’s boots fused together. Causing him to yelp. A solid thump on the pavement let Striker know his foe was down for the moment. He jumped the fence. He missed being an Artock. Having eyeballs that could go any direction had been a boon. He had been reborn as a mud monkey. Plain as day human. His demi ability let him fuse any materials together. No matter how exotic. It had proven useful.

    He dived into an exposed manhole. A majority of criminals didn’t use the under croft of New Ashbury due to its mystical wards. For whatever reason even without that annoying Banner this particular city was hope central to a stupid number of goody two shoes. A high pitched whine echoed as he pushed with his demi power.

    The barrier parted. He resealed it as a few caped crusaders flew by. Each article of clothing was flooded with the warding particles. Magic? Whatever. All he knew is it hid him from his pursuers. The idiotic HeroNet dubbed him City Slicker. Every initiate hoping to impress the Protectorate had tried to apprehend him over the years.

    Nix tapped in his code via H.U.D.

    The duracrete wall shifted.

    Inside the data streams from all major factions crossed each other. One main console flickered to life as he sprawled on the memory cushions. Not a bad existence. It would have been worse.

    If not for Lucifer of all people.

    Nix scrambled over the bodies of his fellow Artock. It had been a last ditch effort to awaken the trapped sleepers from the Humans. The computer announcement added:

    ///Contact Lost UEF, Contact Lost Enteral Empire Reclaimed Territories, Contact Lost Typherian Ascendancy….///

    The list continued.

    It was as if it was saving the heart of Edenverse for last. Maybe it was.

    Nix dashed over to the sealed chamber. Black Scrawl shot out to entrap him.

    This was it. A bolt hole to survive the apocalypse.

    A golden arm pulled him in the rest of the way. Under that pristine armor a blackened form hissed. Dark flame caught his jacket on fire. Lucifer leaned in, “Do you offer your flesh?” Nix gulped, “Y-yes!” The words came out as the fire climbed up his arm. Runes seared into his flesh.

    Lucifer’s form shifted as the white light engulfed them both.

    Striker Nix screamed.

    The Mighty Mallet unhooked the manhole.

    He motioned to the kids, “You sure?” The little girl nodded rapidly, “We saw ‘im!”

    The other two mimicked jumping. “He had that bag and everything. Made the cop trip!”

    Mallet stated, <<This is Mallet. Got a lead on the target. Serial Number 2293-88X.>>

    The first cape to arrive on the scene was Ludicrous Speed. Nice kid but as wet behind the ears as you could get. Mallet waved as Crossguard landed with a thump. The man had an athletic build. One of his notable demi powers was channeling metals from different dimensions. He had recently completed his trials to join the Protectorate. There was the Inner Circle. First Triad, Second, then Third. His suit was a simple blue and gold. A giant blue cross on his chest completed the ensemble. No cape. Half the demis out there expressed a superstition about them.

    Orbital was the introductory rank.

    The Puzzler, Judgment, Golden Bulleteer, White Lily and Moonlighter. Those made up the Inner Circle. Star should have been here too. Where was she?! Dawnbringer as well.

    Mallet shook himself. No. Use the new names. He silently repeated them.

    He was third circle. A majority of those who remembered were placed within that zone.

    Orbital was for those demis born to this new cycle. Post Convergence.

    Crossguard knelt to hand out candy to the kids, “Thanks for the assist!”

    One boy beamed, “My dad says you’ll get to Void Maiden's level in no time!”

    Crossguard stood. Hands on his hips, “Thanks!” His eyes overflowed with joy at the praise.

    Mallet linked in. Shocked at her placement within the Protectorate. First Triad.

    He made a mental note to contact Gansys/Time Warder later. It wouldn't do any good to let an outside influence that deep into the Protectorate. Those who had existed within Atlan had met the Protectorate in the early days of space exploration. He turned as a demi materialized next to him. The fading rays of Triad level tech teleportation dissipated until the gunmetal gray armor was all Mallet could see.

    Silver Striker. Arthon loved to be right on the nose. The former muthra knelt to press his gloved hands to the duracrete. “Yep. Overflow noted.” Code for Ninth Circle escapee.

    Striker Nix sat forward as the message repeated.

    //You have a 2nd and 3rd on your trail.//

    The encryption was from Lucifer. Nix didn’t want to know how the former Fallen knew but he shot forward. Gathering his data streams as he went. Damned Triad level Protectorates. They knew the former score. Based on Lucifer’s intel. There was no way anyone outside that circle could climb to the top.

    The names of the Inner Circle wasn't even known to the general public. The highest level known was Void Maiden. Nix suspected Banner allies to be the ones running the show at the top. Which was why he never actively searched for that Red, White and Blue monstrosity. If Hilary was here that would be the first thing to get her on the radar of Big Good Brother.

    All that mattered was to hide himself and his data streams.

    He pulled the ward particles about himself. Picked a corner.

    Then waited.

    A few heartbeats later a red and gold streak entered the small space. “Hey guys! I found...” The temperature dropped suddenly as a gray armored figure cut off the smaller speedster. His visor raised. Purple glowing eyes scoured every inch of the room. It was Silver Striker. Known 2nd Triad. Nix bit the inside of his cheek.

    Leave you big dumb ape.

    //Use the rattlers.//

    Countdown in 5...

    Lucifer kept the puzzled frown on his face. No one here but us dumb newbies. Silver was a muthra. Which one? That was up for debate but it didn’t matter. Nix had been careful but over time even these dim bulbs learned tricks. He examined every corner. Found one of Striker’s trap doors. Red mist exploded all around them.

    Excellent. Keep them off your scent.

    Pain exploded along Arthon’s spine.

    Crossguard reached out to catch him. While Mallet and Ludicrous stood back to back. Brimstone filled the small room. Mallet swung his signature weapon around in a tight arc. Red and black bone flew in all directions. Many scrambled to find purchase but he still had his old demi ability. Gravity was negatived for them for so many moments. He could channel it through his body or any weapon he wielded.

    Ludicrous took the lead. <<Join hands!>>

    Time seemed to slow as the speedster pulled his team to safety.

    Crossguard tossed a few light shaman flares into the room for good measure as they retreated. Arthon gasped as the fresh air hit his face. His suit was going haywire.

    ///Ninth Circle nanites deleted from systems.///

    An unfortunate confirmation. He linked with J’dax. <<We have to go to the Beachhead.>> The Typherian’s reply shocked Arthon to his core.

    <<Aether has the whole planet on lock down. All the Titans are coiled tighter than a drum. Judgment cant get a read on anything.>>

    That could only mean one thing. Lucifer was here. Dexter had tried to find him. During the 42nd century of the Eden Cycle. But that avenue had been cut off once Convergence had activated across all time and space. Thoth, Chronos and Lucifer had escaped the Arc of the Covenant purge. Arthon suspected they had used anchors to circumvent the exile to the Ninth. He groaned as he got to his feet.

    He pressed two fingers to his chest to activate a HeroNet wide alert.

    //Attention all Protectorate: Ninth Breach on Earth. Location: Eastside Sights.//

    Breaches weren’t uncommon. But for Earth, Bardax and Typha? It was nigh impossible.

    Argus Paxton lit his cigar. Marshall stood next to him. The skyline of New Ashbury still missed one vital building. Smoke rose from Marshall’s boots. Each layer swirled about his body until only his demi suit remained. Smokescreen clipped on his golden utility belt. The only bit of color outside his completely gray suit.

    Argus grinned, “You made that part flashy on purpose. Just to annoy people.”

    Marshall replied, “Of course! All the better to lure the Ninth in!”

    Paxon’s white and gold arcane armor manifested. His white cowl covered his bright blue shimmering eyes. As Arclight he was able to control divine energies. With an Earth breach the time had finally come. They would send the trio of escapees screaming into the depths of the Ninth Circle. Smokescreen’s Intez noted, >>How much you want to bet a certain Dawn and Banner are back?<<

    Argus put out his cigar, “Fine by me. Been waiting for this beyond all my lifetimes.”

    The sigils of Camelot and Avalon flickered over endless screens, “We hear your call!”

    Marshall hooked his thumbs into his belt, “It will be good to see Arthur and Elias again!”

    I gaped at the messages, “On EARTH?!”

    I didn’t think such an event was possible. I couldn’t doubt Silver Striker’s update though. He wasn’t known for being a prankster. I noted Trickshot’s glance with Mystic. I sent the alert to Jupiter’s main screen. “What’s with the 27% in the corner….”

    My eyes rolled into the back of my head as an electrical current ran up my spine from the chair. I blinked rapidly as new sensations flooded in. I groaned as I lifted myself from the piloting rig. Memory locked into place.

    I unclipped myself from the harness.

    “Oh...” I cradled my head in my hands.

    I turned to Judgment and the Puzzler.

    “On a rating from one to Momma’s gonna kill me….”

    The intercom clicked. A familiar voice echoed, “Let’s save Doctor Impossible first. I’m a bit biased you know.”

    “Right! I get it. Memory surfing later….”

    Doctor Impossible. That stirred up all sorts of impressions. Just outside my reach.

    I replied, “Hey! Are you still an Admiral?”

    Mary said, “Yes. Now I order you Captain Murphy….”

    I held up my hands, “Understood. Locked and Loaded!”

    Void Maiden gripped my left shoulder. My father and Eddie strapped in.

    I kept muttering for good measure, “Oh man. Note to self. Find everyone. Grandpa Wolf, Sassy, Space Lady...” I listed off every nick name I could muster.

    I glanced at my brother, “We have to find your wife too!”

    Gulliver and Trouble landed straight into my lap.

    “YES!” I pressed a delighted kiss to their heads.

    Things were looking up!

    J’ino hardened her skin until her weight kept her from moving while the Jupiter skittered through Soul Space. Eliza’s commentary was a balm on her heart. Dexter linked in over a separate com. Her son drifted from one station to the next. Floating effortlessly. His human seeming gray eyes drinking in everything.

    //See? This way once she sees you as a demi it will be all more in the family! Awakened in pieces unfortunately. We will have to get Doc back in one piece. Lethe is attached to Mary for the moment. Once we get them to merge back together? We will have an idea of what to do next!//

    Eliza stated, “Entering Litari territory. HEY! It's Starstuff!”

    Taleer and Sul appeared on the view screen. Sul raised her right fist to her heart, “Praise the Creator! Quickly! We will explain as we take you to the planet!”

    Eliza turned as she exited the piloting array, her feet 1 foot off the ground, hands unable to stay still. “Hey dad! How many in the Protectorate are Murphy’s this time?”

    J’ino could hear the smile in his voice, “41!”

    Blue Blaze zig zagged between his brother and sister. Eliza nearly crushed the air out of him. “HA! You got to be the oldest this time!” Zachary Murphy didn't need to say anything. He was just glad to have the two flying bricks back. Void Maiden shook her head as Blaze relayed the question.

    Not yet.

    After they got Doc back.

    Then the real reunion could commence. 

Issue 11: here

Issue 13:

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