Thursday, April 13, 2023

The Uplift Protocol Twin Rulers of the Sky: Issue 20


Issue 20: Messages of Dust

    My Sleeve Wardens are the ace in the hole. Hardly anyone knows about them. Silver Fox knows just enough to help facilitate certain matters. Thoth has eaten the Dreamweaver. Not the other way around. Its another reason we were separated from our cycle memories. Now to just close the final trap.--Dexter Murphy

Each pair will push the Ninth Circle into the main mass of the Nothing. From there? It will be up to us to break it apart into entropic realms. Those souls foolhardy enough to try to breach such places? Will find themselves without a rudder.--Black Spear, Sleeve Pair to Silver Fox

    //Ninth Circle array online. Registering Living Stone Wardens. All pieces report to outer ring.//--Historical Records: Post Convergence

    My temporary ID wouldn’t last long. In the grand scheme of things. My parents and the Lanis’ knew to keep us apart. Otherwise it would have been quite obvious. Even to those who were blind. Figuring out who Lucifer was ended up consuming a fair amount of any free time I pretended to have.--Sleeping In Starlight: Post Convergence Files (Conclave Access Required)

Downtown (Historical Sector)

New Ashbury, Texas

February 14th 5490 A.C

    Hilary peered up into the sky.

    No red, white or blue monstrosities.

    Her father had relinquished his hold over her body. That worried her. He usually dangled freedom like an expert angler. Pyra tensed as the ground vibrated. The Ethereal Titan landed with a graceful thump. Hilary snorted. That one was a flight hazard. Considered a Tier 3 demi but you’d never know it by those skills. The assassin gripped Hilary’s hand and walked past the HeroNet building.

    Hilary couldn't resist, “You have a license for that cape? Hate to see how you drive!”

    Pyra noted lightly, “Not all use flight as their main power.”

    Hilary snorted.

    A tendril of fear ran up her spine as she studied the assassin. It had been a busy few years setting up everything to breach the Ninth Circle. Odd how they never seemed to ask why Pyra was here. Sure she was a decent pilot. But she never talked about any of her prior missions. Not even that notorious incident from the Eden Cycle. Thoughts scattered.

    The impression remained.

    She followed Pyra. Sullen and silent.

    My father cheered me up, <<We all decided to grow the barely there Flight setup. Since otherwise you’d be a natural. Family Bonding! It was Blue Blaze controlling your boots this time around.>>

    At least I could properly float about while on my ship.

    Doc greeted me in the foyer for the Protectorate HeroNet hub. The Mighty Mallet and the rest of his team providing a bit of protection. Mallet clapped me on the back, “You’ll get the hang of it!”

    I smiled.

    At least it was a distraction. Otherwise I’d be going up the walls wanting to reconnect with all my old teammates. For now we all had to play the keep away game. My bonds to friends and family were too strong. I brought up the files on my current team. We were known as the Starlight Seekers.

    Crossguard. He had a zest for life. At least from what I could tell of his actions and mannerisms. I hoped he wasn’t Lucifer. I didn’t think it would be possible for the old tyrant to keep up a happy go lucky exterior for too long. He’d probably go with a plan he could stomach. A way to mock everyone while hiding his true nature.

    Ludicrous Speed? It could be possible. Previous cycle memories didn’t start leaking through until the age of majority. For some like Typherians that meant 24. Humans? 18. Bardaxians? 3. Prolong delayed that turn over in some case. Silver Fox told me every soul had been given a choice just as the Ark of the Covenant had fired off to remold this final cycle. Choice was important to the Highest and the Oversoul.

    But Lucifer and the others had used their connections to the Nothing to bypass that first net. My father suspected Chronos’ old body as one of the primary means. Not a pleasant thought under any circumstances.

    Lensflair could bend light. He could transport himself through any machine that used any array of UV or any light source along the spectrum. He had saved countless lives from the Ninth Array cults. In order to tap into the Black Scrawl or any tool the Nothing desired? One had to offer the blood and soul of the living. It was why the cultist that sprang up were dangerous enough. They could help those with greater knowledge get past the lockdown barriers of the Ninth Circle.

    Iron Jaw was a massive St. Bernard. Trained by Camelot itself. There was no way a demi dog would ever be in the service of evil. That was a new development. While many Defender belts took up the cause via Bardax? Earth’s dogs developed powers all their own. Much like Mankind was the only place you could find demis. That left Fadeaway. The man of many faces. He wasn’t quite a changling but he could mimic other people’s bio-signatures. Having telekenetics didn’t hurt either.

    He would often peruse all sorts of INET or HeroNet reports.

    Conspiracies. Such as they were.

    This new universe loved mysteries. Most weren't filled with malice.

    To this day he still cross examined Yak’s initial appearance. The world wasn't ready for that mystery just yet. Yak’s people had direct ties to the Eden Cycle. Fox said once the balloon went up we needed to tag all the escapees. Getting my walking orders from my former future past life self.

    I was akin to an Ourobourous myself.

    Yak-tish was our Markav Soul Warden support. No way in any universe could he have been skinned by Lucifer. My first foray into his lands ensured that.

    Crossguard called out, “We have a mission. There’s been a rash of disappearences.”

    He moved aside as Uncle Paxton shook my hand.

    He wasn’t New Asbury’s lead detective anymore. He was the chief of police. A useful addition to his demi work. Arclight. A being of divine energy. I was glad I had a cowl with this uniform. I let go of his hand. He was a Living Stone warden. I wasnt able to say it. How many of my friends would be on that final line when the final blow came?

    Silver Fox cut in, <<We know the price. I will pay it gladly. Alongside all the others. But I must confess? I wanted to make sure a part of myself got to have that evergreen outcome. Such as it is.>>

    Lucifer observed the rest of his team.

    What kept messing with the Ethereal Titan’s ability to fly. By all metrics she shouldn't be that clumsy. Unless that’s what she wanted people to think. Crossguard placed one hand across his hilt as he talked with Titan. Yes. The missing people. It wasn’t Nyx. She was behaving. Another patriotic fool. But the walls were falling. Doctor Impossible was finally admitted into the 3rd circle of the Protectorate. He suspected each layer was for those from the Eden Cycle.

    Forever searching for the Star Spangled Banner and Dawnbreaker.

    They downplayed the latter on purpose.

    He’d give them just enough rope.

    The true power rested with Dexter Murphy. They had both hidden. They wanted him to buy the idea that Titan was Eliza Murphy. It was why they hobbled that one. It might even be true. But she was never the primary target. It had always been Dexter that the Oversoul had been protecting. He would shake up the old order.

    Impossible must have recalled her Eden memories by now. He logged into his ghost accounts. Time to spread more seeds.

    I leaned over as Fadeaway blinked furiously.

    “What is it this time?”

    We were on the main grav train heading towards the northern districts.

    He muttered, “All eyes have walls. Sin builds upon sin. The Black Scrawl beckons us all. We shall devour the flesh of the Immortals. You will never find me. Unless I wish it. Chronos is devoured. He seeps in as fires dim.”

    Iron Jaw growled. His normally bright brown eyes mere slits.

    Crossguard paled. Then crossed himself. A benediction on his lips. No way he could be Lucifer’s reincarnation. The Morning Star would never evoke the Highest or the Oversoul in any capacity. He was too prideful for that.

    Lucifer was openly mocking everyone. Not just me.

    Ludicrous Speed asked, “What does that mean? The old stories say Chronos was a titan that devoured other titans. He was supposed to be the cannibal. What would be gained by devouring that flesh?”

    It was a normal enough inquiry.

    Paxton replied, “It may have to do with these disappearances. The cultists have been leaving bits of speech behind they claim is of Black Scrawl origin.”

    Fadeaway continued, “….old wounds flow into this Paradise. The Snake writhes upon the tree. The Flesh is faulty. To be consumed by the Ninth. Tell me Standard Bearer? What do you love above all else? These pale imitations of life? Your brother has always been the Key.”

    Fadeaway shared the message board link.

We are All Mirrors within the Cycles

    Ishtar 238: The Knife wasn't enough. Already the Devourer moves. The Last Light shall fall. Who shall be the fountainhead of the final cycle? He has no more pawns in play.

    MAXom2545: This is full on Ninth Array. Get the Protectorate on this. ASAP.

    Lightbright255511: Flesh upon bone. Grounded into the blood of the first. There are those who pray the Standard remains dormant but I know the Golden Path. It will demand blood, life and soul. Why do you think its the most heavily guarded apex within the blessed land?

    Irecall0093: I’ll leave my calling card. I will kill you. Sweet dreams little flower of Typha. Through you our bloodlines were mixed. Befouled by human touch. I could have shone you such pleasures.

    X’mil. Shocked that Hilary hadn’t joined in. Maybe they didn’t want her to know.

    One final entry made my heart freeze.

    EntangledDreams11325: I know the taste of your Tears. You saved the Amache. You even saved the J’kua. You cannot save yourself. The cycle of life and death shall cease.


    I focused my thoughts.

    It was possible Lucifer was pretending to be others as well. He had been in the council of Unity alongside many of the Nothing’s proxy forms. Abbadon. He did know enough to lead us all on. I motioned to Paxton, “Care to give me the quicker version of this Ninth Array business?”

    I had to play my part. Be the fresh faced beat cop. As he would have put it.

    Paxton linked our HUDs together.

    X’mil slammed his fists against the wall. “The Favored Son has just upped the timetable!”

    He plastered the saved images from the closed off message board. Snake Charmer leaned against the wall. “He’s baiting everyone. Well nearly everyone.”

    Hilary propped her feet up on the table. Rocking her chair back and forth.

    “Not just Lucifer.”

    Pyra crossed her arms. “All of us. For whatever reason he thinks he has the key to controlling this Entropy entity. Isn’t it supposed to be the mirror to the Other?”

    The tiny room had been warded. A mix tech, magic and slivers of the dark mirror network saved from Pandora’s realm. Snake Charmer took out a deck of cards. Lit a cigar. Using the movements to let the smoke waft over to Pyra. She didn’t react. Not at first. Eventually her skin soaked in the excess. Snake Charmer wouldn't bet against Chronos.

    He kept feeding Pyra.

    One must make concessions.

    Chronos watched his daughter browse the various INet forums. Everything was going according to plan. There was nothing left but to wait. Lucifer was a being easy to exploit. All it had taken was to feed that seed of pride. Heaven had been breached due to his hubris. He had always wanted to be both. A creator and devourer.

    All that was left was the Void.

    Chronos tilted his head back. X’mil said, “What is in that cigar?”

    The Sleeve of the Devourer grinned with both mouths, “Insurance.”

Issue 19: Here

Issue 21: Here

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