Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Uplift Protocol Twin Rulers of the Sky: Issue 25

Issue 25: By Which Memories Shall We Abide

    I give them just enough rope…..--Chronos

    My brother hasn't been quite himself. Pyra? I’ve never gotten a good enough read on. X’mil is obsessed over J’ino once more. I am trapped once more.--Medusa

    Every day I check the latest HeroNet headlines. It brings me comfort. Its hilarious looking at what “Doctor Impossible is NOT doing.”--Hilary Brookes

    At this point at least my family understands why I won’t ever take the Presidential nomination. One? I was never cut out for politics or negotiations. Two? Others, even well meaning, would attempt to curry favor. Our world still has wonders yet to be discovered. I want to go out into the Black and keep seeking! The US and Earth know me as the Banner. As well as a majority of the stabilized Multiverse. Unlike our Eden days? I had no need to reveal myself. Typha is floating along just fine. My mother is quite content to never bring up any old House policies.--Private Entry (July 9th 5500)

    Just glad that most assumed I was a “thronebearer” copy. The role of the Twilight was never meant to be that of the Golden Host. Good thing our enemies never made the proper connection. Just as The Devil broke off parts of himself to imbue into mortals? The Oversoul was doing the same. But in the latter’s case? He would always ask for permission. He was the reason why I had been allowed to claim a soul for my own.--Saira Lanis, Twilight Ourobouros Arbiter. Formerly cloned from Eliza Murphy.

New Ashbury, Texas

Historical District

February 18th 5490 A.C

    Hilary stared at the twisted tree. It sang to her.

    She hissed as sparks pinched her exposed hands. Pyra pulled Hilary in close, “Keep moving.” Hilary turned up her collar as a light rain poured in from above. Had that woman always been so brisk? Brookes entered the storefront. X’mil glanced up from his shopping terminal.

    “Welcome to Hartly’s Emporium!”

    The line almost sounded normal. Another group of people filed in behind the two women.

    One flashed a badge. “Argus Paxton!”

    X’mil smiled. “What can I do for you commissioner?”

    The woman’s skintone indicated Tarvellian. The man had bright red hair. Dressed in a Terran Union military uniform. No patches though. Pyra turned Hilary towards the medicinal care section. “Barney has a horrid cough. Would you please….”

    Paxton continued, “We have reason to believe the Ninth Array cult is messing with….”

    The voice faded as Pyra twisted Hilary’s wrist, “Shut up. Get him.”

    Hilary’s skin reformed over the burns.

    She yanked open the shelving unit. Keyed in the numbers. She slammed it shut.

    Snake Charmer’s lean features appeared in her H.U.D.

    <<I’ll be there shortly. X’mil knows enough to keep the cops off us.>>

    Jonas “Eddie” Olsten kept his expression outwardly military.

    His hidden sense was going insane within this little shop. The polluted Tree was a false lead. Not so much with the cult activity. Lucifer wanted this shop exposed. Or would that be the people? Either way this place was a gold mine. Just for the sheer amount they were hiding in plain sight. Eddie figured half the items blazing under his demi powers were meant to throw off magical practitioners. No Ninth Circle enchantments. Nola remained in eyesight. She studied the statuary.

    She asked, “Local artists?”

    The clerk blabbered on. He was a squat man. His brown hair balding at the top.

    He had a green banana wrapped about his forehead. His bulbous nose quivered.


    Paxton flipped open his stylus. “Anyone linger around that tree recently?”

    Eddie peered into those watery pale brown eyes.

    Nothing of the squat man hit his hidden senses but the arrival of the Commissioner had put the clerk on edge. Not too unusual. Most normal civilians would react with a shocked reaction. The way the man pulled at his fingers sparked a distant memory in Olsten.

    Area 51.

    It couldn't be. On House Typherians? Some men used to wear signet rings on their last two fingers. He kept the little man in his peripheral sight as a taller individual appeared. His black beard cut short. His mustash curled on each side. His brown eyes nearly as dark as his hair. A serpent tattoo curled about his wrist all the way to his shoulder. He wore an open white vest. Black slacks with white dress shoes.

    Eddie would have to bring J’ino into this. She had all the unfortunate memory of House eccentricities.

    Snake Charmer motioned to X’mil.

    “Go grab our record books would you?”

    X’mil bobbed his head. “Anyone want coffee?”

    The purple skinned woman declined. The officer placed a few credit chits on the table.

    “Sure! Ill also take that statue of the winged horse as well!”

    X’mil hurried to the back rooms. His chest heaving as he closed the doorway.

    Medusa set up a tray. She snapped, “Breathe you idiot! They are asking about that damned tree!”

    X’mil replied heatedly, “It has a brush of Black Scrawl! They--!”

    Medusa hooked two fingers into his nostrils, “THEY. ARE. LOOKING. FOR. LUCIFER.”

    Or Thoth. She dreaded admitting that even within her mind.

    He would have just as much to gain as the fallen Thronebearer.

    Nola pretended to add more eyeliner.

    Her “mirror” was one artifact that had made it into the new cycle. The bodies of the clerk and his boss were of the Final Cycle. But their souls spoke of older memory. Just a hint of it flashed against the surface. When the Jupiter Rising and Hidan had found the Murphy twins floating in the remains of the world eater she had used her mirror on them both. Their bodies had also been reconstituted to fit this new world. But their souls had shined with the multilayered hue of creation reborn. Many journey’s down the river of souls. Each time Dexter and Eliza had been reborn the Oversoul had learned more about what the Devourer desired for all of Creation.

    Even in his past life Argus Paxon had only been a threat to those who desired chaos.

    The two other women brought their hover bins over. Filled with medicinals and teas.

    The one with the dark red hair said, “The usual!”

    Nola assumed the man owned this place. She brought up his profile with one quick blink.

    Nathan Olbric. 79 Years Old. In this day and age that was still quite young. Immigrated via New Olibux (Universe Alka). Only had a few years activity on Earth. The Ouros still guarded the barriers between Universes so it would take some time to get all the proper paperwork. Should they ask for it. Nola did one last sweep with her mirror.

    Taking snapshots of everyone. If these people had any hidden ties she’d find it.

    Chronos used Pyra’s eyes.

    Much as he had used Micheal Brookes for all those years. In that man’s case? It had been a partial success. It had required Chronos to make frequent visits to load up on more biological markers but it had revealed a way to extend the efficiency of the Void Walker drones. The Oversoul had made this final realm well. A direct response to all those cycles that Chronos had ruined.

    But he would need avatars with more power than what the Exiles possessed.

    Dexter Murphy would have made for an excellent host. He had learned so much from consuming Pyra, Snake Charmer, countless House Typherians. X’mil had been on the list but the loss of his nodes had complicated matters. Urraden’s plan for the Eliza Clone had fallen through. Unlike her main template? That one had birthed children. An unfortunate development. That direct line of life could be used but it was already a system hard enough to crack. They called him the Devourer. The Devil. Countless titles.


    He would peer beyond the Nothing. Using his power and that of the Oversoul.

    For it had been born from the Nothing. That realm outside all time and knowledge. Then it had escaped its first prison. The Oversoul had many names. God. The Light. Creation Everlasting. What did these simple meat puppets know? They were only good for consumption. He linked to Pyra’s implants.

    It was time to get the ball rolling. Even now the part of the Protectorate invaded the pocket he had formed. God wished to know what was in store? The Devil would oblige! He hummed as Pyra did as he commanded.

    Expose Hilary. Give her a kiss.

    The assassin screamed. She clutched her head.

    Hilary backpedaled as Paxon caught Pyra. The red headed fellow aimed his twin blasters at the brood of Chronos. He had given Hilary a few needed powers. Taken from various House Typherians over the years. Oh yes.

    Poisoned fruit from every Tree flowed through his “daughter.”

    Elongated metallic fingers twitched. Hilary froze at the carnage.

    Chronos commanded Snake Charmer.

    Grab the healing arrays. Must keep up appearances.

    Medusa watched the feed. She turned. Opening the medical case. Three probes flew out.

    <<Critical Condition. Level 4 response!>>

    Snake Charmer threw open the door. “Triage!”

    Hilary fainted as Paxon jabbed a thin needle into her neck.

    Black Scrawl dotted her forearms.

    Giant Red Letters blazed across her H.U.D.

    <<Ninth Array Quarantine in Effect! Historic District. Please shelter in place.>>

    She grimaced. What had possessed Hilary to blow a fuse?!

New Ashbury, Texas

Protectorate HQ

February 20th 5490 A.C

    Hilary couldn't speak.

    Chronos’ void black orbs danced at the edge of her vision. His thin gray fingers plucked at her skin. Her throat burned as another round of Light Shaman spells attempted to break down whatever her father had hexed upon her body. Another kaleidoscope of House Typherian powers manifested. The plastic cup on the table twisted. It melded into the table. A medical bot hovered near by.

    Its placid voice stated, “Subject’s DNA continuing to warp.”

    Hilary glared at it. Stupid yellow orb. It reminded her of the Markav units that would constantly hover about. Spouting useless platitudes. Doctor Impossible entered. Behind a triple protected field of tech, magic and sealing rites. She held up one stylus. Holos appeared over Hilary’s body. The view screen darkened. Interesting how they announced Impossible to the world here yet who else would be piling in to watch the freak show!?

    Chronos trailed one index finger across Hilary’s forehead.

    My gift to you!

    Her eyes burned. Cords followed each contortion of her body.

    It was happening again. This pain was all to familiar. Clumps of hair fell.

    It was no wonder her father had sealed her vocal cords. It would have been so easy to name all of them. There would be another way. She was cannon fodder. But she could still cut to the bone.

    I was blindfolded. A sensory band to restrict vision. Of many kinds.

    Nola’s presence was a comfort. They hadn’t shut down my other senses. The Protectorate upper tiers wanted me to know certain details. Periodically Doc would have to perform tests on the new nodes within my body. They resembled my Ayeer pathways but unlike my previous life? These worked. No replicated transplant from Dexter. Lorain theorized it had something to do with recent developments.

    Developments they wanted me to investigate.

    The band was removed. Doc checked my vitals.

    My gaze went to the individual beyond the protective glass. We could see her she wasn't able to see us. I whispered, “It's both. It was always both.”

    Hilary Brookes twisted against her restraints. One eye was fully Void Walker. The other half of her body molted its human skin. Doc hugged herself.

    “Our guys upstairs saw this coming too.”

    Her comment sparked another layer within me.

    My regenerated nodes would allow me to go toe to toe with Hilary. Chronos.

    Just as the Devourer learned across the cycles? So did the Highest and the Oversoul. Evil could only steal what was provided. I picked up one ceramic mug. I concentrated. It reformed in my palm. Into one sphere. Other memories flooded in. Not my own.

    Given to me. Freely.

    I watched as my mother learned to use the skills of her people. The Grail ceremony hadn’t just given us the means to free ourselves from Helios. My friends and family had rallied to me. Giving their skills and knowledge. Hard won. Just as I had given my Sleeves skills needed for the battle ahead.

    My gaze locked onto Hilary’s throat. Crimson hands squeezed. He had thrown Abbadon into her as well. No, he was Abbadon. Unity. Moloch. Satan. All of them. There had never been anyone other than Chronos. One face. Many forms.

    I held up my hands. I studied each palm.

    “Life interrupted. I am a broken chain.”

    My eyes blazed with cosmic fire.

    “A chain able to act outside the confines of the Ouro.”

    Nola replied, “Exactly.”

    Lorain pressed a hand against my chest.

    “That’s why you are barren. So others cannot be created.”

    I nodded. My brother’s children would have aspects of our powers. But no one would ever be a one to one recreation of myself or my twin. Hilary had been the Devil’s answer to the Grand Design of Creation. One to devour the Many.

    The Oversoul’s promise rose to the challenge. The Many to Protect All. The Wall that would endure. My vision narrowed. Pieces clicked together. “If Chronos devours my brother…..”

    Eddie cut in sharply, “He would have the whole game board to himself.”

    Finger Trap indeed.

    “Time to drop the Titan mantle.”

    Argus Paxon leaned against the side wall, “Not yet. You know darned well once you pop out all Red, White and Blue the hunt will be on for Dexter. Chronos knows you are our favorite kind of Firework.”

    I turned away from Hilary’s transformation. That had been his way of getting around certain universal foundations. I floated in the middle of the observation room. Gathering my thoughts. Male and Female. Equal yet opposite. I thought of my parents. How well they balanced each other.

    Doc took a moment to flip me over on my stomach. She lifted the back of my shirt. She traced the positioning of all the nodes in my body. “You don’t just have them on your back this time. One in each hand. On the bottom of each foot. One just above your breast bone.”

    My memory flashed to my fight with the All-Father.

    C’alain’s martial memories intertwined.

    “I won’t be bogged down with hesitation this go around.”

    Doc’s eyes widened, “Your barren so you can hold MALE soul cycle memory.”

    My head turned as V’alkor’s skills overlayed over mine.

    The Ouros of Soul Transference were always female.

    Male Ouros protected these gateways. Except for Hi’ulk’s sisters.

    They had willingly merged with my body in the previous cycle.

    I blurted out, “They are barren too!”

    That way all the souls enshrined within the Ninth Circle would never again be able to merge into the soul layer with the newly formed or reborn. Their barren nature would prevent escape. It would be the bullet that would seal all those who ever decided to commit evils into a land where no escape was possible.

    But the Vigil would remain. Because we mortals had choice.

    “Anyone have some coffee? My brain is gonna implode.”

    We had restored the Golden Path between Creation and Entropy.

    Now all that was left was to maintain and protect it.

Issue 24: Here

Issue 26: Here

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