Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The Uplift Protocol Twin Ruler of the Skies: Issue 28


Issue 28: Red Sun White Moon

    There is a way to Yak’tish’s homeland. The first go around Eliza and I had been summoned. This time would be a bit different. This time Gwen, Tobin and Jace would be joining us.--Lorain Lanis

    We know what must be done. Everything was on borrowed time. What mattered is how we used it.--Jace

    None can access the Ninth Circle sector now. Thanks to the Living Stone Wardens and the Three. We merely safeguard the next cycles to that never again shall evil walk our shores.--High Orator Mysis of Atheoa 7

    Convergence was many things. Our enemies saw it as a signpost. In reality? It was a wave continually lapping upon the shore. Until all that was left was the multiverse as we know it now. Wonders abound even in this reborn cycle of mortals.----Sleeping In Starlight: Post Convergence Files (Conclave Access Required)

Union Island

Council Chambers


    Gwendolyn Murphy stared at the unveiled map.

    Tobin highlighted the landmass of Ahpaktu. The visions were intensifying. She walked a path filled with stars. Below her feet their current Earth circled. Above her Typha’s wider orbit obscured the four suns. Bardax to her left. She approached the white basin. Water flowed over the rim. Adding more stars.

    Frost curled about her legs as she finally reached the lip of the basin.

    She peered into the depths.

    Three cowled figures stared back at her.

    The first intoned, “What shall you endure?”

    The second added, “We are within the Wall.”

    The last closed off with, “Each shall give onto the other. The Stone Endures. The Soul resides within.”

    Endless Living Stone Wardens swarmed the black planet. No. Not a planet.

    A portal. An inverted Ouroborous pulsed. Its pale green innards pulsed. Gwen flowed through the battlefield. Countless cycle Avatars of Dexter and Eliza were fighting side by side to keep the arch fiends from breaking through. Yak’tish’s tribesmen, their white and gold tatoos gleamed under the light of the stars. An endless rain of spears held the enemy back. Three figures in gold, black and white held their hands high.

    Their bodies swayed as they chanted an endless refrain. Their voices haunting. Familiar.

    It was her voice. Alongside Jace and Tobin.

    Within the Weave their soul forms grew.

    A blue gloved hand reached out. Moving past Gwen’s phantom sight.

    “I can’t just leave you here! We all climb together!”

    The plea wasn't just directed at them.

    The Star-Spangled Banner.

    Star’s Dark Matter beams shot out. Her eyes blazed with that golden cosmic fire. Bisecting one of the Inverted Spawn. A child of the Fallen Ouro. Bits of molten brown scale dug into the barrier about the Three. One sharp kick sent Lucifer sprawling. He had three white leathered wings on the right side. Three black on the left. His golden hair fell in splotches about his face. His mouth parted to reveal a purple forked tongue. Across his bear chest a circle of pale gray arms grasped. He raised his blackened sword. Its pommel of bone weeping Black Scrawl.

    Gwen blinked.

    Her vision wavered. For a moment Jace and Tobin mirrored their future selves. Across all points of time and space. Gwen dashed for the refresher on the far side of the room. She sealed herself inside. She splashed water on her face. Gwen bit back a scream as the cowled face peered at her from the reflective surface. It pulled back the hood.

    Three white rings etched on her forehead. Her black and copper eyes were piercing. Her face ancient. Not with age. White Scrawl flowed over the mirror.

    You are the Wall.

    Even One Brick can block the Flow.

    Remember who you are.

    Tobin watched as ships darted across the ocean of water. Their star born brethren echoed from above. “She’s getting an eyeful now too!”

    Jace replied, “We know our time here was limited. Same as the Void Man. The Silver Lady.” Like many who fought for the Oversoul they had a sliver of his consciousness within them. To help keep the Threads in check. After countless cycles their true memories had been unlocked. They were the original Three.

    Weave, Body, and Soul.

    Placed here to keep each realm whole.

    Lucifer’s fall had changed all that. This time their threads would weave together.

    While the Devourer consolidated its power into one Avatar. Chronos.

    They would be the bricks so no other would have to live in fear.

    Jace held out a generous cup of water as Gwen rejoined them. Her eyes bloodshot.

    In a subdued voice she proclaimed, “I’m...going to miss...” She sucked in a heavy breath.

    Tobin wrapped an arm about her shoulders. “I know.”

    I spotted Gwen and my brothers near the terrace.

    Union Hall wasn't all that different from how I remembered. Consistency was nice. Doc had gone to the lower levels to collect some gear. It had only been a week in the waking world. But for us it had been decades. A way to get reacquainted. Test out our powers. Anything and everything needed. Without the weight of past memories it was like being reborn again. Like the early days of the Eden Cycle. I hurried over as the faint scent of tears registered.

    Gwen dashed over. I didn’t ask. All I could make out was, “Forgive me.”

    She quaked like a leaf in the wind. Like all of Creation was on her shoulders. Weave forms clung to my siblings. One was known to me. Lazarus. The other two remained shrouded. They pressed fists to their chests. One was clearly feminine in shape.

    The Silver Lady reached out to Gwen.

    There is still time. We will not yet pass into the Threadhome.

    The Void Man, in a rare display, activated one of his gauntlets. Its space black segments rolled back to reveal a pale human hand underneath. This was always the Path. In order to learn. To feel as they do.

    Gwen shot back silently, Why does it hurt so much?

    Tobin answered audibly, “Because its real. A bond that cannot be broken.”

    Jace pointed to the grav lift. “Ill go grab our gear. The 5 of us are needed.”

    I asked, “Do you want an hour in the J’kua Sphere?”

    Gwen finally pulled back. I offered her a tissue.

    She replied firmly, “No.”

    I gave her a lopsided grin, “Family trip though! Should be illuminating. Doc will have you set in no time!”

    There was a renewed set to her jaw. “You and O’rioh showed me the way. I won’t fail you again.”

    A bright golden radiance flowed past us. Someone was a Defender again!

    Gwen smiled, “Choice will be honored.”

    I tilted my head to the side. Gwen let out a soft peal of laughter at the sight of it.

    She pulled me after Doc, “Let’s go.”

    Sentinel circled the Three Aspects of the Oversoul.

    <<Star’s aura healed me back to full strengthen! Eden was the needed foundation!>>

    The Bardaxian’s bushy black wolf ears tilted forward. His nose quivered expectantly.

    Lazarus answered for his cohorts, “Ahpaktu will harden our mortal bodies. Our soul will reform in the process. But memories of all three shall remain.”

    Eliza Murphy was a shield. A banner. The glue that held many together. The Wall would endure. So as long as she remained within the physical realm. She would fight this. Wanting to save everyone. It was what He appreciated the most about the demi. No matter how dark everything got? She still climbed one more step beyond. It had taken her life countless times. Across all cycles. Yet she remained determined.

    No matter the incarnation.

    That element would save them all.

The Outer Planes

Cosmic Void

Reliquary of Woe

    The Devourer sent a tendril of itself deep into the bulk.

    Flesh coiled around bone. He had done it. Taken the most precious commodity of the Oversoul. Inverted its purpose. Where his birthed new souls, this Ouro would collect them. Helios was a lesson. It was useless to store souls within an Aspect. Even cordoned off from the Oversoul somehow he and his minions stuffed out each avenue.

    This would ensure that reach would never subside.

    The Oversoul would never be rid of the Devourer.

    Soon the Tapestry would be his to control.

    An endless feast.


Cove of Stars


    Yak’tish’s clan symbol remained.


    This was the same place he took us after I inadvertently destroyed a Devourer Totem.

    Didn’t realize it at the time. The vines were green but the flowers that bloomed on each twinkled with a faint silver light. 8 pointed stars. Gwen plucked one gently from its groove. She did this all throughout the grotto. Until she had made a crown. She pressed her palm to the surface of the crystal clear waters. A pedestal rose. With one sweeping motion she secured it there.

    I did a double take as the Silver Lady formed behind Gwen.

    “Why are we really here?”

    Jace replied, “To forge a new beginning.”

    Tobin rose. The Void Man’s gauntlets materialized on his hands.

    He placed his hands on my shoulders, “It was an honor to be your brother.”

    “So what is Lazarus then?”

    Gwen interjected, “Much how you and Dexter formulated the Living Stone Wardens from your past soul incarnations? The ones you know within our shadows are bits of ourselves. Broken up over time to interact with the mortal planes.”

    Jace cupped the waters in his palm.

    He drank deeply. “I’ll miss this. But we….I had to understand. Had to understand demis, women, men, all our levels of Creation. The temptations you face. Sorrows. Triumphs.”

    Adam’s rib pulsed within me.

    I took up my customary stance. Hands on hips.

    “You’ll always be Murphys to me!”

    Tobin chortled. The sound was clear. It lanced through my heart. Bringing a sense of calm I never thought possible. This wouldn't change anything. They were still my family. Doc asked, “How will this help with sealing away the Devourer?”

    Jace answered, “Because it has absorbed so many souls that it also hungers along the mortal plane. I had to know the stakes. Understand them from your level. Perspective. I apologize if this comes off as overtly straightforward.”

    I marveled at it. The tone was sincere. I slapped my knees. My breath came out in a rush between fits of mirth. “I can do strait! Considering!”

    Doc held out a hand to steady me. “Better?”

    Gwen snorted.

    All three crossed their arms resolutely, “Not until I’ve properly settled this issue once and for all.” Perfectly synchronized.

    Doc inhaled sharply, “Wait. Does that mean we get mind wiped.”

    The Three put their hands to their lips. Index finger motioning for silence.

    “Not this time. This final cycle shall be yours. We only ask you uphold the Wall.”

Issue 27: Here

Issue 29: Here

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