Thursday, August 24, 2023

The Uplift Protocol Rebirth: Issue 1


Issue 1: By Grail Sight

    Wasn't able to pull any of their masks off. Even that Void Maiden’s helmet remained put no matter what I threw at it. She has Golden City warding though. I could care a less about Argus Paxon. He’s a glorified sheriff who tracked down pawns. Chronos merely used them as fuel to bind all of us.--Hilary Brookes

    My daughter desires simple revenge. She shall get it but not in the way she desires.--Chronos

    Past is prologue. I often wondered on that saying. I like to think that most see their beginning as a proper outlet down the line. Just because its a prologue doesnt mean the ending is written on the wall for all time. The threads that shape us all will eventually meet.--Sleeping in Starlight: Post Convergence Vol 3

New Ashbury, Texas

Star Spangled Banner Museum

March 8th 5490 A.C

    Judgment circled the parameter.

    The green mist clung to the outer pillars. A black craft with a golden ankh landed in the clearing nearby. Ta’mathon’s personal body guards exited. Forming a protective ring. Thomas Murphy was still related to the great Pharaoh. Even if it was at least 20 generations between himself and Ta’mathon. Every 100 years the Golden City ruler had an additional generation of children. Not to rule but to expand. Spread their magical bloodline outward.

    Dexter pressed one fist to his heart. His gear matte gray. Triad Alliance standard.

    He said, “They are setting up the array now. If you would follow me?”

    Argus Paxton set the statue ablaze with his lighter.

    Ren whirled on him, “You dare?!”

    He directed the cone of fire towards her. She responded by lifting her arms. A wall of Black Scrawl undulated against the sparks. Her head snapped back as Void Maiden pulled all the weight she could muster into one solid punch. The Puzzler crouched down to study the singular tooth that had spilled from those red lips.

    The mummy spat at the Banner, “Would you like to know my dreams?!”

    Star replied, “No chance but how about you see mine!” She snapped her fingers.

    Renenutet jumped back as water splashed against her bare feet.

    The giant rodent brushed his whiskers, <<Glorious!>>

    Stones reformed. A massive crystalline dome sprouted.

    Star stepped through the archway. “Clever!”

    The Puzzler aimed his twin blasters at Renenutet. “After you!”

    Mr. Red followed with the rest arrayed behind him in a triangular patter. Paxton lit a cigar to mask the incantation he was forming under the tip of his tongue. By now Judgment would be riding in with Ta’mathon’s crew. Chronos would get his prize. But they would make him work for it. For now they would have to rely on Eliza to distract that walking pile of fake flesh. He motioned towards J’ino. From her armored back twin pulse cannons emerged. Their triangular points aimed at Ren.

    “Keep walking.”

    Ren belched a wave of fire. It bounced off of Paxton’s counter shielding. White Scrawl emblems burned her mouth. Fusing it together. She clawed at her face. Her shoulders shook as Star picked up a thin iron rod while her other hand continued to contract. Forming into a fist every few minutes. She prodded the sorceress to the central courtyard.

    “Chief? Isn’t that the same stuff you found off those cultists a while back?”

    Bits of Black Scrawl formed into a pattern of a blackened Ouroborous with white eyes.

    Ren backstepped into a side alcove. A muffled scream echoed when the statue clamped one massive paw on her shoulders. It reminded Paxon of the Silver King.

    J’ino fired into the wall. This place was outside memory. It wouldn’t cause permanent damage.

    At least not yet.

    Chronos had managed to make a partitioned net within the Weave. It wouldn’t be permanent. This cycle held sway with the Oversoul. Their minds still clung to their bodies. Thanks to Judgments enchantments on their uniforms and clothing. She still worried for Eliza. Her uniform hadn’t been properly augmented. Due to those Nodes. J’ino’s thoughts turned sour.

    Damaged nodes in the previous cycle.

    Crazy functional ones within the next.

    But for what purpose? Even her son wouldn't elaborate. Eliza was manipulating matter within the real world. Typherians could no longer channel such things but every bit of her former life recognized the movements. The muscle memory so ingrained that her shoulders twitched in response to each minuscule movement of her daughter’s back.

    Star bent the rod one handed. Into an infinity symbol. She pushed it against the glass door that rose from the mists.

    Mr. Red stated, <<The World within All Worlds!>>

    The mummy’s eyes bled into a solid wall of black.

    Her voice grew soft, “Why he insisted upon your creation…..”

    Star twisted around. Her fist drove upward.

    Chronos caught the fist, “Do you wish another death little bir– “

    Star smiled through the flash of Black Scrawl that encompassed her left fist.

    “Got you!”

    J’ino dived through the opened doorway. Paxton and Eddie on her heels.

    It closed with a soft click.

    She found that thread within that connected her to Thomas.

    We’re in. Get ready.

    Paxton removed his jacket. Once the material touched the ground it reformed.

    Words rose, “Alvari Otro Uvala.”

    J’ino pulled out the representation of the Golden City bond knife. It worked similar to the one she had within the previous cycle. It pulsed. It was bound to her soul. No matter how far she traveled.

    Stone pillars rose around them.

    Nine voices rang out, “What do you seek Bearer?”

    Jino replied, “The final thread of Renewal.”

    Chronos adjusted one manicured hand.

    The Devourer’s aura brushed against my defenses.

    I formed mirrors within my outer barrier. All other thoughts buried deep within my core.

    I kept repeating old songs within my mind.

    Human, Bardaxian, Typherian, Litari, Forger.

    I could see bits of scrawl falling from his face. He noted coldly, “I see the little bird picked up a few tricks. Who gave them to you I wonder?” Pressure built up in my cranium. Not the metaphysical push within this mind maze but in my body lying on its side. Void Maiden’s armored head dug into my left shoulder.

    I was nearly free.

    I inhaled. I knew that scent.

    Just a bit longer.

    Chronos danced back as if stung. Ren’s voice gained dominance for a single utterance.


    My eyes snapped open. I pushed against the floor. Nothing happened.

    My left hand twitched. Its rhythmic tap-tap-tap continued unabated.

    Renenutet’s body went flying past the outer marbled pillars.

    Green miasma filled every corner of the museum. Unlike my long ago mall escapades to rescue Ritark this was a step above. I didn’t have the skills to ward off this level of magic. I attempted to shift my weight. Float. Anything.

    Nothing worked. My mind was half encased in the prison Chronos had formed about us.

    Emerald K-9 reclined across my legs. While Mr. Red’s back curled against my other shoulder. I concentrated hard on everyone’s code names. I repeated it. A singular mantra. The light faded from the mummy’s eyes. She was truly dead. Her soul scattered to the winds. Yet a singular flame poured from her eyes, nose and mouth. It curled about the remaining ligaments of her legs and feet.

    Desiccated flesh cracked as black scrawl flowed to entwine itself about the mist.

    Her lower jaw elongated. Bones warped.

    The miasma shimmered. A steady pulsation that ran through my chest.

    After a few more heartbeats I was able to bring my functional arm and hand across my chest. Bits of stone and marble flowed towards me. It was a countdown. An explosion that would be felt across all layers. I had to buy everyone time. I flicked my index finger. Bits of metal formed into darts. I flung it at the Scrawl.

    It hissed. Vines twisted from Ren’s feet, curled up her legs until they reached her neck.

    The pulsation within the miasma halted.

    That’s right. Pay attention to little old me.

    Judgment pressed his palms to the roof hatch.

    Golden sparks formed. He gave one sharp tug. Ta’rammon’s guards muttered counter incantations. The whole place reeked of corruption. He brought his khopesh to bear as a tiger lept from the mists. Its fur covered with green vines. It had no living signature. With one swift strike he beheaded the beast as it bounded in. Its form decayed rapidly into the ether. Judgment motioned to the 5 men who followed. Two remained on the upper level. One accompanied him while the remaining two knelt to inscribe the cleansing circle.

    Golden spheres floated towards the main level of the museum.

    With each beat of his heart he could sense it.

    The corpse bomb.

    There was no other choice.

    He sent a replica of himself to every corner of the building.

    He had to buy his wife time.

    Hilary Brookes pried open the case. The plaque underneath read:

    Area 51 Prototype. XMZ-119.

    She mused, “Well now. Why? There is no weapon here.”

    Chronos clawed at her mind. She scooped up the case.

    It is the aura it gives off. We shall trace the footsteps that shall set us all free.

    Hilary’s eyes burned through the pain, “Then why put this box here?!”

    Chronos relented. Think. I am sure the obvious will come to you.

    Snake Charmer linked in. <<The High Orator of the Protectorate has arrived.>>

    Hilary’s legs moved without her permission. She dived into a side room as the area erupted with golden fire. The flames licked at her feet as she continued to run. Chronos’ withered arms curled about her neck. They will buy you time. All of them. My dear sweet daughter.

    Medusa’s voice held no emotion, <<Your will above all.>>

    The building shook.

    Hilary dived into a service tunnel. The metallic doorway slammed down as an alert sounded. Water sloshed as she continued to run. Area 51. Thoth had stolen that gun from the deepest recesses of that facility during the previous cycle. She recalled the broken offspring of General Murphy. The way the FBI constantly rebuffed her warnings. Why couldn’t she remember that hated enemy? It was connected somehow.

    She screamed, “What did you take from me?!”

    Chronos replied, “Everything.”

    Blood trickled down my ears.

    I couldn’t give up. Magic was one of the few things that could hurt me. Gusts of smoke poured from my nostrils. Pyra. She reformed next to me. Her lips against my ear. “Enjoying the show? Honestly, that mummy was destined to be the first to die. Who knew having my simple skill set would set me apart from mere cannon fodder.”

    She cupped her hands behind her head and reclined against the statuary.

    A maniac grin spread. Her dark red hair was pulled up into a severe bun.

    “It was so easy. Just waited til you were busy rescuing some poor sod. Slip in with another puff of smoke from a burning building. Or in the company of smokers. Cigars are a necessity! Or was it even further back. Even that Doctor wasn’t able to find me.”

    That was a bluff. This place had braziers burning along the main entryway.

    I let my expression waver. Just enough to make the assassin lean forward.

    “Ohh? Concerned are we? Such a perfect little scout. Always helping.”

    She spat on my boot.

    “In the end, all this shadow play from our Parents will lead to the ruin of all. At least I have a proper front row seat.” My eyes flickered to her face. There was nothing left of the original personality. They were all Chronos. He just lingered on. The true puppet master. But how had he taken them all? The cultist rites? I bit the inside of my cheek. No!


    The bomb continued its advance on broken limbs. Clumps of hair continued to spill from Renenutet. The miasma continued to swirl. It was thicker now. Feeling spread into both of my hands. The upper portion of my chest. I continued to tap rhythmically with my left hand. Pyra stretched lazily. “Oversoul didn’t even fix you properly. Took so much of your power from the previous cycle.”

    She watched as the floor rippled.

    I took material from the pillars. Made a boundary that rose 2 feet. Bony fingers clawed at it.

    Momentarily blocked. Obsidian orbs studied my hand. “That’s rich. You inherited the blighted birthright this go around. But its so weak. Why did he not just merge you with your dear twin? Such a waste!”

    Chronos rose from his reclined position. His blackened eyes nearly consumed the whole of Pyra’s face. He crouched next to me. He yanked on my cape. Exposed the nape of my neck. He murmured, “No wonder. Again they cripple you. For what? Mother always said our dear Father had a few deficient masterworks but I didn’t imagine he’d be this stupid.”

    Chronos pushed against my suit. “Hardly any corded muscle about those nodes.”

    My nodes were retreating on purpose. I could feel my back go taunt as his fingers tapped the middle portion of my spine. Between the shoulder blades.

    “Barely a thimble of N-T buildup. Hmm. What are you supposed to be little bird? A way to infiltrate my true Tapestry?”

    Chronos evaporated as Void Maiden’s suit responded. A high pitched keen followed by ripple of subsonic energy rippled outward. She stood. Triangular turrets the size of her hand slipped from the compartments along her shoulders. The sharp clang of metal on metal echoed. I sucked in a breath. Ice formed within the back of my throat as Snake Charmer crashed into the barrier I had erected.

    Ren’s jaw clamped down on his neck.

    He howled, “Face the night!”

    I let them both have it.

    A river of ice shot out. Ren’s fangs still lodged in Charmer’s flesh.

    The drip of blood sizzled.

    Where was Judgment?!

Prologue: Here

Issue 2: Here

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The Uplift Protocol Rebirth: Prologue


The Uplift Protocol: Rebirth

Copyright © 2023 by K..M. Able

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
All the characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to those living or dead is coincidental.


I’ll think of something! I always do!

Prologue: Redux. Reuse. Recycle!

    All the magic demis cleared everyone out. Half the city is on lockdown. A whole 5 mile radius around the Banner museum is pulsing with an otherworldly light. –Inet Update

    Renenutet limbs slowed. She tried to turn.

    Snake Charmer said, “Watch that first step my dear….”

    His voice was all wrong. No. It wasn’t possible!

    The Devourer poured into every last neuron within her mind. Her mouth opened in a soundless scream as Chronos forced her to gather the slumbering heroes into a Black Scrawl net. Hilary reclined on the benches nearby. Her brow furrowed. Blood leaked from her ears as she made a sweeping motion towards Renenutet.

    I groaned as I rose to my feet.

    The light above shifted from a golden sunrise to midday. Proceeded by a twinkling dusk. Lensflair kept staring at the far horizon. His scowl deepened with every passing second. Maiden kept scanning the treeline. Paxon and the Puzzler were etching symbols into the grass that shifted hues just as much as the sky did.

    Mr. Red pawed at my cape. “Even now he draws the Scrawl about us.”

    “Did Chronos trap us in a pocket dimension?”

    The rat’s whiskers twitched. <<Not quite. We are within a prism. Of the mummy’s making.>>

    “Magically intrusive. Got it!”

    Red blinked. The Highest’s tiny paws batted against my neck. Just where my golden pauldron touched the skin. <Yes. Let Red distract. Two way connection. Help Maiden with her mission.>

    He stressed Mom’s callsign. No slip ups here.

    I tested the air. The faint whiff of perfume surprised me. It was Doc’s favorite. But that didn’t make much sense. My back went rigid as a figure burst through the trees. Every aspect of her was a complete copy of Lorain. Except for the eyes. Those green orbs held no warmth.

    Renenutet’s sorceress attire hadn’t changed much. I stepped in front of Paxton and The Puzzler to protect them. Lensflair spat on the ground, “Foul wretch!” Perfect white teeth glinted as she smiled, “You assume much dear boy.”

    Maiden withdrew a curved dagger from her armor.

    The mark of the Golden City. Ta’mathon’s crane seal blazed with White Scrawl.

    Quicker than my eye could follow she made a cutting motion in the air.

    Renenutet snarled. Her left hand went to her face.

    “Clever. But how long can you stay functional here even with his protection!”

    Maiden forced me back with a gentle push.

    Paxon lit a cigar. He kept his lighter ready. I knew magical basics but this wasn't my main rodeo. So to speak. Emerald K-9 bristled. His eyes never wavered from Lorain’s crazed doppelganger. Ren pressed her hands to her hips.

    “I wasn’t supposed to be here.”

    Mom replied, “That low on the totem pole?”

    She shook her head. Pouring on the false sympathy. “Not worth much to him are you? Just a broken copy from a failed universe.”

    Ren laughed. A light and musical refrain. Lensflair shrouded us in a beam of blazing light.

    As my vision cleared we were at the base of a blackened Ziggurat. The winds swept through my bones. N-Energy danced between my nodes. Ren giggled. “Think you can handle what’s in my mind dearies?!”

    I squeezed my left hand into a ball. Then relaxed it.

    I channeled the thinnest thread of N-energy into it. I could feel the tiles of the museum floor.

    It was a start.

    Chronos crouched over the Banner. Her left hand twitched repeatedly.

    “Clever but that won’t save you from the Prism of the Mind. I had hoped Judgment would make a showing instead but I’ll take what I can get.”

    “Let’s go grab that item shall we?”

    Snake Charmer and Medusa fanned out. An item that Thoth had intended to use on Chronos. Stolen from Area 51 in the previous cycle. Now? It would be the only thing that would allow for a proper transfer. They all were so certain he wanted the Banner’s Twin. A master stroke really.

    Chronos would allow Thoth to fall into that trap.

    Parents were often blinded by the love for their children. Mother doted on him so. His Father wished to redeem him.

    He would consume them both.

    All of reality would be his to shape.

    Lucifer glared at the crumbling edifice of the Mummy’s mind.

    Even with a rejuvenated physical form she still reeked of short sighted power grabs. Her gold and white dress fluttered in the breeze. The commissioner had taken the lead. Careful to keep his lighter at the ready. It was an astonishing magical artifact. From before Convergence. What had he been in another life?

    Lucifer had already given these people enough clues about his powers. Many thought his light abilities were purely demi origin. It was a mix. This body could channel magic but his specific demi ability let him manipulate light. Along all spectrum. Even able to tap into light from the multiverse at large.

    This was a trap but to reveal what?

    What was Chronos actual after?

    Lensflair formed a string of lights that circled Ren.

    She winced. Her Black Scrawl tattoos crawled up her back. Around her shoulders.

    “Keep walking demon!”

    He made sure to add a slight quiver to his voice. He was supposed to be young after all. Let the Banner wonder. Feed just enough to distract her. He had to know. Chronos had a goal none suspected.

    The cow colored rat paused. His whiskers twitched, <<Broken mind! Mirrored thoughts. Watch for the knives!>>

    I watched as Lensflair glared at the Ziggurat.

    So he had magical based ability. The light cubes circled Ren. Firing small sparks to keep the Black Scrawl at bay. Unease rose in my gut. His eyes had become two hardened points. Far too bitter for such a young face. Had he been a former soul slave to the Eternal Empire?

    Mr. Red exclaimed, <<The man between all worlds governs all!>>

    A way to describe Omu’sol. Mom’s mission.

    The doors creaked open. The faint drip of water resonated.

    I tested the air again. I had none of my enhanced senses.

    My nodes pulsed.

    My fingers curled into a fist once more. Then relaxed. The tiled surface.

    The foyer. I inhaled again.

    Snake Charmer was moving away. Medusa’s footsteps were lighter. She had taken off her boots. The prism had closed off my powers within its boarders but my physical body could still detect the real world. But if I unleashed my nodes? That would reveal a new skill. This was just as much a intel run for Chronos as anything else.

    What was hidden within the building he desired?

Interlude Witchlights: Here

Issue 1: Here