Monday, January 20, 2020

An observation:

Someone Else is in the same Boat.

My god, so it really is something that underpins many genres, not just the ones I love.  My series is in the passion category. Ill still invest in the covers and editing when I get to that bridge but for me, I'll always have my main job. Ill write for myself and whatever readers I pick up along the way. But I can see why this is so pervasive in many corners of trad and indie.

Honestly, even the LIT RPG I like is mostly more space opera tropes I can't get enough of. TO see whats out there in the Great Void.

There are three worlds:
  • Writing as an art - Tolkein esc grand fantasy with beautiful words. More traditional writing and large publisher stuff. These people love writing to craft something special. But, they rarely make a living on that type of work.
  • Writing as a form of expression - Telling the story you want to tell regardless of how beautiful it might be. Early LitRPG, the best LitRPG, as far as I'm concerned.
  • Writing as a business - Writing to earn money. New LitRPG. A lot of cross over from traditional fantasy writers who want to make a living. Theres also a bunch of people from the romance genres writing wish fulfillment and harem stuff.

Yea, the endless battle of "do what you love" vs gotta make that Money for bills and everything else.

Now I must do battle between past and present tense flubs in my own series. I noticed it yesterday and was like, "Shhh, be very very quiet, I'm hunting noob mistakes." XD

Still on a quest for a hub of superhero prose stuff, maybe I should make a discord for it, hmmmm. Cause even reddit doesn't have much:

Need to keep trucking, I want more superhero prose to get the limelight without being attached to trad publishing like these are:

Mainly because if people bring up superhero books, those ones are pretty much the go to stuff of many people. Because those writers got big in other areas first. It's not that these are bad books...its just that I feel the super genre is still somewhat obscure in the wider fantasy or sci fi sub-folders. Plus what is there gets buried pretty quick by "Gotta put out books to eat" so label it in any way you can to get some screen time!

A handful of more Superhero Prose I found while writing and playing "where's the tense mess-up" with my own stuff.

More Superhero Prose stuff but its More Deconstruction.

Looks like there's also an issue of "Well only X will bring in readers!" type of mindset too. Me? Ill go off on cape/spandex adventures all day. Support who I can find and hopefully tilt things over to a more optimistic bent.

Plus I think I know why some super prose series are putting harem situations in, its what's selling in most indie cross splat stuff.

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