Friday, March 13, 2020

DC Comics

This sort of pandering isn't gonna cut the mustard anymore.

Have a main universe untouched by stupid reboots or Bendis.

You have a multiverse DC, use it. Don't derail the main universe for shitty writers. Yes, Bendis is shitty with actual legacies and canon. Give him elseworlds scraps. Shoot him into space. Whatever. Fire him like you did Didiot.

It's why I've distanced myself from mainline hobby corporations. They don't care about preserving things then using alternate universe as an experiment. They want to change legacy characters for insert characters that will only upset former fan bases.

All of this is only the underlining symptom though. We must make new properties. It's the only way forward now. That I see at least.

DC is just breathing on the embers now. In terms of keeping their base happy. They can't grow an audience through gimmicks. That's just a temp boost.There's a reason manga is kicking western comics to the curb in terms of popularity and volume.

I think the bigger publishers in western comics constantly shoot themselves in the foot. Just make stories and utilize comic tropes for more flexibility. It's like they take one step forward then 1000 steps back.

TLDR: DC is not gonna win me back with Nostalgia Trains anymore, even recent ones like super sons, they already let Bendis burn that house down. This fan is in "frack all of it" mode. That's why I'm writing my own book series.

Idiots run most media corporations nowadays. Its why I hope that other properties never get a "current year" reboot. Too many of them are out of touch.

PS: Work was nuts. Even busier then 4 Black Friday's Combined.

PPS: AT this point, DC should just put Bendis on everything so they crash and burn faster. That's how much apathy I have for them nowadays. For every good thing they had, they buried it under 100 "What the Frack is this Plotting."

It's like seeing an old toy you used to love loose all its luster all at once. Then as you look upon it now you wonder why you even gave a fuck in the first place.

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