Saturday, March 14, 2020

Writer Spotlight: Ep 3


Someone I've recently discovered, does space opera and superheroes!

Van Allen Plexico  
Reading Order of Both Series: Here

Decided to get both series.

Because its also a good idea to study the genres you are writing. Wham!

Mike Baron

  • Here
  • Lots of comics and books that are quite fun. 

I've been enjoying Nexus and Florida Man immensely.

Mr. Jon Mollison

Lots of different genres to choose from. You can't go wrong. :D


This is Romance Primary with some Sci fi Undertones: Plus adorable German Shepherd Dogs.


 Alliflash. Plus this one was set in FL. Yus. This is def. a girl side of brain book. 

The Metal Barons is nuts. Like Out of this Mind Space Opera. What the hell? Get it, kindle or Hardback, just dang man. DAAAAAAAAANG! 

Alexandro Jodorowsky

Give this man his own universe and he does some really interesting things.

Small Press Highlights:

Slight Thoughts:

Again, my biggest beef with romance or any of its sub genres, since its so prevalent, people will tag it with anything to try to get that orange amazon tag. That's why on this blog I strive to tell people what a mediums overall primary genre is along with some sub themes thrown into it.

PS: Still don't care what a writer's politics are. If you tells a story I find interesting, Its gonna go on one of these highlight reels.

I dont really have a set format other then: Is it indie based or trad based.

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