Sunday, March 1, 2020

In my series: Characters!

You know what I am gonna also have in my series? The main couple is going to be lesbian. But that's not going to be Personality, Actions, Reactions, Politics, or even anything remotely linked to current year stupidity.

My main reason for doing this? OH If your not X, Y or Z, you cant Write about X, Y or Z. FRACK OFF WITH THAT SHIT.

Honey Badger gonna do what she wants. 

Message Fiction is misery. I want people to have fun. I imagine even in their heart of hearts, even left leaning people want to have fun and not be reminded of whatever debate is going on. That's what most want. (IMHO)

So this story isn't about "coming out, or x parents hating their kid, strawmen against the rainbow alphabet brigade, white man teh evil". That's all misery for woke points. In my series, all of these characters are actual characters first.

The sexuality means nothing. As in a billboard for whatever stance. Its a part of who they are but not the end all be all of their personality or arc. Eliza and Lorain are people first. Sexuality a very very very distant second. People don't care about who the person sleeps with, provided its consenting adults, they just want a good story, Ill make that happen.

When people comment on marvel or dc "pandering". This is what they mean: Hollow characters that are only there to shout the Plight of Current Year.

Oh and if its a heavy romance scene, I plan on fading to black. With any of the couples in this series. One, because I don't want to write those scenes and two: I personally find it more tasteful.

I want to create characters who have a love for life. To help readers escape. That's all I really want.

Eliza is a giant space dork. Wants to fly ships even though she can fly around like Superman no problem. I patterned her main personality after Christopher Reeve's portrayal of Supes. Kind, Considerate, wants to help others. Brave, maybe somewhat over-eager. Like Ripley, she's going to be super protective of Kids and Innocents. Like Apollo from OG BSG, she's going to be Noble and step up to the plate when needed. (I liked that portrayal better then N BSG Apollo) Like Sheridan, she will stand by her Ideals and do the right thing, even when not the most convenient avenue.

Doc aka Lorain: She's the calmer of the two but that's mainly because as a Doctor, her Demi ability lets her pinpoint wounds, even unseen ones, to help heal her patients. She's very reserved around people she doesn't know but opens up later if you manage to get in her inner circle. It's mainly because even though my setting has prolong and medical wonders, accidents still happen or old age, because at the time it was invented, not everyone could gain the benefits. IE if you were already in your 50s, you were too old for first stage. So even though she is young, Doc has already seen some things that hardened her somewhat. Plus some of the villains have very nasty biological weapons.

So a fair amount of Terran Soldiers have been injured while helping the Paragon Demis to take down the Black Hats. So I also wanted a character on the team that was more like a combat medic. With a nice amount of tech but at the start of the series, she's more or less going to be Near Human member.

Arthon is the Lancer to Eliza's Leader role. Yes, I have a 5 man band. Its great! He might appear short fused but it hides a sense of worry he has. Since he knows more about the cosmic state of things. Since he's from Atlantis, they are already Uplifted and are a part of the wider community. It's why they also have an embassy at A51. He's also the oldest member on the team. Not quite 30 yet but with how prolong works:

Stage one, invented in the 1970s, you basically look 40-50 years old, standard life range 250.
Stage two, 1990s: You look 30-40, Eliza's Grandfather and Grandmother, got this one, range 300
Stage three, 2020s: Eliza's Father, Thomas, got this one, you look 24-30, depending how stressed your job is. 325 is going to be the outer parts of that age range.

Everyone ages to physical maturity before the prolong kicks in so no long term teenage years. Some races have longer periods before you are considered adult: for the Typherians that's 30 cycles old. Since their prolong lets them go for 700 years or so.

Most people still have kids at a decent rate: 1-3 per family and the tech is there to support things. Again, I wanted this Earth to be much more Utopian so I can work on cosmic or badguy threats without sticking in much politics. Mostly because I don't want to deal with current year bs. Its not happening. Humanity got its shit together and we are going space happy. Colonies on the Moon, Mars, near Neptune, O'neil Cylinders. Even some outer listening posts. We are almost K2.

The FTL program is a semi secret program, which Eliza's ship, the Jupiter Rising, is combined Typherian/Earth tech. There is an in-story reason. Part of it is in the anthology but you wont have to read that to understand the situation.

Since they are ahead in tech, we have habitat rings, inner solar colonies and at the current point in the story, earth is getting ships ready to colonize alpha centauri. Uplift Protocol will come into play but its not to "Keep the Little Guy down." More like, testing phase to join the wider community against the big bad sort setup. I pretty much made this program a situation for other races to find each other and determine if they can bear the burden of defending Life throughout the Multiverse.

Then you have Cooper, Bardaxian Super K-9 and Horus. I wont say too much about them because of spoilers but I love them. Use other books and shows to find what traits you like and revamp them for your book.

Actual Characters have Will or a Black Hole that drags you in. Both the Protag and Antag have to have this element. Their values pitted against each other. Virtue of  the Heroes vs the Fatal Flaw of the Antag. I hope to give this to readers soon enough. Even if at it's core, the story is good vs evil. Simple things become great things. Its what I notice about books now for me.

  • Character is likable. (So many anti heroes are miserable people)
  • I favor stories with virtue driven characters since Game of Thrones misery is eveywhere
  • Simple setups then the wider world/setting opens.

For me, sci fi isn't about gritty reality but looking to the stars and saying, "Yes please." Upward and onward.

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