Sunday, March 1, 2020

Indie Crowdfunding

There's a reason why I usually do some research before I back projects and this is one of the reasons why.

One: It's why its vital creators get that campaign done right. So you can build a reputation of being reliable.

Two: This just puts a nail into creator/backer relationships. No wonder so many projects get "delayed/late" is what most will assume when stuff isn't on time. They will wonder, is this guy pocketing the money for other things, lining the funds towards bills not related to the project, or even mis-using the money out of inexperience?  Happened to a lot of steam greenlight projects. They promised the moon then crashed before even getting near launch.

Again, wasnt comicsgate mostly about preventing this? Soapboxes and whisper thin characters inserted to soapbox?

Don't abuse your backers. Once that is broken, its hard to get back that relationship. Otherwise what's the damned point?

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