Sunday, April 5, 2020

Comics: My Rant.

An opinion to Exorcise. 

I will not support Marvel and DC for the foreseeable future. If I happen upon some used stuff at Ollies or some old classics in the "for sale" bin at the LCS, ill take a gander.

They assisted with the situation most shops find themselves in. Comic collecting, in terms of making some sort of prospector's market score, doesn't work. The booming days of "OH yes! This Action Comics 1 is gonna fund college." is long past.

That mindset made shops buy pounds upon pounds of drivel like American Chavez, Squirrel Girl, Female Furies et all. All so some sort of variant cover could be ordered by stores. If anything, comic pros should give away variant covers to their favorite shops. As a thank you and good will. Some have done things like this but if the big two of this industry really cared, they wouldn't have put shops in this position anyway.

Corporations only care about IPs. Not the mediums they work in. As long as the bottom line is met, they don't care what really happens with these legacies or what these comics stand for.

I will not buy the 10% that meets the requirements for fun entertainment because to me that will still fund the excess 80-90% crap flooding the Western Comic Market. Manga is murdering us. And at this point, rightfully so. Modern Comics is a dumpster fire.

  • They hate their main consumer base: White Men. 25-55 at this point. 
  • Story and World Building at the Big Two is thrown under the bus for "THE NEXT HOT THING/EVENT/WTF WHO CARES BLING BLING" I can pick up an old set of stuff from my dad's collection and just enjoy them. I know all the characters there. My Superman is there. Gold/Silver Age et all. Sure, the super pets are there too but at this point, I'd take them over anything put out by DC nowadays. To me, the last gasp of Superman was the Rebirth Run. Nothing else exists at this point.
  • Diamond should have died back in the 90s.
  • When indie makers offer you an old school adventure, take them up on the offer, otherwise all DC and Marvel will do is crank out the same drivel and hang on for dear life with the top people that will get them a trickle of the revenue they used to get in the 80s.
  • SO much stuff I loved is a rotted husk of its former self. This whole crisis was the final part that broke the Diamond's back. 
  • The real comic heroes of this crisis: Regular Stores offering to go Above the Call to give their patrons the best service they can. The big two: Silence. And that was deafening in those opening hours. All the LCSs and small presses were doing their best to "Gondor Calls for Aid" while Marvel and DC sat there with their thumbs up their butts.  FUCK YOU.
I will not reward sludge. Because under those bits that are still worth while, you are still funding crap, no matter how much cream they spread over it. If that makes me bitter in peoples eyes? So be it. Ill still watch comic book youtube, to see how things are going but this reader is going off on a different kind of adventure. TO find the heroes and heroines of yesteryear.

Because I want to look up into the sky. And not look back.

Comics that are Worthy:

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