Friday, May 15, 2020

My Progress So Far.

So I have:
  • Main world-building notebooks.
  • The codex entries here on the blog
  • Ill take a page: make a quick 5 point (want to hit these beats within the chapter)
  • As of May 2020: I am usually up to 3-5k words an Issue now.
  • I write down what influences that happen to whichever issue I am on. IE: I liked how friendly creepy Mr. Morden was in B5. Should that come into play with X Y OR Z character in my setting. 
My rough drafts back in November of 2019, I had two. One initially started all the characters in the main line in high-school. Decided later on to age everyone up. Because its a trend in Superhero Prose that I wasn't really as interested in. IE Protags in College or High-school at the start. OR LOVE TRIANGLES. NONE OF THAT IN THIS SERIES!

Another draft was: Main Character's initial outing as a Demi/Super. Then I realized, that's kinda more of a training montage. So I axed that. Decided I wanted to have the main series show the main cast as a team that was already comfortable with each other.

I might re-do that issue a bit. With 2 characters cutting back and forth in a conversation. Cause it does bring a smile to my face. IE: The Past, then both character in the present commenting on that intial first appearance sorta thing.

But to get the ball rolling, with all the ideas in my head, I wanted to get a pre-quel of sorts out. To get all the players together and how it happened. So that's why we have a "In the Beginning" book entry.Its letting me have all sorts of fun. Planting some threads before they come into play with the main books.

The only real advice: Keep writing.

When I started in Nov. I was lucky to hit 500 words in a session. Now it flows like melted butter. In comparison to when I started. I might erase some things later or re-work it but that initial setup for each issue, 90% stays in tact. Unless I think of something even more fun. Which has happened. So I am a mix of pre-plan and free form so far.

But you really wont know what or how things will play out until you sit down and write. Worry about editing later. Or even adding things later. Dont force it. Just keep typing.

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