Thursday, June 25, 2020

The Uplift Protocol: Issue 18

Issue 18: The Doctor Is In

For the Ambassador’s Eyes Only:
We have decided that after much debate, the Earth demi known as Doctor   Impossible is to be given permission to be authorized Uplift Status on a Medical basis. Our Science Division finds her abilities rather unique. Quite unheard of in many other parts of the Multiverse. Proceed. Included is a list of things she may know. –House Cyphuskara: Science Division

Jennifer showed me that missive. God, now I understand some of her grievances. It screams, “Let the little people of Earth know this because we allow it.” This Science Division sounds like its filled with Lawyers. If I ever meet any of these Cyphuskara people, I will give them a swift kick to their mental gonads. Eliza is worth more than a whole planet of these kinds of people. Jen…I mean J’ino allowed me to analyze her nervous system to have a proper baseline to study. The damage to Eliza is even more dreadful than I first suspected.-From the personal files of Doctor Lorain Lanis, 1st Lt of the Terran Alliance Medical Corps. 

In the end, everything my wife and I have done, we have done for the sake of our children. Knowledge is a burden. Children should be allowed to dance. – V'alkor Ayeer, 12th of his name, Known Ruler of Typherian Ascendancy

Lorain is giving me that look again. She and mother filled me in on some things after the fact. My first impression of House Even Most Typherians loathed, was akin to the now-defunct IRS of Earth. That Terran entity only lasted 10 years or so. Sometimes having demis is a good thing. Wildcards that change even most bureaucratic walls of red tape. Those guys, even to this day, my younger brother tells me that age-old line, “I had a bad feeling from the start about them.” He should know, he got to be on the ground floor of the shifting balance of Uplift. He even mentioned using his speedster and organic manipulation, an offshoot of his mixed heritage, to cause a bit of fun for Cyphushkara. I have a feeling my mother encouraged it at times.- Sleeping in Starlight, a memoir of the 22nd century.

Downtown Ashbury, Eliza’s Studio Apartment
USA (Texas)
December 8th, 2094

A tingling sensation ran along my spine. Usually, when Lorain got like this there were three options:
2)Find Cover
            Since this was a new apartment. Along with a new adventure, the cover option was not available. Even just 2 years out of high school, she was already on the fast track to getting her bachelor's degree. With all those advanced courses she did while Eddie and I got distracted. Or I had to dive into space, rescue floundering ships, or assist developing Terran colonies. To this day I still have no clue as to why I decided it would be a great idea to fling myself into a Dweller Gate. Granted, it didn’t hurt. Not like magic does.
            Mr. Apple sat down on the couch. Reading the latest headlines. Gave me a tip of his hat. His black suit and red tie as immaculate as ever.
            Reality: My NASA job was on both fronts. As the Banner and as Capt. Eliza Murphy! Jumpstart Program Candidate. Has a fun ring to it doesn’t it? Mom placed some sort of beverage in front of me.
            What did she call this stuff again? H’itah? It's supposed to be an equivalent of hot chocolate but it has a texture of robust coffee that reminded me of nutmeg, cinnamon, and sugar cookies. I hold the steaming mug in front of me like one of dad’s flimsy disk reports. Lorain continued to tap her foot. “Eliza Elizabeth Murphy. What is that?” She pointed. Dad wisely left the room to go install some super-secret Marshmellow Man equipment.
Mom has this funny look on her face. Like she just knew what the outcome would be.
I steadfastly ignored the kitchen. What was in the kitchen. All over the kitchen. Snoopy was still on the counter, or rather a special lift by the counter, his tail sticking straight up.
 Lorain used her index finger. Put it right between my eyes. “Well?” There was that foot-tapping again. She had the keys to the Kingdom. She knew it too. Cooper came bounding over to me, his wet nose quivering as he stared at my plate filled with waffles. Along with some crispy bacon. His soulful whines filled the dining compartment. He put one giant black paw upon my shoulder. Floating there. Filled with endless patience.
Mom snorted into her cup. Covering her mouth with a sweep of her napkin. With a rather elaborate display of affection, she clapped me on the other shoulder and said, “Eliza. If you learn only one thing from me, it is this: Listen to your doctor.”
My nose crinkled as I bit back a rather undignified sneeze. Can’t have ice going everywhere. “Nice one Ma, considering Lorain is the only doctor you trust.” She gave a mock growl in response. But the quirk of her lips gave her away. Muttering something about the impetuousness of youth she got up and went to the galley for more coffee. Cooper had his head resting on the table, mere inches from my plate, still fixated on the delicious morsels there. I gave his ears a good amount of attention. He turned that big brown gaze in my direction.
<<I have heard that syrup is good with bacon. May I have some? Please! It smells like home! The scrambled eggs were quite nice. But I have yet to have waffles. >>
His mind's voice was filled with simple eagerness. Under that kind of relentless assault of the K-9 type, what could I do? Remembering what happened to kitchens in general when Horus was around I waved one of the servitors over. It hovered there like an oversized disk, awaiting my orders. “My 4 footed friend here would like some eggs, waffles, bacon, and a nice 2 or 3 links of sausage.” It beeped with an affirmative tone and set off to make another plate of food. Cooper’s tail was a whirl of activity.
Father traipsed about upstairs for a moment longer. As he re-entered the main dining room, “All set. Your clearance level is set to recon. As far as my job is concerned.” He winked at me. Then took full notice of Cooper, Mom practically hovering behind me, Lorain’s general mood. He sent a private message:
//TM to EM: What did Snoopy and Cooper do to that kitchen?//
//EM to TM: Everything. Doc is still gonna kill me. What should I say?//
He pulled a chair out for mom. They both took a seat and waited. Lorain sent me an “I’m watching you” memorandum. Complete with 7 different articles of contention. Yep, I was doomed. To distract myself I gave my bardaxian friend another slice of ham. His eyes held me in place. Almost in unison, including Lorain, “He will get fat.” Mom laughed softly to herself. Then she gently placed her hand on top of dad’s. He gave a small squeeze in response.
Cooper’s triangular ears drooped slightly, plastered themselves against his head and he hid behind me. A different set of whines filled the compartment. Filled with dismay and pleading. My space-faring canine was quite aware of my father’s strict feeding requirements. Unlike me, Cooper’s metabolism didn’t work that efficiently. I could eat a whole truck of things and not worry. <<Eliza said I could have the bacon! The Maple too! My belt consumes much energy. I am in top form. Defender regulation standards!>>  His pleas fell upon the glacial wall that my father was attempting to maintain. I bit the inside of my cheek. It wouldn’t do any good to display any reaction right now.
I had to show I was learning proper discipline. When it came to Cooper I knew it was going to be a failing grade. He was so adorable with those dang head tilts. How could I resist?
General Murphy gave Cooper a critical once over. “Floating is not the same as running.” His paws hit the floor instantly. He began to fidget, head tilting back and forth, <<I will chase the goal until I may eat more chicken! Earth has so many good foods.>>
Some would call my father aloof but he was nearly the opposite. He got so invested in people or places that he erected a barrier so it wouldn’t hurt as much. Mom broke the stalemate by chipping in, “I know we raised our daughter pretty well so as long as Eliza takes him out for proper exercise, I don’t see the harm.” Dad rubbed his chin in thought for a moment. Then acquiesced to Cooper’s earnest tail thumping. He shook his finger at him. Then sighed. “Alright, as long as you keep up proper form.” He gave the Bardaxian a playful scratch behind the ears. When he noticed me staring, I braced to attention and did my best 1000 mile special, while mom’s laughter echoed in the back of my mind via the ring.
Lorain brought out some high-end cleaning devices. Those Bardaxians had made an absolute mess of the kitchen. The one that looked like a basset hound trotted over. She had decided last month to dub him Watson. Always helpful, filled with advice and unlike Snoopy, had an excellent sense of decorum. The beagle in question gave the young woman a rather dejected look. Her green eyes narrowed as Snoopy’s ears drooped even more. His piping voice rolled around in her head, <<I am sorry about the mess Doctor. It's just that Horus burns the bacon. He means well though.>> Jennifer covered her mouth then quickly grabbed Eliza, pushing her into the living room, “Go help your father set up all the holo displays. I’ll assist Lorain.”
Eliza shrugged. Accepting the command with her usual cheerful disposition and strode towards the main area as fast as her long legs could carry her. Jennifer ambled over to Lorain, stating, “Got to love modern technology. Makes this go by in a flash!” Lorain paused, mulling over how she should respond when Watson put forth his paw in greeting, <<AH! So nice to see you again madam. I just got word about putting the doctor through her paces. It should be rather interesting to see.>>
A pit formed in Lorain’s stomach, “What on earth are you going on about? The Blue Saucer deal wasn’t enough?” After the prom, Jennifer had met Doc there in her demi persona. It had raised some awareness of her powers and Mrs. Murphy had clued Lorain into a primary aspect of Project Osiris. To protect the Terran Alliance and its territories from a very real threat. Lorain shuddered just to think upon it all. Not little gray men but rather tall emaciated looking beings with dead black eyes. Who performed nasty experiments on the universe at large. What they did to Terran bovines still gave Lanis the screaming willies. That was another mystery.
After that, she had gone to her mother. For her part, Mary Lanis had just got up and hugged her kid until the tremors had faded. Sorry was a pale and inadequate word that Lorain couldn’t utter. She just talked the night away. Her mother nodding and giving her a shot of whiskey at the end. Even if at the time, Lorain was not of legal age, learning that bit of information was enough to give her night terrors. From that day on, she insisted on having a light on in the hallway, letting Augie have his pillow near her head. Now more than ever: She understood her mother on a fundamental level. The years of clashing with her left a feeling of disquiet. The horrors her mother and General Murphy protected the population from daily were staggering.
Now at the studio apartment, she would always have an arm draped about Eliza. The odd rhythm of her demi leader’s heart lulling the doctor to sleep. The Star-Spangled Banner, bringing peace to a worried doctor’s soul. Even if Eliza didn’t know the overall source of Lanis’ worries, she did her best to provide a stabilizing influence to Doc’s covert job. Most times the pair drifted off to sleep while watching holo-vids. Cooper on one side, Augie by Lorain’s head, Watson on the other side, while Snoopy took the middle.
The other Bardaxians took turns taking breaks at the apartment. Eliza found this arrangement more than acceptable.  
Jennifer touched the surface of Lorain’s mind. Turning it away from the dark avenues of Keepers. She placed a small ring into Lanis’ hand. It was ivory. “We have something more important to talk about. Eliza and her unique physiology. Follow me.” Jennifer motioned for Doc to slip the ring on. Her eyes sharpened as she picked up stray messages from Thomas and Eliza. Jennifer cut her questions off with a piercing look of her own. “Not here.”
Lorain exited the apartment with Jennifer. Watson padded along with them. His voice filled with wisdom and caring, <<Doctor, we believe that you are a vital component in the health of many within the Murphy clan. All will be revealed.>> His ancient face was filled with joy. At the heart of his being, he most enjoyed teaching, along with chasing the King’s Corgis. Those earth dogs kept him active. Which was very important for someone his age. Cooper had already tested a specialized serum on Augustus. In the hopes of bringing their Terran cousins up to speed.

Camp Osiris, Typherian Sector
USA (Texas)                                
December 8th, 2094

Lorain gawked at the displays before her. Jennifer, with unnerving accuracy, guided her to the northernmost corner of the base. The older woman had spoken some words and a doorway had appeared. The light on the other end was faintly blue and purple. She motioned for Lorain to step inside. All around the young Terran, the whispers of the multitudes echoed throughout the room, causing her to look up in surprise as Horus floated before them.
((Warm Greetings Lorain Lanis! We are very excited to see you here. Follow me to the Medical Wing of the ship.))
In response, Lanis blurted out, “Ship? This is no Terran vessel. That’s for damned sure.” Jennifer felt a tug on her heart at the sheer blunt assessment, “Jar! But you are correct. This is the vehicle that carried me and my brother to Earth. After we found your Golden Voyager disks. Well, our Survey Corps that is.” Lorain gripped the side of the wall. It warmed to her touch. Her mouth agape for a moment. A flash of disorientation came over her.
“Eliza isn’t some sort of lost royal baby is she?”
Lorain checked her face to see if it was burning. Where had that silly thought come from?
Jennifer doubled over as laughter poured out.
After wiping the tears from her eyes, “No.”
Her attitude took on a more serious bent, “My daughter isn’t considered royalty. They think she is crippled. A genetic dead end.” Lorain’s embarrassment faded as her emotions matched those of Jennifer’s.
Indignant fury.
“Cornfed isn’t crippled. Who are the jackasses that believe that?!”
“The ones in a particular House’s subgroup. Here, I'll show you their greeting missive.”

TAS H’taria, Medical Wing
USA (Texas)                                
December 8th, 2094

Doctor Lanis waved J’ino over to the medical arrays. She couldn’t stop glancing at Mrs. Murphy’s revealed form. It had a timeless quality about it. Even more so than standard prolong. Those eyes, the green-gray within the black, caused her to shake her head in wonder. The jumpsuit, mostly black with some silver and blue highlights, caused the young woman to marvel at the seamless nature of the garment. It looked fragile but on closer inspection, the material hardened when required, probably to help the user survive vacuum if needed.
Eliza should have been the one to see this first. Not her.
The ring on her finger sent an electric spark up her spine.
>>Can you hear me properly Lorain?<<
“Holy shit. Yes ma’am.” She gave J’ino a 50.00 dollar bill.
The Typherian ambassador took the money. >>I’ve been adding to the Jar on a very daily basis. So don’t feel too out of sorts. The situation is very much mutual.<<
“So I analyzed the basics of your physiology. Do you want everything straight up or…”
J’ino nodded firmly. >>What is it doc?<<
“Eliza should have the same neural nodes along her spinal cord but it's like something ripped it out of her shortly before birth. Or after. All I know, it’s like she’s been living with a phantom limb all these years.”
Lanis saw J’ino hug herself. After a brief hesitation, she motioned for Doc to continue. “If it wasn’t for her demi abilities, I don’t think Eliza would be able to walk. With the baseline, I have from these data cores and with your permission, I’d like to use my abilities to map out a neural feed net, even one based on your output.” J’ino looked away for a moment. Doc turned to regard one of the readouts. Giving Mrs. Murphy a moment to collect herself.
>>How will this help my daughter?<<
Doc indicated the brain patterns of a typical Typherian female. “With a bit of practice, memorizing these specific signals emitted the network, I will fashion a device imbued with my abilities that will regulate the same patterns to Eliza’s spine and brain, with time, this may even restore some of her missing neural nodes.”
J’ino’s otherworldly eyes softened at that. >>Good! That’s some of the best news I have heard in a while.<<
The doorway whooshed open as Horus floated in.
((Sorry to interrupt but General Murphy wanted me to pass on this message. The apartment is now fully furnished. In record time because the Captain was able to juggle many furniture pieces. Along with the Party Corgi and his Pillow. Addendum: There is a side room that was specifically decorated to allow for full Bardaxian purview.))
Doc snorted in a rather indelicate fashion.
“This means Watson and the rest are 100% permanent roommates huh?”
For his part, Watson merely peered up at the two women, <<I am a gentleman. I fall asleep at the proper hour. After tea time.>>
Lorain shared a look with Watson, “Well that makes one of us. Cornfed won't know which side of the stick hit her. If I need to be a chiropractor, she won’t escape my bedside manner.” J’ino clamped down on her innate curiosity. It reminded her too much of her mother. Sometimes certain aspects of mothering was a part of life that she didn’t want to repeat. It was a nice thought but she dug deep within herself: You’ve already meddled quite a bit.
Lorain was too distracted by all the marvels within the Medbay to notice J’ino take out one of the crystals from her amulet. It gave off a soft melody. When she pointed it in Doc’s direction, the sound deepened, which nearly made J’ino drop it. She gave it another probing glance then put it back within the amulet. What was Apple playing at anyway? Even within their vast knowledge bases, nothing like these crystals were recorded in their histories.

Downtown Ashbury, Eliza’s Studio Apartment
USA (Texas)
December 8th, 2094

I set the couch down with a merry thump as Mom and Lorain returned. I floated up to the ceiling and waved at them both, “LOOK MA! NO WINGS!”
Cooper let out a string of barks. Each one rising in volume until he was in my face. He graced me with some well-placed licks to the chin. His defender belt wrapped itself around my waist. <<YES! MY FAVORITE PART!>>  He knew exactly what I was preparing to do.
Using my arms, crouching low, I proceed to flap about like a chicken. Mom just shook her head, a cone of warmth echoing outward, “I can see that Space Cadet. I bet I can convince the good doctor here to cover you in hot sauce.”  There it was again, that pinprick of feeling that I had no words for. Lorain’s whole aura was covered in it. “It can’t be just any kinda hot sauce, mom. Its got to be Big Bills. Ultra Cosmic Special blend. Used by spacers everywhere!” Mom gripped Lorain’s hand, dragging her upstairs while dad looked on, his face a mix of amusement and concern. Layered with a drop of approval? Huh. That was a new mix.
I posed a set of questions, “What was that all about? Everything ok?” Dad picked up a family photo. It had all of us in it, minus Anna, along with the Lanis’ and Olstens. The holo frame took up half the room. It was from high school graduation. Samantha and Jacob had surprised everyone by showing up. Along with some presents too. I especially loved my gift from my brother: an old US Space Shuttle model, the Endurance, one of the last shuttles to dock at the hab rings. Dad peered at the photo for a few more heartbeats. With great care, placing it near the main compartment along the living room wall.
“You are in good hands, Eliza. Never forget that. Stay here for a moment. I have to go mention something to the left hand.” He winked and clambered upstairs. Cooper floated up next to me, <<Can we play fastball? I like it!>> I grinned. We zoomed around the room.
Firecracker, the red belted Bardaxian, who looked like a Great Pyeriense, joined our game as well. The whole room flickering like a Christmas glitter bomb. His voice was much more serious than Cooper’s but at many intervals, he too sounded like a little puppy again. To me, nothing could be better than this moment. 

Thomas closed the master bedroom door with a slight click. His wife uncloaked. The general turned his steely gaze to Lorain, “Considering what you know now, it has been decided that you will work alongside your mother within the Project. If we need Eliza to do anything, that shouldn’t be much of an issue. As the Banner, she’s already helped us place an early warning system of sorts. You are being assigned to Bio-research. Report to Osiris HQ, section 38 for additional orders.”
Lorain came to attention. Firing off a salute that would have made her mother proud had she seen it. “Understood General.” Her eyes darkened with guilt. “Permission to speak freely sir?”
“Eliza deserves better than this shit.” After a brief hesitation, she added, “Sir.”
He twitched. His eyes boiling over with sour humor.
“Indeed. We must work within certain parameters. Sufficed to say, before my wife goes on the ultimate tirade against current Uplift Protocol, it’s an irritation we understand all too well.” He paused for a moment, considering his next words with care, “With the amount of influence you have with Eliza, we want you to do everything possible to get her to go along with your healing regimen.” Lorain felt her heart constrict in her chest. Guilt, pride, and sadness played across her face.
“I hear you, Mr. Murphy. If I have to I'll go full Sawsmith on her with a paralyzing ray if needed.” Both parents smiled at that statement. J’ino nodding with approval, >>If you need to have an element of surprise, she is very ticklish, she won't see that coming at all.<<
Watson poked his head through the door. A strange ring of energy allowing him to bypass physical barriers. <<Is it tea time yet? The others are re-enacting something called Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Quite the interesting display. Is it normal for humans to go Ho Ho Ho! All the time?>>

Hightower Spaceport, Terran Alliance Complex
Demeter Habitat Ring (Mars)
March 10th, 2095

Lt. Lorain Lanis straightened her dark green and gray TA uniform. Gazing out at the pinpricks of light reflected off the plexiglass of the observation dome. After all this time, the last phase of training. Zero-G/Vaccum navigation. The Star-Spangled Banner was there. Mostly as insurance. Even with all the tech they had.
All the safety procedures.
They still wanted some space enabled demis to be on standby just in case.
Lorain nodded curtly to Eddie as he rounded the corner. He was also here for the last phase. His codifiers indicated TA Reporter Corp. Just like he wanted. Many of their old classmates were doing a stint in the military. Most still wondered why Eliza wasn’t in some sort of military program. Considering who her father was. Lorain shook her head to clear the deck, as it were. Eddie took note of this and stated, “Still worried what people think of our resident Texas special?”
She arched an eyebrow, replying in a cool tone, “No. They can go dock themselves…” She clenched her jaw. Jonas arched an eyebrow, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, “I just tell them she’s space happy. NASA bound and all that.” They saw Star maneuvering through various docked freighters and cargo haulers. Probably checking for breaches, Lanis thought. Old Glory fanned out behind her.
Always seeing the best in any situation.
Despite the personal pain. To always have a ready smile.
Lorain felt the pressure behind her eyes fade as she continued to look at the panoramic view of the cosmos.
With one Star, in particular, dominating the void.
Eddie whistled faintly as Star fired an intense burst of plasma from her palms. Sealing the leak within a sub-compartment of the hauler docked alongside. He gave Lorain one final glance. He had noticed she was acting more reserved lately. Her feelings were as closed off as ever in most instances. Except where Eliza was concerned. That he could see as plain as day. Even if Murphy herself wasn’t quite aware of it yet. Strange, she had all sorts of empathetic ques to run off of but had the biggest blind spot when it came to Lanis. Or her parents for that matter. If there was one mystery Jonas “Eddie” Olsten wanted to solve: Jennifer Murphy and her mysterious Shimmering oddities. Horus gave off that vibe ever so often but it was especially potent within her.
Arthon, well he was just as prickly as Lanis. From a different direction. He was, in Eddie’s estimation, an old man who hijacked a youthful body. He was weighed down. Commanding. Serious. Dedicated to his work. Couldn’t tell a joke or pun if he tried. Still, altogether, the Golden Redeemers were a team. A strange mix some of the time but they all meshed pretty well in the field nowadays. No longer quite as green as yesteryear.
            I spied Eddie and Lorain by the observation dome. Today was their graduation day. My mind drifted for a moment. Remembering all the rejection letters. No college wanted me. I couldn’t blame them. Unless it was an online course there was no way I’d be able to reliably attend most classes. As a prime demi, I was often pulled away to assist beyond Earth. Not too many of us could operate in space. Especially not at my level. So the TA had me out there among the heavens as much as they had me on the ground. I had accepted it. Mostly. The hardest part was the anger I could feel simmering within Mom and Lorain. When people brought up the line, “Eliza had such good scores in High School. What happened?”
            I winced. Lorain’s emotions were spiked with the usual output but under the surface, whatever Eddie had said brought up some buried feelings, so I focused hard. Eddie was mentioning NASA. That would be my only path. At least it would be one that I could love unabashedly. It’s not like I wasn’t going for my degree. It would just take time. Considering how often the Banner had to make an appearance. So I drifted over to the observation dome. I waved at both of them and pointed. General Whitehouse was making his way over.
Lorain pinched the bridge of her nose. She schooled her features as Star floated over to them. Their giant brick of a demi leader was waving then pointing behind them. Eddie also turned around to face the newcomer. General Whitehouse was the US Army adjunct to the Terran Alliance. His voice thundered outward, “OLSTEN! LANIS! Front and Center! We have a mission to complete!” They scrambled to his side. Marching with adrenaline-induced grace.
They entered the drop pod wing. Equipping their vac-suits. Launch time.
Lorain clapped Jonas on the back. “Time to finish this.”
He grinned, “You got it! With bells on.”

Zero-G Training Sector
In orbit of Phobos (Mars)
March 10th, 2095

A soft ping caught my attention. It was Captain Lanis:
//MHL to Star: The Legion of Tomorrow is sending someone else out to supervise the safety of the test. The Director wants you to participate in another way. A NASA way, if you get my meaning. You get to bring Jupiter Rising out of dry dock. Get on it.//
My eyes gleamed with excitement. Finally! While I loved flying in general there was something special about having a ship sailing within the black that brought a genuine thrill to my life. The cosmic sea went past in an instant. I changed into my NASA Jumpstart Uniform. It was a dark navy blue. NASA’s logo on the back. The Jumpstart patches on the right sleeve. The hanger bay scanned my biometrics. “Welcome Captain Murphy. Please stand by.” Before me, the Jupiter was a shining beacon, its sleek lines emblazoned with the symbol of NASA and the US Flag, its outer protective hull was white and red, shaped like a bullet. It was made for speed.
I donned my black NASA cap and strolled onto the docking ramp. A merry tune on my lips. Finally, get to take her out. The entryway slid open. Horus greeted me as I entered the pilot’s seat. “Let’s get this party started!”
((Affirmative captain. Linking into Jupiter’s mainframe.))
I felt the seat latch onto me. Fitting to my frame like a glove. Jupiter’s displays flared to life. <<All systems nominal, disengaging umbilical cord, prepare for orbital insertion. Shall we proceed?>> The controls formed beneath my fingertips. The ship was requesting access to my coms and neural interlinks.
<<Link engaged. Welcome, Eliza. Correlating flight responses and preferences.>> Jupiter’s AI was a mix of calming tones and feminine grace. Someone in R&D land thought that elegant would be a proper motivator. I didn’t mind. Reminded me of the AI companion of Captain Cosmos. A wave of humor hit me. Mr. Apple tipped his hat once more. He had a cup of tea in one hand, while his other held a pocket watch. He made himself at home in the sensor chair to the left of me.
Ritark kept himself as still as a statue. Just above the captain’s seat was a small alcove of shadow. He decided it was time for another adventure. The man with the red tie said he would be safe on this ship. His golden eyes were half-closed, enjoying the strange hum this vessel channeled while drifting through the stars, wanting to make sure his friend was safe. His people took those oaths seriously. So even if she didn’t remember his true self, the obligation remained, to stand with them until the end. Eliza’s hands danced over her console. He still thought it strange that she loved to pilot ships so much when she could outmaneuver most jump drives. Her most recent breach into Litari space proved that she could run pirate ships around in circles. Punch through most hulls like they were made of air. They had yet to find out who was rallying all the pirate clans under one flag. He hoped Earth would be able to assist soon. Humans had interesting ideas too. With their Space Force upgraded, they could be nearly the match of Typherians.

Ambassador J’ino wouldn’t discuss her daughter’s forays beyond protected territories. His mother cautioned him to just observe. Elders confused him. They wished to protect but feared that the younger generation would get into too much trouble. Sometimes not remembering they also did such things in their youthful days. The ship’s VI, its advanced functions cloaked from Eliza, indicated normality had returned. He saw the moon of Phobos on the various viewscreens. The captain was initiating an approach to the testing grounds. A Terran general, Whitehouse, was barking orders.
“Murphy! Fly that graceful turkey over to the port side. I am going to insert you as a wounded hostage for the proceedings!” He saw tilt her head in confusion. “My ship is hardly a turkey sir!”
Whitehouse bellowed into the com array, “I don’t care if it’s a blue ribbon winner of a starship. Move your ass, Murphy! Waiting is for the dead or oblivious!” She bit her lip and replied, “Yessir! On my way!”
He wished he could follow.
A flowing melody wrapped itself around his brain, <<As you wish young one.>>
One of the ship’s probes broke off. Landing on Eliza’s shoulder. It was minuscule enough that she didn’t notice its presence. It phased, matching the material in her jumpsuit. He chirped with glee as the feed was relayed to his nano-links. <<What’s your designation?>> Curiosity burned within him.
<<I am Jupiter Rising. Interlinked to the Captain. I am here to serve her and her crew. You are designated crew by proxy. A Litari Bound-Oath must be treated with respect. Even if it is with non-uplifted entities. By current chronological standards. The Advisory Board of 42nd century maintains temporal practices.>>
Jupiter nudged him with a mental grin. He chittered in shock. Ascended! This was indeed a treat, even most Forger ships never allowed such VI to leave their home systems. Most feared what a Void Walker would do with such a sentient. The black-suited man motioned to Ritark. His voice was an ancient waterfall in his head.
This ship is one of a kind. Like the captain. Safeguard both well.
He gave the Litari a poke with his walking cane. Ritark resumed watching the feed.
Yes, he would protect them.
Family was more than blood.

Zero-G Training Sector
Phobos (Mars)
March 10th, 2095

Lorain grunted as the surface of the moon absorbed their landing. Everyone else was arrayed behind her. In a semi-circle. Corporal Mattling muttered a soft curse as one of his boots sunk in too deep. Jonas gave a small tug and released the young man from his predicament. That old saying came back to her, “We fight as one.” She made a sweeping motion, her coms crackled with some static before clarity returned, “Alright. Let’s get this done. Squad Alpha and Bravo, take the west side. Charlie and Delta, you are with me.” Jonas shot off one final salute before he joined Bravo. She sent him a private message:
//Good hunting. Watch their six. You know that’s what she would do too.//
His reply was simple: A giant picture of Old Glory waving in the wind.
The various rock formations before her sent a thrill up her spine. Within that pitted landscape was their final test. The Terran Alliance found this a good testbed. Over the years they had installed various training complexes. Some only a few rooms. One: to give the trainee an appreciation for the dangers of space. Two: The challenge of building obstacles on such a tiny piece of “real estate.” Phobos, at best, was 15 miles of paradoxical terrain. To Lorain’s point of view it provided something valuable: Expect the Unexpected.
She came to a stop by a particularly deep ridge. Ghostly lights flickered in the void. The corporal came over to her, “Ma’am! Gunny has a signal. Shall we proceed?” She nodded curtly. All 16 TA members activated their boosters. Leapfrogging to the facility etched into the side of a Phobian crater. Lorain kept her gaze locked onto those tiny flames. She never did like looking down.
Whitehouse waved me through the training facility. The “pirates” were arrayed around various rooms. Some were professional soldiers. While others were civilians. To mimic different skill levels. It gave me a greater appreciation for the training my father went through. As the Banner, most things weren’t a physical threat, but everyone here dealt with that every day. I felt a burst of pride. I may be a demi but these people were the real deal. They went into the fire even without any extra power than the protection tech offered. I could only hope to be as brave. Whitehouse tapped my helmet with his gloved knuckles.  
“Alright! As the NASA bird, you get to be the bait. Even though Earth doesn’t have too many pirates to deal with, its still something they would do. Use anything and anyone as a hostage. In this case,” He pointed to the squat man to my left, “Our Barbosa here wants med-tek. Food, whatever he can sell on the black market.”
One man even interjected with, “Plus even most Demis aren’t space worthy. Not in and of themselves. The Star-Spangled Banner, Adam Lazer, or Sir Avalon can't be everywhere all the time. Check HeroNet, of those already mentioned only 10 other demis can operate in space. That we know of.”
Whitehouse smiled. It was a tense one. “Correct! So it's up to us to be the main police force for our Space sectors. It's not like there is some Dweller out there we can call upon for aid.” Mr. Apple appeared next to me. He was wolfing down some popcorn. Giving me a side wink. I pondered for a moment: Why did I go through that Dweller Gate orbiting Mars? It used to be called Demios. That headline caused a ruckus for about 2 years. Scientists going crazy unearthing the former moon. I shook my head, running a quick check on all my suit’s environmental feeds. Whitehouse brought a hoverchair around. He bound me to it with some simulated explosives.
“All right you grunts,” he thundered, “Get ready! Incoming!”
Lorain signaled for everyone to halt. She could sense short bursts of electrical signals from the other side of the enclosure in front of them. Not coms but the pulses from their spinal cords. All that extra work with Eliza’s injury had some interesting power bleed-off. She motioned her 2nd over. The gunny was also a supervisor of sorts. Mostly to keep the younger officers in line from doing something too outrageous. Even in these times, some thought it would be fun to test fate. He saluted, “Orders ma’am?”
“Position everyone for a breach. Bravo will create a hole over there.”
She indicated the far right side of the complex.
“While we will hit the left side. If I was the enemy, I’d have someone on the main door and whatever control point corridors are within. Depending on experience, they’d have some target in mind, so stay alert everyone.”
Once in position, the EODs rigged the entry points, being careful with the timers. One even suggested placing some on the main doorway. Lanis agreed. Best to have a distraction.
I had my thermal visor down so the others didn’t see my eyes change. Even though I was here as my civilian role I still wanted to make sure people didn’t get hurt. Granted, all the ammo was non-lethal but that didn’t mean mistakes couldn’t happen. I scanned all the rooms. The group of “pirates” numbered as 12. Verus Lorain’s 16 or so. They couldn’t see the stealth camoed instructors or Adam Lazer hovering above. Even the explosives charges weren’t fully functional. They would still do the job though. This prefab complex wasn’t very sturdy. Three separate charges went off. The main door took out the two watchmen. Their suits glowed red as incapacitated/killed. Mine was highlighted yellow, which stood for injured, was mimicking a leg wound. Frantic yelling over the pirate coms went silent as a Terran Corporal hurled an EMP grenade into the main corridor. The Gunny snarled and brought the youth to task. In some cases, it would be advisable not to do what he did.
At least without a proper level of surveillance. For instance, if that EMP had gone off near enough to the explosives. No more room. No more pirates and no more anyone. Unless you had a demi that was quick enough with shields or constructs. Like Amazing Grace or Emerald K-9.
I keyed into Eddies' feed: He and his group were in a pitched battle with a converged freighter. Except, in that case, it wasn’t pirates but contaminated citizens trying to contain an outbreak. With their “engine” going critical. Doc would have been perfect for that but I could see why they’d change things up for the test. Adam was circling in both areas. Making sure the “zombies” weren’t getting roughed up too much. In the age of Demis and premiere technology, some gaming fantasies were very obtainable. Much to the Legions’ dismay. I knew the feeling. Undead anything was never fun. Plus it could get very messy. Even Arthon shuddered at the possibilities of Zombies. Magical or otherwise.
Barbosa came over and held an EMP pistol to my head.
I took a gander at the explosives set up around me. The pressure plate wasn’t under my seat or my posterior but rather, connected to the doorway behind me, haphazardly covered with some fake shielding.
Time to plan a touchdown pass to the Alliance.

Cpl. Mattling bit back a curse as the Gunny shot him a warning glance. Lt. Lanis fed more commands into her pickup. All the pirates were either incapacitated or “dead.” All but 2. She motioned for the Gunny to take point. She ordered the Corporal to guard the main accessway. While two others filed past him. What made her so special? Sure she had decent tactical scores but this was pure luck on her part. What kind of Medical Corp Officer went into direct combat anyway? He rolled his eyes and stood guard. It's not like this was a test of true danger anyway. He was doubly glad the thermal visor hid his reactions. He was just here to earn basic spacers pay while going to college.
The other members of Alpha Squad had various levels of doubt on their faces as they looked at him. Yes, this was a test but they took it very seriously. Those who didn’t usually end up dead when reality hit the fan.
I could tell by her aura that Lorain was seriously ticked off by the Corporal’s attitude. I sympathized. Even if one joined the T.A. to fund higher learning, if you ended up in space, anything could happen. Not everyone had the luxury I did. So while incognito I made sure to triple check everyone and everything on my ship. A captain always took care of her crew. Barbosa let out a menacing growl that would have made Cooper proud, “Not so fast. I got me an insurance policy.” He dug the firearm into my helmet as far as it could go. “Got a nice little bird all set for final departure.”
Lorain’s tone was flat and cool, “I see that. Under the articles of the Terran Alliance, you are hereby under arrest. I will give you only one option. Surrender.” While she was talking, the Gunny made a show of reaching for his belt. Barbosa saw this and snarled, “ILL DO IT! See these explosives! I don’t give a crap. I can pilot that hunk of junk NASA sent this Captain in.” He said my title with a smirk in his voice.
I sent a message to Whitehouse:
//Am I able to act in all this, the suit is simulating a leg injury.//
//PW to EM: Sure, nothing in the manual saying you can’t do anything. //
I used my NASA credentials to open a link to the Gunny and Lorain.
//Advisory: We here at NASA appreciate the concern. Caution, stormy weather ahead. Excessive force winds expected at 18 hundred hours. Please bring proper protective gear.//
 I added the entry as a general weather alert. Barbosa gave me a confused glance. “What you doing birdy!?” I discreetly pointed my hands downward then towards my stomach, bending over slightly, groaning. Holding my leg like it was broken.
Alpha Squad was taken aback.
Lorain’s mind glow suddenly burst with a sense of astonishment. I could feel her excitement growing by the second. That’s it doc.
Lorain kept staring at the message. So this NASA person knew the channel was open? She narrowed her eyes in thought. 18 hundred hrs. What was important…the position! Her gaze went to the doorway behind Barbosa and his hostage. She ordered her suit’s scanners to sweep the area. There! It was faint but a signal was coming from the door panel. The hostage moved, pointing downward. Digging their gloves into their stomach. She opened a channel to the Gunny. “Confirm Weather advisory.” He gave two clicks. Readying himself to fire at a moment’s notice.
Barbosa never understood quite what happened. One moment the Terran soldiers were at his mercy, the next, the NASA bird made a quick swinging motion, bringing her hand up to lock his elbow in place. The pistol fired up into the ceiling. The gunny tagged him full of “ammo”. His screens went red. Lorain pulled out her jamming device. It was in the shape of a golf ball. Hurling it into the door panel. A voice boomed over the speaker, it was General Whitehouse, “Well done, mission successful. Please gather in the main hanger bay. Follow the birdy!”
Lorain’s eyes went wide as she saw the NASA scout raise their outer faceplate. “Nice one Doc! Looks like Olsten and his team did well too.” Eliza ambled over to give them both a friendly clasp on the arm. Her suits stimulated injury hampering her initial progress. Gunny stated, “Weather Advisor huh? That’s a new one for the training books.” He went over to Barbosa. Held out his hand, “Let’s go get some well-deserved R&R. These kids wear me out.”  
Eliza opened a private channel to Lanis, “You caught on pretty quick too!”
She was thankful that her visor hid her face replying, “I just know how your brain works.”
Barbosa hummed to himself then nodded, “Indeed. They must have had open coms for this run. Smart. Then again, considering who her dad is, she has a legacy to uphold.” The senior non-com fired off a question, “So you are you birdy?”
“Capt. Eliza Murphy! NASA Jumpstart Program.”
Gunny’s reaction was instant, “That Murphy huh? Served with him in Operation Carter.”
Eliza had that familiar grin. “Yup! What until you see that ship. It’s a doozy!”
While that was tempting he replied, “Maybe later ma’am. I don’t have clearance for it.”
Lorain rolled her shoulders, feeling the tension leave her muscles, tethering herself to Eliza. One couldn’t be too careful in Zero-G. For her part, NASA’s newest Captain just gave her friend a thumbs up.
Barbosa deactivated the rest of the training course. Eliza was marching in place. Trying to get feeling back in her leg. Lorain knew better but Eliza insisted on it. To make it seem like she was just another person in the crowd. She mastered her features into cool professionalism. He motioned to the other doorway, leading outside, where Mattling waited.
Across the Terran Alliance Network: //Nicely done. Please report to 2nd testing area for debriefing. Lt. Lanis and Lt. Olsten, report to General Whitehouse. You are being issued new orders!//
Lorain shot Eliza a questioning glance. She responded with a slight wink. “Let's go gather up Olsten. This is gonna be great!”

NASA Hanger Delta
Phobos (Mars)
March 10th, 2095

Whitehouse gazed up at the Jupiter Rising with a sense of wonder. “Now that’s a ship. Eliza Murphy, you are one of the luckiest kids alive.” She nodded in agreement. “Yup.” She turned as Eddie and Lorain, duffles on their backs, pulling grav carts with their TA gear approached. Jonas let out an excited whoop. “We are Captain Cosmos!”   Murphy corrected him, the exhilaration was infectious, “We are even better! This is the first FTL capable ship! You, Lt. Lanis, and General Whitehouse are official members of the crew now.” Even the old warhorse was taken aback. “Who added that bit in? Not that I’m not interested!” Eliza opened the letter from the desk of NASA’s director.
//Welcome Captain Murphy. As one of the First FTL pilots within the Jumpstart program, you are authorized to choose anyone you wish for your crew, provided they met certain background checks. As of today, General Patrick Whitehouse US Army, Lt. Lorain Lanis of the T.A. Medical Corp and Lt. Jonas Olsten, of the T.A. Reporter Corp are hereby authorized to join your crew. Recommendations as follows://
“If you want, ill forward it to your data relay.”
Whitehouse was a kid at Christmas. “Look how sleek she is. Bet she can turn on a dime!”
The docking ramp lowered with nary a sound. Eliza threw an arm over Lorain’s shoulders. “Let me show you all around. It has everything. Even Cooper!” The german shepherd in question barked out a greeting as they entered the main walkway. Eddie gave him bear hug. “WHOS A GOOD BOY! YOU ARE!”
He was the best boy.
Lorain saw the sheer joy in Eliza’s every move. Good. Anything that kept that light going was good enough for Lanis. Eliza gazed down at Lorain, “Just think, what we could find without using the Dweller Gates!”
Lorain ran a hand along my cheek. Her eyes unfocused as she scanned me with her powers. After a moment she responded, “Well let's take it one step at a time. How about linking with New Horizons at Alpha Centauri first.” After a momentary pause, “You're right doc. Let’s see what things look like with a known benchmark. Still! We are explorers of a new age! That alone is worth the price of admission!” I noticed her green eyes darken with worry. I picked her up, walking down the corridor with her locked in a similar but not as tight bear hug. Cooper was taking everything in stride, especially when he saw the signs indicating the Galley was just ahead, his barks gaining in volume. Lorain sighed and rested her forehead on my chest. She muttered, “What would you do without bacon huh?”
I cocked my head to the left. “Hey now! Bacon is important but friends are even better.” I squeezed her, making sure to spin around for good measure, noticing this brightened her mood tremendously. Over the PA system, Jupiter announced: <<Now serving lunch in the galley, all crew report for refreshment, 2 messages in the queue for Eliza Murphy from General Murphy and Captain Lanis. 1 message for Lt. Lanis.>>
“See? It's one heck of a ship. She’s all mine.” I said, turning a bit sheepish at the end. Lorain was looking at me rather oddly. Fighting with something. Finally, she blurted out, “Well I have some shore leave coming up, let's go out to a holovid, maybe take a stroll along the boardwalk. I want to feel the earth beneath me for a bit.” I lifted her higher, so our noses were almost touching, proclaiming, “That sounds great! The fair should be back in town by then too. I vote for corndogs!” She ran her hand through my hair for a moment, giving it a ruffle, replying, “Good! Doctor’s orders!”

Project Osiris
New Ashbury (Texas)
May 16th, 2095

Lorain guided the Star-Spangled Banner through the proper checkpoints. The demi was floating in the air, anchored to Lanis’ arm. The tech on her head rendered her blind in every sense.  J’ino had an arm wrapped about Eliza. The Typherian was apprehensive. Not because of her daughter’s presence but what the overall mission needed. Thomas cleared them through the final point, motioning for Lanis to bring the Banner forward.
“I know. She doesn’t have clearance but we need her skills for this operation. We have detected a rogue element within the asteroid belt and need you all to investigate. Well, you, the Banner, and Captain Lanis. You will need her translating ability for this.” He brought up the holo displays. The pictures were haphazard at first. As the General connected more pieces into the feed, Lorain felt her throat tighten, the warped linework of Keeper sigils were etched into the rocky surface.
“Lovely. I'll go get some thermal detonators.” J’ino shuddered, “I wish we could. Unfortunately, we have to figure out what that particular blip is.” Captain Herbert-Lanis walked through the holo display, handing her daughter a data packet, “Enter this into Jupiter’s library, the ship will know what to do, as for us…” She gave her daughter a gentle squeeze on the forearm, “We have to suit up.”

The world around me was white. I could feel people guiding me of course but that wasn’t the problem. Having empathic abilities meant I could detect things 24/7. A comforting background noise. This situation? More blind than a bat. No sense of sight, smell, sound, mental, or otherwise. Dead air. Even Mr. Apple wasn’t in here. I felt a familiar tapping on my arm. In code. Even the ivory ring mom gave me was inert. Nothing to do but talk to me, myself and I.
Almost there. Sorry space cadet.
I tried to reply but my mouth wouldn’t budge. I shrugged. The tapping continued.
On the plus side, your mother will be joining you on Jupiter Rising, in left-hand mode.
I tapped back.
You better be giving her hazard pay Marshmellow Man.
I knew this was dad because he gripped the bottom of my boots and spun me in circles. Just like when I was a kid.
J’ino giggled as Thomas went full dad mode with their daughter. “What did she say?” They were heading away from the facility, the grav-train carrying them to an offsite hanger bay where the Jupiter was parked. They wouldn’t be able to uncover Eliza until they set foot upon the ship.  Thomas quirked an eyebrow, “Our daughter thinks I should pay you better.” Actual physical currency wasn’t needed in the Ascendancy but many civilizations still used it. J’ino thought she paid herself quite well. With a drop of humor, “Well that settles it. If my space cadet thinks I am getting underpaid, how will you ever make up that wage gap dear husband?”
Thomas brought Eliza to a halt, still maintaining contact, and gave his wife a very significant look, “I think I know of a few ways.” His tone sent a thrill through J’ino. It had been a while hadn’t it? Since they were all so busy. She reached out and cupped his face, “I expect quite the down payment then.” Even though Eliza was still completely and utterly unaware she gave both of them a thumbs up.
J’ino buried her head in her husband’s chest. Breathless wheezing laughter caused Thomas to grin. Finally, she stated, “I know she doesn’t know what we are talking about but why the thumbs up?”
Dad was acting weird. More tapping.
Just give us a thumbs up. It will make mom happy.
I exaggerated my movements. Hammed it to 11. That always gave mom an extra boost when she needed it. She pulled on my hand. The fingers were slimmer. Turned my palm over. Wrote: You and your father are dorks. My dorks though. So that makes me Queen Dork. I nodded. Using my other index finger, I formed a heart in the air with plasma, the effect lasting a few moments. Mom pulled me over to her. I think she had us all in some sort of mama bear huglock. That’s us.
Typical Texan family.  

Asteroid Belt
Jupiter Rising (Sol System)
May 16th, 2095

While the rest of the Golden Redeemers suited up,  Captain Herbert-Lanis was at the helm, Jupiter on semi autopilot mode as we drifted closer to the unmanned target site. Everyone was here as extra security but for this mission, it would be me, doc, and her mother. Just like the old scout teams on Captain Cosmos. Mom and someone else was cloaked in the room with me. I had noticed it earlier but Mr. Apple had cautioned me with a finger to his lips.
All in due time.
The story of my life.
“Hey Captain, so anything you need me to keep my eyes peeled for?”
Without raising her head, “At this point? Anything that gets on your radar in terms of nose bleeds factor. I hope it won’t be that severe but you never know. The rest of your team will remain here to act as a cover story. A joint TA/NASA and Legion Op. Made it appear to be another titanium deposit. Along with some platinum. With you along to burn  it out.”
Made sense. Most demis were often recruited into hazard zones to harvest rarer materials. “Well if there is any of that here, I'll be sure to mine it out, helps keep the R&D guys happy. Plus we’d get a finder’s fee.” A small vibration ran throughout the vessel. Most wouldn’t perceive it but all my senses were stretched out to the max in response to the magic white room.  
Mary exited, making a pitstop at the armory, motioning for her daughter to join us.
“Let’s get to work then.”
Mr. Apple shoved some sort of picture in front of my face. It was shifting. The black ink running everywhere. It formed into an oval face, two dark orbs staring out into the infinite, its small slit of a nose flaring briefly.
Got it. Definite Void Walker influence.
Chronos isn’t here but this place feels wrong. Tread softly.
Doctor Impossible kept glancing back at the Jupiter. She wished she could have brought all the explosives known to man from its weapon’s locker. Her mother had axed that idea. The Osiris Head Researcher had taken point. Honing in on the remnants of Keeper tech buried within this asteroid. Lorian’s cheeks flushed with guilt. With her mother’s help, she had been able to key in on the sensory output within Eliza’s mind that allowed her to ferret out Keeper influenced technology. It wasn’t as pinpoint as Murphy herself but it gave Project Osiris an invaluable tool. They also had to be within 40 feet to hear the locator go off. To Lorain it was rather ironic they gave it a low droning bing sound. Just like in those deep-space horror vids Olsten adored. She always found herself watching between her fingers when people made stupid choices in those old movies. Her heart thudded rapidly.
 Star was right above them, keeping an elevated overwatch, just in case. The target area filled her vision. A rather sparse looking rock. A cave formation was 1 mile ahead. Based on their information, it was a few hundred feet wide but not very deep.
Captain Lanis stopped at the entrance. Lorain brought her sidearm out, keeping it aimed at the ground but ready to engage at a moment's notice. The Banner landed next to them. Her hands moved, asking: Want me to take point?
Mary nodded. Her gloved fingers holding her scanner, its blips trilling even faster now, which made me examine it closer. I felt a twinge of pressure behind my eyes. Ahhh, right. It was coated against my type of fun. So I just floated through the opening. Testing the area by inhaling whatever was around. I put my hands on the wall, burning through it until I hit paydirt. Well, platinum that is. I cooled it with some ice breath and notified Jupiter.
//Whatever useful stuff I find, I'll leave at the entrance, get the grav-loader if you have to.//
//Acknowledged. My current estimation places that chunk of Platinum enough to provide a coating for 5 more ((Classified.))//
We moved deeper into the abyss. Mary was focused. Like a master diver. Lorain was attempting the same but the stillness was getting to her. I floated back, checking on their readouts, making sure to exaggerate my movements. Oxygen tanks were good for another 3 days at this rate. A burst of cold ripped through my bones. I knelt, digging my fingers into the dust, my hands finding something solid. I scanned it with my sight. It was a human skull. I excavated it. The outer bone was in near perfect condition. Doc and her mother stopped. The Captain’s voice crackled over the coms, <<Star, place that within my pack.>> I didn’t argue. Just holding the thing made my flesh break out in goosebumps.
Once I sealed it away another tug appeared at the edge of my vision. I pointed, <<See that?>> There was movement. A faint shimmer in the dark. Doc gripped my hand, had I been normal she might have even broken it with the added pressure from her suit. I could hear her heart rate rising.
<<Easy Doc. I'll take a look.>> I peered through the rocky surface, cutting through the walls with my extrasensory abilities. No other heat signatures. More bones though. So many. Lining every wall here. In this back half of the cave network. A mass grave. Not all humans, not all from Earth, familiar shapes. I should know this. I should connect!
I winced as lightning exploded behind my temples. I brought Mary and Lorain in close, so they could hear me, don’t ask me how I can talk in a vacuum, even Mr. Apple won’t give me a straight answer. Every breath was wrenched from me like a man pulling nails from a floorboard. “I should remember. Can’t. Dead, walls filled with the dead. Humans, others, familiar.” I gripped my head as more pain brought me to my knees. Mary was sending something out.
A landscape of white filled my vision. The pain receded instantly.
There was a gap in my memory.  
One of many.
I brought my hands up. Feeling the blocker on my head.
After this was over I would be having a few choice questions for him.

Main Entry Ramp
Jupiter Rising (Sol System)
May 16th, 2095

J’ino ran, her booted feet propelling her through the dark. It took her moments to reach the others. Space was like a second home for her. So the lack of gravity never bothered her. Doc and her mother stood by, the elder Lanis expecting such a response. Lorain appeared especially distressed.
>>What is here? Why is that on her head again?<<
Lorain sent a message through the ring:
//Whatever memory alteration procedure you have doesn’t work completely. Eliza still has empath imprints of things she’s done. She said there’s a mass grave here, in every wall, not all of them are Earth-based either.//
J’ino linked to Horus.
>>Get over here now.<<
In one blink he was beside J’ino.
((Be forewarned, I cannot use Forger level tech here. It would alert the enemy.))
>>That’s fine, just record in passive mode, Mary!<<
The Captain nodded. Using her sensors to sweep the cavern. What came back horrified all. Not only was this a grave, but each bone was also placed in a wicked sort of logic. It mirrored the allowed pathways of the Dweller Gate orbiting Mars.
Mary used her demi power on it, examining the patterns from multiple angles. There was a message here. She relayed it to J’ino:
//By all records, we find these samples to be lacking to serve Unity, we must find the true source of Earth’s magic. Samples 1-4,606 were utter failures. None could bear the weight of the Project. By cross-examining failed genotypes we have found a way to birth a new avenue of approach. The Director suggests finding a viable sample within the local population.//
J’ino’s stomach twisted at this.
>>Mary, can you estimate the date of these bones?<<
Lorain stepped forward, <<Already on it. Circa Earth date puts this around 1940.>>
They could see the Typherian shudder at that. Even though her suit.
Captain Lanis shot out a priority alert to Project Osiris. This place would need to be properly monitored. She removed the skull from its place in her pack. By now the readout was finished. She meticulously reburied it. <<Let’s move. If they do still use this place we must remove all evidence we were here. The platimum is safe to remove. I made note of when Star reacted. The skull is a mechanism of a sort. I'll debrief you all fully later.>>
As the Jupiter rose into the void, Horus locked away another set of files, praying for the day that Convergence would come. Some of those bones had been Forger as well. Within the piloting sphere, Ritark’s golden eyes locked on to the vids, he had felt it too. His memory flashed back to the day that Eliza had hid him. He was certain this was the fate she had saved him from. Whatever this project was that the void walkers were cooking up would be no good for anyone. He hissed sliently, curling up into the tiniest ball he could imagine. They would need him on the ship. As he was. Not within the encounter suit of Area 51. He only hoped that Earth would be Uplifted in time to serve the rest of the Wall. 

Main Galley
Jupiter Rising (Sol System)
May 18th, 2095

I finished off my apple pie as mom strode into the dining area. She made a beeline for me. “Mom! Dad relay any updates yet?” He had been handpicked to supervise something “hush hush” on Mars. Like any good military family, we just rolled with it. She sat down next to me in the booth. Her eyes were underlined with blemishes. “Long hours at the office?” She nodded briefly. I draped an arm around her. She leaned in to give me a peck on the cheek. “You behaving yourself Space Cadet?” The odd note in her voice caused me to eye her with some confusion, “What do ya mean by that? I’ve been careful around magic! We all have. The Puzzler figured out a good way to stop some demis, some spellwork needs voice and motions. What’s this really about?”
Mom used my arm as a pillow. Ever so often gazing up at me. Her emotions were locked behind some sort of barrier. That was new! A small part of me understood why. It was hard to have privacy with an empath around. Still, it hurt. 

Jennifer stared up into her daughter’s trusting gray eyes and her heart constricted. Most of Area 51 carried on as normal. Sul’Sandra and Thomas? They knew the full report. She had scrambled back onto the ship, still cloaked from everyone once inside, raced to the head. Dry heaving until her whole body hurt. The Keepers had wanted her children. How she wished she could have purged that whole asteroid from existence. At least her son, Rulers grant him peace, hadn’t lived to be a part of their plans. She gave Eliza’s arm one more pat. “Let’s go home.”
Her daughter gave her another half hug. “Ok ma, you gotta promise me something though!” She leaned in. “What’s that?”
“Throw a vote into the hat for Mr. Coffee Bardaxian. On an Earth name. He’s feeling left out!” She thought for a moment, the Beauceron guardian of A51, always leading. Throwing himself into harms way if need be.
“How about Glaive?”
Eliza grew quiet.
She nodded solemnly. “Makes sense. A glaive to cut through anything that threatens.”
The doorway whooshed open. Lorain came up to the booth, “We have NASA’s thanks. That platinum will come in handy. We got quite the finder’s fee. Should we celebrate?” Eliza raised her index finger, “I vote for Marches. I think you both earned it. Let’s rope in your mom as well Doc, you all look like you could use the fresh air.”
Lorain heaved a sigh, “Only us 4?” 
Murphy laughed, 
“Of course.  Although I think I'll bring some takeout home for the rest.”

The Citidel, Cradle of Life

                Highmaker stored the F.R.A.Ms report away. The Markav AI waited as Taleer reviewed the material as well.
<<Well old friend, what do you make of it?>>
Taleer could feel the other’s confusion.  
As an AI, advanced as he was, he still took a moment to reflect on the old soldier's question. <<The Keepers try to mimic life where there is none. They twist everything they touch. I have never had faith. Was never programmed for it. Now? I have a sense of disquiet. They must not succeed.>>
In response, Taleer brought up the pattern recorded within the cavern. The old bones of so many souls. “We have to find out who smuggled Ishtar and Chronos past the barrier in the first place. Whoever did it erased the data from Horus. Someone who knew the inner workings of Forger tech. That leaves a small list. Typherian, Forger or….”
Highmaker could see the worry displayed on Taleer’s face. Even if it was only in the cyberscape of the AI’s mind. “Or who sir?”
“The Outcast. The Hidden House.”
The Children of Chains.

Issue 17: Here
Issue 19: Here


  1. So Eliza is needed for a job but is not authorized to know anything to do her job. It's not as bad as Citadel Council red tape. But this is why I cut Sam off from any other chain of command. No clearance issues to get in the way of the robot fighting.

    1. Yes, it is an angle I dig into but once the whole series is done, this whole element will make even more sense. Doesn't mean that Eliza's friends and family enjoy it though.

      The End Era Eliza gets sorely tempted a time or three. TO tell her younger self the bigger picture. But this is why I had the overall ending in place before I started all this. I know some don't enjoy time travel but I found it fun to plot out.
