Friday, July 17, 2020

Nuts and Bolts

Mostly going with my habits.

When I look at a writer's profile:

  • Genre
  • Patterns (Do they do lots of one shots? Series? Short stories?)
  • Output: Do they finish what they started if a series. Do they dabble in many genres. 
  • Productivity: Sure, everyone has different speeds but I've found writers that put things out in say 2012, get some stuff done, then disappear. For some its serious issues outside of writing. For others, they get lost in the shuffle and stop writing. 
  • Money: Those in it for an income level, they balance what they want to do vs what is marketable.

Not that any of these are overall game breakers for me.  But it would explain why everyone is on the Romance and LITRPG bandwagon with the amount of it I see everyday. Some LIT RPG stuff caters to what I want but a majority of it doesn't really hit my radar. Or my preferences.

Beginning to think many ROMANCE DA ALIEN ABS books have multiple ghost writers for the amount that is put out from that tab. *shudder*

People will buy what they want but I continue to find ways to streamline that search.


"Science Fiction Space Opera -Romance"

Either most books with space opera in the title will pop up, barring sponsored, it clears the way for more concrete searching. I still ran across some Romance stuff but it cut out a solid chunk of things I didn't want to look at or find.

I went through about 100 pages of search results today. Mainly to see what my eye would train on. Its a good idea to utilize this space here:

Cause as I am walking through the fields of books, this: Along with a decent cover, will get me to click also. Its like helping your neon sign cover yell out: THIS IS THE HOOK LINE!

This simple hook, when used properly had me click on the book. Even if it wasn't sponsored.

Like this here: Add in the type of show or book fans you want to get eyes on.

For fans of Babylon 5 or Buffy or Stargate.

That will bring in some nibbles. Trust me. There have been books out there I've given a full looksee at: Blurb, sample, series page, if they mention something I loved or was related to thematically.

Edit: Shout out to David Roome for the protip of the Minus sign of funtimes.Go Here!

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