Tuesday, August 4, 2020

What Makes Berserk and Black Company Work?

When people go for gritty or grim works, what draws people in? Some relate to the setting more. Protagonists are humans going through a tremendous time. But what makes this click for me rather than repulse me like GoT or GRRM pisspot?

I've said it before but Ill say it again. Bonfires. Be it of the protag's overall humanity in stark contrast to the shitty world they are in. Genuine moments of warmth and fellowship. Black Company has this. You can tell they care about each other. Even if they are mercenaries. Just like the Band of the Hawk. You have moments of light in the absolute darkness. It showcases the good vs evil contrast even more starkly.

I am beginning to think that Miura took some pointers from Black Company. IN a good way. 

I am sick of postmodernism. Its everywhere.

When Real Life is a drag, why drag yourself even further following the adventures of Dark Shit over 9000 without having any relief? 

Just look at any Hugo Shitbox book and see the effect it has on "popular" tropes or directions. They want you to eat that crap and be happy for it. Please sir/xir may I have some more? Well fuck that shit.

These settings are dark but its highlighted by the moments of rest. Comradely, Sacrifice, goodwill, Casca finally healing somewhat. Making friends along the way. Each has their own little light of something!

Even the Lady in Black Company will have moments of genuine care. As warped as she is. Via Croaker. Its why I love CJ's LITRPG series. Yes, the setting is dark but those characters bring their torches to light up the place. So I put it up there with Black Company. Yes, a LITRPG series. Different avenues but each brings something to the table that I can appreciate.

GRRM dug his own grave. He mimics stuff without really understanding why Cook's stories click.

Now I see why most indies and like minded trad pub does its best to put out a book or two per year or more. Will the GRRM of the world be remembered 100 years from now like LOTR? Narnia? Berserk? Black Company?


Making the people just as shitty as the world they are in will quickly numb readers. That's all GOT is to me. No matter what his fans tell me. He's already laughing and having a good time with your money. And Hollowwood's money. At least JK finished her series. Pat R and his Fart of the Wind, well he's in a race with Fracked Santa to who will fail their readers harder.

So at this point, anyone who wants to stick with his stuff? That's your decision but realize, that man will probably live off his HBO money for a while. You will be even more old and gray then I am before he finishes.

Find novels more worthy!

GRRM is a product of Hollowwood and Nihilism. Nothing will ever change my mind on that.

All of those books above are worth a looksee and managed to capture my attention in-spite of me not preferring darker stuff. 

This tweet here sums up why I find these books worthy when so much crapshoot grim dark tryhards are everywhere with "modernism."

The absolute heroism in the least likely place. When all other lights go out.

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