Wednesday, October 21, 2020

What the Book/Media Landscape Looks Like

The Desert of the Real World


To this reader at least. I'm in the minority on some areas when it comes to how Superman should be portrayed. To me, "You've seen one EVIL Superman Stand-in, you've seen them all." That's all there is to it for me. 

I don't care how well or poorly written it is. I hate Man of Steel. 

I don't care what the motivation is: I hate Homelander.

I don't care what kind of slightly sympathetic background it is, I hate Injustice Superman. Because its a dime a dozen. No matter what people tell me, that core belief will not change within me. Aspirational Heroism or bust. 

The Brightburns of the world can just get the fuck away from me. Again, I'm glad that some find it fun or entertaining but I want my piece of cake also. So here it is. The Landscape of Trad Publishing to me:


There's some bright spots to The Trad Pub Islands but that's about it. Main Land: Its all Dystopia, YA and ID politics. 

With comics, people are stuck on Watchmen, DC and Marvel. Again, this entertainment avenue is a ghost of its former self. 

Watchmen and its Ilk dominate everything. TO the point where there isn't a difference between the Dead Two anymore. Esp. in the modern age. Comic Shops are on the outside, an Island ready to either sink or swim depending on the business savvy of their owners. Bigger Youtube channels wont talk about indie stuff outside a handful. Because complaining about the "Big Two" gets more clicks. 

Indie Publishing has its own hurdles. Besides which KS or Indiegogo to go after. Or even what kind of Self Pub do you want to go for. Its a pyramid.

If you are logged in to Amazon, your picks and habits corner you into a specific same 200 hits Ghetto. Sponsored stuff is either right on the money or completely out of left field because its sponsored. Independent Blogs and Search Bases help but like we see here: CON INC doesn't help.


How can we make Aspirational Heroes a top tier trend once more? So I can have more good water to find. The Desert eats away at this reader. Its why I keep going back to old favorites or a handful of Oasis filled Optimistic Series.

I wonder if starting an Optimistic Series tag on twitter would help. At this juncture I'd try anything. The pendulum has to shift back towards hope and optimism. Just how much more "real world ridiculous grit"can people stomach at this point?

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