Saturday, December 5, 2020

Iceburg Ahead: Trad Woke Pub is Blind

Saving all these screen caps for posterity. Mostly because usually this kind of crowd will delete their tweets, block, chain block or mute everything.

Its funny how people react when you try to poke their bubbles. Its why I go out of my way to follow people I disagree with. I wonder if I can see if he has a patreon that makes him 13k a month like McGuire. Is he allowed to have that kinda avenue I wonder.


Think he'd put out his actual earning level? 

 Does he make retirment pension from his RX or Programming Background?

What does he actually take home in book earnings?

Funny how the capitalism he "fights" puts food into his mouth. Funny how Ultra Progressive dudes are pretty level demanding. Hand him what? Money for his books? Talk to his Hand? Nope, in fact based on his twitter those books wouldn't give me the escapism I want from Current Year Myopia.  

So I look to the past for real adventures. 

And yes, I know its not JUST comics Mr. Stross but all entertainment mediums that are poisoned. I wonder if he adds some of his funds to Ms. McGuire on her patreon. Since he hates capitalism so much he should feed all the other writers he wants to support with his VAST wealth of Book Writing Royalties. 

 Guess he's the "right" type of middle aged White Male allowed to prop up "Trad Pub" darlings. He might want to prescribe some humble pie to himself. My hands will never feed any of his works. His "Hand" mentality will only garner more woke politics clout. These guys hate us but want our hard earned cash. Don't Give it to Them. 


Entertain yourself first and foremost and leave Dead IPs and Woke Politics Clout Writers behind. 

And as always: Don't Give Money To People Who Hate You

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