Sunday, December 27, 2020

The Uplift Protocol: TB Issue 2


Issue 2: The Summoning


            We all have our secrets but some inner terrors are harder to face. I realized this as we went through the trials alongside Arthur. The issue of the Sleepers was paramount. This place knew this and mocked me for it.—Arthon.

            There wasn’t much for it to latch on with Cooper or Robert. Guess they saw the truth before we did. Doesn’t really surprise me. It’s hard to really fool a dog.—Jonas “Eddie” Olsten

            At the end of it all, I am forever grateful that I didn’t have to endure all that alone. But in the end, through all those trials I discovered hidden steel within me. Which I suppose was the point.—Arthur

            It took a few weeks but Doc eventually told me most of what happened during those 7 trials. It was a test but also a purification ritual. I thought it fitting to offer the Wielder a spot on the Redeemers. I got flashes via my link to Doc about somethings that occurred. I wish I could have been there. The visions that Doc was shone. I could have cleared some of that up. But every time I tried to talk about it my throat would lock up. Did they have some special 42nd-century device on me? Not quite. Imagine a tesseract of yourself, through Throne Sight, guiding your actions to a foregone conclusion. One of these days I will have that talk with my older self. Wonder if she will answer.—Sleeping in Starlight, a memoir of the 22nd century.

Within the Weave

Trials of the Ordained

Date Unknown


                Lorain shivered as the wind cut through her demi suit. This thing was top of the line. What here could do this? Ghostly fingers kept tugging at her hair. She could almost hear the voices. Cooper floated next to her head. His nose quivering. <<We must find the armor!>> Robert, the massive Great Dane was pawing at the massive doors before them.

His barks were distorted.

Arthon approached the door. Pushing on it ever so slightly. It creaked open.

Lorain saw deteriorated banners and the remains of old furniture. Cheery place.

Eddie entered last. His senses scrambled. Everything here was hidden. He winced. Clutching his head. Lorain touched his shoulder. Bestowing a barrier. The shooting pain behind his eyes subsided. “Thanks. Looks like this thing is prepared.” Arthur pointed. A painting was situated at the head of the upper stairway. “I never had a beard.”

The picture was him but the style was quite archaic.  

The Redeemers turned as the massive oak doors to their left flew open. Another lancing wind cut through Doc. Fingers gripped her. Nearly twisting her shoulder from its socket. Eddie shouted. Firing a blast through the spectral entity. It’s mocking laughter echoed throughout the whole castle. “What do you fear?” Doc felt her eardrums pop and she found herself staring at Eliza’s lifeless corpse. She dashed over. Flooding it with her healing energies but nothing helped. Her captain’s lips remained blue and cold. Lorain cradled the body to her chest.

“This can’t be real.”


            Cooper and Robert spun in circles. All their humans were gone. His sense of smell wasn’t broken. The Bardaxian could trace their scents. Each of them was in a different part of this castle construct. The German Shepherd barked at Robert. He trotted over to the painting of Arthur. The man was trapped within its surfaces. Robert lifted a paw.  Why was the Queen doing all this? A shimmering light flooded the room.  Her golden hair plated about her head. She knelt and kissed both dogs between their eyes. “This trial isn’t for you dear ones. They have to face their greatest fears here.”

            Cooper asked, <<I know what my fear is. All of Bardax knows.>>

She nodded. “Indeed you do. Robert will one day have a voice. Help him defeat the Endless Night. It was created out of fear and desperation.” The Green Defender’s ears drooped, plastering themselves to his head, <<Litari fear it too.>>

            He continued, <<Is that why Star isn’t here?>>

            The Queen raised her gaze to the painting, “Yes. Star already is aware of her greatest fears. She has lived with them her whole life. To wield Excalibur is to know thy self. As the saying goes.” Cooper sat. He cocked his head to the side. <<Yet so many keep things from her.>> The Queen reclined on one of the chairs. It creaked as she leaned forward.

            “Most don’t believe she can handle such truths. White knows better. So do I. There is more than one way to skin a Dragon.”


            Eddie cupped his nose. Blood spurting out between his fingers.

Charlie McNickles was gloating. Familiar setting. It was elementary school all over again. He glared at the bully. “Look at that! Olsten fell on his ass again!” Unlike real life, Eddie was seeing red. He raised his fists. Tackling Charlie and cracking him across the jaw. With each blow, he screamed, “I hate you!” When his head cleared, he found McNickles unresponsive. Jonas’ knuckles were raw and bleeding. The corpse under him shifted. His mother’s blazing blue eyes staring accusingly.

            “You will never be good enough. Could have married into that Murphy family.”

            His breath hitched. What was this? His parents were stationed on Mars.

            The Olstens were about as stable as you could get. Even in this day and age.

            He never had any romantic leanings for Eliza.

            Whatever this thing was it continued to glare. “Useless! Everyone knows who Star is. Not you though. The Puzzler? Can’t even find his way out of a maze. Nose for all Hidden things but yourself!” He found himself staring at a billboard. Holographic messages everywhere.  Star was front and center. With Doctor Impossible leaning into her embrace. He didn’t see himself, Arthon, Horus, or the others. A vice squeezed his heart.

            “You are only in it for the glory!”

            He whirled. His breath shallow and panicked.

            “No! I care about my friends!”

            His voice sounded weak. He clenched his jaw.

            The voice continued to mock him.

            “Yet all INet talks about is Star.”

            He faced his child self. He remembered that day with the bullies. Eliza had saved him. Swooping in to tackle the other two. Knowing that she was a girl would make them pause. She didn’t even hit them beyond that initial distraction. Merely offered him her hand, “Heya! I’m Eliza. My parents just transferred here too. What’s New Ashbury like?”

            He had noticed the way she held herself despite the horrific pain in her back.  She always had that brace. Until her powers took off at the tail end of middle school. It was little things at first. He cradled his face in his hands. “I’m not good enough.”

The voices murmered. Taking on the sounds of family and friends.

            He raised his head to the sky yelling, “I’m not in it for the fame! It’s the right thing to do!”

            The barrage of INet ads mocked him.

            “You wanted Lorain, didn’t you? You want everything Eliza has. You are no friend!”

            He withdrew his blasters and fired into all the holographic images around him.

            He knelt. The hard pavement soaking through his demi uniform. Leaving the grime of dirty streets behind.


            Arthon was surrounded by the mummified remains of a dead world. Mars as she was. Illarium was a ruined dilapidated husk. The red winds of Mars eating away at it. Nuul’s hands rested on his shoulders. “You bare all the weight of this my son. The sins will never be truly forgotten. They scar the landscape of Mars and Earth. We meddled for their good. Like wolves among sheep.”

            He swung at his father.

Knowing that the hit wouldn’t connect. The specters of the dead swirled around him.

Nuul smiled. It was empty of warmth.

“You sleep as well. We all do. Why do you even fight the Unity of all Worlds.”

The Muthra ran. The remains of Markav thrown about. Forgotten playthings of Chronos.

“Earth should listen to Atlantis. We have better tech! Even those Typherians should listen to us. We are perfect. We are whole. Join us Arthon.” He screamed as the skeletal remains of the Markav dragged him under the blasted sands of Mars. Their paper-thin voices scratching at his ears.

“Save us!”

He replied, “ I don’t know how! I can’t even save myself!”

He landed in front of the Queen once more. His eyes tracking every movement.

“What just happened?”

Cooper jumped into his lap. <<You faced your fear! That was quick!>>

            He grimaced. He hated this feeling. Not being able to save himself was bad enough.

            After a few more minutes Eddie reappeared. Looking about as bruised and battered as Arthon felt. Guinevere handed them some simple cups filled with water. It tasted divine after all that. From what he could tell of his comrade’s features his trial had been keenly dismaying as well. The steady ticking of a grandfather clock struck midnight. Arthur and Lorain were still missing. Arthon stated, “What’s happening to the others?”

            The Queen of Avalon replied, “Their fears are deeper. But no less profound than yours.”

            Eddies’ voice was subdued, “They have even more to lose.”

            Arthon had a bad feeling about this.


            Arthur muttered into his tankard, “What’s the use? Why should I care! No one cares about me anyway! If I was some character in Captain Cosmos, I’d be the greenie that dies out in deep space. No love interest! No buxom companions. Not even a gravesite.”

            His drink sloshed onto the table as the barkeep stared blankly.

            “Star makes it look so easy. Wish I had her confidence.”

            An old woman sat down next to him. “That’s right dearie. Why should you give any two shits about the world? It's not like it's done you any favors!”

            Everything had a price.

            Arthur was sick of paying it. Waking up every day. With no recourse. Only to sit out every day as the same damn thing. Over and over. With no chance to show his quality.

            The barkeep took his tankard, “That’s enough lad. Just look at you!” Arthur glanced at the doorway and nearly reeled back with complete fright. An armored madman was in the doorway. His black pommeled sword gleaming with crimson sigils. “Long live the king!” The blade rammed into Arthur’s chest. “Give my mother my regards, Wielder!” The cries of crows followed him into the darkness.


            Lorain wanted to scream.

Beat her hands on the glass encasing Eliza. It had been a lovely ceremony. Doc’s detachment was profound. Eliza’s siblings had laid out flowers and other trinkets. The triplets were 10 now. Every year everyone came to this memorial site. The Last Stand of the Banner. Even Anna had finally buried the hatchet. Wonder what else she would hate instead of Eliza. She rested her head on the glass. “Why? I wanted you to stay.”

            Lines appeared on the casket but she took no heed of them.

            Pain stabbed at her palms as she broke through it.


            Eliza’s features morphed. Someone else she hated stared back.

            She glared at X’mil. The Typherian gripped her chin.

            “Do you love her out of pity I wonder?  The blind leading the blind.”

            Lorain slapped him.

            “Such a horrid bedside manner doctor. Oh! That’s it! Healing is one thing. Command the very body of the Universe to bow to you. Fill me with pain my dear. Need a whip too? Why heal when hurting feels so much better.”

            He planted one finger upon her forehead. Poking insistently.

            Lanis was not amused.

            “The best healer in the Multiverse. No one will fight you on it. Except you can’t save the one thing you care about most. Who warms your bed. Such a grand folly to be remembered for.”

            He cupped his hands over his face and shouted, “She cannot save that which she loves most! False love that. Utter tripe. Only fairy tales get happy endings.” His face melted. His bony fingers digging into Doc’s arms.

            “Kiss us. That way you know the true taste of death!”

            The ground swallowed her up.

            Please. I don’t want to lose you.


            Arthur raised his eyes. A golden-haired woman kissed his cheek. “This is not the path for you. Go deeper.” Everything shifted. A raven-haired man with an immaculate beard glared daggers at him. The table was round. Many armored men around it. “You will regret this slight Wielder!” He could see the banners flying in the breeze around him. The Man Who Pulled the Sword from the Stone. Its silver and white hilt gleamed within. Guiding him to evergreen hills. Water as clear as crystal.  The woman re-emerged. “Father dear friend. Husband. Farther.” He awoke within a cave. The light was dim by the fire. Across the walls were pictures. He raised his spear. The pale gray walkers had come for him again.

            “Further still.”

            Stars whirled around him. Cities of light and wonder. Aether greeted him. “We have done it! We have found the source of everything! Soon our expedition will set course. Will you join us?”

            Arthur came back to his body. His sobs muffled by his hands. A woman was caressing his head tenderly. “Rest now husband.”

            Arthon gut fell into his feet. The queen had shown them those final images from Arthur. This Earth just wasn’t the heart of the Edenverse, the primary universe, it was the focal point for convergence as well. Robert trotted over and licked the tears from Arthur’s cheeks. The Endless Night would have much to answer for. The earth dog didn’t how it happened. Only that it would be stopped. Lorain was still missing. Cooper howled. Hoping the sound would reach Lorain. The Bardiaxian was extremely worried. How deep was Doc’s fear?


            Lorain shivered. Her demi uniform was shredded. Various small wounds were pelted across her body. Each footstep bringing her closer to the Cliffside. X’mil’s bony form providing a run on commentary. “To your health doctor!” He took off his head and began to juggle it in the air. Adding more bones to the merriment. The darkened sea crashed against the rocks. It would be so easy wouldn’t it? IF she was gone? A howling noise stopped her. A warm hand on her shoulder caused her to turn. Eliza’s gray eyes stared down at her. “Penny for your thoughts doc?”

            “You must hate me. I made you into a project. Not a friend.”

            Warm arms encircled her. “Why do you say that?”

            “Because there’s a bad side to my powers captain. And I knew I couldn’t really hurt you. Since so many nerves were dead.”

            She buried her face into Eliza’s chest. The heartbeat was solid. Thrumming along. Strong and without fear. “Well like dad told me recently, every hand has the ability for defense and offense. We need to test both. Can’t hide that fear from me, Lorain. Gotta look into that mirror sometimes.” A comforting weight settled across her shoulders. Eliza’s favorite jacket! That goofy Texan grin was back in place. “Like that one line, take this for when things get dark ok?”

            Doc replied, “For when all other lights go out. You dork.”

            Eliza grinned, “I’m not the one who remembered that line better!”

            Lorain gazed out across the ocean. Steps formed. She strode forward.

            Finding herself standing by the same fireplace. The landscape of the castle had shifted. This room was warm and inviting now. Eddie chuckled, “I thought Eliza wasn’t here.” His eyes locked onto Lorain for a brief second. Like he was seeing her for the first time. Doc pulled the flight jacket in around herself. It was almost as good as the real thing. She collapsed in a fluffy chair. Putting her feet up near the fire. Her uniform was back in one piece once more.

The Queen smiled, “There are many bonds at work here.  Rest now. There are 6 more trials ahead.”

A helm appeared on an armor rack along the banner wall.

It was a simple dome shape with a T guard along the bridge of the nose. Metal links formed the backside of it. To add to the chainmail coif if Arthon guessed correctly.


            I rummaged around my apartment. What a strange dream. I had a feeling there was more to it though. I couldn’t for the life of me find my favorite flight jacket. Gulliver quacked at me. <<Don’t worry hot sauce. It will turn up. You have my Omega oath on that!>> I finished packing. Uncle Paxton and I would be heading to Bardax Prime soon.

A note was on the nightstand. With Doc’s neat handwriting. It merely said, “Thank you.” I blushed as I noticed her favorite lipstick adorning the note. Doc did love her sappy romantic comedies. I was watching them for research purposes. I knew I needed all the help I could get in the seduction department.  Watson would be joining us. Along with the Morrigan. She wanted to see what the home of Dogddom everywhere was like. Augustus as well. He promised to bring his fellow King’s Corgis some state of the art Bardaxian literature.

            I ran an index finger across the note. Taking care not to smudge the lipstick.

            I sent another burst of emotions across the Typherian Bond.

            Doc’s gratitude flooded my senses.

            Ironic that my romantic life was improving while the Universe decided to have 3 +crisis points happening simultaneously.  

            One step at a time.


            Aether trembled. The Wielder was coming.

            Once all the pieces were together the final confrontation would begin.

    Issue 1: Here

    Issue 3:  Here

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