Saturday, April 3, 2021

The Uplift Protocol: Mars Issue 20


Issue 20: Triple Play


            The Collective sings once more. I go now. I hear the call of the Protector. It echoes along all paths. A beacon in the dark.—“Goldenlight”

            I see my daughter. Unlike the Weave adventure via Project Freefall, I get the impression she is older than the version I met there. Her eyes still shine. But with the additional weight of purpose. One that will carry her far from us.—Thomas Murphy

            What can one say? That day we rescued mother, my sister was near the end, all the while knowing how the cards must be played. I said nothing to my parents. Black said there would be a day when I would be called upon to lend my strength to Eliza. What I didn’t realize was how. When it would be applied.—Sleeping in Starlight, a memoir of the 22nd century

Golden Arrays of the Light

Main Arc Way: Markav Collective

June 6th, 2104

            Q’vera hugged herself.

The red and black ripples outside the viewing screens indicating this area was still corrupted. Goldenlight’s voice carried to every corner, <<We will wait here. The time approaches. Old foes will fall. The Protector calls!>>

            The color’s outside changed. A spark of gold and black.

            Darting across like a grav trail!

            The Jupiter Rising was here. She wasn’t alone.

            Disks of metal tore after them. The Defender’s belt flared.

            Red dancing within the confines of the ship.

            Goldenlight hummed, “Not yet Red Light of Battle.”


            Arthon chanted. Pulling at the Muthra defenses of Jupiter. That had kept most of the weapon’s fire off their tail. Sweat trickled down his back. He would not let up. No matter how many chaser mines whirled after the Jupiter.

            Eliza’s voice came over the comms, “Prepare for some chop!” Ritark hooked Arthon to the floor plating. So he could continue his chants with the Markav circle of power.

             Natet joined him. The cook’s strong baritone filling the air.


            I pulled on the stick. Sending Jupiter into a free fall.

            Corkscrewing at such a rate that all the chairs on the bridge compensated with gravity crash deployments. The gel keeping people’s joints from popping under the stress. 


The alerts displaying 200 Void Walker craft trailing us. Lighting up the area outside with weapon’s fire. The aura of Goldenlight and his fleet pierced the darkness. Even as my heartbeat slower within my chest, the knowledge that they were there lifted me. I had to get the Walkers into position for an ambush. I didn’t have as much time. I could already feel my current self rumbling in the distance.  Mom’s gaze sharpened when she saw me pull the ship into a hybridization of Ayeer piloting and some rather interesting additions due to Human and Litari training. The direction didn’t matter in this case. The Weave space bowed to my will. It even ate dozens of the Void Walker ships.

My hand shimmered.

Not yet. Please.

            Just a few more moments.

            My father pointed, “What in God’s name is that?!”

            I smiled. Feeling the Ur-Stone pull me from this moment.

            Goldenlight would protect them.

            Lorain’s perfume the last thing I caught before….


            Doc pulled Eliza to a sitting position. She had her left arm once more.

            In her Star-Spangled Banner uniform.

            Her eyes were glassy and unfocused. M’taris Ayeer shouted, “Aim for the green lights!”

            Doc took hold of the stick. Breathing a sigh of relief when General Murphy clasped his hand over hers. Guiding the ship in. Bits of the gel still clinging to his Judgement uniform.

            Bright white sparks belched from the sudden wall of ships. Unlike anything, Doc had seen. Formed like giant Ts. Interlocked for greater effect. The Void Walker fleet disappeared in a shower of explosions that left Lorain flummoxed.

            Where had these guys been?!


            I groaned. Water hit my face. Doc’s green eyes filling my vision.

            “Where are we?” Dread filled my features.

            The memory of those flowers and strange door flashed.

            “What about MOM?!”

            We were on the Jupiter. Mom pulled my head into her lap.

            Thank goodness!

            I reached out. All the familiar heartbeats filled my ears. Even our newest arrivals. All safe. My head pounded. Doc pinched my nose and threw some pills into my mouth. More of her experiments. Adding her power to pill format. Interesting. The lancing ache in my head dissipated as she grinned.

“Well, that’s another useful setup. In case I’m not around.”  Her voice tinged with relief.

I gave her a double thumbs up and mom turned to look at grandma. Diamonds leaned over me.

“Let’s go collect more of my children!” My grandmother sounded so happy.

What had I missed?

White pulled me to my feet.

Taking her war form beyond the confines of the belt. The world spun.

Commands of the Ur-Stone bouncing around my mind.

Bring the Light to the Jungle.

            As we exited the Jupiter I gawked.

            The whole place vibrated with a song so sweet that I cried. It was like I was newly born.

            Not only were my parents out here, so were the Golden Redeemers, our Litari friends. Multiple Bardaxians, you get the idea. Sul and Taleer were walking together. Marveling at the splendor.

            A sphere of gold descended, out popped Q’vera and J’dax.  Automatons in the shape of Markav lined each side of the docking bay. At least that’s what I assumed it was. My aunt and uncle lead us to the main lift. The energies flowed through Dexter and me like we were already expected. As we reached the apex, a swirl of silver and gold danced around us, forming into a face of a Markav. His eyes like Taleer’s. A yellow within a darker yellow. Sul’sandra gripped my right hand. “I thought Emris was old.”

            Oh boy.

            The face moved, its voice gentle yet holding a note of infinite wisdom, “Welcome to the Markav Collective. I am Golden Arrays of the Light, leading battle cruiser of the Home Dwelling Anchor Utharan. Resting place of Light Symbology throughout the Multiverse.”

Horus floated downward, ((Goldenlight will be the key. But we must first slay the dragons dwelling within Typha.))

The Collective vessel continued, “We welcome the  Mother and Father of All. Twins Forever Circling. We greet the Hosts! One who will Slay the Unity, One who will Protect the Throne!”

Dexter and I approached. Various holographic projections activated. With a mere thought, information raced across my eyes. Goldenlight’s voice reverberated within us. I could tell because my brother’s face held a note of wonder.

>>Accessing Eden Tree of Earth. Relaying signal to Eden Tree of Utharan. Connected. Would you like to speak to the Council of Light?<<


            Thomas held his wife close. He wouldn’t lose her again. She felt the same because her hands curled around his clenched fist. She bestowed a kiss on his cheek.  Her voice light, “You could always stuff me in your duffel bag.” He held back a laugh. They both turned in surprise as holographic images formed around their children. Tattooed Markav faces peered outward. With the lead one wearing a simple golden circlet.

            “I am Litann. High Orator of the Markav Collective. We have been waiting for you. Twin trees of Typha and Earth. Set has never breached our defenses. He thinks us dead. As we wished.” He waved and they saw a display showing many lower-tech Markav ships leaving their homeworld. Volunteers who would guide Set, Unity, and its various poisonous branches away from the jewel gleaming within the velvet of space. All of them had been volunteers. Knowing they would have to carry on. Pretending to be more ignorant.

            All so more may live within later cycles.

            White and Black paced around the Murphy Twins. Their eyes glued to the saga unfurling around them. White was about Eliza’s height while in Tiger form. While her brother was around 10 feet tall. He raised his paw, pressing it to the Exodus playing out before them.

The Mask of the Fall


Age of Creation


Litann watched as his volunteers reached out into the dark of space. Taking ships, while advanced, were leagues behind modern technology. Weave  Speakers and Light Shamans alike chanted into the blaze of their sun.  Cloaking their home from the grey malaise of Set. For they protected the very soul of Light Shaman faith. Their world was connected directly to the Highest. Knowing its patterns. Seeing the tapestry of life play out. He pressed his forehead to the ground. Taking in the patterns. Seeing the bravery of his people. Knowing they would settle countless worlds. Losing much to Unity’s slaves.  Rykah, the famed seat of the Multiverse would fall. Black and his sister would flee. Finding hope within the Hosts of Convergence. His people would travel far. Some seeding places outside of Eden. Others finding desolate worlds but all severed.

To protect the most precious.

The next generations of Speakers and Shamans.

He watched as the silver hulls of the last ships jumped into the great expanse.

Their world shrouded until the time of Reawakening.

He brought his 3 circled amulet to his lips. Kissing it.


            General Whitehouse shared a look with Jonas. “Is it a Monday again?”

            Jonas replied, “Nope! It's Sunday by chrono calculations today!”

            The Markav ship asked, “Is there something special about these Mondays?”

            They saw Eliza floating there, her legs crossed, a look of profound concentration on her face.


            I blurted out, “The Ur Stone asked me to take you to Howling’s Jungle.”

            Dexter asked, “Maybe to hide them? They are Creation level and that does leave a mark. Even now the Weave Space around us clears.” It was true. Bright golden color danced between the splotches of black. More messages appeared.

            ///Would you like to use Eden gates?///

            My brother and I responded, “No! Use normal FTL!”

            Goldenlight added, “Very wise! We are not yet prepared.”

            I stretched and said, “I’m gonna go take a nap, where are the sleeping quarters?”

            A green arrow filled my old INet HUD. I realized the ship had altered it. Adding me into a network beyond my immediate understanding. I’d look at it later. For now, my whole body felt like lead. As my head hit the pillow the joyous song of The Array lulled me to sleep.


            The Hanged Man stared out at the reddish-orange eye of Jupiter.

A handful of Artock vessels were cloaked to look like Litari trade vessels. It wasn’t working. He knew the eye of the Terran Eagle watched. Waiting. He rocked back and forth. Then paced around. His shell would survive. The enemy wouldn’t survive the reunion.

He could smell the sea breeze.

The creaking of wood. Booted feet moving in the dark.

His hand wrapped around the warm metal.

He would be reborn.


Issue 19: Here

Issue 21: Here

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