Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Thanks for Stopping BY Will!

This is how I know I am ruffling the proper TUT TUT! Mindset. 

Go buy Delta, see if ya like it! 

If you want to write a book William: GO do it instead of leaving endless 1 stars in your profile for everything.

Like this picture says:


Bring out that sword Mr. Gamma! DO IT!

If EMPRESS TERESA can exist on Amazon. Anyone can! As for me? I have Issue 20 to put out and then Ill get back to editing Issue 23. Cause we are almost at the end of another book. 

Sidenote: Here's the review in question and his lovely comments. This is how I know I've made some sort of difference somewhere. 

I am legit serious William. Write your own books. Put your stuff out there. Make it happen! :D


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    1. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B084TS6ZFV

    2. I apologize. I see now I'm venting at the wrong person. The crux of the intent behind my words bear merit, however. Unlike 'Jessie,' I've been writing my ENTIRE life. I've been studying professional writing for over twenty years, and working on Blood Lords for almost as long. In addition to all the other writings I mentioned before.

      To have some punk get pissed because I checked him on spamming his book into EVERY fucking convo on a writer's forum then promise, and deliver, a retaliatory bomb-review filled with falsity and half-truths? And that was my FIRST review? You god damn right I'm triggered over it.

      Then YOU take shots on a review I made him in return which was ACTUALLY founded on proper writing mechanics and critiquing mechanics? yeah, it pisses me off.

      But if you are not allied with him, and are just doing your job, then my coming at you was out-of-line. I realize that now.

      At any rate, I'm done here. I've had WAY too much bullshit to deal with RL right now and stewing over some asshole who fucked me over on my first review isn't going to bring anything good about.

      I apologize, though I doubt it matters. Really, NOTHING matters anymore.

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