Sunday, November 14, 2021

The Uplift Protocol Escape Velocity Issue 13

Issue 13: The Unsuspecting Soul


            I know who I am. I know what I must do. I will no longer abide the cries of the wounded.–White “Mother of All”

            Black can no longer sense White. She isn’t even with Eliza now. This event was foretold.—Dexter Murphy

            When I awoke from the Dreaming I found myself pulled through the mirror. To a spot, one couldn’t imagine. It exited and thrilled me yet it came from a Time before the Golden City.—Sleeping in Starlight, a memoir of the 23rd century (vol 4)

The Dreaming

Arcway 256.21 Beta

Edge of Litari Space        

I watched as the blue waters from Lorain’s memory surged around her feet. The All-Father’s crimson shadow plucked at her hair. Around them were scores of Artock. Their eyes were blank. Not animated like the pirate fleet that came for Earth. Automaton at best. Slave was more accurate. No will of their own. Outside the memory, Lorain averted her eyes. Leaning into my shoulder. My voice was light, “I can see the threads binding him to that amulet.” Sy’ra skirted the edge of the memory field.

Her voice drummed against my skull.

I should have known. Hiulk.

The titan curled around us. A faint outline against the brightness of the Dreaming.

Let Murphy observe.

I know it pains Doctor Lanis but you must know who carries the Amulet now.

Lorain shivered against me. I wrapped my cape around her. “I'll watch for the both of us ok?” She sucked in a sharp breath.

The scene resumed.

I could hear Urraden. I translated for Sy’ra. Using the Dreaming to talk to the Scholar. It upset me enough. But for Lorain, this was too recent.

“Put the babe on the altar.” His crimson fingers twisted Lorain’s head to the side. His lips against her ear. “Now.” She took a few steps forward. Fighting the compulsion with everything she had. The baby was crying. The sound was sharp and high within the vast cavernous space. Black Scrawl sprang from the All-Father’s ghostly frame. It weaved through the crowd. Alighting on a figure that made the bile rise into my throat. It was a disfigured squat thing. Yellowed scales covered its body. Two artock eyestalks on the top of its head. While another set wiggled below its jaw. Its mouth opened. Showcasing sharp rows of teeth. Each point dripping noxious venoms.

It crawled on its belly. Edging towards the pool.

A name in red fire danced above its head.

Unit 6533. Of Void Walker and Artock.

A thin thread tied us together. She had made it.

I didn’t realize I said Nyx’s name out loud until Sy’ra asked.

“The one that marked you.”

I nodded jerkily. Lorain clutched at my back.

A hulking shape, for an artock, loomed over Lorain in the memory.


Avandar couldn’t let this happen. The stage was set. Without that amulet to threaten Sy’ra’s life, they could escape. He had been preparing for this day since the Icath had traveled forward in time. Taking him from his post on Genisis Prime, just as Chronos was consuming it with his Unity virus. One of P’tah’s compatriots. Making the sacrifice along the temporal. Each jump took the sapient cats closer to their deaths. Avandar still recalled the oddity of those whirling sands. The half-finished walls of the Golden City.

Each block melded with gold. A way those magical wards could be channeled.

His initial meeting with Ta’mathon. Along with….

He shook himself. Now was not the time for woolgathering. He readied his Light Shaman shin’kai. Made of star metal. It would separate that cursed amulet from Lorain’s neck. Freeing both women from the initial trap. He followed behind the women. Resting one hand on each back. While his cloaked lower ones were poised over Lanis’ neck.


            I watched as the Artock’s image flickered. Showing the Gemini underneath.

            The yellow scaled monster parted its jaws. Tasting the air. Lorain lifted her head for a moment then ducked back down, “Shit. If I had seen that…” I lifted her into my arms as that thing crawled closer to the blackened stoned altar. The building rumbled. Black scrawl covered everything. Even the water. Even Sy’ra had placed a cover over the baby’s face. So he wouldn’t get any impressions from the Dreaming. She had no demi powers yet her mastery was apparent.

            She pointed with one sleeveless arm. “I could see a faint outline but I was preoccupied. I knew Avandar was there. It was foretold.”

            The All-Father’s voice rumbled, “Place it upon the altar. Or I will break your other arm.” Lorain gritted her teeth. Her head bowed as she fought the climb up the steep steps. Avandar grabbed her. Pretending to propel both women forward. None could see his true form. I was certain the All-Father would have ordered the Artock drones to swarm if that had been the case.

            A glint of moonlight poured through the top.

            The golden chain snapped.  Time seemed to slow. Avandar scooped up both women. Bounding over the stone. His legs pumping. With one mighty strike, he kicked backward. Knocking the altar on its side. It tumbled to the floor. Crushing the tendrils of Black Scrawl attempting to lash out.

            The All-Father snarled, “GET HIM!”

No response from the drones. Without a body, the amulet was just that. A housing device for his blackened soul. The yellow scaled hand hovered over the crimson stone. The monster cooed, “Mother says to help. Should I? What shall the shadow of Urraden give me?”


The mists closed in. Cutting the memory off.

I blinked to clear my eyes. Lorain and the others were gone. I dashed over to the mirror and activated the symbols in the order that Mary desired. White light filled the room. Catapulting me from backward. I hit the wall. Unlike the arcway, this was hardened duracrete with a mix of metals not known to Earth. Or at least stuff I wasn’t familiar with. I rubbed my eyes until the stars faded. Glancing around I saw two lids open.

A baby giggled. Reaching out to tug on my cape.

Avandar shouted, “I'll be on the weapons. I do believe we need….”

Lorain stumbled out. I unclipped my cape and tossed it to her. “Be right back. Strap in!” I dashed to the forward compartment. The sky above us, through the sensors, was filled with artock fighters. Their bright green flames cut across the darkness.

I glanced at the controls. My eyes narrowed. This was Terran Alliance standard.

Who or what had made this ship?!

Lorain strapped in behind the pilot’s seat. While J’irax was stowed securely with Sy’ra. She had opted to remain within the healing pod. I had to remind myself he was family. Even if it was from an alternative universe. We would get him home. The engines booted up smooth as silk. Avandar smiled, “I'll lock in the coordinates. This thing can do mini spacial jumps!”

I gawked at him, “In atmo?!”

“Yes, be ready!”

The ship linked with my H.U.D. The icon was two sphinxes back to back. One a familiar blue, the other pitch black with a golden headdress. I had no idea what the scroll across my screen was other than some form of Egyptian. I blurted out, “This is Golden City stuff!” Avandar nodded, “The rest? You will not know for now.” The tunnel cavern above us retracted. Shooting all manner of materials outward like missiles. I used the opening to propel the ship forward. It was much more agile than it looked.

I’d examine that fact later.

As the old stories said, “This was a time for haste!”

Lorain’s breathing turned erratic. She never did like this kind of flying.


            Lorain’s eyes darted around the cabin. Symbols flashed before her.

            Lady of the Isles: Recognized. Please lean back. Syncing in Progress.

            Lanis muttered, “What?!”

            Tendrils wrapped around her forehead. Preventing her from crying out.

            A woman’s face appeared, her mouth moved, then every synapse within Lorain’s mind went haywire. The image resolved itself. Lorain’s lips parted. This mirror self was clothed in simple white robes. Her eyes lined heavily with ink. Her “twin”  quirked an eyebrow, “No one else can hear us. This is a thread memory. Unlike mother, I do not possess or rather we, don’t have a universal translation power.” Her other self grinned. Lorain coughed as the blood rushed to her head. The motion of the ship made her doubt which way was up.

            Seeing her other self lean to the side. Behind was a vast expanse. The Golden City sparkled in the noonday sun. P’tah was sunbathing. Eliza leaned over and swatted one of his massive white paws. Lorain studied the image. At her captain’s waist was a silver khopesh. She wore a simple tan robe with a silver sash. Sandles. Eliza’s brown hair was streaked with silver!

“This will cause a massive migraine but it must be done. Your past and future depend on it. At this point, I understand Eliza all too well.”

            Sparks crisscrossed. Images flashed relentlessly.

            She reached for the onboard nausea bag. It adhered to her mouth.

            Lorain saw the older Eliza turn. Her eyes that Typherian black she knew so well. The gray cut through with flecks gold. On Murphy’s forearms were sigils. Old. Arcane. Her mind connected another distant memory. Of a ring, her mother guarded religiously. It had the same geometric shapes on the emerald.

            Doc’s stomach turned.

            Her mother was in the Arcane Order.

            Her other self nodded, “The revelation. Yet that isn't all. The Arcane Order isn’t just people or a place but Time itself. An ouroboros of life interlocked with its tail. Earth was never helpless.”

            Lorain let out a silent scream as more impressions flowed through her.

No, not memories.



            Unit 6533 watched as the All-Father raged against the crimson cage. The jewel glowed with inner darkness it found fascinating.

            Such power made its throat water. Tantalizing threads of promise.

            It could rule. Become more than what mother or any other could fathom.


The artock hybrid plucked at the chain. “Mother wants them gone. They will lead us to the Light network. The chase! It must look convincing!” It giggled. A high-pitched girlish noise set the All-Father’s mind on edge. This thing wasn’t man or woman. Nyx’s tastes were dreadful. Her obsession with children reminded the dethroned House noble that his only “salvation” was attached to a neanderthal of a science experiment. He should have broken and severed that doctor's arms and legs every day. So often that her healing factor would have been useless. He would not make the same mistake. He would relish the moment of capture. Wearing the face of someone trusted. Maybe even Murphy’s face. Even feed her to Thoth. That man had baser desires. It would be amusing to watch her kill him.

Or die in the attempt.

He murmured, “Fine. Send the hoard at that scout vessel but I wish the 4 armed Gemnini alive. He is a rarity.” The creature plucked at the chain again. Admiring its beauty. It croaked, “Yes. That one is of pure stock.”

The All-Father inwardly snarled. Nyx had given that creature far too much.

Chronos and his ilk were too dangerous.

He leaned back.

His crimson shade form tasting the world through this misbegotten creature.

His wife and the others would suffer. This indignity would not go unchallenged.

Unit 6533 grabbed at the plasma cutter lying on the table. It blazed to life at its touch. Its dark blue energy was able to cut through most material. It snapped the weapon to its belt. It cooed, “Meathook. I cut all manner of things. Mother made me special.”

The All-Father snorted, “Indeed.” Making note of the creature’s evident pleasure.

If he could bribe it? He smiled wickedly, “Want more meat for that instrument?”


            I jerked the ship into a downward spiral through an asteroid field.

Thankful that Sy’ra and the baby were under the auspices of the healing pod. Lorain? I hoped she’d forgive me. I was used to vertigo. It explained how this ship was able to hide, it didn’t output any level of energy I could detect, so its power source must have been quite the marvel. Avandar pointed, “Head towards that gas giant. We will phase through it and lose them!”

Doc moaned.

I’d make it up to her later!

I dived towards the swirling notxious clouds. The gravity already hitting the shielding of the ship. Avandar hit some keys and we hopped to another sector outside this solar system. I brought up the star charts.

We weren't in Litari space.

I didn’t think we were in any area of Eden.

Avandar took notice of my expression, “Correct. We are outside of space and time.”

His upper left arm clasped my shoulder, “As needed. We make for the Tower of the Lidless. You have one among your number that needs the cure the Collective  geneforged. It will help more Typherians in the long run.”


I glanced back at Doc. My eyes widened in horror. I unhooked myself from the chair. Took her into my arms. Her heartbeat was erratic. Her eyes twitched under the lids. Her face pale. The ship spoke in that strange form of Egyptian. My HUD failed to translate it. Avandar nodded. “This way. The learning will leave her in a state of slumber for some time.” The ship had 5 levels. Every inch of space compact. Economical.

Deadly. I knew military grade when I saw it.

Thanks to my father.

I gently pried the bag from her face. Placing it in the recycler.

There were enough rooms for a crew of six.

Sy’ra held the baby.  His faint even breathing let me know he was in a deep sleep.“I will take the room with the crib. Avandar’s leaders were quite well informed.” She bowed slightly. Then turned on her heel to her quarters.

Avandar motioned towards the main hatchway. I leaned in. It had enough room for two.

“Run the refresher. The water within will help the doctor.”

I placed Lorain in the tub. Suddenly remembered her comment about my misadventure in the shower before this all started. Clothing optional and all that. I muttered, “Tradition!”

The water sent a thrill up my arms as I positioned her head above the water.

Those nanites! The same from the hidden mosaic room. Her face relaxed.

I marveled at it. “Her clothing is being repaired as well!”

Avandar hid a smile behind his lower arm hand.

“I will notify you when we are on approach vector to the Tower. This ship knows the way.” He left with a sharp turn on his heel. The door hissed shut. Two soft hands cupped my chin.

“Eliza Murphy. You are such a dork.” I smiled down at her.

“First class! At your service!”

She rose from the tub. Her eyes locked onto my forehead, “Where?” She reached out to touch the place my circlet usually sat. I replied, “It's safe. With mom. I wasn’t taking the silence well.”

Lorain’s green eyes darkened. Worry rippling along the edges of my mind. She tried to stand. I reached into the tub and pulled her out, “How about coffee? If this thing has it?” Her face curled up with protest but another wave of dizziness made her lean into my shoulder.

“Sure thing Cornfed.”

       I carried her over to the closet first. Her smile deepened, “I could use new clothing. These….” She glanced down. Surprise flowed over her features.

            She continued, “I still want something new.” I set her down on the bed. Pulled back the sliding door and we both stared, mouths hanging open. Inside was a new set of clothing. Multiple sets in fact. Set on top of the stacks of jackets was a yellow belt. Etched with symbols unfamiliar to me. It rose, “Greetings Lorain Lanis. Holder of the Yellow Defender belt Mati. Will you accept my service once more?”

            I paused. I had never really considered the origins of the Defender belts.

            Doc answered, “I accept. May we fight as one.”


            I asked, “Once more?!”

            More time, more problems, even more Swiss cheese.

Issue 12: Here

Issue 14:  Here

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