Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The Uplift Protocol Escape Velocity Issue 12

Issue 12: Rosetta Stone


            I never told anyone but within the museum, Ta’mathon’s mosaic shifted. It showed the first decisive battle between Thoth and the Golden City. Yet I saw symbols left there for me. Encoded in a way I’d understand. That got the ball rolling.—Mary “Rosetta Stone” Herbert-Lanis

            This Earth is not mine but the Lady of the Isles and the Arbiter pulled me from my world. Knowing this I vowed to fulfill the tenants of the Arcane Order. It was the only way to free my lands as well—Ta’mathon

            We go forward. The past guides us. The present teaches us and the future? That fills us with hope.—Message s from the Golden City

            Even I don’t know the Arbiter’s face. That was intentional. The threads still flow from this 42nd century. A web that will cascade all throughout time. I have yet to finish my journey.—Sleeping in Starlight, a memoir of the 23rd century (vol 4)

Museum of Echoes

New Ashbury ( Texas)

November 1st, 2093


            Mary Herbert-Lanis rested her palms against the smooth surface of the mosaic. Thomas had mentioned the events that had pulled them all into the picture. It screamed Arcane Order. Even though she was just an initiate she felt compelled to examine this piece for herself. In reality, her work for the US Navy, Project Osiris, and Barraducca was the cover. Her family had followed a more ancient tradition. One set down by the Arbiter itself.

            Every time she looked at her daughter she knew. One day Lorain would play a vital role within the mythology of Ta’mathon’s reign. Even though Thomas had direct blood ties the role had yet to fall to him. The bracers remained dormant. The Dreaming would reveal more in time. A white-gloved hand placed a small scanner near the base of the mosaic. Mary glanced at the plain face. Magical wards obscured his features. He smiled, “Right on time.”

            He adjusted the dark purple tie. His gray suit was meticulous.


Agent Nines followed the instructions precisely. A year prior he had sent a message to Thomas Murphy to galvanize the military man to take his family to this specific room. The parchment the orders and dates had been inscribed upon had been preserved. Via magic. Yet when Order scribes had examined the writing: medical nanites.

In an era before such a thing had been developed.

Magic could heal. Yet the Lady of the Isles had planted tech beyond Earth’s ken.

Mary’s name came up. Of the Herbert Clan.

Thus her name remained tied to that of the Arcane. In the last days of the Golden Reign, her ancestors had trekked far. From a long line of decoders. The ability manifested every few generations. Demis, those with unusual power? They had walked the earth since man left the safety of caves. The Golden City had formed them into an alliance. No longer warring tribes of conquest.

 Mary stated, “As the sun rises.”

Nines replied, “So the three remain.”


            The man handed Mary a note. The script was in English.

            The Three Rings will lead to the Path.

            She stared hard at the mosaic. The agent’s steps faded. She was alone.

            The battlefield depicted on the mosaic always concerned her. How close had Thoth come to overtaking the City? She leaned in. The material under her fingertips warmed. A woman in flowing white robes, her lower legs, and feet bare, caught Mary’s gaze. Two bright green jewels flashed.

            Do you see the sun?

            Mary stepped back. Her frown deepened.

            A pinprick of metal caught her eye. A red circle moved across the mosaic. Rising above Ta’mathon’s head. Two more joined it. Sunk into the wall. Her arm moved towards the symbol. A bright purple flash encompassed her body.

            Mary fell face forward into the sands. A shimmering metallic triangle before her. Its middle portion was hollowed out. Beyond the hole were more endless dunes. The night sky achingly clear. A raven-haired woman held out her hands. Mary rubbed at her eyes.

            “Lorain Michelle Lanis. What are you doing here? YOU are supposed to be with….”

            The blond woman’s blue eyes widened. This was Lorain but the eyes.

            Hard-won wisdom glimmered in those green orbs.

            Lorain pulled her mother up, “I am me. One yet to exist. Here in Ta’mathon’s realm, the secret to the past and future can be found. Touch the Orb of Ta’mathon when you get back. Lorain tied a silver thread around her mother’s waist. “This will allow you to get back to your own time.”

            Mary sucked in a breath, “Astral Projection but…” Her daughter smiled, “Yes and a bit more. I don’t have much time, we have to go by certain cycles. Temporal mandates.”

            Lorain pulled her mother into an embrace, “I'll need you more than you know. I’m angry with you for all the secrets now but I'll have the full picture much later. After the Convergence.”

            Mary stiffened, “You are going to be ground zero. Arent you?”

            Lorain laughed. The sound was soft against the quiet nightscape.

            “Yes, there will be buckets but it's not all bad. Not if we stay on the Path.”

            Mary pulled back, then noticed the writing along her daughter’s arms and legs.

Icath. No doubt about it. Mixed in with Egyptian. Projection wards.

Then the world dissolved. She found herself sitting upon the bench facing the mosaic. Its tiles stilled. No more energy flowed from the surface. Her daughter was the Lady of the Isles from the Ta’mathon Prophecies. The greatest healer known to the Earth and demis at large. Even the Queen of Camelot had used techniques from the Golden City. The Ouroborous wasn’t just the Wall protecting the multiverse. It was Time itself. Made manifest by the Weave. The pattern of the Highest. The members higher within the Order knew more about the builders. The ones who slept on Mars.

So many secrets to preserve Humanity. Their Planet.

Mary prayed history would forgive them for such measures.

The Jupiter Rising

Captains Quarters

Present Day


            I practically tackled Mary as she entered. Pulling her into the biggest hug I could muster. I  set her down and pulled out the book. “This is for you!” She started at it and then tucked it into her flight jacket. The question on her lips, “And you got this….?”


I pointed at my temple, “Sorry! That information is Weave Level Classified. Not as swissed but….”

            Mary walked to the kitchenette to put on some coffee, “We have to arrange the waves of the fleets that will be circling Tarkanan. But I need a favor from you.”

            “You got it!”

            I was just glad I could finally participate. With Dexter off-world on some classified mission, I felt caged. Mary grinned, “Feel free to punch as many Artock ships into oblivion as you want. But we need them alive.”

            I smiled, “We have a way to free them?”

            She replied, “Eventually.” She handed me a cup. “Cream and sugar right?”


            White paced about in the deepest regions of Eliza’s mind.

The part that was cut off from her waking thoughts. The Mother of All hadn’t been able to see the symbols clearly within that room. If Time was an Ouros that would explain Unity’s lack of Time interference. The thought burrowed deeper into her soul. That meant that the Highest had wanted Unity to form! If it could see across all time and space, it could have prevented Unity’s birth. She continued to pace. Would all the time and pain be worth it? What was she missing in all this? She sensed Black was in-between. Seeking more threads. Those Arcways that were still cut off from the main trunk. What would transpire across that network? They were linking everyone they could find. No matter the Universe. She growled, “I still doubt. I am not worthy of this responsibility.”

The feeling echoed outward to the point that Eliza picked up on the remnants.

White continued to pace.

“I was never worthy of you. Or your light.”


            Mary stopped, eyebrow raised. “Something wrong?”

            White’s emotions flowed over me. “White is battling with herself again. Something I am familiar with. I think that’s why the Weave chose me as her host. In some ways, we are so painfully alike it’s a reflection.”

            I stuck out my tongue. “Pun intended!”

            Mary leaned against the counter. Cupping her blue mug.

            All my personal items were back in place.

            Mary squinted at me, “We will need your connection to the True Mirrors to pinpoint Tarkanan. We do have an outside angle to cash in on but we need you to fly to these coordinates.”

I took the flimsy.

            It was an old Arcway near Litari space.

            Mary continued, “We have reason to believe Lorain will contact you via Dreaming. When that happens we need you to inscribe these symbols on the mirror.” The icons on the flimsy changed. I memorized every line.

            Hiulk pulled on a thought.

            Images of Artock ships filled my mind.

I asked, “That’s why you saved that first invasion force! The hulks! They weren’t recycled!”

            Mary winked, “They will open the way. Nora’s people will be at the helm since Tarkanan doesn’t have their biometrics on file.”

            Mary handed me another flimsy. “After that? Haul that demi powered butt of yours to the Rally point.”


            The Arcway below me was dormant. The black and white marble statues at the entry point shifted to resemble humans as I entered. Most Archways had 100s of levels. With the speed of the central grav shaft, many could be traveled in moments. I flew, my old Banner cape flowing behind me. It felt good to be back in uniform. A chiming tone resounded.

            At the mid-levels, I pressed my gloved palms against the bronzed doorway and it slid open. At the center of the room was a silver mirror. Its outer frame was a delicate weave of platinum. Hiulk murmured, “Sleep now.” I felt my boots rise as I floated.

            The first sensation was quite welcome.

            Then I realized I had an audience.

Planet Otish

5th Cycle Outpost

April 14th, 2116


        Lorain ran. Sy’ra and Avandar were a few paces ahead.

The All-Father’s necklace was removed.

That alone bolstered Lorain’s spirits to a height she didn’t think possible.

            The boy remained still in her arms. His eyes locked on Lanis. Avandar’s image melted. Revealing the alien body within. Unbent. Unbowed. Unbroken.  His four arms as wide tree trunks. They were on the outskirts of the city. Avandar hissed, “Follow!” He dived into an alleyway. He hit a few blocks on a wall and it retracted. They dived below as the searchlight shined overhead. The walls hummed.

            Lorain’s inner ear thrummed.

            Light Shaman wards! Human-based. HOW!?

            Avandar took the women through a maze. Doc nearly sank to her knees.

            “A ship!” The oddity of the sight caused her to bow her head.

            Sy’ra remarked, “It is Artock yet….”

            Avandar turned, even taller than Eliza. His coal-hued skin was a sharp contrast with his dark honey hair and beard. A third eye opened on his forehead. “Quickly! We must reach the Mirror point.” Doc’s throat seized up. She barely croaked out, “Eliza!”

            The Gemini man scooped up each woman in his lower set of arms. Using his upper to activate the ship. “I will fly this. Rejuv for you. The poison still flows through you both. We must clear it.”

Sy’ra placed Doc within a trance before her head hit the onboard medical pod. The baby’s eyes closed as well. The scholar took the second. As the lid hissed shut she told Avandar, “May the Blessings the Three go with you protector.”

Avandar pressed two fists to his left side, “For the Light of All.”

The wards would buy him some time. Then the real chase would begin. He only hoped the Arcane Council got Murphy in place. If not? It would be a long hard road back to Earth.


            I let Lorain go. Setting her on the ground. The sky was blank. A pure white haze.

            The walls around us were a dark cream color. A baby cooed. His chubby hands gripping a piece of my cape. Sy’ra snorted.

Her amusement blazing. “Ready for air?” The scholar’s tone was light but I knew she missed Matarn. Lorain leaned into me. Her face turned bright red but she was ecstatic.

Lorain replied, “Not really. I'll gladly stay under.”

I leaned down, “I’ll have Jupiter cordon off my quarters. We still have to finish that opera you like. The one with…” Sy’ra took the baby as Lorain used both hands to push on my chest.

“Focus Cornfed!”

I grinned, “You got it!”

Sy’ra rocked the baby, “How about you tell me his name Doctor. I know you can see the marks his mother left.”

Lorain pulled me over to Sy’ra. She peered down at the dark-haired boy. “They named him J’irax Thomas Lanis. After both families.”

J’irax tugged on my cape. Images flashed in my mind.

I could hear myself singing to him.

Or rather the version of me from another Earth. Another Ayeer. A Typha that was never free. A family in hiding. We would have to help them. I rested an index finger on J’irax’s forehead, “Here, this should help.” I showed him how to form the empathy barriers. Like I had done for Zack.

Sy’ra pointed and the Arcway Mirror materialized. “When I give the word, put the symbols from the Order onto it. I will not lose this chance for Avandar as well. He has endured much to reach this moment as we have.”

My good cheer faded as I took stock of the situation.

“Do you know where this will send you?” She nodded, “We will be able to give you access to Tarkanan with this ship.” The Dreaming flowed around us. Doc trembled. I saw a pool of dark blue. A golden chain hung around her neck. Its crimson fire bellowing, “They are refreshed. Begin the transference!” It was a memory.

Fresh. Biting. Deadly.

Doc clung to me as it replayed. The Dreaming wanted me to see.

Sy’ra nodded, “Our escape was preconceived. Our steps have yet to carry us home.”

We could hear him. The All-Father’s thoughts.

Doc snapped, “I should have thrown that thing into the lava.”

Sy’ra responded, “Then the trap would not be evaded.  Trust yourself. Trust the Weave.”


            White watched with them. Again the Highest and by proxy, the Weave allowed their enemies to live. She paced. The anger grew within her. The next cycles wouldn’t survive the same mistakes. Tarkanan would fall. They would thank her in the end.

            Even if she didn’t survive it.

    Issue 11: Here

    Issue 13: Here

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