Sunday, November 7, 2021

What's in the Uplift Protocol Recipe: Intro

What's in this recipe?

With SG1? Vs Uplift: I wanted Earth to have its stuff together. So unlike Mavricking stuff together despite the monkey wrenches added via Hostile Human factions? Or even US policies? I decided that the Govt Angle wouldn't be a primary instigator in giving the good guys a head ache. The bad guys do that enough for them. 

Still love Stargate but I realize that making an internal conflict did make certain situations more "How will they get out of this?!" IE: They did keep saving Earth by the skin of their teeth. Most of the bigger allies Earth started with were either tech infants or advanced enough where they considered us "too young."  

For Uplift I wanted Earth to have its own mysteries and advantages that even bigger tech giants didn't possess. Magic anyone? Humans connecting to the Dreaming on a more fundamental level. Plus a certain Ouroborous of Time Travel. Closed Circuit. That other show said, "And they Have a Plan....." Well the Weave and the Highest def. do. Plus they have a certain set of Murphy twins to do it. 

And unlike the Re imagined BSG? My stuff isn't post apocalyptic or dystopian. 

With that in mind? My primary alt Earth of Edenverse still has surprises under its sleeves. 

Which is why I will have side novellas with other characters at some point. Since the main sequence is mostly in relation to Eliza. There's a whole lot I can explore with the Uplift setting. Uplift won't be as sprawling as Aeon 14 or the Kutherian Gambit stuff. I have a few 30-40k novellas in mind to expand past events and characters. Which I probably will put in collected format as well. 

I'm not saying Stargate did stuff wrong. They did a whole lot I enjoyed. But for my setup I did want humanity to have legit POWER advantages. Its also why they were playing dumb on Earth for a bit. You will see. Esp in S4 for Uplift. Oh and boy! 

But I didn't just take a whole lot of plot points and zig zagged from Stargate. As most know? I also took many ques from Babylon 5. A bit from Green Lantern, a bit from Superman. This is only the beginning.

I wanted Precursor Races to play a bigger more active role in helping the younger races. Which was why I had J'ino go native pretty quick. Why the Commons was the angle that Typha was really judged from rather than the more aloof Houses. (Partially from Set's contamination.) 

Even now? I am planting the seeds of what you will see later in the series. 

A certain point will be made later about the Arcgates as well. Instead of going through space (regular) they connect through the Weave to other places. Instead of Stargates, these operate a bit differently, but the idea is still the same: Have many ways to travel. Not just FTL.


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