Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The Uplift Protocol Blood Feuds: Issue 17


Issue 17: The Body of the Abyss


            I’ve gone through her HeroNet power subfolder 3 times. None of it matches with her old biometrics at all. Yes, partial invulnerability is still present. Weak to some forms of magic. Black Scrawl. Weapons forged in the pits of Unity’s strongholds. Heightened hearing, sight, and smell. Yes, she can still see through most metals. No cosmic fire from the hands. Even her ice breath has faded. What troubles me: Why even state what the weaknesses are? The Star-Spangled Banner is our first line of defense. Why add to the confusion? –HeroNet Archives

            I’ve often wondered why HeroNet keeps track of power subsets. Shouting out to all the Multiverse on what the Demis can do. It’s only now I realize why this has remained so. Information is our primary weapon. The Demis of Earth made themselves a primary target. Not because the Arcane Order initiated mandates. No, they did it for a basic reason. The selfless desire to protect. I am grateful that a majority of my brothers and sisters chose that path. Power can corrupt but those within the Protectorate? They are the future.—Father Brookes: Insights into the Golden Age of Convergence

            My brother knew so much more than he was letting on. Comes with the territory. With each step, we create the future. No matter how far into the past I walked. It is said that the Golden Defender can walk within the dreams of the dying. I can confirm it. For I have died thrice.—Sleeping in Starlight: Vigil’s End

Outer Orbit of Paradise Falls

Surface of Necrotic World Star Iron Gaze

June 5th, 2136


            Dexter Murphy tore through the outer layer of soul residue. The Red King used everything it could tear from its victims. Their bodies, remolded into Living Stone, while their soul shards were pounded into endless fragments. Unity was an amalgamation of all. Amache demons that had no idea just how enslaved they were. The dark star that was Abbadon seeped through the vestiges of their souls. What little remained was pure instinct. Ghostly digits ignited as they closed in about his Golden Defender uniform. The outer layer hardened to protect him from the necrotic emanations that poured over every surface within this hollowed husk of a Shield World mockery.

            Everything the Red King did was in service to defying his brother.

            Defiling everything that the Light stood for.

            Voices cried out, “Save us.”


            “My children…where are they…”

            Countless voices meshed together into one torturous whole.

            Yes, he had a bomb but it was made to separate the souls fractured into billions of slivers. Twilight curled around his mind, <<I will filter out the lost ones.>> She still insisted on being by the demi cover of Captain Overwatch. Her name was still a new layer. One she would explore once the fires settled. They excluded Eliza from this portion. She had enough on her plate. Twilight and Gold melded deeper into the Weave.

Time to bloody the All-Father’s nose for once.

The sigils faded from the black and gold cube cradled within his palms.

“May your souls return to the Ouro. To be reborn into a better cycle!”


            Doc shouted, “It's bending inward!” A whirlwind sucked at the center of the deadened mass. I linked to the fleet, <<Evasive maneuvers!>>

            Paradise shifted back. Carrying a good chunk of the fleet with her.

            I gripped the throttle with both hands. The Jupiter noted, <<Death energy increasing. Counter grav thrust at maximum.>> Tremors ran through the vessel. A figure exploded from the lower layer of the dead orb. My brother was out of the blast zone.

            I snapped, “Hang on!”

            The alarm sounded.

            <<Warning. Hull Integrity failing.>>

            I peeled out of my seat. Mom took over.

            Everything blurred.

            Not my ship. No way I’d lose my family.

            Space warped. I pressed my palms into the unending heat of the engines. The biting cold of the undead retreated.

            Fire tore at my back. Nails pierced my flesh. A cultured silky voice murmured, “You shall submit.” I said nothing. The pressure of the All-Father’s hands disappeared. We had escaped. I linked in with Paradise.

            Static along the Arcane Line.

            I checked all frequencies.

            Nothing. I reached for that place that connected me to Dexter.

            No response.

            I peered around beyond the Hull. No light. Stars absent. A great expanse of nothing greeted my every examination. I re-entered the Jupiter. Cooper bounded over to me, his black triangular ears flat against his head as the inner lock sealed. <<Where are we?!>> Auggie was hot on his heels. He shifted from one paw to another. Nervous energy poured off both in droves.

            My HUD went wild. I knew those symbols.


            //Cycle Endpoint. Cycle Endpoint. Cycle Endpoint.//

            My blood ran cold.

            I closed my HUD with a blink.

            When was the proper question.

Lorain’s normally calm tone broke the silence, “Any ideas?”

We were sailing at the endpoint of Time. I let out a breath and summoned everyone to the officer’s meeting hall. Mom’s eyes glazed over. She folded her hands before her. Her voice one note, “I hate time travel.” O’rioh and Gwen shared a strained glance. Anna had her wine bottle resting on the table before her. She eyed me, “Well out with it! You know something.”

I glanced at my HUD once more. Additional information scrolled past.

//The Body of the Abyss. It awaits the crown of two suns. One alight in Silver Radiance. The other cloaked within Golden Expanse. One to raise the beacon of life. The other to cloak the cycle within the awaiting arms of death. Thus born to fulfill the promise. The Vigil remains.//

“We are in the future. How far? It’s not saying.”

The iris slid open.

Two Litari, their bodies rail-thin entered, “This time is not ready. But a thread must be established.”

Their light green robes were marked with the Sigils of the Three.

An ancient Typherian followed. He let out a gasp. “It has been so long. I greet you Arbiter. We have kept this safe.” He handed me a handwritten note. In neat script was Lorain’s handwriting. I cleared my throat, “In the far future, as we lay down the foundations for others to walk the Path and maintain the Vigil, I send you this echo across the threads.”

Mary Herbert-Lanis leaned in. Her finger traced the script. She nodded to herself. Ahh, a hidden message for Rosetta Stone. She shot me an apologetic look. “I get it. I’m still the bait for the next two rounds of Chicken with the All-Father and friends.”

One more stepped into the room.

Her light blue feathers expanded. Wings. The feminine face was open. Trusting. Carefree in a way that pulled at the innermost desires of my mind. To relax. Be at peace. Long blond hair. A simple white gown. She held up a finger, “HA! The Curator owes me 50 cupcakes.”

She snapped her fingers.

The note was gone. She smiled, “Remember, there is more than one river within time.”

They all vanished as we phased further into the Abyss. That angelic smile followed. I knew her. Not as she was. As she would be. I shook my head. Focus. The incessant whispers of the Ur-Flow crowded in.  I reached out and traced the delicate threads around us. This place was not empty. Within the depths, various rivers flowed. The past, the present, and the future. I just had to pluck the right cord.

What could be dimmed. To shield my mind from the possibilities.

The Present called out in time with my heart.

The Past soothed my worries.

I recalled the aura of the Shield World Paradise Falls. It gleamed.

A jewel within the vast network.

Whiskers tickled my hand.

The White King Targus stated, “Well now. Shall we find it? You must be able to see with eyes unclouded. Here? Time is of no consequence. You shall be returned. Remade into what is needed. What is required. What shall be.”

“Everyone report back to stations.”

Anna saluted me with her wine bottle. “Another day, another time warp!”

Gwen stared. Her eyes bored into me like she could see what awaited us.

I couldn’t doubt the path that appeared before me. I returned to my pilot’s chair.

The Ur-Flow rippled through me.


J’ino stilled at the weapon’s console. Replaying that moment over in her head. That Typherian had worn House Murphy colors. Maroon for Devotion. Black for Honor. Silver for Life. Their House would endure. It gave her a sense of comfort. They would hold the line. No matter the cost. Dexter’s descendants would hold strong. Her blood was stronger for it. Not only that? Based on the number of children they had mustered up so far? Half the galaxy would be Clan Murphy. J’ino watched as Lorain climbed the steps to the overwatch section linked to the back of the bridge.

She was deep in conversation with Mary.

Eliza mock whispered, “Think I'll ever tell myself what’s going on?”

J’ino half hid her smile by turning her head back towards the weapon readouts, “You might as well tell yourself a whole lot of nothing. Do not open until Phase 3!”  

Eliza grinned brightly, “Sure thing Ambassador! It’s the only way I stay sane!”

There was no bitterness. Just acceptance. “How did we manage to raise you?”

Eliza thumped her chest, “On milk, cookies, and a whole herd of steaks!”

Auggie barked, <<I miss bacon. Can we have bacon?>>

Cooper rested his head on the back of the pilot’s chair. His Green Defender aura faint. Eliza reached behind to give him a good scratch on the head. “Remember what Dad said! Do 15 laps around the track!”

Eliza added, “The both of you!”

Auggie whined. <<I am in perfect health!>>

Jupiter phased through silver threads. Eliza gawked. “Am I going crazy or is that Earth and Typha circling each other?”

From the holo displays, the twin planets revolved around a younger stage sun. Five warships decloaked. Eliza slumped in her chair. Her face went slack as sleep carried her away to oblivion.


I checked my Chrono. The date blazed behind my eyelids.

June 20th, 3266

            The beam finished bringing the Jupiter Rising into the temporal stabilization bay. I motioned to the Murphy House guards. Resplendent in their ceremonial garb. Avandar saluted. His two right fists thumped his chest, “By your request. Odd being on this side of the time stream equation.” The massive Gemini man made a chopping motion with his left upper hand. Everyone else left the bay. Sealed it with divine symbiology. This would be delicate. I climbed the descending emergency ramp. A moment later Doc joined me.

            Her green eyes blazed, “My mother has rendered younger me unconscious.”

            I inclined my head politely towards the opening, “Now we both get to experience our proper waking hours.” As we crossed the threshold to the bridge, Mary descended the balcony steps. She opened with, “What pinpoint do you need us to herd Chronos into?”

            I held up my index finger, “Excellent start. You will need to position Noah’s Ark at these coordinates.” Mary’s eyebrows shot up. “The Temple of the Lidless.”

            Doc wrapped my bicep with a grip that would have caused blood loss in other people.

            Mom’s gaze raked across my uniform. She nodded, “So that’s why…we are going to pull the rug from under them by shifting the battlefield to another time zone.”

            I winked at her, “That’s the plan. Sending me Temporally across the ages to prep things in the past. Which is my future.” I tapped my forehead, “The game plan is up here. Even if my mind is partitioned to go off at certain avenues!”

            Mom replied, “Ahh, so the only version of you that knows it all is….”

            I nodded, “Yep. That silver haired fox with countless eons under her belt.”

            Doc glanced up at me. Her green eyes glinted. Hardened to flint. For her the 2nd death was fresh. We had only just returned from our misadventure within the 42nd century. That knife of woe. The All-Father’s current mortal husk. Thoth had never been a piece on the board. Just fattened up for the 2nd coming of the All-Father’s physical manifestation. The transference had situated us in the distant past of Earth. To form the Golden City. Awakening into the future via those arcane sarcophaguses was harrowing, to say the least.

I shook my head, “I’ll give you a sitrep later Mom.”

            Her green-gray eyes narrowed.

            “That’s one way of confirming.”

            The slight quirk of my lips gave me away.

            “Yep. The Protectorate alongside everyone plus the kitchen sink thrown in has been prepping from day one. The first phase of dismantling the Red King’s grasp.” I passed the thumb-sized crystal to Mary, “This has everything you will need to implement Project Second Sunrise.”

Gulliver pinged me on the Thronebearer sigil channel: //General Hot Sauce, the Terran Typherian Union has come to a consensus. Star Constellation Series hulls initialized. Ready to carry the fight to the future!//

Mary knew that 1000-mile stare.

“You aren’t the only one helping to move units around. Dexter’s in it up to his eyeballs.”

I responded, “All in one! We had to gain time to marshal our ships and forces to a level needed to not only sortie from our primary universe but to the multiverse. Some fought the darkness without reinforcement for far too long.”

I dug through my pockets. The simple silver bracelets warmed to my touch. I passed one out to everyone on the bridge. Cooper, Auggie, Mom, Mary, Gwen, Anna, and O’rioh. I gave Mom one extra, “For Dad. You will be the inner circle. The enemy won’t expect this.”

Gwen brightened considerably at that. I grasped her shoulder. Squeezed gently, “Get ready for the Big Leagues sis!”

Anna rested the metal against her flesh. Her eyes widened as the bracelet's true purpose flooded her mind. She took a swig of the wine. Straight from the bottle, “We’ll I’ll be. So this is what it's like to be on the ground floor.”

Mom strode over and poked me in the chest. “That’s what the 2nd phase entails?! Ruler’s preserve us.” I captured her hand. Each finger tensed.

She continued after her mind processed the information relayed by the bracelet.

“Ever skyward!”

Mom finished, “Never bound!”

Doc let out a pent up breath, “At least others know now.”

O’rioh leaned back into his seat. A savage grin spread across his hawkish features.

“Murphy? I promise you this. I'll give it my all. If only to savor the massive kick to the Void Walker’s faces.”


J’ino brought up the schematics. Each bracelet was keyed into the specific genetic marker within each user. The laylines around Eden Earth had been expanding. Not only across their Earth. The signal was entwined with each Earth circling countless Sols. A multiverse wavelength that gained in power with each planet connected. The warning of not crossing Leylines clashing starkly with the reality.

Indeed, there was no crossing.

There was a combining of Leylines. Each thread overlaid with its mirrored counterparts across countless Earths. A shiver ran through J’ino. Not only of Earth. All of the Typhas across the multiverse were transformed as well. Linking to the Edenverse primary. The echoes would build. A war across dimensions. It terrified her. The sheer scale was beyond anything she could ever imagine.

All magical-based demis would be enhanced.

That in turn would bolster any sigils they fashioned. Equipment used by the Light Shamans. Crosses held by priests. Bibles. Symbiology of all types and creeds. It would be an explosion of Light.

They only had to endure to face the Dawn.

J’ino hugged her daughter. That cover slanted at a jaunty angle. Maroon. Different from the visions. The patches reflected her duel heritage. 

Eliza smiled, “All we need is Time.”

Issue 16: Here

Issue 18: Here

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