Monday, July 11, 2022

The Uplift Protocol Blood Feuds: Issue 24


Issue 24: The Golden City Pact


            I know Thomas hasn’t said everything. Eliza has always been the obvious target. What kind of power does my son have up his sleeves? I get the impression that my daughter would be the consolation prize if Unity or this Red King would get control.—J’ino Murphy

            The delicate balance is within each pairing. Life and Death. Two sides of the same coin. Each “death” that Eliza faces reforges her but empowers me to do my job. My mantle will not shine in the sun. It will protect the moonlit corridors of the soul.—Dexter Murphy

            I knew so little about Power. About my twin brother. No dear reader, he didn’t turn towards the enemy. Or become the enemy. A cliché that Unity or the Red King would have found highly useful. He was always the stronger.—Sleeping in Starlight: My Mirrored Self

The Night Realm

Twilight Sector


Dexter Murphy paused.

The fabric of the multiverse gleamed below his boots. To his perception? Each thread represented another universe. Darkened coils were under Unity’s control. Rusted color meant Abbadon. The bright golden thread was his home universe. Eden. Silver branches intersected with it. Those protected by its light. The Golden Path was mentioned so often. That was their primary branch of the Multiverse.

Everything spun from Eden. Normal Space. Weave Space. The Veil. Night Realm. Life, death and the spirit were all interwoven. It was why the Highest had made numerous “prophecies”. Each held a kernel of truth but was made to waylay the enemy. A shard of the Highest manifested next to him. Murphy asked, “What else does the Void wish of me?”

The distaff shard, known as the Silver Lady, was not present. The Void Man pointed.

A golden field of grass materialized. At the center floated a half-finished Pyramid.

Patrons of the Golden City had named it the Duat. The realm between.

Others knew it as the Ouroboros. That vast expanse between each universe where souls mingled. Reborn to another place or time. Black tendrils. The Scrawl of Abbadon encircled the lower levels of the pyramid. At its crest? Bits of golden light shimmered. The first layer that Eliza had freed upon her first death. Amache toiled at the apex of the building. Khepri bowed. His simple workman’s kilt crisscrossed with divine symbols. His dark brown eyes, lined with black ink, appraised the rightful steward of the Night Realm.

“We will honor the Pact.”

Void inclined his black hooded head, “That is all we require. We have a proper foothold once more.” Amarche warriors took the form of Anubis. As specks of Scrawl attempted to worm its way into the cleansed portion of the Pyramid, they attacked. Hacking away at the offensive presence with a vehemence that Dexter could appreciate. Murphy raised his trident. A black scythe image formed on the pommel.

The Golden City

Foundation of the Gods

Inner Cloister


            The halls reverberated with waterfalls. A comforting mist rose as I walked. Each waterway statue represented all the demis and “gods” from each era of the Golden City. I stopped. A golden cup was raised. Held in the hands of two figures. On one side? A figure in silver armor. An Anubis helm covered its features. The other? I knew that face anywhere. Lorain’s robes flowed down to her feet. She was barefoot.

            Bastet stepped out from the shadow of the figures.

            “You must go beyond the lands you know.”

            That sounded ominous.

            She held out her cupped palms. I blinked.

            Golden sands blew across the bled.

            This place was familiar. The metallic triangular portal rose before me. Bastet's voice reached me. As if she was speaking from a distant valley. “Behold the future if you should fail.”


            Chains bit into my wrists. Blood pounded in my ears. Scars crisscrossed my knuckles. The sky above rippled. Crimson and purple lightning crackled. My bare feet crunched against the earth. Skulls. Endless fields of bleached bone. Spectral hands clawed at my arms. Pulled me to the base of the three thrones. My brother’s eyes bored into me. Blood Red. No. Abbadon. On the left was Chronos. On his right….

            Lorain smiled sweetly. The light never reached her eyes.

            Lidless. She held out her arm, “It was the only way.”

            They had been plucked out.

            Chained below were other familiar figures.

            Hilary. Her twisted Void Walker form was littered with scars. Lacerations on her back formed the word: Puppet.

J’anu’s ruined face peered up at me.

Her mind voice was bleak, >>Service to the Crown of Bone<<.

In her arms, she held the desiccated head of her father. Ta’rammon screamed as Abbadon pulled at the chains about the giant man’s neck. “He was naughty. Did you think this pathetic half-mortal would win?”

I fell back onto the dry earth as demonic energy forced me to my knees. Abbadon curled his fists about the throne. “I know the taste of her tears.”

The mummified corpse of a merman stared out into infinity. Hatheon.

His bearded face was etched with brands.

My vision darkened.


            I awoke floating in the air.

The water dripped from the fountain heads. Their black and gold eyes pierced me. I remembered the vision. Bastet knelt. “There are different kinds of tears out there Arbiter.” I lowered myself to the ground. I asked plainly, “Was that Lorain?”

Bastet replied, “Mirrors. Who desires the body?”

I gulped. Recalled what Lorain had held in her hands.

An inverted cross. A black ankh. He only wanted the flesh.

I rubbed my temples, “Ok. So if the tears are related to the Hatheon. Then what does it reference? An object. Souls?” I paced. The Ur-Flow did not answer. My future self was silent. Dexter was the prize that Abbadon sought. But how did Chronos and Lorain tie in? I ran my hands through my hair. Frustration sparked.

Renenutet was Lorain’s mirror. But that was only her current cycle cover.

Another name echoed. Lilith.

I muttered, “But what was before Lilith? How does it relate to Doc?”

Bastet replied, “Blood is not the only link. Tears? Not only shed but….”

I finished, “…they can be shared.”

I circled the two statues. I would be the Arbiter of the Sands. Each side had so many titles. All aimed at misdirection. Wheels turned. Each player moved upon the board. The cost would be beyond souls. Beyond flesh. I moved past the marbled statues. Beyond the bright light of the sun warmed the steps. I ascended to the highest part of the white pyramid. Memories flashed. It could channel the sun’s power. Not only within the physical realm but in the Weave, the Night Realm, and the Dark Matter cluster!

The Earth contained additional secrets.

A voice trickled into my mind. Sol asked, >>By your will. I obey. I will watch. Until the very heart of the Universe grows dim. Shall we complete the covenant cycle?<<

Vibrations curled about my arms. Igniting the circular marks upon my palms. Another thought trickled in. Of Jacob mentioning markers. Beacons they had planted. My father’s mysterious missions with Dexter. I inquired, >>By what are you known?<<

Sol replied, >>The Ark of the Covenant. Shall I be unleashed? Is it time? As promised by the Highest upon the Spheres?<<

My heart beat rapidly. I couldn’t calm it. I accessed the Arcane line.

//Inquiry: Ark of the Covenant.//

The response was swift.

//Access denied.//

//By whose order?//

I sat upon the warmed stone as I waited.

The response filled me with dread.

//The Unseen.//

I bit my lip. //Who leads the Unseen?//


            Dexter considered his sister’s inquiry.

Enclosed within the temporal bubble her future self held up a lantern. “It will take me a bit but I'll understand this phrase.”


            I nearly fell over.

            //The moon to your sky. That which dwells within the shadow…the tear has more than one meaning. It is a spark of the infinite. That which Abbadon denies but covets all the same. The 2nd death will lead to the 3rd. But you know who is most at risk.//

            I whirled as a hand brushed my shoulder. It was Grandpa V’alkor.

            His eyebrows raised, >>What’s eating you? We have a meeting remember.<<

            I peered skyward. The sun glimmered.

            I descended the steps. V’alkor on my heels.

            Our sun had been primed to destroy the flesh walkers. I shoved my hands into my pockets. I steadied my breathing. My grandfather squeezed my shoulder, “We might not need it but having all of the Golden Cities systems online will help. Surly.” He smiled. I perked up. He hadn’t meant the Sol Option.

Another message from the Unseen hit my feed.

            //You shall build it.//

            My mind flashed to that failed future.

            I responded to V’alkor, “I pray we won’t need it.”

The Night Realm

Abbadon’s Domain

Third Circle


Meathook hissed, “One of the Brookes line?!”

            His master held up a finger for silence. “Yes. But we shall use that ability to steal their weapons.”

            Mordred cried out, “The Sun walks. Its glare shall bury us all!”

            Abbadon threw back his hood. His red horns curled about each side of his head.

Chains rattled as he moved. “Yes. They have more than one weapon but that one is the main goal. Noah’s Ark doesn’t contain the answers. It never did. That pale blue dot does. This is why Eden is so well guarded. But I have you my dear scout. You will enlist Karvax and Unity’s other pawns.”

            The Highest wouldn’t be able to delay them forever.

            He hummed a jaunty tune, “Never clever enough.”

            Meathook added, “Nyx left sleeping presents during Thoth’s first attempt.”

            Abbadon raised his arms, “Excellent. Stalk this Golden Bulleteer. Bring Karvax into it. I have a present for that one.” He held up a small clear vial.

            ”Make sure he consumes this.”

Issue 23: Here

Issue 25: Here

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